Gambling Lies


“Sunbae, I know I don’t have any right to say anything, but I want your relationship to last with Lina. Although she may seem like a tough nut on the outside, she’s a real softie in the inside. She’s fragile at heart, and I honestly don’t want to see her heart break into pieces. She’s been through so much, sunbae. I can’t stand to see her heart break another time.

            “You should tell her about the contract. About how you know about it, before it’s too late.” Jay worriedly glanced at Yong Sook, and judging by his look, Yong Sook knew he was being sincere.

            “I will. I’m planning to tell her tonight after I pick her up from work.”

            Jay nodded in consent. “You should leave soon, sunbae. The casino is about to open for all gangsters, and undoubtedly they’ll address you as sunbae. My employees will get suspicious, and Lina should be arriving soon.”

            “Alright, thank you Jay.”


            I woke up that morning, still in a curled up fetus position on the floor. My hands had crumpled the papers in the envelope, but it didn’t matter anyway. I already knew what I have to know and those facts were pushed at the back of my mind. What did I feel at that moment? Easy, a mixture of all feelings possible. It was as if somebody took my feelings and blended it all up in a blender.

            Though I was hasty to return back to work, the casino was where I belonged. And the casino was also a place where I could get my answers, truthfully and quickly…


            “Ah, you’re back Lina!” Ilhoon smiled brightly at me before pushing me off into the employee’s lounge—which was also where we changed our clothes. “You should see Jay before anything. He seems awfully worried.”

            “That’s good, because I need to see him too.” I answered robotically, with a dull tone. It seemed as if my colleague had noticed my drastic change, but kept quiet.

            “Well uh…welcome back Lina.”

            “What is there to be welcomed back to? I don’t even belong here…” I quietly answered back after Ilhoon left the lounge to myself.


            Yong Sook knew something was off about Lina when he picked her up from work. She was strangely quiet, and when he pressed his lips onto her temple, she flinched. Yes, something was definitely off.

            “Do you have your clothes all packed up?” He professionally parallel parked between two cars on a street near Lina’s shack. When she did not answer, that was when Yong Sook got really worried. He was about to ask what was wrong but Lina beat him to it.

            “Yong Sook…let’s go somewhere tonight.”

            It seemed as if there was a 180 degrees change in Lina’s mood, but Yong Sook was glad for it. Even though he knew something was still wrong, he went with the flow and ignited the engine of his car.

            “Where to?”

            “Gangnam District.” Yong Sook found Lina’s request to be unusual, but nevertheless, he complied and drove towards the province.


            I found it odd that Yong Sook didn’t ask me why we were heading off to Gangnam District, but then again, he never pressed for any details, which was what attracted me to him. Last time I was in Gangnam was with Myungsoo. I felt like a princess at that time, but after giving Yong Sook a chance, I discovered the true meaning of being a princess.

            Being a princess doesn’t necessarily mean to be someone who is constantly showered with gifts. Being a princess means that people cherish you. People love you for your imperfections and who you are. People who don’t leave you in the dust, who wait for you to catch up.


            In all honesty, Yong Sook was afraid. Afraid of having people insult Lina. After talking with Jay, he knew she was fragile at heart, though she didn’t make it obvious. But surprisingly, all the employees treated just as equal as they would do to a celebrity.

            “Miss, weren’t you with that handsome man last time? The one who bought you several clothing items?” An employee asked Lina, who calmly shook her head.

            “Ah, I’m sure you’re thinking about the wrong person. It wasn’t me.”

            “No, but really miss, I honestly-“

            “Can I try this dress on?” Lina rudely cut her off with her hand upheld high, holding a dress with a lacy print all over.

            The employee simply gave up on convincing Lina that she truly was here a few weeks ago with a man—who Yong Sook assumed was Myungsoo. “Sure.”


            After eating a late dinner at eleven (Yong Sook had persuaded the restaurant owner from closing down his shop a little later than usual), I found myself thinking back to last night. Last night, when Yong Sook left me behind and I discovered that envelope addressed to me. Yong Sook’s voice brought me back to reality, and I found my hand interlaced with his.

