A Heartbreak Baby

A Heartbreak Baby

Rin Walker lived a wonderful life, despite her cold treatment to others, she kept things to herself she still have one best friend who cares for her so much just like a sister. 

Rin never knew love until Yukiko introduced her boyfriend's best friend to her and soon they were becoming closer. Fiirst it was an awkward time as strangers but then everything changes when Yukiko made a huge change to her best friend who needed a boost up in the relationship and soon the guy, Yamada Ryosuke began to see her in a different point of view. 

Their relationship became better in the first month and they decided to became closer than before, more than just friends so they dated but after that one month everything changes. Things started to fall apart when RIn felt Ryosuke was being different, acting weird. She didn't realize it at first but after seeing something right before her eyes she knew all changed. 

After three months of their relationship, Ryosuke called her one day and ask to meet her at a small cafe. She thought it was weird to ask to go to a cafe so suddenly so she went without knowing her heart will be broken that day. She weren't late as she came right on the right time and soon she saw him coming in and he looked rather nervous. She knew something was wrong and decided to ask what it was. 

He sat down and they ordered their drinks. RIn was smiling until Ryosuke opened his mouth and her smile disappeared completely that day forever

"I want to break up" was what he said that made her heart broken instantly. In that moment she didn't know what to do. She didn't what to say. She had tears in her eyes as there was a long pause. 

"Is it because of me" she ask and he shook his head 

"Is not because of you...is me...I..." he paused and continued "I've been lying to you for the past two months" he confessed and it made empty inside. She knew there's a lot to think about as she sat down on the chair in silence as he waited for her reaction. 

"Who is she?" she ask and his eyes were on her. "She's your best friend...I'm sorry Rin....I don't love you anymore...I feel like we are both different than each other.I'm sorry" he said and a tear fell down from her eyes. She stood up and said 

"I hope you will  be happy with her. Goodbye Yamada Ryosuke" she said, trying to swallow the tears that's choking her. Her heart's already broken as she came out of the cafe and into the pouring rain. She cried by herself as she sat on the pavement. She knew there's no hope anymore as her heart now is too broken to even care of her surrounding. 

She was a  mess ever since the break up as everything around her moved on with their busy lives. Even her best friend, Yukiko and her husband Yuya were worried about her comforted her as much as possible. They heard from her about the break up and were enraged as Yuya wanted to go and kill Ryosuke but Yukiko stopped him. 

RIn was like an empty shell as she laid in bed or in her couch she wouldn't talk nor eat. She was a mess, crying herself to sleep every night as she knew it will take forever to give him up. Getting over the fact that it was all over between them. But a miracle happened when one day Yukiko came crying to Rin and told her that she can't get pregnant.

The doctor suggested alternative procedures such as IVF or adoption but Yukiko doesn't believe in such as he doctor finally gave her third suggestion; asking for a surrogate mother to give birth,

Rin felt pity for her best friend and it's a favor to her best friend since she was the one comforted her when she felt down after the breakup  Rin heard every detail and knew it's the best someone could do as well. Then she said 

"I'll help you Yukiko.....I will be your surrogate mother" she decided and it was surprising when she said that as Yukiko who was crying held her best friend, grateful to have RIn. 

"Arigatou na Rin...hontou ni arigatou" RIn heard Yukiko said in between sobs. She patted her best friend's back and knew it was a decision that she will never regret always. She knew it will be a painful yet a memorable experience for her. There's no turning back and she knew everything will be different now. 

The next week,on a Monday morning, Rin was accompanied by Yukiko who held her hand the whole time as they waited in the hospital waiting area, waiting for Rin's turn. She was twisting her fingers, nervous as Yukiko held her hand suddenly assuring her that it will be alright. Rin nodded, hoping everything will be knowing it's a huge decision to make. 

The nurse called as she brought you to the doctor's room

"Hello, you must be Rin. I heard so much about you." The doctor said as she let her sit down. Rin was feeling nervous as Yukiko sat beside Rin and the doctor started telling of the procedures. .

She nodded as she listened carefuly and made the date for the day to be done. The doctor made certain that Rin's body is healthy enough so it will be good. 

"Thank you doctor" she said as she bowed and left the room together with Yukiko. Her best friend knew she's nervous "Don't worry okay! I'll be here...as always!" Yukiko said, assuring her that she won't leave her. 

The next week, the day it will be done Rin woke up and saw birds flying high up in the air. The air was getting cold as winter is approaching soon. 

