A Friend or not?

Time for Bloody One Shot's

Here's a little weird comeback for my bloody one-shot.. Don't know what came over me to write this, but hope you guys will still enjoy it ^-^


Being a kid is one of the best thing, sometimes kids are more braver than adults in some aspects. This weird story can prove some of the bravery, or so. Got this idea when I saw The Ring’s picture while surfing the net for some horror pics for inspiration, toinks XD



The sun was smiling at the world as everyone goes on with their daily tasks. 5 years old, little Ho on the other hand, was busy playing with his bambi while making a cute conversation with his bambi, as he munch his cute bear cookies.


On the further right corner of little Ho, was their television, no one was watching tv at the moment. So the place was in full silence other than little Ho’s one-sided conversation, but then the TV suddenly and weird noises came right from it, which startled little Ho. He turned his attention to their television that has a random pattern superimposed on the picture, visible as a random flickering of dots, with electronic noises that indicates, that it's trying to get some signal. A white ring suddenly appeared on the screen, and there a black long hair appeared and soon a long pale white hands went out from the tv, crawling its way out in slowmotion, soon the lady was now on the floor crawling her way towards little Ho, long silky hair in front of her face, wearing nothing but a white gown.


Little Ho stood up from his sitting position and walks near the lady. Once he was in front of the lady, curiosity was visible on those small almond shaped eyes, being the sweetie he is, he shooked his head and smiled.


"omo noona, how'd you do that?" said little Ho as he went near the tv and touched the screen, he even squished his chubby cheeks on the screen, trying to get inside the tv. Pout soon appeared on his small lips as he couldn't get inside the TV.


Averting his attention at the lady, who was now standing with white pale fingers ready to touch little Ho's neck, with dark aura surrounding the lady sending cold breeze around little Ho’s small body like its freezing the little one’s soul, as her right blank dark orb eye slowly shows as she moves her head a little to the left. Anger was what you can feel on the lady, but instead of being scared and just being little Ho...he just smiled and placed his cookie on the lady’s hand, who suddenly stopped from his movement as her eye rotate in circular motion, and looks at the cookie in her hand with confusion visible on her face.


"i know noona hungry, eat it... yunnie have plenty, mommy cooked lots of cookies, because yunnie loves cookies *beamed*" little Ho pushed lightly the hand of the lady and motioned for her to munch it. Again the lady rotated her eyes in circular motion as once again confusion was visible on her face.


"eat it noona *motions to munch the cookie*" with that, the lady fixed her hair, making visible and with that, she carefully took a bite from the cookie. Feeling the sensation of the sweetness of the cookie, a smile appeared on the lady’s face and little Ho smiled as well.


"mommy's cookies are the best...eat more" and with that, the lady happily munched the cookie, little Ho on the other hand, skipped his way to where his plate of cookies were, and came back with it, he then placed it in front of the lady who by now was enjoying the cookie.


They both sat on the floor indian style and smiled at each other like some good friends. With that, little Ho started to blab about his day at kinder, in which the lady listened attentively as she continue to munch the cookie.


Not far from them, little Ho's mother had his eyes wide at the scenery, he shivers at the scene in front of him. Worrying for the safety of his son, JaeJoong braven himself and run in front of his son, he hugged his confused son protectively.


"leave my son alone!!.. take me instead!!" growld JaeJoong


the lady's smiley faced suddenly changed back into a psychopath once again.


“RUN BABY!!" yelled JaeJoong.


"why mommy?" asked little Ho confusedly, he still wants to play with his new friend but his mother was acting strange.


"just listen to mommy and run away from here" before little Ho could run, the lady lightly pushed little Ho aside and moves in front of jaejoong. Shiver runs around his body, as he was now more scared than ever, like his stomach was tied in a knot, feeling that it was like his end, Jaejoong prays for his sons safety, he doesn’t care if this monster kills him, what matters is his son. He closed his eyes as he waits for his end, while his mind was on his son.


But like some wind that went pass through them, something weird happen the ghost was hugging him?. He slowly opened his eyes as he feels the cold body of the lady.


At that moment jaejoong was having a mix of emotions, he was half confused and half scared for he doesn't know what to do. Later the lady loosened the hug and beamed at him, she then stood up and took a paper from little Ho's table and scribbled something.


After that, the lady came back with the paper and handed it to jaejoong who was still in his daze. With that, she went back inside the television and left a confused mother and son. After snapping out from their trances, jaejoong turned his attention at the paper and there he red


"Don't worry i won't harm neither you or your son.... im just thankful to have met your son, i never felt this way before... it’s all new, and i love the feeling of care, your son had showed me…he is such a sweet boy... take care of him.. until I come back and get him"





"yes mommy?" asked little Ho confusedly.


"were moving out from this house…. Come, we have to hurry" said jaejoong whom was still trembling, as he tries to calm himself but remembering the note, makes him even more scared for his son’s safety. And so she carried his son in his arms and walked towards the direction of their bedroom. He needs to do what a mother needs to do, and that is to put little Ho into safety and away from the grasp of the monster. He now plans to stay at his brother who was the priest in their town. But will his son be really safe?



Meanwhile, the television flickers with dots and the lady's face apeared.


"i'll follow you wherever you guys go... your son is mine .. he’s mine I tell you *eyes glowed and turned into red as she smirks evily*"


So how was it?... yeah i made jaejoong as yunho's mother here aigoo... but anyways, do you guys think she will be able to get yunho when he grows up or before? aigoo, seriously why did i write this?...anyways, im almost done with the real yunjae one-shot so wait a little more hehehe ^-^

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here's a new update hope you guys will like it ^-^


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Chapter 4: Okay.. That's a bit creepy..

But I still love this sequel though. Hehe.
Chapter 4: awww...u made my day :)
Chapter 3: that lady is so mean ..:@
Chapter 1: this one is awesome but creepy... xD love it
u r too cute to be creepy XD..hhahaha,...gna read now..then tell u how u do it!
Chapter 4: I love it..kekeke XD yun ghost..as long as they are together then i love it >\\\<
Chapter 4: omg~!!! this is sooo much fun isnt it? yunnie came back for jae.. i definitely think u shud continue this~ plssss...
Chapter 4: W-why not make chapter?? *curious*
It's so great....
Chapter 4: OoO OMG!!! ITS SWEET YET ITS SO SCARY!!!!!!

i know its good if u can see the one u love again, but i cant manage ghost thing T^T
loveyunjae4ever #10
Chapter 4: u should continue this ^^ how jae manage his love towards yunho ghost >< kkkkk