Merry Christmas

My Winter Love (BTOB Christmas Special)


[A/N: Ugh, guys… I should’ve updated this like…. 40 hours ago… My mom’s being a tightfisted that she doesn’t let me borrow her laptop when we’re in the province – with no internet connection… so, here’s the IlJae I promised u… >///< CHUU]




“I’m telling you guys, rapping is better than singing. Those douchebags are no match for us...” Ilhoon said to his group mates, earning a small nod from one of them. Though he is the youngest in their group, he is the leader due to his amazing rap.

Indeed, he was a great rapper, and no one dares to oppose it. No, he is not a bully and he never hurt anyone physically. But he is an intelligent person; he knows the exact words that could hurt people’s feelings. “Yah, are you insulting my Eunkwang-hyung?” one of his group mates, Minhyuk, questioned.

He’s much older than the boy. Ilhoon just chuckled when he heard the name. “Of course not, hyung. I’m just saying we’re better than them” Ilhoon said and pointed at the group of singers who was in a harmony singing on stage.

“Right, Dong Geun-hyung?” the youngest said and grabbed the soda from the said hyung and drank it instead. “Hey, I told you my name is Peniel! Peniel D. Shin! P-E-N-I-E-L!!!” Peniel scolded in English and grabbed his soda back from Ilhoon.

The youngest just shrugged his shoulder as he watched the performance on stage. “Okay, whatever...” After the boring performance, another name was called. “Contestant number 14, Yook Sungjae!” the emcee announced. Then, a tall, black-haired boy came up to the stage, dressed in an all white outfit and smiling cheerfully at the audience.

Ilhoon rolled his eyes when he saw the person he didn’t want to see.  Sungjae is his archenemy. They have been fighting over for what’s better – singing or rapping. They even made a survey out of it.

“Yah, Ilhoon-ah, it’s the tall kid from your school!” Peniel said cheerfully and pointed at Sungjae. Ilhoon glared at Peniel and moved his arm down. “I have eyes. I can see him” he said while gritting his teeth. “So cold...” Minhyuk commented and carried on to watching the angelic boy.

Sungjae was singing a solemn song. I was about a boy who was broken up by his girlfriend during Christmas. The song was going on smoothly until something went wrong during the high notes. Sungjae’s voice went off-tone, and it was obvious to the crowd.

The audience started murmuring and Ilhoon started shouting about how displeasure it was to the crowd. Sungjae got distracted and went downstage even if his music was still playing. As he went downstage, he passed by Ilhoon’s group, and Ilhoon grabbed his shirt to stop him from running. “Great performance out there, Yook Sungjae” he smirked at the taller boy.

Sungjae glared at Ilhoon and pushed his hand away from his shoulder, and ran out to he knows where. “Loser...” the rapper said tauntingly and heard the emcee announcing something. It was their time to perform onstage.

The three rappers stood confidently on stage. Even if they were the last ones to perform, they earned themselves from the audience because they have few fans. Minhyuk did his slow rap part well. Peniel also did the English part of the rap. The song was personally made by the trio so the rap doesn’t have any song part.

When it was Ilhoon’s part, he bobbed his head up and down, feeling the music that blasts from the speakers. Boyeojulge, Yook Sungjae... He thought as he rapped. By the end of the song, something went wrong to his performance also. It happened very quickly that no one could explain how it happened.

Because Ilhoon was at the edge of the stage, being a total performer he was, he accidentally slipped from the stage that was five feet high, earning a loud thud when he fall to the ground. The crown gasped as well as Minhyuk and Peniel. “Ilhoon-ah!” the two shouted in surprise and went downstage to help their friend.


* * *


“Ugh… Where am I???” Ilhoon grunted as he sat up, feeling the pain on his forehead. He looked around his surrounding and realized he was in Peniel’s apartment. He went looking for the owner of the house and spotted him in the kitchen, cooking something. “Hyung, what happened?” he asked in a husky voice as he sat on the chair.

“Oh, you’re awake now, Ilhoon-ah. Minhyuk-hyung just contacted your school. Take the day off for today…” Peniel said. The younger boy looked at the clock, it says 12:30 pm. “How long have I been sleeping?” he asked. “About 22 hours. Dude, you just fell off from the stage!” Peniel replied and looked at the sleepy Ilhoon.

