Meeting a new group

Life with Oppa

"Who are you?" ____ asked as the young man smiled softly at her and gently bounched her up and dowm.


"I'm Baro-oppa" Baro said smiling walking to his group B1A4, looking at his memebers. "GUYS~ look what I have~" He said as everyone turned around and eyes wide and stared at him in shock.

"HYUNG did you steal a little girl?" Gongchan said softly not to bring attention to his hyung who has a child in his hand. Then his eyes soften when he saw _____  tearing up gently reaching out for him and Jinyoung who was smiling at her. taking her from Baro he begain to talk to her gently and sang to her.


Seeing how paniced Gongchan looked ____ hugged him cutely and started to babble to him gently  , "She was all alone and besides she is Minho's baby sister so we have to take care of her until we find them, we can't leave her alone." Baro said softly and sat down and pouted on how easily Gongchan got close to the little girl and how easily she was talking to him, but then again he was a maknae so he had the easiest time  taking care of her since he was a older brother.

"I _____ " She said cutely to Gongchan and he laughed softly on how cute  she was and hugged her.


"Hi ____ my name is Gongchan~" He cooed softly  and smiled her and stood up and bought her a cute tiger jacket simmlar to his and put it on her. "There you go _____ something to keep you warm~" Gongchan said smiling and started to look for Shinee to see if they had notice that she was gone and if not he would stay with her until then and treat her like a little sister like they did when they had their season of hello baby.

Looking he smiled and giggled softly and played with her at the kiddy rides and three hours later he got a phone call from Jinyoung saying that he had to leave but Gongchan shook his head and told him he didn't want to leave _____ all by herself, however Minho was running over and scooped up the toddler and crying softly. "Thank you for watching ______"


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KissMeFanny #1
Woooooohooooo THANK YOU for updating <3
eunjung99 #2
Chapter 36: update please
minidino6 #3
Chapter 36: Yay~
So happy you updated :)
I love the story
KissMeFanny #4
Chapter 36: Awwwww How cute❤
iheartkpop01 #5
Chapter 36: Thanks for updating! Update soon pls!
syirosaifuddin #6
Chapter 34: finally....I though you forget about this story..thanks for updating..
Chapter 34: Omfg!!! Thanks for update the story /give kisses and hugs to the authors/ and don't worry a short chapter is better than nothing ;)
Chapter 33: When are you going to continue the story?? I love it!!! <3 pleaseeeeeee update soon~ pretty please~
Chapter 33: I love ur story can u update it soon :)