Not So Lonely This Christmas

Not So Lonely This Christmas


Christmas break started two days ago, so most students have left the dorms and returned to their respective homes and families.  The few students left are either still about to leave or already had plans on celebrating Christmas together in the dorm.
Kyuhyun was one of the few students left in the dorm, but he wasn't invited to the midnight Christmas party because first, he wasn't close with the students attending that party; second, he never spent Christmas in the dorms before, so they were all probably expecting him to leave before the 25th; and third, he had been locking himself up in his room with his own stack of food, so he never needed to go out of the room.
Kyuhyun couldn't stop the tears rolling down his cheeks.  He wasn't much of an emotional or sentimental person, but realizing that he would be spending Christmas without his family for the first time turned him into a crying ball of mess.  He always hated going out for Christmas grocery shopping with his mother.  He hated decorating the Christmas tree with his sister.  He hated putting up the Christmas lights outside the house and among the plants in their garden with his father.
Even with all the things he hated and found annoying, he still wanted to spend the Christmas at home with his family; however, his father ended up in the hospital.  Though his father has insurance to take care with the hospital bills, his family needed to save money for his father's medications and other expenses when he is out of the hospital.  They couldn't send money to Kyuhyun, so he could buy a plane or ship ticket for home.  Kyuhyun also regretted not saving enough money.  
Siwon wondered if there was a ghost when he heard footsteps and other noises after passing by a room, but then again, did ghosts
have footsteps?  It probably wasn't a ghost, but maybe something scarier and not human since he was pretty sure that everybody was at the dorm's backyard, readying their Christmas food, gifts, and fireworks outside.
Siwon knocked firmly on the door at the room where he heard the footsteps and other shuffling sounds.  "Is anybody in there?"
Kyuhyun had finished crying by then.  He was walking towards the bathroom to wash his face when he bumped on the table which knocked over his books and papers on the floor.  He cursed slightly and leaned down to pick them up when he heard someone's voice outside the door.  He didn't want anybody to know that he was there, but the voice outside the door sounded slightly scared.  The other must be thinking he was some sort of criminal or whatever weird creature in horror or monster movies.
After Siwon knocked for the second time, the door finally opened. "Kyuhyun?  Have you been here all along?"  He was shocked to see the other.  Not to mention, how obvious that the other looked like he has been crying.
"Yeah, I trust you won't tell the others?  I wouldn't want to intrude your party or anything.  I just want to be alone."  Kyuhyun was relieved that out of all people, it was Siwon.  Although he wasn't exactly close with Siwon, he knew he could trust the other in keeping a secret.
"Are you sure? I'm sure the others wouldn't mind you joining."
"Yeah, I'm sure."
"Okay then... Merry Christmas."  Siwon greeted with a smile.
Kyuhyun didn't expect that such a simple yet sincere greeting would make him feel better.  "Merry Christmas to you too."  He greeted back with a small smile of his own.  He returned back into his room as Siwon gave him a friendly goodbye wave before walking a way.
Then Kyuhyun's message alarm tone broke the silence in his room.  He looked over his cellphone and saw that he received three messages from his family members.
I am getting better and healthier.  Stay strong and healthy too, my son.  Merry Christmas!
You may not be with us, but you are always in our hearts.  Merry Christmas!!! Loving you always, mom.
Merry Xmas, pimple face =P
Kyunhyun smiled fondly at the messages and replied to each of them.  He went to the bathroom and washed himself.  He looked at his reflection on the mirror and was surprised that he didn't look as bad as he expected.  Maybe because he already felt better because of Siwon's greeting and the text messages from his family members.
A few minutes later, the clock striked 12 which meant that it was already December 25th.  Kyuhyun enjoyed watching the fireworks from his window.  When he looked down on the ground, he could see a few students celebrating.  He spotted Siwon, who turned around and returned Kyuhyun's gaze.  Siwon smiled and waved at Kyuhyun.
Kyuhyun waved back.  He felt less lonely knowing that someone knew about his presence.  He didn't feel too sad knowing that his family members wouldn't want him to be crying this Christmas.  Suddenly, Siwon was out of his sight.  He wondered where the other went.
The fireworks finally stopped, so Kyuhyun changed into his pajamas and got ready for bed.  He doesn't usually wear his blue pajamas designed with cute brown teddy bears, but it was given by his mom as a Christmas gift last year.  He feels just a bit closer to his family with simply wearing his pajamas right now.  
After he finished changing, there was a knock on his door again.  Kyuhyun immediately knew that it was Siwon and wondered why the other came back.  He opened the door and was surprised that the other was bringing food and drinks. 
"Cute."  Siwon commented after seeing Kyuhyun's pajamas.
Kyuhyun blushed.  "What are you doing here?"  He asked despite the fact that it was pretty obvious.
"To celebrate Christmas with you."  Siwon made his way inside Kyuhyun's room and placed the food and drinks on the bedside table.  "I also have a Christmas gift for you."  He handed Kyuhyun a flower made out of tissue.
For the first time since the start of Christmas break, Kyuhyun finally laughed.  "Thank you."  He accepted the flower tissue and pretended to inhale the scent as if smelling a real flower. "Smells like someone wiped their hands off from barbecue sauce."
"That would be me."   Siwon admitted, not feeling all too guilty about it.  "Well, you can use that to wipe off barbecue sauce when you're done eating too."  He handed Kyuhyun some barbecue before opening the cans of beer.  They were university students and only had a few months away from being legal to drink.
They ate, drank, and had a friendly conversation.  When the alcohol finally hits them, their conversation started to get more personal and their actions became more daring.  Kyuhyun told Siwon the reason why he was spending Christmas alone this year.   He shed a few tears which made Siwon reach out and pull him in for a hug.
In return, Siwon also shared his own sad story about his parents getting a divorce back in his 1st year of highschool.  It turned out that his father actually cheated on his mother and even had a child with the other woman.  A few months after the divorce, his mother started dating.  Every Christmas, there always seem to be a new guy around, so Siwon always made sure to spend Christmas with his friends or a friend's family.
"Don't you have a girlfriend to spend Christmas with?"  Kyuhyun's voice slurred a bit from being drunk.  If he probably was in his normal self, he wouldn't have asked such a question.  Besides, there's no way that such a handsome guy like Siwon didn't have a girlfriend, right?
"I don't have a girlfriend.  I'm gay... oh man, I can't believe I just said that."  Siwon groaned and fell sideways from his sitting position on Kyuhyun's bed.
Kyuhyun simply laughed, also falling right beside Siwon on the bed.  "I guess we're really drunk.  We're both talking too much.  Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."  He turned his head to look at Siwon who already fell asleep and started to snore.
"Merry Christmas, Siwon."  Kyuhyun whispered knowing that he would only get a snore as a reply from the other.  He chuckled and fell into a peaceful sleep.
Kyuhyun woke up with a hangover.  Siwon was no longer in bed with him, but he saw a glass of water and a bottle of aspirin on his bedside table.  After taking the medication, Kyuhyun noticed that there's a note on the bedside table too.
Can I get a kiss as a Christmas gift? Just kidding! Merry Christmas!!!
Kyuhyun just finished with taking a bath and his other morning rituals when he heard a knock on the door.  He knew that it would be no other than Siwon.  He opened the door and saw that Siwon was holding a tray of food.
"Good morning! Breakfast delivery for Kyuhyun!" Siwon greeted and made his way inside the room.  He paused for a bit when he saw his own handwritten note on the bedside table before putting the breakfast tray on top of it.  When Siwon turned around, he was suddenly kissed by Kyuhyun.  After the initial shock, Siwon kissed back passionately, making the kiss much more heated with an arm wrap around Kyuhyun's waist and the other's body pressed against his own.
"I think we both wanted that kiss."  Kyuhyun murmured after pulling away from the kiss. "I guess this year's Christmas didn't turn out too bad after all.  If you like, you can spend Christmas with me and my family next year."
"I'd like that."  Siwon was already looking forward to next year's Christmas.
A/N:  It's been a long time since I wrote a SJ fic which is why I joined this contest so that I'll have an excuse to write a SJ fic.  I hope my skills aren't rusty with them XD Comment please? Even a simple good luck for the contest would make me happy ^^
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Not So Lonely This Christmas is updated!