            “Did you hear what I said Lina?” He looked at me with his eyes, which were b with sincerity. What was about to happen next…I was almost reluctant to do what I was going to do. But it was for the best. It was the best for everyone. He took my silence as his answer when he repeated his question. “Is anything wrong?”

            “…let’s talk, Yong Sook.” I’m so sorry it has come down to this.


            “Do you know how long we’ve known each other?” I figured that this question would be the best way to start this conversation.

            “Three months, maybe?” Yong Sook shrugged. “Why do you ask of that?”

            “Three months, and three days since we’ve been dating. In this short period of time, I can’t deny that we’ve gotten closer. Closer than I prefer. Before you stepped into my life, it was peaceful. And most of the time, it was boring. Tae Hee unnie barely had her days off because she had to tend to her clients. I couldn’t blame her though. She was the one who I trusted the most after I got gambled away.

            “Yong Sook, I don’t know if I told you before, but I’ve been gambled away by my parents. And because of that gamble, I work where I work today. They owed a whole great debt to the casino, so instead of paying back the money in small amounts, they decided to give up their own daughter. I remember, crystal-clear the last words my father said to me. ‘We never considered you as a daughter, anyway. You were always our slave.’

            “Because of them, I’ve become a person that I would have never recognized if I was a sixteen-year-old-teenager. I haven’t trusted anyone—at least not entirely—since four years ago and that was a year before I was sent away to work at the casino. But you and Myungsoo…my perspective of trusting people changed.

            “Somehow, my heart opened up to both of you. I trusted you both. Especially you, Yong Sook. When I first saw you…I wanted to trust you entirely. But you know what, Yong Sook? I hate liars. My parents were liars. Everywhere I go, I’m surrounded by liars. And honestly, I thought that tradition would stop after I met you both.

            “But you guys are gangsters, and gangsters can’t be trusted. Go ahead, tell me that I’m being stereotypical. But I sacrificed my trust in you guys. When Myungsoo broke my heart, you were there all along, comforting me. I honestly thought I could trust you.”

            “…don’t you?” Yong Sook asked softly.

            “I used to. But you lied to me. All this while, you kept quiet. Because of you, I have no freedom.”

            “W-What are you talking about?”

            “Don’t act naïve, Yoon Yong Sook. I was so stupid all along. I thought I could trust people again, but I can’t. You know about the contract. You own the casino, therefore, you own my contract.”


[A few hours before..]

            Jay heard me slip into his room before he got out of his seat. “Lina! God, you’re back. I was so-“ His arms were about to encircle my waist, but I stepped back so that he was hugging air.

            “You were worried. I get that a lot, but I’m not sure if it’s genuine.” I leaned against the wall, propping up my foot’s sole onto the wall.

            “O-Of course it’s genuine! Lina, I care about you. You’re like my little sister I never had.” Jay was seemingly taken back my rude remark but he merely brushed it off.

            “ing bullsh*t. I can’t stand liars like you, Jay. I’ve been lied to all my life. I honestly thought I could trust people, but it’s people like you who remind me I can’t, no matter how I try.”

            “What are you saying Lina? I don’t get-“

            “Of course you don’t get what I’m saying.” I turned to face him, not forgetting to throw a glare at Jay. “You’re playing the innocent card. Don’t do that. It ing ticks me off.”

            “Lina, stop-“

            “Myungsoo, Yong Sook, then you? Why won’t people stop lying to me? Why will you guys finally realize I’m responsible enough to hear the truth!? Lies don’t cover up the truth. It just makes it worse. It makes people believe in a false reality that really isn’t possible.” A lump formed at the middle of my throat, and I had to cough to get rid of it.

            “Lina, I don’t know what you’re talking about. But I’m honestly fed up by this behavior of yours. What has gotten into you?” Jay calmly replied, though I saw a fire burn in his eyes. He was holding in his anger, just like me. But I honestly couldn’t bottle it all up anymore.

            “What has gotten into me? What has gotten into me?” I repeatedly chanted, though my words were dripping of sarcasm. “My freedom, for Pete’s sake Jay. Have you ever lived my life before? It’s exhausting. It truly is. I’m under a slave contract. I’ve been gambled away to gangsters because of my ing parents. It hurts. Everytime to think they betrayed their own daughter so they could have their freedom. Because of them, I have no freedom.

