The Start

Ten Reasons Why

Park Hyunsun stepped into her new middle school at 13 years old and immediately felt left out of the whole crowd of students when she saw some of them standing near a friend's locker, some of them sitting on the floor while showing off their recent activities over the summer, and some students rushing to find their first period class. Hyunsun was new to the area and knew that she was going to have trouble making friends since eight grade was when the real drama started for teens. She sighed with a touch of determination and headed straight to find her first class of the day.

A flock of students piled into the cafeteria as the bell rang and unfortunately Hyunsun got stuck in the huge intersection traffic in the hallways. 

"Sorry." An apology kept coming out of Hyunsun's mouth whenever a student would bump into her. She finally got into the school's small cafeteria and soon walked out the lunch line with her food tray. Next problem to solve: find an empty seat. She took a brief look around the cafeteria and found an empty seat at the back corner. She thought about how her classes went that morning while chewing on a bleeding red apple and gave herself a pat on the back for surviving four hours out of six. 

"Um, this is our table." She looked up to see a group of girls holding food trays and awkwardly looking at her back. Hyunsun muttered an, "oh sorry" to the girls and carried her bag and food to the table in front of them. Hyunsun would have been lying if she said that her mood didn't go down at all. A few minutes later, two boys scurried to sit in front of her. Hyunsun's eyes widened and blinked rapidly as she tried to calm herself down by humming to a tune.

"Hyung would never find us here!" A short, skinny male exclaimed as he high fived a taller, sharp eyed male. Seeing that they never looked at Hyunsun or even apologized for barging onto her table like that, Hyunsun continued to stare at the texture of the lunch table and absently touched the ends of her hair. Time seemed to stop for Hyunsun when she saw a well sculpted hand wave in front of her face. She looked up and saw a small eyed boy retreat his hand and shyly grinned.

"Hey there, sorry for the two boys earlier. Hope they weren't a burden for ya!" She didn't have time to reply as he began to chase after the two boys from earlier and Hyunsun could admit that she liked the velvet feeling of his soft voice.


"Alright, so pick a partner because we're doing partner relays!" Hyunsun groaned quietly as she stood by the black line alone in the gymnasium. Two weeks of school have gone by already and she made friends, but were only considered acquaintances in class since she still sat alone at lunch. 

"If you don't have a partner, raise your hand!" The old gym teacher yelled as nobody, including Hyunsun raised their hands. The music started playing and that was cue for the students to warm up with their partner. Hyunsun awkwardly began to stretch without trying to make eye contact with the gym teacher so she wouldn't get called out. As she was doing quad stretches, a soft voice called out, "Hey there, Hyunsun"

She looked up and realized it was the boy two weeks ago at the cafeteria. Was he in her gym class this whole time? She pointed to her chest, asking if he was talking to her. She heard a soft chuckle and he replied with a nod.

"H-hi." Oh if only she would have cleared first. How disgusting and manly she thought she sounded! He chuckled again and she thought his laugh was music to her ears. 

"Hi." she repeated. 

"I'm Sunggyu. Wanna be partners?" Hyunsun thought it was a joke until she heard a high pitched, "Hyung! I said I'm sorry! I don't want to relay by myself!" 

"Lee Sungjong! Why didn't you raise your hand when I said if you don't have a partner, raise it?" Sungjong apologized and made a face at Sunggyu. Sunggyu nodded towards Hyunsun as the whistle blew and he dashed to the other side of the gym.

She never told him her name.


Hyunsun hummed a melody as she slowly walked home from a normal day at school. She hopped on the crisp leaves and silently giggled to herself at her randomness. A crackle  behind met her ears as she jolted her head back and saw Kim Sunggyu looking at her with a soft grin. Why did he always show up at the weirdest times? What if..he was interested in her? Hyunsun gasped mentally as she thought of this.

"You know, you're interesting." Hyunsun didn't know where he was going with this but took the time to study his features. His small crescent eyes, his nose, the pink plump lips for a middle schooler, it was like he was a..

