Taemin the babysitter

Life with Oppa

"Manger-hyung" Minho said talking into the phone, after a while he hangs up turning to group. "Okay we have a last minuite photoshoot expect for Taemin, so he has to watch _____."

Taemin's eyes widen as he sat down, him watching a baby by himself seem a bit scary. "W-what hyung are you sure it's okay?" Scared that he would mess up and have little ____ dislike him was the last thing he wanted but he wanted to watch her so bad so as soon as Minho nodded he smiled. "Leave it to me hyung."

As the rest of shinee was getting ready to leave Taemin and little ____ was watching TV, and giggling softly at the TV. The rest of shinee was watching them untill they had to leave, saying goodbye to the two they left and went outside, Taemin looked at ____ and she looked back and smiled. "Oppa can I have coookie?" She asked cutely and Taemin right away meleted and got her a cookie to eat getting one for himself as well. Through out the day Taemin played with the toddler becoming really close to him, By lunch time she looked at him and had a huge smile on her face "Minnie-opppa~" She yelled happily hugging his leg. Melting again he picked her up and hugged her tightly.

"Agioo~ Your so adoreable _____ " He said cuddling the younger tightly yet gently, "I wish you really were my little sister, how did hyung get such a cute little sister like yourself~"

____ giggles "because Min-oppa is oppa~" She said even though she had no idea what she said, "Minnie-oppa like Min-Oppa because nickynames seem the same~" she said earning a small laugh from Taemin, looking at the small toddler he smiled remebering Hello baby, this time however it was with _____ and it was not a show.

______ just giggled cutely as someone was knocking at the door, Taemin put ____ down to open the door, meanwhile ______ ran into Minho's room and picked up her toy bunny before walking back out with it. At the door the whole Super Junior was standing outside staring at the cute little three year old hugging her toy gently. As Taemin invited them in they all said their hello's before going straight to ______ who is now looking at everyone with big eyes. Smiling brightly "Swuper Junior~" She cheered how she knew of them no one could tell. "Yay~ Swuper Junior~" she cheered again smiling cutely at all of them leaving mostly all of them in shock from cuteness of into awws. Sungmin took no time in to scooping her up and cuddling her. Taemin shook his head, now he knew the reason why they came. They must have heard his hyung's baby sister was going to be living with them so they wanted to meet her. What he didn't know was that _____ new who super Junior was, so he was shocked in a way. 

As Super Junior made themselves at home playing with ______. Kyuhyun stared to sing for her making her smiling and crawl next to him. Everyone was shocked at this cute sight. ______ climbing on to the Maknae's lap as he gently held her singing softly still. 

"What the? " Was all Donghae could say when he saw the scence before him, it was very rare but cute not that he minded seeing this scene but wished he could see this side of Kyuhyun more often. 

By the time Shinee came back Taemin,Kyuhyun and _______ was asleep on the floor, Donghae and Sungmin was watching them boredly and the rest of SuJu was somewhere in the dorms. Minho walked over to _______ and tried to pick her up but the gently hold that the two Maknaes had on her was hard to take her away without waking all of them up. Sighing he just left them on the floor and went to his room to sleep as well the rest of Shinee, Excpet for Onew who went to the fridge and ate some Chicken.

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KissMeFanny #1
Woooooohooooo THANK YOU for updating <3
eunjung99 #2
Chapter 36: update please
minidino6 #3
Chapter 36: Yay~
So happy you updated :)
I love the story
KissMeFanny #4
Chapter 36: Awwwww How cute❤
iheartkpop01 #5
Chapter 36: Thanks for updating! Update soon pls!
syirosaifuddin #6
Chapter 34: finally....I though you forget about this story..thanks for updating..
Chapter 34: Omfg!!! Thanks for update the story /give kisses and hugs to the authors/ and don't worry a short chapter is better than nothing ;)
Chapter 33: When are you going to continue the story?? I love it!!! <3 pleaseeeeeee update soon~ pretty please~
Chapter 33: I love ur story can u update it soon :)