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Merettevan #1
Chapter 1: Very sweet and warm story! I enjoyed reading it, I love that Siwon cared so much about Kyu and tried to cheer him up and be by his side when Kyu couldn't be with his family like he wanted. I think the kiss was really nice and tender and yes they both wanted it! :D
sjmunchkin #2
Chapter 1: Aww, i hope it will be you have in mind to write a sequal? Maybe their next christmas together...
ImSoCursi #3
Chapter 1: I hope that you'v won the contest. And.... i love kyuhyun's teddy bears pijamas! i want to see that hahaha.
naruwookie #4
Chapter 1: oh mannn, it's late to say good luck to you already xD

but i enjoy this fic, imagining Kyu in pyjamas designed with cute bears making me squealing alone, in this early morning, hahaha xD

i don't even ship them! I don't even ship SJ TOGETHER!?...
memoire- #6
okei, wonkyu is not my fav pairing in sj but THEY ARE CUTE TOGETHER I JUST CAN'T.
Chapter 1: I love it!!!
LovingKitty #8
Chapter 1: Omo so cute i swear i luv ur stories tgey make me sooii aisb cNt even describe it lol still wonderful storg
Chapter 1: Bah I missed your SJ oneshots ;w; and to top it off~ WONKYU YAH. MAH BABIES. kidding but hell they're such a damn guilty pleasure always have a sensitive spot for my favourite OTP ^^.
Been way too long since I last commented on your fics~ how are you ahha Kyu was utterly squishingly adorable in this, Siwon shouldve just humped him sooner aish... Ahha love the kiss, it's so nice you actuLly interpreted real situations of how some people actually spend their Christmas. Not many notice a lot of people don't exactly have a great Christmas every year let alone like it :/
Regardless, loved this! as always~ ^^