Yukiko interrupted the silence in her room as she barged in and pulled Rin to the bathroom. "Get dressed! Today's the day!" she said excitely. Rin just smiled awkwardly "Yeah....today is the day" in her mind was possibilty if her body can take having a baby. 

They went to the doctor accompanied by Yukiko and Yuya who both held Rin's hand as they bought her to the hospital. Yuya resgisted Rin in as Yukiko stayed with Rin holding her hand, whispering to her "Don't worry! Everything will be fine" 

Rin looked at her best friend and she calmed down, knowing whatever happens she knew is now or never and it makes her best friend happy, and what when her best friend is happy she is happy. 

The nurse called and were brought to the room. Yuya stayed behind and looked as the door closed behind her. It will take of an hour for the procedure to be done. 

One Hour Later: 

Rin came out hurting as her lower back was still burning. Yukiko held her to the car as Yuya brought her back to her apartment. Yukiko placed Rin's bag on the table. Rin sat as Yukiko went to take water gave it to Rin. 

"You okay Rin?" Yukiko ask, worried. Rin nodded and smiled "Daijobu!" Rin eyes soften as a single tear fell from Yukiko's eyes and knew she's crying. "I'm sorry RIn, for making you hurt....but I promise I will take care of you..." 

That day, starts a day which changes her life always. As she knew being pregnant for her best friend will take a lot of her time but is for her best friend who she owes a lot to. 

For the next few months, she's been staying at home, but never alone as Yukiko and Yuya will come over at times to check up on her. 

She stayed at home doing nothing mostly feeling bored so she depended on her laptop to read some news article. She read of a new scandal of  an idol who just made his first solo after years being a group. 

As she was about to go to the bathroom, the doorbell rung as she went to open the door expecting it was Yukiko forgetting that she got keys and saw someone she doesn't want to see for a very long time. 

Yamada Ryosuke. 

"W-what are you doing here?!" Rin said, sounding annoyed but he made his way in without getting invited "HEY! Don't come in! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" She raised her voice more loudly. 

"Chill....I just want to talk to you about something" he said cooly. He was smiling and saw a small bump and his eyes went wide "Baby?" 

She covered the bump but it still shown. "No...is none of your business" she said turning away. He turned to her and look at her "You sound like it is mine...I mean I don't remember us doing it" 

"Of course not aho! She said "Sheesh...no need to get angry" he said looking around. "Look Rin....come here.." he pulled her hand gently bringing her to her couch. She resisted wanting to not touch him as she glared at him

"What are you doing here Ryosuke-kun....don't you have a girl to ?" she said, her voice sounded cold. Ryosuke knew the damage he had made was much deeper than he expected. 

"Look, listen to me okay. I am here to apologize to you. I mean...I was a jerk....." he paused "And I'm sorry..." he said and paused again "Please give me another chance"

She glared at him as she looked away. "Never...you broke my heart and to me you never existed in my life. Now get out of my house before I call the police" 

Defeated, he sighed and went out looking back at her and said "I just want to ask for a second chance....is all i ask.." he said with a sad tone in his voice. Her heart was cold as ice as she didn't even look at him.

He went out of her apartment and looked up at the balcony to her apartment. "Someday, somehow I will let you come back to me...I must..." he said as he disappeared into a car and drove away. 

For the months after that she went to do ultrasound at five months and saw the baby growing big and strong. Yukiko was in tears and so were Rin. 

Yukiko decided to move Rin to her and Yuya's apartment until Rin give birth. But Rin declined and said that is better she stayy where she feels comfortable. Yukiko can't argue with her best friend decided to let Rin stay at her own apartment. 

Rin was mostly on the couch and during meal time Yukiko came and made food for her. She knew that someday there will be a better way to repay for Yukiko. 

Four months later came out way too fast. It was a rainy day and she was alone. Yuya went out of the country for work. Rin was into her own world to know what his real job were and she knew someday she will know. 

She felt a lot of pain ever since she woken up that morning. She knew the contractions are getting stronger and stronger. She made it clear that it must be because the due date it near that must be the reason.

She already knew the gender of the unborn baby. A girl. She was happy yet she felt a pang of sadness when she knew the baby isn't her own. But to cover it up, is much painful for her to bear. 

That afternoon, the doorbell rang and she went to open it and saw Ryosuke drenched. She was worried as she was looking like he was out of breath. 

"You! What are you doing here?!" she ask, panicking. She closed the door but he stopped the door using his foot. "No, let me talk" 

"There's nothing to talk about! We are over! Zilt! Nada! Remember?!" she said, and she felt pain again. "Ah....But you want to come waltzing back like nothing happen. Do you think I could forgive you so easily?" 

