
We Got Married with EXO's Baekhyun?


"Baekhyun... Welcome back."

What your mother did surprised Baekhyun, she hugged him tight and whispered, "I'm so glad you visited here."

He can't help but smile at her when they both pulled back. You were right, your mom wasn't angry at him and he is somehow thankful and somehow confused. But nonetheless, he was happy to know that she is glad he is here.

"It's been a while, Mrs. Park." He stated before inhaling deeply and looking around the surroundings. He noticed that their old house was now painted mint instead of teal - meaning that a new owner really did occupied their old house.

Mrs. Park chuckled before squeezing Baekhyun's shoulder gently and smiling gently, "Don't be too formal on me, Baekhyun. Just call me mom if you'd like."

He smiled back, it was just like the old times when he used to address your mom as his too, "If you insist, mom."

"Ehem." You tried getting their attention since you've been zoned out the moment the two of them saw each other. It was like they're the couple here.

Wait what. What couple? Aish, Hyun Jae you're falling too easily for Baekhyun. He still needs to prove himself, right? Not so fast!

"Oh we're so sorry hon. Did I get you too jealous?" Your mom heartedly laughed and you can't help but gape at her while Baekhyun laughed along. Oh so now they're teaming up on you? You can only glare at them.

"Come kids, let's go inside." Your mother led you inside your house. You noticed a few changes in the setting of the furniture and displays, boxes were scattered everywhere and it was obvious that your parents are doing a general cleaning. "We decided to take few of the photo frames and displays to lessen the stuffiness in the living room."

You and Baekhyun nodded before your Mother gestured the two of you to sit on the couch while she prepares you two something to eat.

"Where's your Dad?" Baekhyun asked. He knows that your Dad works at day and goes home at night. But what chance, right? Maybe your Dad changed occupation while he was away.

You shrugged since you don't know but decided to ask your Mom about it, "Mom, where is Dad?"

"He just bought a few tools in the hardware store. He may be back before lunch!" Baekhyun nodded and a few minutes later your Mom came back with the snacks and drinks. "I'm sorry if it's not too much, we didn't expect you two to come."

Since you and Baekhyun just ate, it wasn't really much of a worry. You picked up the glass of orange juice while Baekhyun thanked your mother and assured her it was okay. He wasn't that hungry so he just settled for a cookie.

"So, how's it been, Baekhyun? We haven't heard about you after you left." Your Mom asked after she sat on the couch. Actually, that was a lie. She was completely aware of why Baekhyun was sent away and the reason of their loss of communication to their family. But either you and Baekhyun know about it.

Just when Baekhyun was about to answer, a knock on the door was heard before your father came in with a paper bag in his hand. He was surprised to see you but was more surprised to see Baekhyun.

Baekhyun immediately stood up upon the arrival of your Father. He bowed deeply and stayed like that, you notice that he was very tense and nervous on seeing your Father.

"Good morning, Mr. Park." He curtly greeted.

Your Father cleared his throat signaling Baekhyun to stand up straight from bowing which he obeyed. "It's been a while, Baekhyun."

"I know, sir. But I came here to explain about what hap--"

"It's completely fine, Baekhyun. You don't have to explain." Your father nodded calmly and sat beside your mother leaving Baekhyun standing. He had his mouth open, about to say something but stopped eventually. "You can sit down."

"But sir--"

You tugged at his shirt and pulled him down beside you. "Just sit down, Baekhyun. It's really fine."

He was still looking confused when he looked at you with questioning eyes and creased eyebrows. You reached out to smoothen his eyebrows using your thumb, that made him calm a little bit. "Don't stress it out too much."

"Ehem." It was your father that coughed which made you and Baekhyun pull away from each other. You didn't actually expect yourself to do something that bold to Baekhyun, but it was instinct that told you to do so he will calm, and it actually worked.

"So, Baekhyun? How are you and your family?" Your mother asked again and you felt Baekhyun tensed beside you again. You looked over at him and noticed that he was fidgeting with his fingers. Is there something that happened to his family?

He gulped before answering, "I have been well Mrs. Park but my family.. they.."

"Baekhyun?" You tilted your head to the side to his face but he was looking at the ground. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, it's just that my family.."

"You don't have to tell it if you don't want to."

"N-no.. You have to know.." He answered and you can only nod. You are actually worried about him. It seems that the topic about his family is very sensitive but he still insisted to tell.

"My parents are long divorced, Mr. and Mrs. Park."

That made you shock.



