Back rank mate {Part 2}


Jejung wouldn’t have expected in a million years that the items he carries close to him. Those objects of treason amounting to evil would be exposed under such circumstances. This revelation stunned him and he is momentarily dumbfounded.

Yunho smirked instead, not bothering to scream murder or assassination. The king did not bother to call for backup either, choosing to quietly work his way around the smaller body which is still holds pressed possessively against himself. Switching positions to dump the bounded Jejung on the bed, Yunho got on and hovers above him.

“I knew he wouldn’t be so nice.” “Sending you over so enthusiastically… without hesitation.” Shaking his head as he speaks a full sentence for the first time since his return, Yunho even chuckled resignedly.

“How low.” Whispering into a wide eyed Jejung’s ear and nibbling the prince’s pinna, Yunho took his time to continue the tease.

Running his fingers around the beautiful person’s belly button and kissing hungrily around the nape, Jejung did a short sharp inhalation and stiffens up more when Yunho rubs his groin all over his bare thighs. Consternation is killing the latter and he is at a total lost for what he should do.

“What should I do about this?” The king thought aloud purposely. This question hit Jejung so hard on the head that he sprang into action. It’s to the hell with it at last.

Head butting Yunho but missing by a mere inch since the king was anticipating some form of retaliation, Yunho got more than he bargained for. Jejung is desperate now. Though his hands are bound behind his back, he is still agile and can most definitely still fight like a pro. Treating Yunho’s head like a soccer ball is just the beginning.

Swivelling his head sideways and arching his neck to an angle, Jejung bit Yunho hard on the neck. Deciding that he does not want to taste blood, the young prince only twisted his head a little to the side before releasing, causing Yunho to jump away in shock and pain.

This gave Jejung enough opportunity to act and like a predator released into the wild, the prince acted only on his fight instinct. Snatching the sheathed dagger as he rolls over to the object lying nearby, he freed himself without much effort. This left Yunho stunned and before he can blink, Jejung is up on his feet again, fully clothed with the kimono draped loosely off his shoulder.

Yunho knows it’s time to act when Jejung takes a portion of the king’s sleeve with him. Turning to face Jejung, the king is unable to see the other’s face since the flowing long silky hair is obstructing the view, nevertheless, Yunho assumes the worse though still in shock after seeing what Jejung is capable of.

Surprise replaces any form of anger upon realising that Jejung had been tricking him all along, leading him to believe that the prince is nothing but a weak sheltered maiden. The truth is out in an instant and though there is no way to see if Jejung is enjoying the sick thrill like how Yuchun would, Yunho’s combat instincts kicks in as well.

Swinging his own sword after grabbing the nearest one on display, Yunho challenged Jejung while using one hand to tighten the waistband, to keep his clothes from falling apart. Both the king and queen are rather sensually dressed in their inner wear since their outer coats are still strewn all over the floor. This is the most dangerous Yunho is ever involved in and the man made a small note to himself never to engage in such again after he is done with this one.

It is however, a strangely stimulating experience and Yunho is , which is making him even more conscious of the tent his bulge has created in his groin clothe.

Jejung does not speak the whole time, abandoning the small dagger for the long sword on the second display holder. Hurling the sheath at the bigger man, Jejung launched himself at Yunho without a warning, movement so fleeting that it got the king is fearing for his own life for the first time since the prince’s cover is blown.

Their swords clashed with such a loud rattling that all the royal escorts are startled into action. Dashing in to fend off the smaller fighter, Jejung incapacitated them with ease by going for the hamstrings and tendons. Jejung does not intend to kill anyone aside from Yunho and that is also the conclusion that the king made swiftly.

Waving for the escorts to ‘hold their horses’ while he salvages his injured ego, Yunho lunged at Jejung, hacking the blade off the hilt of Jejung’s weapon instantly, showing off his prowess as well. The prince does not react in any dramatic manner and one cannot see his face since it is still covered by his hair. However, his breathing is perfectly regulated and that is sign that Yunho is in for a long one.

Jejung does not waste any time in replacing his weapons, reaching for another sword and darting towards Yunho once more. This time, he got Yunho, except, he never did move in for the kill. Theoretically and mathematically speaking, the slice the prince took at the neck would have decapitated the king, yet the smaller person had somehow allowed Yunho enough room to defend himself.

The king can tell that the prince did that on purpose and he is beyond baffled at first, but quickly decided that the might not be so lucky the next time around. Yunho assumes Jejung is only testing waters and he knows his life is truly at stake. Jejung is here to murder him and he knows he might not make it if he gets careless.

Taking his turn to lash out at Jejung, the king missed again and again. Up till the point where he is annoyed at his own incompetence. This time around, as if tired of this draggy duelling, Jejung had duped the sword in his hands and gone for the smaller dagger again.

