Gambling Lies


I went to work early that morning and avoided Jay at all costs. I was very close to exploding and I couldn’t mask the fact that I was feeling betrayed. I hated it. And to think Jay was one of the people that I thought I could trust…what if I couldn’t trust Tae Hee either?

            Sometimes I wish I didn’t find that concealed envelope tucked behind my clothing bin. After all, ignorance is bliss. For once, I’d rather not know anything than know something. But it was a first. Having somebody being honest with me. Whoever it was, I couldn’t say I wasn’t thankful. But because of them, I realized…the closest people were the ones who were lying to me. Can I ever learn to trust again?


            That night, I returned back to my lonely shack that was slowly deteriorating on the outside. I settled for a glass of water that acted as my dinner for the day. I rarely had the money to eat any food so I lived off fluids which filled up my stomach. I got used to the hunger after a while—it numbs the body.

            While gulping down the last drop of water into my mouth, I pulled out the “forbidden” envelope from a tiny drawer near my clothing bin. It stored all my personal belongings and that’s where most of my prized possessions belonged. Setting the cup down on the table, I took a deep breath before undoing the string on the envelope.

            That night when I had discovered the envelope was a blur. I had skimmed enough to know the truth, but I wanted to know the details—which was a first. I never paid much attention to details, but now…I did.

            Just like before, a copy of my contract with the casino was placed on top. It stated the main points in my slave contract, that my parents agreed to gamble me away and whatnot. I grew sick in the stomach when my fingers traced over my parents’ signatures on the copy of the contract. They were such monsters to sign such a contract.   

            I bit my lips before taking the copy and placing it to the back of the papers. The next paper in line was a letter addressed to me. Because of this letter I had discovered the truth.


Dear Miss Choi Lina,

            I hope this letter finds you well. I’m sure you’re in a momentary phase of shock, and I can’t blame you. The page before this letter was a copy of your contract, as you can tell. It took quite some time for me to get my hands on it, but I’ve realized it was worth it seeing as how you would finally know the truth. I know that feeling Lina-ssi. The feeling of being lied to. It’s like swallowing something bitter and the aftertaste is always the worse. Don’t you just want to retaliate to all those liars out there?

            Here’s the truth. Yoon Yong Sook is the leader of the Axels. The Axels own plenty of property which is scattered throughout Seoul. One of their property is the casino in which you work for. Thus, that makes the Axels in charge of your contract. Because Yong Sook is the leader, he is in charge of your contract. Nobody else knows of this other than Jay Kang, who is the manager of the casino.

            It may seem a bit odd at first, and you can choose to not believe me. But don’t you realize how odd Jay acts around Yong Sook? How powerful Yong Sook’s connections with the casino can be? Powerful enough to take you out of work, when you’re under a slave contract and is not supposed to go anywhere other than work? Think about it Lina-ssi. I’m sure you’re clever enough to catch onto these details.

            If you have any more questions, please dial the number below. I hope to talk to you soon, Lina-ssi. We’ll meet up soon.



            I brought a few quarters with me and slipped it into the telephone booth, waiting for the line to pick up. I tapped the phone patiently as I finally heard the other line answer.

            “Hello?” A melodious voice flowed out of the earpiece and I almost was in a daze from the beautiful voice that had greeted me. “Hello?” With that said, I was out of my trance, remembering the real reason why I was here.

            “Is this…JJ?” I uncertainly addressed the other line as the name I had seen on the letter.

            “Ah, so I’m assuming you’re Choi Lina.”

            “Uhm, yes. I found the letter you gave me.”

            “Are you surprised?” JJ asked, though I knew it came off as a rhetorical question. He certainly knew what my answer would be to his question.

            “Yes…do you think we can meet anytime soon?”

            “I thought you would ask that. You probably want to know how I know don’t you.”

            “Of course.” I wanted to say, but I held back my tongue and said something else instead. “I guess you could put it that way.”

            “When do you usually get off work? We can meet at a nearby coffee shop afterwards.”

            “Ten on most nights. It depends on the crowd, really.”

            “Well how about this. I’ll pick you up after work tomorrow night. I’ll be wearing a bright red jacket so you can spot me in no time.”



            I didn’t know what was going through my mind at that time to meet up with the mysterious “JJ,” but I wanted to know every single detail about my contract and whatnot. With every single detail, perhaps I could know more about Yong Sook. Perhaps even Myungsoo. I knew this “JJ” guy could help, whoever he was. So I trusted him, though I had promised myself to never trust anyone so easily after my parents and Yong Sook and Myungsoo.


            “No, what do you think you’re doing, coming into my territory without even letting me know?” Yong Sook pinned Myungsoo against the nearest wall. Using surveillance cameras that were hooked up around the Axels territory, Hyun Woo had reported to Yong Sook that Myungsoo was in town. Yong Sook replied with a terse text: I’ll deal with it.

            “Isn’t that what you do to me all the time? Let me go this once. I need to notify Tae Hee. As far as I know, she works under your hostess club.” Myungsoo let out a slight wheeze before Yong Sook released him.

            “I’m trusting you just this once. But I’m going with you, just to make sure.”

            “Fine, you do that.” Myungsoo straightened out his collars before walking towards the direction of the casino and hostess club. “So how does it feel to be dumped by Lina?”

            “Shut up, you a*s. I’m letting you just this once.”

            “Why?” Myungsoo smirked. “You scared?”

            “More like scared of your brother. I’m avenging my brother’s death.” Yong Sook then mumbled under his breath. “As well as Jiyeon’s.”