The nineteen year old Baekhyun came rushing to his Father's side after being called for almost the 5th time. "You called for me, Dad?"

"Tell your Mother to come down and sign these papers!"

He obeyed and walked upstairs to call for his mother. He knocked twice at their parents' bedroom door before his mother said faintly, "Come in."

He opened the door and saw that his mom was folding their clothes from the laundry. He sat down beside her and implied, "Dad wants you to sign some papers."

His mother ignored him. It has been like this ever since their business was bankrupt. Yes, they were bankrupt. All that was left for them was their savings account and his brother's salary, it wasn't as big as what they used to get but they can still managed to eat 3 meals a day.

The reason why they were bankrupt? It was because of a business partner of theirs whom they trusted so much but decided to steal their riches away. Now, his Dad has decided to search for jobs and his Mom is a housewife. So far from the mom Baekhyun used to have. She had grown thinner and can't work heavy anymore due to her asthma. They can only rely on their father and his brother at this moment.

She kept the clothes in a drawer before standing up and heading downstairs. Baekhyun decided to continue what she was doing since he barely came home due to his practices. He is now training under the SM entertainment and didn't know when to debut.

He was folding the remaining clothes when he heard a loud bang from downstairs. He immediately stood up and rushed to the stairs thinking it was his mom fainting but it wasn't like that. The papers that were neatly arranged earlier was now scattered on the floor beside a broken vase.

"You never came home and you come back with this?! You made our life miserable! This is all your fault! If only you listened to me this shouldn't have happened!" He saw his mom shivering in anger while suppressing her cries. He hated seeing his mom and dad fight, but whenever he tries to interfere, he would just get shouted at.

His dad chuckled in amusement before saying, "Are you going to bring this topic back again? Because if you are, I'm so sick of it!"

He rushed downstairs when his mom almost fainted, he grabbed both of her shoulders and guided her to stand up. "You should stay out of this, Baekhyun. I can handle." She whispered faintly but Baekhyun didn't budge and just glared at his father.

"We are also sick of your attitude towards your own family, father." He spat at him. This is the first time that he talked back to his dad like that. Reason is because he finds it unfair how he just go for days and comes back with an argument with your mom. He is just so depressed seeing his mom so fragile like that.

His father was picking up the papers while he was talking ad he was amused by the way Baekhyun talked back to him so he scoffed and stood up before shoving the papers to his face, "That's why I'm asking your mother to sign those papers."

He took one last glance at him before opening the folder and his mouth instantly dropped at what he saw, "M-mom, it's divorce papers."

After hearing that, his mom fainted.


Baekhyun was calm while telling the story, you can tell that he has already moved on. "After that, mom was sent to the hospital and she signed the divorce papers once she woke up."

"I'm so sorry to hear about that, Baekhyun. We didn't expect your dad will be like that." Your mom gave him a comforting smile. "Did you hear anything from your dad after that?"

"It's okay, Mrs. Park. We were actually happy that dad was now away. But my hyung needed to work extra hard back then because he's the only one who has an occupation amongst us." Baekhyun tried to remember about his dad after the divorce, "Uh, last thing I heard was that he got into a big company and never remarry again."

Your parents nodded understandingly. You grabbed Baekhyun's hand and gave it a squeeze which made him look at you. He smiled reassuringly before grazing his thumb at your fingers. "I'm alright, Arwen. Don't worry."

Your parents didn't fail to see this and they exchanged knowing looks with each other. They have the same thing going on in their mind right now - they never stopped loving each other.

After that, they decided to leave you two alone and continued with their general cleaning. You snapped back when your dad spoke, "I think both of you should do some catching up. We'll be on the basement if you need anything, alright?"

Baekhyun stood up right away, "I'd like to help you, Mr. Park." You also stood up and agreed at what Baekhyun said.

"No, you two should stay upstairs in your room, Hyun Jae. You two should talk." Your father insisted and you two gaped at him but he just shooed you away, "I don't take no for an answer, now go."

Baekhyun just obeyed your father and turned to you, "Can I hold your hand?"

Your cheeks turned light pink at his question, "Y-yeah, sure." He reached out for your hand and intertwined it with his before giving it a light squeeze.

He guided you towards your room since he remembers clearly where it was located, you just followed quietly behind, clearly amused by the way he is handling situations right now and how easily he lured you to trust him again. "This is it, right?"

You nodded and he opened the door before walking inside. You noticed that it wasn't dusty and in fact, it's really clean. Your parents must've cleaned it first before the other rooms, also the reason why Hyun Ji's old room was now empty.

