Kiss the rain

Kiss the rain
And every night i lie awake thinking maybe you love me like ive always loved you but how can you love me when you cant even look me striaght in th eyes- pure agomy thats all thats left of your life agaony. -i dont know what hurts you but i can feel it too and it just hurts me to know i cant do a thing and deep down in my heart some how i know that no matter what ill always love you. I often close my eyes and see you simle you reach out for my hand and im woken from my dream alothought your heart is mine your hallow inside i never had your love and i never will.- you curl up in the rain hoping it wash your misery away. but of course it could not. Getting up from the ground you look up into the sky and smile. - why am i still here in the rain.- you begen to walk back to the house. Some how in the rain you understood one thing. That no matter what love conqures all. That when it hurts and you feel so aone your beloved is always there to embrace you. "yunho my love ill never forget you but your right it is time"
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