That explains the wound… he thought as he touched his forehead. “By the way, those fruits on the table... The tall guy dropped it by earlier” Peniel said as he pointed at the fruit basket in front of Ilhoon. The brown-haired boy looked at it, and rested his head down on the table and pouted. Yook Sungjae… You really want to mess with me...


* * *



Cube High’s bell rang, indicating that it was the dismissal time for the students. But not for Ilhoon and Sungjae’s class because they have their homeroom today. The room was noisy because their teacher was not there yet. “Yah, quiet down!” Ilhoon shouted. His classmates quieted down after hearing his deep voice.

His role in the classroom was the peacemaker after knowing that he’s one of the eldest in class. There were only five of them who were born in '94 and the rest were '95 liners. Most of his classmates thought he was cute and scary at the same time. Cute because of his baby-like face, and scary because of his disciplinary actions.

Several minutes later, the teacher went inside of the classroom. She was young, around the age of 24. All of the students were quiet than before as they focused their attention to their adviser. “It seems like all of you have seen a ghost. Why are you all quiet today?” she asked with a smile as she eyed her stiff students.

Her eyes landed to a brown-haired boy who was looking out of the window. “You made a good job today, Jung Ilhoon” she said and took out some paper from her bag. “The reason I gathered all of you here is to talk about the Christmas Party that would be held on December 24th.” she announced, earning delightful cheers from the students.

“Who wants to give their suggestions about the event?” the teacher asked to prevent the commotion from growing. Then, the students started to whisper about something they planned even before. After that, Sungjae raised his hand as a representative of the class. “Yes, Yook Sungjae?”

“Uhm, Ms. Choi, the class has been talking about it during lunch… Is it okay if we’re going to have an exchange gift giving this 24th?” Sungjae suggested. After thinking for a few moments, Ms. Choi agreed to their suggestion. She instructed them to write their names on the paper and dropped it inside a box.

Next, they called them one by one to get a piece of paper. The name which was on the paper would be the person who they would give their gifts to. After the whole class has gotten the names, she asked them to open it. Some are disappointed and others are delighted. Two of the disappointed ones were Ilhoon and Sungjae.

Ilhoon frowned when he saw the name on the paper. Ugh, of all people, why does it have to be him?!?! Yook Sungjae, are you doing this on purpose?!?! He thought as he clenched his knuckles on the table, but hid his anger though his calm face. On the other hand, Sungjae…

Huh??? Why did I pick Ilhoon-hyung??? This is impossible… I don’t even know what he likes!  Sungjae was worried about what gift he would give to the elder.

After classes, Ilhoon went to the choir members to ask about Sungjae, but he didn’t get much information since they said he was a mysterious and a quiet guy. He never talked about his family to them. On the other hand, Sungjae was also doing the same thing. He went to Peniel’s apartment. Good thing he was not there.


“So you picked Ilhoon in an exchange gift, and you’re asking me what he likes?” Peniel clarified. Sungjae timidly nodded. He was feeling uncomfortable because he didn’t know this Peniel or Dong Geun as he said he was.

 “I don’t know, kid. I guess you should ask somebody else. I don’t know him that much. We live in the same apartment for three years already but still I don’t know much about him. It was Minhyuk-hyung who knew more about him. I knew he just liked to rap, so give him anything about rapping…” Peniel said.

Sungjae bowed before leaving after he got the tiny bit of information about Ilhoon.


“Try asking Eunkwang-hyung about it. You know Sungjae and me are not that close…” Changseob replied after hearing Ilhoon’s story. “But you knew him, Changseob-sshi… You were talking to him with two other guys… I saw you…” Ilhoon pouted, suddenly forgetting his title.

“Ilhoon-sshi, I always knew you were cute but that aegyo of yours won’t work for me.” Changseob said bluntly and continued eating his ice cream. Ilhoon left without anything, but he suddenly remembered that Minhyuk was close to Eunkwang who was close to Sungjae. He would ask Minhyuk about it.


* * *


“Hey Eunkwang-hyung, can I ask you something?” Minhyuk asked even before Eunkwang could say anything to him. The elder pulled his earphones off from his ear to listen to the younger. They have their free time at the café they’re working at. Well, just Minhyuk because Eunkwang owns the place.

“You know Yook Sungjae, right? Could you tell me what thing he likes the most?” Minhyuk asked as he leaned on the counter. “Yeah, what about him? I was also asking about Jung Ilhoon you talk to me about” Eunkwang said and also leaned on the counter.