"Did you hear me?" Hyunsun snapped out of her concentration and cleared .


Sunggyu raised his black eyebrows as he repeated himself with a genuine smile, "I said, let's be friends."


Fast forward four years and now, the two are rising seniors at high school. Fully loaded boxes were filled throughout Hyunsun's house, except for the attic. She rummaged through the old items and found her old diary from earlier years.

Dear Diary, 

I met a boy named Kim Sunggyu and yay! I made a new friend! :)

Hyunsun chuckled at her immaturity but continued on to the next page.

Dear Diary,

Yay I'm a freshman!!! The upperclassmen don't like us though :( Sunggyu got more cooler by dying the tips of his hair blonde!

Dear Diary,

I realize that Sunggyu had never made me mad...So I tested him today by giving him the silent treatment! It worked! I bought him chocolates to apologize and his eyes finally opened and brightened! Does he always do that around me?

Dear Diary,

Sunggyu and I are not friends.

It was temporarily true. Sunggyu got his first girlfriend, Jisoo during sophomore year and she was a new student at the high school. Sunggyu said he thought she was cute and apparently Jisoo befriended him first and asked him out. Hyunsun was ecstatic for Sunggyu when he told her he was going to homecoming with Jisoo. If he was happy, she was happy. 

"Hyunsun noona! C'mon let's dance!" Sungjong yelled over the upbeat music. Hyunsun smiled and got up to dance wildly with Sungjong on the dance floor (school's gymnasium) and minutes later, Hyunsun was sweating plus her feet were killing her because of the heels. She quickly snapped a photo of her and Sungjong and captioned the photo, "homecoming with poop."

She excused herself to the bathroom but just as she stepped in the hallway, she had to witness Sunggyu lip locking with Jisoo. What was the tangling feeling in her chest? Didn't he tell her that he didn't have his first kiss yet? She felt the tears kicking in but told herself that it was just the dry contacts she had on. She roughly walked straight to the bathroom, making sure the heels were making a loud sound and just as she stepped into the bathroom, Sunggyu roughly pushed Jisoo away and looked at the door with an apologetic expression.

When did Sunggyu become a bad boy? She didn't know. But Hyunsun was confident to say that something did happen to Sunggyu after freshman year started.


It was the middle of sophomore year and Hyunsun took off on her bicycle to school, just like a normal day. As she waited for the crossroad signal, she overheard a male ing on the phone, "Tell her I don't cling onto girls who leave me. I'm a cool guy." 

Hyunsun took a look and made a disgusted face at the appearance of Sunggyu next to her. She impatiently waited for the signal to change with her lips sticking out in a scoff as Sunggyu glanced at her. 

Sunggyu noticed how Hyunsun changed as well, appearance wise. She now got rid of her damaged ends of her hair and dyed it to a light brown, got rid of her bangs and fixed her fashion sense.

'This is the chance to say something, Sunggyu.' He desperately wanted to tell her everything that had happened to him during freshman year but made sure to start a conversation slow and steady.

"Hyun-" He scoffed loudly as Hyunsun took off with her bike, leaving Sunggyu having to wait for the next signal to cross the damn street.


Hyunsun opened up her black binder and glanced at the picture of her and Sunggyu two years ago, posing at a barbeque party that was held at her house. She shuffled her things and got out a black sharpie and smirked. 

"What? You don't cling onto girls after they leave? What about if you left them first? Would. You. Cling?" She emphasized each word as she dug the black sharpie on Sunggyu's face, which now looked like a huge black hole in Sunggyu's face. She taped the ruined picture onto her diary and saved it, as her accomplishment.

Hyunsun childishly laughed as she remembered the time she had her little outburst herself and as she sat in her attic, waiting for nothing. Finding an old pen at the bottom of a random box, she started scribbling a bunch of phrases. 'I should give this to him before I leave.'

Ten reasons why I love you:


Author Note: That finishes chapter one! (Kind of a filler?) If you're confused, just leave a comment!
The reasons why starts on the next chapters! 



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