Just A Bet ?


"Baby . Are you still mad at me ?" Jaejoong asked as he get ready to leave .

Nahhhh .I'm totally in a gooooood mood due to my tall giraffe . Tall giraffe? cute name *giggles*

Jessica purposely ignored him ,acting like she is still mad .

"Babeeeee . I'm sorry . Okay , it's my fault for not telling you that I'll be sleeping out last night ~"Jaejoong whined .

"Okay okay . Just for this once . Understand ??" Jessica glared at him . Actually , she want him to leave as soon as possible

"Yaayy ! Thank you , babe !" Jaejoong kissed her many times on her cheek and Jessica just stand still .

"Alright . Aren't you running late ? I thought you said that you have a meeting at 2 ?" Jessica asked , not trying to be so obvious that she wants him to leave quickly .

"Oh yes ! I gotta go , sweetheart . Don't forget to text me , okay ? Love you ." Jaejoong quickly pecked her lips and wore his shoes before he left .

Jessica just smiled and did not reply to his words . The moment Jaejoong left , she closed the door and rushed to her bedroom . She grinned as she jumped on her bed . 

She immediately took her phone at the night stand , unlock it and called Sooyoung .




"Heluuuuu ?" Sooyoung dorkily answered the call , causing Jessica to giggle .

"Hello , calling to my baby giraffe ." She bit her lips .

"Hello back , calling to my princess ." Sooyoung replied .

"Baby . Jaejoong just left . Do you .... umm.. wanna c-come over ?" She asked softly with blushing face . Calling Sooyoung "baby" felt more natural than calling Jaejoong that now . She don't know why that calling Sooyoung "baby" makes her heart races more .

"Umm .. Y-you s-sure you want ... that ?" Sooyoung stuttered .

"Yes . I give you maximum 20 minutes and by then , you must be in front of me ." She ordered .

"Huh ?! B-b-b-babyyyyyy ! That's not enough !" Sooyoung cutely whined . Hearing Sooyoung calling her back "baby" doesn't make her heart beats slower than before .

"Nah-uh . Your time starts now , baby giraffe . See you !" She quickly hangs up . 


"Breathes in , breathes out , Jessica !" She exhales and inhales to calm her heart down . Her whole face is red as she can't stop blushing . Once her heartbeat has become steady , she spaced out and played with the end of her hair with her finger as she can't stop chuckling that Sooyoung stuttered to call her baby . She already can imagine his panic expression .

"Choi Sooyoung ...... Jessica Choi ..... Ummm, Jessica Kim ? Oh my god ... why is Jessica Choi sounds 100x better ? " She mumbled shyly to herself , already picturing her future .

Jessica suddenly sighed . "I only knew Sooyoung , not more than how long I knew Jaejoong . We are moving extremely too fast but why am I already picturing , imagining our future together ?? Jessica Jung , are you kidding me ..." She talked to herself . She knew and dated Jaejoong longer but after knowing Sooyoung , all the feelings that she built throughout the long time with Jaejoong disappears just like that .

Jessica knew Jaejoong since their childhood times but she took longer time to open up to Jaejoong and as last , accepting his request to be his girlfriend after so many times Jaejoong tried .



Jessica immediately get off her thoughts . She stood up and rushed to her dressing table to check on her appearance first . After that , she makes a random y expression. "Perfect." She grinned and ran to the door .

She opened the door and greeted by a bouquet of flower as someone that she was waiting is in front of her . 

"Hello there , I'm looking for someone named Jessica Jung . Is she around ?" 

Jessica smiled . "Hmm . Can I know why are you looking for her ?" she played along.

"Oh . She called me to come over . Can I see her?"

"Nahh . She said she changed her mind . You can go home now ." Jessica teased , causing Sooyoung to pout .

"Whaaaaaaaaaat ? I came here as fast as lightning !" Sooyoung cutely whined .

Jessica cannot take anymore as she cupped Sooyoung's face and kissed him deeply . Sooyoung smiled and returns the kiss . They kissed not realising that they were in their own world with the open door .

Soon , they pulled away from the kiss and of course , Jessica took the advantage and bit his lip .

"heh . Hello , baby . "Jessica stared into his eyes lovingly .

"Helloooooo . Here , beautiful flowers for a gorgeous princess ." Sooyoung grinned .

"Thank youuuu. It's beautiful !" Jessica exclaimed and pecked his lips again .

"Wow . Do you really miss me that much ?" Sooyoung teased ."*sigh* Looks like my charm is still there ." He joked , earning a glare .

"Do you mean that you do this to other girls always ?" Jessica glared in jealousy .

"Hmmm ........" Sooyoung teased again , pretending that he's counting how many girls are there .

Jessica frowned and glared him as she pushed the flower back to him . "Take it back . I don't want it ." She said coldly .

Sooyoung suppressed his laugh , seeing how adorable Jessica is right now . "Alright alright . I'm joking . You are the second person i did this after my ex-girlfriend ."