“You know, Ilhoon asked me what he wants because he got Sungjae to give his exchange gift to.” Minhyuk said and finally sat on the counter, his back facing the elder. “What a coincidence! Sungjae got Ilhoon too! He said he was too worried about what he would give to Ilhoon” Eunkwang said. “Oh, and about Sungjae, I don’t really know what he likes. I just notice that he really, I mean really likes earrings. What does Ilhoon like by the way?”

“Ilhoon likes… I don’t know. Let’s just say he likes things he could keep forever.” Minhyuk said after Eunkwang asked him what Ilhoon likes for Christmas.


* * *


“Hyung, I’m going out” Ilhoon asked his permission as he tied his shoelaces. It was December 22nd and Minhyuk had asked him to help him with the items he bought from the mall. “It’s already 7:30 pm. Besides, it’s cold out there” Peniel shouted from the living room.

The elder would come if he wanted to, but he was part of the plan. Minhyuk and Eunkwang had set Sungjae and Ilhoon up to see if they could befriend each other. Minhyuk called Ilhoon and Eunkwang called Sungjae, both having the fake reasons that they needed help in carrying their shopping bags.

When Ilhoon got to the park where he and Minhyuk were supposed to meet, he saw a familiar tall figure waiting for somebody. It was then that he realized that the figure belongs to Sungjae. “Y-YOU!!!” they both said at the same time and pointed their index fingers at each other.

They both gave their reasons why they were there and agreed to wait for Eunkwang and Minhyuk together. Thirty minutes have passed, and still, there is no sign of Eunkwang or Minhyuk. Then, the snow started falling down. They both looked at the dark-colored sky as tiny bits of white substance came falling from it.

Sungjae held his hand up to catch the first snow, then suddenly, a painful memory flashbacked through his mind. Ilhoon tore his gaze away from the sky and looked at Sungjae, only to see the tears pouring down through his cheeks. “Y-Yah, why are you crying?” the elder boy said softly.

Sungjae slowly looked at Ilhoon, and looked down on the ground. Without hesitation, Sungjae told everything about his past, and cried even more than before. For the first time, Ilhoon had seen this vulnerable side of Sungjae.

 As Sungjae was crying, Ilhoon can’t help but to feel guilty because of the arguments they had. Ilhoon took off his scarf and put it around Sungjae’s neck, earning a confused look from the younger boy. “I hope that would make you feel better… Please don’t cry…” Ilhoon said softly with a sincere smile as he wiped Sungjae’s tears away with his thumb.

Sungjae stared at Ilhoon, wide-eyed. The feeling of grief was now gone and replaced with confusion. Realizing what he actually did, Ilhoon coughed a fake cough as he turned his back to the younger boy. “I… I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” Ilhoon stuttered as he blushed.

Sungjae suddenly stood up and also turned his back to Ilhoon, then touched the area where Ilhoon brushed his fingers against his cheek. He could feel his heart beating faster, and it’s making it hard for him to breathe. He grasped his chest tightly, as if waves of confusion were devouring him.

If you were a girl, I would’ve kissed you a long time ago… Ilhoon thought to himself


* * *


Next day…

 During their lunch break, Ilhoon was walking around the corridors when he saw Sungjae. He attempted to greet him when he saw the boy smiling happily at the much taller blonde-haired boy who he believed was definitely not from his class. Ilhoon didn’t know why, but he just felt the mixture of emotions, particularly anger and jealousy rise up inside him.

He barged into the conversation and faced Sungjae, leaving his self-proclaimed girlfriend at the lockers talking to herself like a dumb person. “Hey Sungjae…” he said and waved his hand at Sungjae and smirked, ignoring the weird stares that the blonde-haired boy was giving.

“Oh, hey Ilhoon-hyung” Sungjae smiled back. “I was just going to ask. Are you okay now?” Ilhoon said. Just as Sungjae was about to open his mouth to answer, the dumb girl suddenly pulled Ilhoon out of the small group and glared at Sungjae before smiling sweetly at Ilhoon. “Come, Ilhoon-oppa! I wanted to show you something!”

Sungjae and the blonde-haired boy just followed them with their eyes. I just wanted to say… Thank you… Sungjae thought as he stared at the two with painful eyes. The blonde-haired boy noticed this and frowned. “She’s a , you know… A really big one…”



Ilhoon went to the library to check the book Peniel was asking him to. As he shuffled through the bookshelves, he passed by a table with many scattered books on top, then his eyes landed to a sleeping figure. He smiled and sat down beside the person when he recognized it was Sungjae.