            “Yong Sook, I thought I wouldn’t see you again for quite some while.” Eun Hee’s lips curled upwards to form a small smirk.

            “Yeah, enough with teasing Eun Hee. I was wondering-“

            “You wanted a hostess didn’t you? And for…Myungsoo of Inspirits? What the are you doing here? This is Axels territory!” Eun Hee bit her lips after recognizing the somewhat familiar gangster in her club that she managed. He occasionally visited when he needed a date to some gang meeting, and Eun Hee didn’t mind at all—that just brought more money in. She was just a little taken back that he was next to Yong Sook and they weren’t biting off each other heads for the first time.

            “Calm your balls, Eun Hee.” Myungsoo rolled his eyes.

            “As I was saying,” Yong Sook firmly stared at Eun Hee, “I was wondering if Tae Hee was in.”

            “Nope, at least not that I know of. She’s been out for a few days. The last time I saw her was when a man came in and requested her to serve him. And let’s see…that was about two nights ago.” Eun Hee merely shrugged.

            Yong Sook and Myungsoo shared alarmed looks, which of course did not go unnoticed by Eun Hee. She had eyes of an eagle. “Do you think it’s possible to trace that man’s name?”

            “Even if I said no, you would still gain knowledge of who that man was. You’re the boss here anyway.” Eun Hee sarcastically stated before reaching for a notebook hidden beneath her desk. It was files and files of previous clients. “Let’s see…” Her finger traced the most recent dates written down in the notebook. “I believe his name was Kim Jae Joong.”

            “.” Myungsoo let out a string of profanities. “. We need to go now, Yoon.”


            “Now.” Myungsoo icily glared at Yong Sook before storming out of the hostess club.

            “Eun Hee, I’ll see you soon.” Yong Sook lightly patted Eun Hee’s hand before chasing after Myungsoo. He found Myungsoo pacing outside while pinching his nose bridge.

            “Now what’s wrong, Kim. You’re being so bipolar.”

            “I’m afraid Tae Hee’s in danger. She hasn’t been at work for the past few days. I think my brother has her.”

            “How do I know if you’re being genuine or not? For all I know, you could be working for your brother. Because after all, he is your blood brother.” Yong Sook raised an eyebrow.

            “I refuse to admit that he’s blood related to me. I rather die than admit that fact.”

            “...let’s just go find your brother then. I’ve never been close with Tae Hee, but she’s Lina’s unnie. And Lina…is Lina.” Yong Sook suddenly thought back to the time when Lina and he had held hands. It was a chilly night after the gang meeting, but the proximity of their bodies acted as a heater. He truly missed Lina.

            “…don’t you miss her?” Myungsoo softly said after a moment of silence.

            “Who?” Yong Sook cocked an eyebrow.


            “Don’t we all?” Yong Sook smiled bitterly.

            “Don’t you feel bad because you moved onto Lina though?”

            “…I know Jiyeon wouldn’t want me to mourn over her death. It’s been four years already, Myungsoo. I’m sure she wants you to get over her too. You know, that’s the reason why you lost the bet. You still loved Jiyeon when you were trying to chase Lina. You just couldn’t let go of Jiyeon.” Yong Sook clasped a hand onto Myungsoo’s shoulder before heading towards his car.

            “…it’s my fault she died. Of course I can’t let her go.” 

Rather long chapter for you guys. I think the story is winding down to an end, so be prepared to say goodbye in about five-seven more chapters. 

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Chapter 48: wow! This ff is really, one of the best stories i had ever read. The ending is a one of a kind (yes sir, im one of a kind ;)) Not many ff i have read end like this ending. I love this ending because,as you said, it lets the reader imagine. They can create their own ending. I just really really love this story!
LinA1992 #2
Woow i was reading the characters and was like what da ....?? Iam included as the MAIN LEAD iam really happy this is actually my name ^^
yooamie #3
Chapter 48: wow this is a very good story! I really loved your writing style ^_^ it was really sad at the end :( I'm glad she rejected Myungsoo though, I thought LiSook was a better ship than Myung-Ina xD
WatashinoOrenji #4
Chapter 48: OMG...i finished it without stopping! I FREAKIN LOVE IT! This is like one of the BEST fic i've ever read.
And love the Yoonina couple. I love them so much!!!!! <3
Lol when there's a Myungina moments, i was like, "NONONONONO they can't be together! Lina is suppose to be with Yoon Sook!D:"
This fic made me cry too much T____T Their lives are too complicated...T.T
I love it and thank you. >.<
flabbycow #5
Chapter 48: I enjoyed reading this a lot. Thanks for writing it! MYUNG-INA!!!!
Chapter 48: I honestly shipped Lina and Yong Sook..all.the.fu.cking.way The only thing I disliked, was that you put "*" to replace the swear, and I actually found that annoying to read. BUT! I read past it, and I loved your story. LINA AND YONG SOOK <3
Chapter 48: Omg! This was such a beautiful story, Im glad you stayed to continue it. Thankyou so much for sharing and are you leaving this account? :((
Musicaldreams #8
Chapter 48: I love reading your fics! ^^ hopefully ill be able to read the fics from your other accounts and such. Ill be supporting you! ^^
lkim0313 #9
Chapter 46: uwauwaa.. was it yoon or kim? i guess its kim? hmmm or not? huajuaaaaa...
lkim0313 #10
Chapter 46: uwauwaa.. was it yoon or kim? i guess its kim? hmmm or not? huajuaaaaa...