"Look I said I was sorry! I have a reason to do it...listen to me...please" he begged. Then he saw her shaking. "Eh...Rin...daijobu? Why is there water?" 

She looked down and in panic "! My water just broke!" she said, her voice almost unheard but she repeated again. "MY WATER JUST BROKE!!!!!!" she yelled and Ryosuke panicked "What do I do?!" he said

"DO SOMETHING YOU BAKA!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" she screamed and he quickly carried Rin to the car. He drove towards the hospital as Rin was screaming loudly at the backseat. "AHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Call...Yukiko..." she said in between screams

Ryosuke called Yukiko

"Moshi moshi"

"Yukiko....quick...come to Tokyo hospital, Rin is...." 

"I'll be right there" 

The line went dead as he stopped the car at A & E and brought her in, as the nurse who saw them placed her in a wheelchair. He held her hand until they reached the room and the doctor examined her.

Behind the curtains, Ryosuke was panicking as Yukiko arrived as well as Yuya who came despite his flight being delayed he managed to come after receiving a distressed call from Yukiko. 

About half an hour later loud cry was heard and a nurse came out announcing something with a smile upon her face "Congratulations. Is a baby girl" 

Yukiko was happy as she cried in Yuya's arm "How is Rin...is she ok?" The nurse moved the curtain apart showing a unconscious RIn. "Rin...Rin...daijobu?" 

Rin opened her eyes slightly and smied "Daijobu desu...demo..I am tired...just want to rest" she said, in a soft tone of voice. The nurse brought the baby which was already been cut and cleaned to Yukiko and Yuya as they placed it on RIn who had a tear coming from her eyes. "She's beautiful...just like you Yukiko.." she said. 

Yukiko nodded "I want to rest" Rin said and closed her eyes. Her body went limp and Yukiko panicked. "Rin...Rin..." trying to wake her up "RIn....help!!!! Doctor! HELP! RIn... wake up" she called, panicking. 

Ryosuke came to her and was surprised to see Rin unconscious. "What happened?" he ask and Yuya told him "We don't know.." 

The doctor came and checked her, as she told them to leave. The curtains closed again and doctor began examining her. The baby was in Yukiko's arms sleeping soundly. 

An hour later, the doctor came out and said "I'm sorry...she's gone.. " there was a long silence before Yukiko cried in Yuya's arm as Ryosuke landed on the floor his back to the wall distraught to even utter a single word. 

They went to her bed and saw her face pale. Yukiko cried again and so was Ryosuke who had a tears falling down onto the floor. 

They left after the doctor said that they will cremate her body and when the door closed Rin flipped the blanket from over her head and looked at the nurses and doctors

"Rin-san, is this such a good idea?" the doctor ask and she said "Positive...I know someday is best I leave...I don't want to be a part of them knowing it will hurt them even more. I mean I owe Yukiko so much now and I need time to tell her." 

"I see...well if you like I can help you settle...or you can ask any one of our staff for something." The doctor offered but Rin just shook her head "don't worry! I'll settle it by myself. Thank you doctor" 

She went out of the hospital still wearing the hospital gown as from afar she watched as Ryosuke was leaning by his car looking up into tthe darken sky, as he cried. He scream aloud "RIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 

It broke her heart to see him this way but she knew she can't reveal herself just yet. Then as she passed him into the shadows she hid into a dark alley and gone into an apartment where she kept most of her things there.

It's already been her decision ever since she realized she doesn't want to depend on anyone anymore. She locked her apartment shut as she changed, got dressed and went to sleep in the temporary bed. 

She knew is the only way for her to move on. Knowing there will be nobody looking for her. But fate has other plans for her very soon as she didn't know what to expect very soon from a certain loved one who just wants a second chance in life and knew it'll be for the best for them 

The End

AN: Hi! Well here it is. I hope everyone isn't disappointed with the ending. I decided NOT to kill Rin....is too cruel and besides my best friend will kill me...litrerally...she knows where I live so yeah. So anyways! I will write a sequel when I get home. I have some errand done. Bye for now! 




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Chapter 1: Interesting story..

Hope there has a sequel for me to read. Because I really want to and to know what will happen in next.
Aillin-luvs #2
Chapter 1: wow so good
Reading sequel ~ <3
Chapter 1: That was sad~ But good ending^^
Sounds interesting, gonna read soon^^
Karina-Ai #5
Chapter 1: great story!!!
I almost cry reading it
Chapter 1: Anticipating the sequel ^^
This is a very touching fic, I love it!