Ilhoon was staring at Sungjae’s cute and peaceful sleeping mode for good ten minutes until he decided to poke his nose. He chuckled because of the younger boy’s cuteness. After doing this for several times, the singer suddenly raised his head up, looked at the rapper with wide, confused eyes. “What are you doing?” Sungjae asked while blinking his eyes slowly.

Ilhoon shot up from his seat because he was caught off guard. “I-I … I wasn’t doing anything! I swear!” Ilhoon stuttered and tried to run away, but Sungjae grabbed his wrists with his surprisingly strong hands. “Don’t leave… I… I… I need you, hyung…” Sungjae said as if he was eating his words.

Ilhoon felt as if he was shot with a freeze ray because he was stunned by Sungjae’s words. He needs him. Sungjae needs him…  “I… I won’t leave you if you come with me…” Ilhoon said and took Sungjae’s hand instead, pulling him out of the library.

“YAH! NO RUNNING IN THE LIBRARY!!!” the two could hear the librarian’s voice echoing inside the library as they stepped out of the said place. Ilhoon cheerfully pulled Sungjae out of the gates of hell known as school.

As they were running, Sungjae couldn’t help but to blush at the contact. Ilhoon was gripping his hand tightly, as if Sungjae was for his dear life. Sungjae liked this feeling. He liked it when he’s close to the elder, and Ilhoon was feeling the same too just that he was ignoring it.

The two ended up in the park. They played around as if they were kids; buy themselves tteokbeokki and chatted about their embarrassing stories. The park was not that crowded since it was full of snow. They built a snowman, threw snowballs at each other, and created a snow angel.

At the end of the day, the two boys became exhausted and decided lay their backs against the soft blanket of snow that was covering the area. “You made me happy, Ilhoon-hyung. I never felt this so much fun in years…” Sungjae said with a smile as he looked at Ilhoon, and then looked at the gray sky.

The elder was astounded about this and looked at Sungjae. Then, he thought about something. I really wish you were a girl... He thought with sadness in his eyes and looked at the sky also. “I never felt this happy in my life! I wish today was everyday so I could be happy…” Sungjae said.

“What do you mean by that???” Ilhoon asked, now confused. “You know, no regrets. No sadness. No pain.” Sungjae said as he smiled sadly. The rapper was moved because of what the other said. He attempted to hold Sungjae’s hand, which was barely touching his because of the winter gloves their wearing. But, even before he could give a hold of it, Sungjae suddenly sat up, earning a puzzled look from the elder.

“Would you close your eyes for a moment, please?” Sungjae asked as he faced Ilhoon, who also sat up beside him. “Why would I do that?” the elder asked in doubt. “Just do it, hyung, pwease~” Sungjae used his aegyo at Ilhoon. The elder fall for it and sighed in defeat.

Sungjae hesitated at first, but seeing Ilhoon’s gentle face made him feel the urge to do it. He slowly inched himself closer to Ilhoon and exhaled deeply when he was only an inch close. The rapper could feel the other’s warm breath colliding against his cheek. The younger boy closed his eyes, and gave the elder a quick peck on his cheek.

The brown-haired boy shot his eyes open when he felt the soft thing that touched his cheek, only to see Sungjae standing up. “W-What did you do to me, Yook Sungjae?” he asked, the back of the younger facing him. “N-Nothing. I didn’t do anything to you!” the black-haired boy tried to run away, but Ilhoon grabbed his wrist and pulled him.

Sungjae fell on top of Ilhoon in an instant, directly in between his legs. Their chests were touching, and Ilhoon was resting his chin on Sungjae’s left shoulder as Sungjae’s chin was resting on the other’s right shoulder. “It’s okay, Sungjae-yah... Don’t cry again… It’s painful when I see you cry… I’m here for you. I’ll always be your shoulder to lean on, that’s a promise…”

Sungjae was touched with the elder’s words, until it came to the point that he was in verge of tears. Just as Ilhoon promised, he let the younger cry on his shoulder, comforting him at the same time.