Speaking of Hyun Ji, good thing that your parents kept all of the photo frames at the living room and all of his things in his old room or you'll be dead meat once Baekhyun found out that it was Hyun Ji all along. One thing that Baekhyun hated and get frustrated at is how people make him look stupid and clueless. When there's something that everyone else's know except for him, and no one even tried to let him know.

You know that he may fume in anger once he finds out that Hyun Ji, who is acting as his fake son, is his real son but you're just not ready yet. You wish that you can have all the courage soon, once you can trust him fully.

"Arwen," he called softly because you were spacing out, "Is there something bothering you?"

"H-huh?" You snapped back and turned your attention to him. "N-none at all."

He removed his hands from you and you were partly disappointed at the lost of contact. He held your shoulders and turned you to face him, "You're lying."

"No, I'm not. It's really nothing I swear." He inched closer to you and you panicked causing you to fall on the bed.

"Are you sure?" He wiggled his eyebrows and raised his hands. Uh-oh...

"NO BAEKHYUN, STOP IT HAHAHAHAHA BAEKHYUN, PLEASE NO HAHAHAHAH!" You laughed loudly while he continued on tickling you.

You stopped laughing when you saw that his became serious. It was so quite, the only thing that you can hear was your heavy breathing and his deep panting. That's when you noticed how awkward you two must've looked like, you were lying on the bed and he was hovering above you, his hands on your both sides. Your felt a tingling sensation on your stomach, and you didn't know but Baekhyun actually felt the same.

"Arwen..." He whispered and you almost fainted at how deep his voice is. He gazed at your eyes lovingly and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear before grazing his fingers on your cheeks, his thumb brushed your lips and you can only stare at him with the same feelings, "I want to kiss you."

His gaze wandered from your eyes to your lips then to your eyes again, asking for assurance. You cupped his face with your hands and whispered, "Then do it."

His eyes sparkled and he leaned into you, you can't wait to feel those lips on yours again and you met him halfway, closing your eyes. He felt your lips against his and he can't help but smile, he never dreamed of kissing and tasting any other lips besides yours. He had longed for this, he knows that you've gave him a peck before but that wasn't enough.

He wants a real kiss, like the ones you used to share before. Kisses that are full of emotion for each other. Kisses that can speak louder than words.

He doesn't want to be pushy but he can't take it anymore so he moved his lips with yours and surprisingly, you kissed back. You had missed this and you didn't want to dream of kissing any other guy other than Baekhyun.

You were both panting hard once you pulled back. He gave you another peck because he missed you that much. You smiled at him and he can't hold back anymore so he kissed you again and you smile between the kiss at his boldness. You pulled on his hair to bring him closer to you. Either both of you wanted to let go of each other so you pulled away, a part of you disappointed but at the same time happy.

"I didn't take a mint today." You said while not letting go of your hold on his face.

He pecked your lips again once, twice, and even thrice. "I'll still kiss you even if you ate onions."

Meanwhile, from the other side of the door, your Mom was trying to eavesdrop at your conversation but he can't hear anything. "Are they sleeping? I can't hear anything!"

Your dad chuckled before picking up the boxes of toys, "They're probably making out right now."

Your mom frowned at the idea, "I don't want Hyun Ji to carry another child at this young age!"

"Oh come on, Hon. They're just making out." Your dad grabbed your mom's elbow to drag him away from your room. "They're adults now, they know what they're doing."

Your mom sighed exasperatedly, "Fine."

"How is it being with EXO?" You asked Baekhyun who is lying beside you. You were currently at the roof of your house with a blanket to lie on and some marshmallows to munch. It was past 7 o'clock and you decided to stay over since Hyun Ji's teacher called and said that they are camping and will be back tomorrow.

Baekhyun thought of his hyungs and dongsaengs before answering, "They like teasing, a lot but in contrast to that they are very great brothers." You smiled at his answer because you can tell that he loves them dearly.

"How about Baekbom-oppa? How is he?" You mentioned his brother and a smile instantly appeared on his face.

"He got married."

Your eyes widened in shock but you actually saw that coming. "Wow, tell him that I wish them the best. The girl must be really lucky." You know Baekbom because Baekhyun talked about him a lot during the past and you've met him several times during your visits at Baekhyun's house. He's a great and amusing person, just like Baekhyun.

"Arwen," he called and you turned to meet his eyes. "I want to marry you too."

You were shocked at his statement. Well, you know that you can never love anyone else other than Baekhyun and you do want to marry him too but, this early? "Baekhyun, are you proposing?"

