
5 Word Drabble Challenge - KimKei






Kim ignored all the living matter around her and focused herself on her task. She eyed her pencil as her hand endlessly wrote all the things she memorised the other night to test her knowledge on the said field. She was about to write the last sentence when a sudden kiss in the cheek was felt by a familiar boy called – Kei Inoo.


“I called you 287 times already… You didn’t even bother to look at me cat lady!” Kei sounded betrayed.


“I’m having my exam next week baka… So I will just ignore you, you annoying dog!” she replied coldly.


“I don’t think you can get rid of me that easily though…”


“You wanna bet?”


“Bring it on!!” Kei challenged the girl. He then grinned as he knows something that cannot be resisted by Kim – chocolate cake. He managed to put the box on top of Kim’s pile of books and let her eye the appetising treat he has to offer.


However, Kim didn’t budge. For the first time in the history of human race, Kim ignored her favourite choco cake that made Kei thought that indeed, the end of the world is nearing.


“I told you… Nothing will work…” Kim said, still engrossed with the piece of paper in front of her while fighting the urge to devour the chocolate cake presented in front. By this, Kei thought of another plan to get the girl’s attention.




24 hours had almost passed and not a single word from Kim was heard by the boy. He constantly looks at his mobile but all he received was texts from his friends and even from his mom. Reaching his limit, he dialled Kim’s number and allowed it to ring a few times. No answer… dialled again. No answer. He repeated the process almost 14 times when at last, someone answered from the other end of the line.


“Moshi moshi?”




“Nii-chan, this is Rio… Kim-chan is busy studying. We’re in the library and she told me to say to you ‘STOP CALLING’!!” Rio said and imitated Kim’s voice. Kei then heard a silent beep that indicated the end of conversation.


This made Kei think of an idea to get his girlfriend’s attention. He strikes his signature thinking pose before his face brightened up as a sign of an idea hitting him.


He then went to the school’s announcement room and found unfamiliar machineries that allowed people to announce something throughout the school. He fiddled with the buttons and finally spoke through the microphone.


“Mic test Mic test…” he started – gaining all the attention of the whole student body around the school. All the speakers throughout the campus proclaimed Kei’s voice which was heard by all students… “I just want to gain the attention of Ms Orihara Kim…” he continued.


Realising who’s the owner of that voice, Kim had her eyes widened and blushed as she waited for what Kei has to say…



“Hey CAT LADY! After your exam, let’s have a date!! I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer…” Kei spoke through the microphone before a silent chuckle was heard as well… “By the way, I love you…”





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Chapter 5: Holy COWWWW!!! I need my sisters (BIG PIGS) this is soooo cuteeeee kawaiiiii
Chapter 5: *freaking looks around* KIM-NEECHAN, WHERE ARE YAAA??

And LOL at the exo mention XD
Chapter 4: Inoo-chan... you failed~ xDDDDD
/never expected the genius in JUMP would wear a cute teddy bear boxer
Chapter 3: THIS IS AWESOMEE!!!!!