Only one

Only One


School was over when I headed to Baekhyuns’ class. I always had that excited feeling every time we were going to meet. Seeing his smile, hearing his voice calling my name sweetly were some of my mood booster. It’s because I really really love him, I love my boyfriend so much.


Baekhyun and I were couple since eight months ago. He was a sweet guy and I was very happy to have him. We ate lunch together, going back home together, even when he had some difficulties on his lesson he would visit my house to ask for my help. And when I asked him why he asks me instead of his friends, Kyungsoo or Suho who always got the best score, his answer was because he wanted to see me also. Then when I was giving him the lesson he would always stare at me and smiled.


Remembering those sweet moments I had with him just made me love him even more. Yes, me. I wished that he feels the same.


I entered his classroom just to be welcomed by loud sound of laughter. I moved in shock to hear that and when I looked up I saw Baekhyun with his friends were laughing. I stopped on the doorway, hesitated whether to approach him or leave but then I saw Kai next to Baekhyun was whispering something to him and then Baekhyun turned his head to see me.


I just gave him a smile and kept standing there. I saw his friends one by one leaving him and he just gave them a disappointed look, “Ah you’re going too, Chanyeol?”


The tall guy just gave him a nod and soon they got out the class, leaving me and Baekhyun.


There was something stuck on my heart. Did I bother him just a moment ago?


Before I could think any further, I saw him approaching me.


“Hi”, I greeted him with a smile. He replied it with a smile, “Shall we go now?”


“Ah sure! Let’s go!”, with that words he headed first and walked before me.

I was watching his back while we walked down the road side to my house. I just.. I don’t know..


He seemed so different. Back then at the class, he usually greeted me with a bright smile, asking me if I would like to hang out for a moment before going back home. Even he would walk beside me and sometimes put his arms securely around my shoulder, talking non stop, joking, everything were filled with our laughter along our way back home.


But today was different.


Actually lately, he was acting different. When I texted him and he didn’t reply, he would say that he didn't bring his phone along, or he had fallen asleep. Back then he was the one who text me a lot, from morning until night. Because sometime we didn’t have time to meet each other, he would text me, saying that he really missed me.


When I called him just to ask if he had his lunch or not he would answer briefly and quickly hung up the phone. Back then he was the one who often to call me, especially at night, singing me to sleep and giving me sweet good night.


I had considered telling him something actually, telling him what I really felt. But we hadn’t had a quality time together, we didn’t see each other as much as before. I was thinking of him all day but when we met I had no bravery to tell him. I was enjoying the time I had with him, even he said and did nothing, it’s okay for me. As long as I could see him everyday, that’s enough. But then it was hurting me softly..


“Jagi, we’re here”, I stopped walking and looked up to meet the earlier voices’ owner.


He was standing in front of me and keeping his hands on his pockets. That was when I realized that I had a teary eyes.


“Ah-um yes, thank you for walking me home, Baekhyun-ah”, I didn’t usually say that to him but the situation just made me nervous and that words just slipped out right away. He looked little bit confuse and started to study my face.

I felt like I should get going quickly before he asks me something, “Okay then, bye, see you-“




He stopped me with his hands on my shoulders. My heart beat increased suddenly as I couldn’t handle the strong feeling I had that time. I kept my head down to hid my face.


“Where’s my hug?”, he said while his hands stayed still.


I was reluctantly looking at his eyes with confusion. Yes he’s right, I usually gave him a hug before I left but I was so messed, I didn’t remember that.


He seemed to feel uneasy to see my behavior, “Jagi.. What’s wrong-”


“You know.. maybe.. maybe we should end this.. right now”, a drop of tears flowed down my cheek as I said that straight words.


“W-what? What do you mean? To end what..?”, he stuttered as his hands slowly drooped down from my shoulders.


I gathered all my strength, but still didn’t dare to look at his eyes, “I want to break up”




sequel or not? I'm so confused asdsdfsadfhkagsfhlasgf

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Chapter 2: sequel please ._.
Sweet_Tteokki #2
Chapter 1: SEQUEL! I would love that one! =DD
Chapter 1: OF COURSE! SEQUEL!!!!
go_exo #4
Chapter 1: SEQUEL, please~ :D
lossies #5
Chapter 1: Sequel please!!! You can't leave me hanging like that:( please sequel author-nim!!!
SeQuEl PlEaSe!:D
Chapter 1: SEQUELLLLL please
we really need an explanation why bekhyun suddenly act like that, autornim..
Chapter 1: Sequel!!!!!!!!