"No, not right now. Just..." He inhaled deeply before you heard him sing. Your eyes instantly found his and he was singing this song while looking at you lovingly and holding your hand in his securely.

"A hundred and five is the number that comes to my head

When I think of all the years I want to be with you

Wake up every morning with you in my bed

That's precisely what I planned to do"

His voice sounds like a melody in your ears that you can never get enough of and will never get tired of. He continued gazing at you with those loving eyes of his and you gave the emotions back.

"And you know one of these days when I get my money right

Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life

We'll forever be in love so there ain't no need to rush

But one day I won't be able to ask you loud enough"

He propped his elbow up and stared at you for God knows how long before pinching your cheeks lightly. "Promise me you'll say yes when I proposed to you?"

You laughed at his eagerness to marry you but you just nodded it away, "I will. But make me some smores first."

He grinned happily before standing up and grabbing the marshmallows, "Anything for the queen."

You waved him off so you can eat the smores you wanted and he obediently went down the roof to your attic. He closed the door to the roof before carefully walking down the stairs, carrying the marshmallows happily.

He stopped midway on his tracks when he heard people talking, it was definitely your parents but what surprised him was when a child's voice answered their questions actively. It was a familiar child's voice to be exact.

"So you know already who your real Dad is?" Mrs. Park asked Hyun Ji is sitting obediently on the couch. The kid nodded and clapped his hands in glee, "It’s Baekhyun appa!"

"Really? Who told you?" Mr. Park asked in curiosity. He knows who told the kid but wanted to make sure of it.

"It's Mr. Byun Jaehyo, the president of CUBE entertainment. He told me before I went on the show." Hyun Ji frowned when he remembered how sad and disappointed his grandfather looked when he told his the story. "He said that he is really sorry on what happened to Baekhyun-appa and grandma so he wanted to help Mom and Dad to get back together. He told me that I'll be of great help."

Mr. and Mrs. Park nodded in understanding. Hyun Ji is really a very intelligent person for an almost 3 year old kid. It shocked them when the kid told them all the story understandingly but what shocked them the most was when they heard a plate broke into pieces and when they looked at who is to blame, Baekhyun was standing there at the kitchen, looking as blank as ever.

"Appa!" The kid shouted and ran towards him but stopped when Baekhyun took a step back. Hyun Ji didn't mean to call him Appa in reality but that's how the kid addresses him on the variety show so he was shocked when Baekhyun looked hurt and confused.

"Baekhyun?" Everyone looked at your direction including Baekhyun but what caught your eye was the broken glass on the floor and the way that Baekhyun looked at you. It was as if he was dumb founded by everything. "What happened?"

Since Baekhyun was taking too long to make the smores you decided that you should just help. You expected to see him struggling to roast the smores but you were greeted by something else.

After all that he has heard, Baekhyun could only mutter a sentence before he ran outside the house, ignoring your calls and shouts for him.

"I am so disappointed, Arwen."



The drama is just starting. Haha! I wanted to update last month but I was too occupied with finals so I'm sorry for the delay of update. But! EXO's coming back again! Yay, so expect update this April and May because it's summer vacation, and I have no summer classes so yay for that. I missed writing so much! Hope this chapter made up all the updates delayed. The song Baekhyun is singing is Marry Me - Jason Derulo, in case you're wondering. :-)

Leave me comments, suggestions, requests, guesses, opinions, and encouraging words in the comment box and I will be glad to read them. Thank you and have a lovely day!



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Will not be updating any time soon :( hope u guys will understand and wait for the last two chapters woop woop


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Baekyeol641 #1
Chapter 44: Update pleasee
Frances01 #2
Chapter 44: It's been 3 years. You still haven't updating the last 2 chapters
LoveBaek #3
Chapter 44: Continue it's going to finish anyway
LoveBaek #4
Chapter 5: Can't believe that I guessed correctly she has a son
Chapter 44: Please continue the story ! It's superb
hellopikachu96 #6
Chapter 44: please continue this story!~
AiN_Exo #7
Chapter 44: Please continue ~~~ I really love this ...
rainbowunicorn1 #8
Chapter 44: Please continueeeee, I would love to read the ending so baddd
Lovelybee0506 #9
Chapter 44: hey continue pleaseeeee
im enjoying your story :" imagining byunbaek doing those fluffy things to his son is just awwwwww :D kkkkkkk
angergirl #10
Chapter 44: yesssss, definetlyyyyyyy!