            “But I thought I could withstand it. When I met Myungsoo, living actually seemed worth it. But he backstabbed me at the end. He went out with someone else at the gang meeting! I felt like dying. My heart was ripped in half, and I could hear it getting shred into pieces.

            “But Yong Sook was with me all this while. And suddenly, my heart began to heal, even though it’s only been such a short period of time. I feel terrible, using him as a rebound, using him so I could forget Myungsoo. I’ve never been so guilty in my life. But he lied to me too.

            “I’m tired, Jay. I’m so tired. Tired of keeping up with everybody’s lies. I know that Yong Sook is in charge of the casino, therefore, he’s in charge of my freedom. If he truly likes me, he’d rip that slave contract in half. I’m tired of being lied to.

            “I give up.” Sobs escaped my mouth as I slumped down on the floor, as if pleading for mercy. “I give up.”

            I heard Jay gasp before he uncertainly approached me. Out the corner of my eye, I saw his outstretched hand shaking in the air, as if he was hesitant to clasp his hand on my shoulder. When he finally did, he mumbled, “I’m sorry Lina…it’s okay.”

            But what do you know Jay? It’s not okay. I’m a prisoner, under a slave contract.

            My family is broken.

            I’m an useless thing. I don’t deserve to live.

            I know when things are fine and when things aren’t—I can’t stand liars.

             I want to die. 

Although Lina's life may seem to be really easy-going, we must remember that she's broken inside. She's broken because of the liars she calls her parents. She's been lied to all her life and honestly...a human can only withstand so much. I'll leave you to think about that...Anyway, answer the poll below! (: Thanks for the three commenters who gave me their feedback! Also, I will be updating weekly for I will no longer be on spring break. Happy 1st year Anniversary to EXO, by the way. When is their comeback? /exotic dying right here, SM./ I've been lied to too many times as well...sm..you troll.




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I will be updating daily for I'm now on spring break! Yippie! (:


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Chapter 48: wow! This ff is really, one of the best stories i had ever read. The ending is a one of a kind (yes sir, im one of a kind ;)) Not many ff i have read end like this ending. I love this ending because,as you said, it lets the reader imagine. They can create their own ending. I just really really love this story!
LinA1992 #2
Woow i was reading the characters and was like what da ....?? Iam included as the MAIN LEAD iam really happy this is actually my name ^^
yooamie #3
Chapter 48: wow this is a very good story! I really loved your writing style ^_^ it was really sad at the end :( I'm glad she rejected Myungsoo though, I thought LiSook was a better ship than Myung-Ina xD
WatashinoOrenji #4
Chapter 48: OMG...i finished it without stopping! I FREAKIN LOVE IT! This is like one of the BEST fic i've ever read.
And love the Yoonina couple. I love them so much!!!!! <3
Lol when there's a Myungina moments, i was like, "NONONONONO they can't be together! Lina is suppose to be with Yoon Sook!D:"
This fic made me cry too much T____T Their lives are too complicated...T.T
I love it and thank you. >.<
flabbycow #5
Chapter 48: I enjoyed reading this a lot. Thanks for writing it! MYUNG-INA!!!!
Chapter 48: I honestly shipped Lina and Yong Sook..all.the.fu.cking.way The only thing I disliked, was that you put "*" to replace the swear, and I actually found that annoying to read. BUT! I read past it, and I loved your story. LINA AND YONG SOOK <3
Chapter 48: Omg! This was such a beautiful story, Im glad you stayed to continue it. Thankyou so much for sharing and are you leaving this account? :((
Musicaldreams #8
Chapter 48: I love reading your fics! ^^ hopefully ill be able to read the fics from your other accounts and such. Ill be supporting you! ^^
lkim0313 #9
Chapter 46: uwauwaa.. was it yoon or kim? i guess its kim? hmmm or not? huajuaaaaa...
lkim0313 #10
Chapter 46: uwauwaa.. was it yoon or kim? i guess its kim? hmmm or not? huajuaaaaa...