Head in the Clouds


"I wasn't like most people. Most people woke up to the ringing of an alarm clock. Not me. I woke up to pixies and wood nymphs, and dragons and sprites. But most importantly, I woke up to the loudest fairy ever: Ree, my walking subconcious who followed me everywhere. I didn't have problems. I didn't need help. I just lived with my head in the clouds. But all that changed when I met him."


Character Descriptions:

Park JiEun (You)

You're shy, but very friendly with the people you know. You live with your head in a world of wonderland, with fairies and imaginary creatures all around you, even your subconcious. No one sees them except you. You have huge sparkling brown eyes and long dark brown waves.



Ree is your loyal subconcious who does everything with you. She's shy about being around people, like you are. When she's around you, she acts mischievious, and has a hot temper. She has giant blue eyes and strawberry pink hair that goes a little below her shoulders.


Nah Chin Azula

Your best friend! She is popular with the kingkas and her boyfriend is Infinite's Sunggyu and her brother is Woohyun from Infinite as well. You only talk to her sometimes, because she is usually with the Infinite gang, and you would rather not get involved with them. She has long black hair with electric blue dyed bangs over her left eye.


L (Kim Myungsoo)

Just moved from Jeju Island to Seoul. He is a new student at Fall Breeze High. When he first meets you, he doesn't like you because of your meek and quiet personality. Girls fawn over him even though he is cold and mean, and doesn't pay any attention to them.



He is the nicest to you of the Infinite gang. When he saw you all alone last year, he tried to talk to you and succeeded.



A/N~ Hey guys! This is a new story! Check out my other story if you have time: ShipWrecked. This is a strong representation of the original story "Head in the Clouds" by Cotton. I recommend you go check that one out too! I admire Cotton-ssi as an author sooo much! Her story centers NU'EST, while mine will be centering Infinite. Anyways, on with the story!   




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larlarlar #1
this just keeps getting better and better!
Noonanomuyeopo #2
Chapter 1: I like this story author-nim, keep writing, neh? ^^
larlarlar #3
awesome story!
Looks interesting, update soon <3
Noonanomuyeopo #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^