Moving at an impossible speed and wrenching the sword out of the king’s hand from behind, Jejung kneed Yunho in the abdomen and was about to stab the king in the back of the neck when he stopped before finishing the deal. The halt was so abrupt to everyone else, but Jejung had seen it coming. He knows he won’t be able to move in for the kill, even after getting the thrill of the show down and enough adrenaline to make any human being high.

Yunho immediately counteracts and wrenches the dagger out from his locked elbow. Jejung lets him and simply allowed the man to pin him down once more. The prince is tired, not really exhausted physically, but mentally.

Tears were forming in his eyes and he would rather die than let Yunho see them. After all, Yuchun did tell him specifically not to appear weak. Fighting to free his hands from under the king’s iron grip, Jejung does not succeed since he is still much smaller compared to that dead weight of hulk like muscles and bones.

Kicking Yunho as hard as he can, Jejung is not surprised that the man does not budge. They remained in that suggestive position and Yunho is simply staring at him. If not, gazing, like how he would when spotting a rare animal.

However, Jejung has no intentions to play the staring game with him. Rotating his wrist and forcefully pushing his palms against the floor, Jejung manages to slip his hands out from under the obviously distracted Yunho and elbows the man in the jaw. Yunho finally snaps back and grabs Jejung, but all he caught was a piece of the latter’s kimono.

Jejung had long darted over to the window and is perched for a leap as the escorts closes in on him. He does and Yunho could not keep a yell in as he witnesses the ‘suicide’ attempt. They are on the top floor of the palace after all.

Rushing over to the window and anticipating Jejung to be either dangling by there or plunged to his death, Yunho is stunned to see the prince skilfully scaling the walls headed downwards. Both hands working professionally like a ninja as he leapt with perfect precision and lands wherever he wants to, as though he has full motor control over every muscle in him.

The king is in awe but quickly realises he is not supposed to be feeling anything else except anger. Roaring for the guards to capture the prince at all cost, Yunho had to clench his hands into a fist to stop them from tingling with excitement. Jejung excites him and he would rather die than admit it. By law, Jejung needs to pay the price for assassination. They will also need a confession to nail Yuchun and Jejung knows he needs to be either died or cease to exist to avoid that.


POV from Yunho

Unbelievable! The turn in events.

On the way back from the meeting, I was hell bent on doing some damage…

Then, watching him work in the garden earlier like a peeping tom, made me realise that he is just like my baby brother. They are both innocent and seeing him like that just reminds me of how much I really didn’t wish to hurt him. I mean… he was really just unsuspecting and I didn’t want to be the bad guy here. I thought.

But I really didn’t want to care about anything anymore! Thinking so what if I try to be nice! What did I get with playing the nice guy all this while?! Nothing but bull has been coming my way and my precious dongsaeng is paying the price for it.

An assault on my brother is akin to an assault on me!! I can’t accept that!!

I don’t care whether that monster will be pained by what I was going to do to his brother, that was the main purpose anyway!! If he didn’t care, too bad! If he cares, that’s also too bad! He just needs to know that I am not to be trifled with! I was kind but not anymore! My baby brother might not benefit from this but at least I can somehow avenge him this way!!

It’s all that bastard’s fault that everyone has to hurt!!!

That was a twisted way of doing things but I am already twisted anyways!! He was forcing me up against the wall so don’t blame me for biting back!!

That was my sentiments.

It seems like the tide has turned… somehow. Instead of me hurting someone as intended, I ended up being the one who is fighting to stay alive. How unfair! I never got a chance to make my stand and that big time.

Who would have thought that he is capable of doing what he did anyway? Those scary reflexes and eerily fast sword play.

Actually, I’m more confused than angry right now. Was that bastard intending to assassinate me? What the heck is with that anyway? Sending him in to seduce me and subsequently do me in?! How dare him! But then again, it’s not surprising at all.

What is surprising though… is the fact that someone who can get injured by the pathetic attack by my men can almost kill me… ALMOST- Twice. He is good. I will give it to him. He is crazy good and there is no use denying it.

Just look at how he jumps out of the window from the fourth storey!

Anyhow, I will have to catch him to find out more solid evidences. The dagger is a giveaway, but it’s not enough. I will need some lead that is able to give me an edge over that monster.

The alliance will not need to know about this, but I do not intend to let this one slide! This is the golden opportunity to get my Suie home. Take back everything I so generously shared with that ungrateful bastard!


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Been years and im still waiting patiently for this amazing story :))
Hannab2uty #2
Chapter 34: Please update!I love your story very much so please go on writing
jyejai #3
Chapter 34: Hi...please update this story...its so interesting
Pinachots #4
Chapter 34: Please updates this!!! Is wonderfull
kiattyandbone #5
Still waiting~
PawYoochun #6
Chapter 34: I wish this fanfic could be finished... this story is just beautiful and I would really like to know how it ends x3
Chapter 8: Aww...yunho surely loves his brother more then anything...
blackcoda #8
Chapter 34: please update soon, i love your stories
asuwakurakara #9
awesome story :D
IcahXi #10
Chapter 34: Ooohh.. Please update soon! I love your stories.