Jessica ignored him . Right now , she feels extremely jealous .

Sooyoung pull her and hugged her tightly . Due to the height , Jessica rested at the crook of his neck and inhaled his scent . Oh my god , this can be my favourite of the favourite scent ever .

"I'm really joking . I only dated one person in my life before you . So you are the second lady that i'm in love with ." Sooyoung mumbled to her ears before pecked her head . 

"Really ?" Jessica asked .

"Uh-huh ." 

"Better be true . I hate you ." Jessica pouted .

"I love you too . Can we go inside now ? It's like we are giving free show without audience here." Sooyoung joked .

Jessica laughed and intertwined their fingers before entering the apartment . Sooyoung stopped walking as they proceed  to the sofa , causing Jessica to look at him . "Why?" She asked .

"I don't want to sit there." Sooyoung pouted .

"Why not?" 

"I can see that Jaejoong always kissing you and making out with you on that couch . I don't like that view at all . " Sooyoung said in jealousy .

Jessica stared at him before giving him a cheeky smile . She seductively bit her lips and walked in front of Sooyoung as she softly pushed him on the chest , pushing him towards the sofa .

Sooyoung can see where this is going before squinting his eyes playfully at her . "What are you trying to do , Miss Jung ?" He smirked . The back of knee touched the couch causing him to sit down and Jessica straddled on top of him , making him to lie down .

"Is it that the reason that you left hurriedly and avoid me when Jaejoong came the past two days?" Jessica ily whispered .

"N-n-no . W-who s-says ?" sooyoung stuttered hearing Jessica's whispers .

Jessica smirked and leaned closer to his ear "You're freaking adorable , you know that ?" She bit her lips and seductively whispered before she gave a soft blow to his ear , causing Sooyoung to shiver .

Sooyoung playfully bit Jessica's ear as a revenge . "Such a tease ." he whispered back .

Jessica giggled and get up from him . "Do you want to do last preparation for our presentation ?" She asked .

"Hmmm ,yeah why not ?" Sooyoung nodded .

"Yeah , since someone left so early that time because of jealousy ." Jessica teased as she walked to her room , taking her laptop and essential school stuffs .

Sooyoung playfully scoffed and rolled his eyes .

Jessica came back and put her laptop on the coffee table . "Baby , do you want some drinks ?" 

"Nahh , it's okay . I can take myself later ." Sooyoung smiled . "Come , sit with me ." he sat down on the floor instead on the couch . 

Jessica followed him and sat beside him . She then intertwined her left hand with Sooyoung's right hand , causing him to chuckle .

"You know that I can't use my right hand if you do this , right ?" Sooyoung teased .

Jessica just cheekily nodded .

"Yaaah , how am I supposed to use the mouse then ?" Sooyoung playfully frowned . 

"I'll use my right hand . We'll coordinate together ." Jessica said .

Sooyoung raised his eyebrows and laughed  ."That's very harddd . Babyyyyy , just for now okay ? If we do that , we'll spend longer time preparing ." He said , causing Jessica to pout .

"Eiiiiii , is my ice princess sulking ?" He teased while pinching her cheeks softly . "Hey, if we finish earlier, everything for the presentation , the more time for us to spend together . You know like watching movies while cuddling , making each other dinner or ....... " he paused . "Make love ." he whispered before laughing .

Jessica blushed madly as she playfully slapped Sooyoung's shoulder . "ert !" she exclaimed but she like it though . "Okay , let's finish quickly . Quick quick quick !" She said as she released their intertwined fingers .



Lesson just ended for today and everyone has left except Taeyeon and Tiffany as they ended a bit later since Taeyeon teaches Tiffany on the subject . For Tiffany , lessons has been very fun and exciting because of Taeyeon .

"Baby , where are you going after now ?" Tiffany asked .

"I don't know . Go home , i guess ."

"Do you want to come over ? Mummy and daddy won't be back until evening ." Tiffany suggested .

"Hmm ... it's okay . I have soccer training later. I'll help my mum for a while before going to training ." Taeyeon smiled .

"Oh okay ..." tiffany said in sad tone before she has an idea . "Baby !" She suddenly shouted , surprising Taeyeon .

"W-wh-what ??" Taeyeon panicked for a moment , thinking there's something important .

"Can I come along for your training ?" She looked at Taeyeon and grinned .

"Huh ? Uhhhhh..... I don't think you should ..." Taeyeon said softly.

"Why ??" Tiffany frowned .

"Uhhhh ...." taeyeon said .

"Why ??? KIM TAEYEON ! Are you having another girlfriend ?? Did she always come for your training ??? That's why you don't want me to come ?!" Tiffany suddenly exclaimed .

"WHAT ? Noooooooo ! I'm not a cheater , okay ? I will always stick at one ." taeyeon immediately clears up . 

"Then ?" Tiffany glared at him .

"It's just ... it'll be boring for you because you won't be doing anything there and my training is 2 hours . Plus we guys like to slack there . It'll be hours at there . I'm afraid it'll be very very boring for you and you regret for going there later ." Taeyeon scratched his neck .