I wish I could say this to you, hyung… I think I just fallen in love with you…


* * *


Christmas Party, Cube High

“Now I want everyone to forget that I’m your teacher and let’s all have fun!” Ms. Choi announced as she turned the speaker louder, enough to be heard by the people across the street. Her students started partying just as the way she wanted.

Too much fun had happened that night; and even if it was almost midnight, all of them have the energy to be partying. They ate Christmas food, gave Mrs. Choi and others gifts, and even performed live. Sungjae and Ilhoon even performed “Let It Snow” together in karaoke. It was the first time the elder sang.

After all of these, it was time for exchange gifts. After almost fifteen minutes, Sungjae and Ilhoon’s names were not yet called, until Ilhoon’s name was called. Cheers from his classmates were received when he stood in front of the class.

“First of all, Merry Christmas to all of you. When I saw this person’s name, I was like ‘Huh? Why him?’ Then, I realized I was lucky that I got this person. I’m really thankful that I got him, though it was quite hard to find a gift for him, cause I know little about him. But, I hope you like this present. Merry Christmas, Yook Sungjae.” Ilhoon said with a smile, came over to the surprised, jaw-dropped boy and handed him a small box.

“G-Gomawo…” Sungjae stuttered, took the box and bowed to the elder as a sign of gratitude. Ilhoon was about to get back to his seat, when Sungjae suddenly grabbed his wrist and stood up. “M-Merry… Merry Christmas, hyung. I hope you also liked my gift…” Sungjae said while looking down because he was too shy to face Ilhoon, and also to hide his blush. But it was useless because he was much taller than the elder.

“Kamsahamnida, Sungjae-yah…” the brown-haired boy said and ruffled the other’s hair.

After the party, most of the students had left with their parents, except for the two, so they decided to come home together instead. Snow was currently falling slightly from the sky, and the two were walking side by side. There was a complete awkward silence between the two until the rapper broke it.

“Aren’t you going to open that?” he asked. Sungjae broke from his thoughts to answer the elder’s question, looking at the box. “Not until you open yours. I picked that especially for you” Sungjae said, making the other blush. Ilhoon’s gift was placed in a pink box, laced with a darker shade of pink ribbon.

“So you’re telling me I suit with pink?” Ilhoon joked to prevent the red tint that was spreading on his face. “I… Uh… Guess so” Sungjae said after looking at Ilhoon’s wide eyes, then the two burst out in laughter as they walked. A few moments late, both of them had to stop because they had reached Peniel and Ilhoon’s shared apartment.

“I guess I’ll be going now” Sungjae turned to leave, but the elder had called his name even before he could take any step further. “S-Sungjae-yah, I forgot to tell you something…” Ilhoon said, hesitating if he should say what he wanted to say to the younger. “Neh?” the younger said as he faced the elder.

“N-Nevermind… It’s not that important anyways…” the rapper said and walked closer to the door, twisting the knob. Sungjae watched as the elder did these, and then bit his lip. If I tell him I love him, will he hate me? But this is the only chance to say it to him...

“Hyung, wait. I have something to tell you too”

“Huh? What is it Sung - - -” Ilhoon was immediately cut off with his sentence when the younger suddenly ran to him and kissed his lips softly.

It seemed like they were both enjoying the kiss because they have been kissing for more than a second already, until... “Oh Christmas Tree~~ Oh Chri - - - Oh, hey Ilhoon-ah! Hey, Mr. Choir Member! I’m just putting this mistletoe up there… Don’t mind me, just continue your stuff” Peniel said and put the object on the ceiling, as if what he witnessed was nothing.

The two looked at Peniel with ‘Dude, you’re weird’ looks. As the door was closed, the two left with awkwardness around them. Both of them were blushing hardly because of the sudden action. “I-I’m sorry, hyung.” Sungjae said and tried to run away, when he suddenly felt a pair of arms wrapped around his waist.

“Merry Chirstmas, Sungjae-yah. Saranghaeyo...” Ilhoon whispered, making Sungjae blush and freeze at the same time. The younger was jumping with joy from the inside when he heard the words slip from the elder’s mouth.

He turned to face Ilhoon, and hugged him back. “I love you too, Hyung. Merry Christmas” Sungjae said and gave a peck to Ilhoon’s lips. “You know, Sungjae, you’re my winter love…” Ilhoon said and touched their noses together and chuckled.

Though Ilhoon stated Winter Love, Sungjae knew that their love would be forever. 

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My feels are just all over the place right now. My OTP list is ruined. XD