Tiffany raised her eyebrows towards him . She faces him and cupped his cheeks . "Kim taeyeon . Listen . I never find anything about you or around you boring . Being with you is the most fun thing that can happened in my life . Understand ? And plus , can't a girlfriend support her boyfriend ?" She smiled and pecked his lips .

"You support Siwon during his match and training before , right?" Taeyeon asked , causing Tiffany to slap his shoulder .

"Why are you talking about Siwon ? I don't want to hear about him at all ." Tiffany frowned . Truthly speaking , Tiffany just hate hearing the name of 'Siwon' . Hearing that can bring her mood flat down .

Taeyeon chuckled ."I'm just asking , baby girl ."

"Of course I did but everything were the past . You're my current , my present and my future . I don't want to hear that name again , you hear me ?" 

"Yes , mummmmyy ~ hee ." Taeyeon grinned .

"Good . So now you have a reason to come over to my house . Oh , speaking about your training , where is Sooyoung ?" Tiffany asked 

"I don't knoww . Sooyoung's absent for school but I'm not sure about the training . Ehhh ... do you know what happened to Jessica ? She's absent as well ." Taeyeon asked .

"I don't know . You should text Sooyoung if he's sick . I'll text Jessica ."Tiffany said as she took out her Note2 and texts . Taeyeon took out his old Nokia phone and texts sooyoung .

Tiffany saw his phone and immediately took out something from her bag . "Here ." She gave to Taeyeon . It's the Note 2 that she gave to him .

"I don't need it . I can use this " Taeyeon said . 

" use this ! I want you to use this phone back ." Tiffany ordered .

"Baby . I don't need this . And baby, can I say something ?" Taeyeon asked .

"Yes , you can but first , give me your phone . " Tiffany sternly said . When Taeyeon did not give , she glared at him and snatched his phone . She took his SIM card out and put inside the Note2 phone before keeping the old Nokia phone to herself . "Now , I'll return you YOUR phone . Alright , now you can say what you want to say" She smiled .

Taeyeon just shook his head . He knew how stubborn his girlfriend can be .

"From now , stop wasting your money on me . Alright ? Whatever it is , don't use your money on me . I'll try whatever I can if I need something . Furthermore , I got paid for my soccer trainings and matches . Okay?" taeyeon said seriously as he looked into his eyes .

"What are you talking about ? You are mine . Everything that I spend on you are not wasted ." Tiffany frowned .

"I know I know . But still , I'm a guy in a relationship . I know that I'm poor but I promise you that I will work as hard as possible so I can spend MY money on you not the other way round . Truthly speaking , it's not sweet to see the lady always use her money just because she's financially stable . I want to work hard for us so I also can impress your mum . Remember ? From now on , stop wasting your money on me like buying me clothes or anything else . Okay ?"

Tiffany frowned and about to retialiate but was interrupted .

"Promise me , baby ? Please ? Give me a chance to prove you ,your mum and your dad that I'm a worthy person for your life ." Taeyeon said .

Tiffany looked away for a while before looking back into his eyes . "Okay . BUT I don't want you to say that you're not worthy for me and i'm wasting money on you . I never ever felt that . You understand ?" 

Taeyeon nodded and smiled . "Understood." He pecked her lips . "alright , come on . Let's go .Pack your stuffs . I need to go home first to take my training things ."

"Okay , we will stop by at your house before going back to my house ." Tiffany said .

"Huh ? No no . You go back first  . Later , I will come over ." 

"No ! It's final !" Tiffany exclaimed .

Taeyeon chuckled with Tiffany's antics . "Aigooo ! Fine ! " He imitated Tiffany's tone , earning a playful pinch on his arm and thigh .

"Okayokaaaay . hahaha . Come on . Let's go . Uncle Im must be waiting ." They wore their backpack and intertwined their fingers before leaving . 

Taeyeon and Tiffany walked towards the front gate before Tiffany stopped . "Oh my !" She gasped .

"Why?" Taeyeon looked at her .

"I forgot that I left my Maths File at my desk . Give me one minute , baby . I'll be back soon ." She said as she gave Taeyeon her bag and ran back up to class . 

"Forgetful girl ." Taeyeon shook his head and chuckled . He walked towards the general office because there's a bench outside and sat there .

He took out the smartphone that he used last time . He unlocked and saw everything that's in it is still untouched . Taeyeon smiled seeing the selcas he took with Tiffany last time . Since he's bored , he pressed the Camera app and took 4 selca in one picture . He was looking at the screen while styling his hair using his right hand while raising his left eyebrow with lips pressed together . He looks so smexy .

After so long , he upload it to his Instagram account . Post : After so long . hehe ^^ #bored

Not more than 5 minutes , he already received more than 50 likes and 10+ comments . He checked his profile and he noticed he gained a lot of followers . Currently , he has almost 1000 followers , believe or not . Not only students from SONEs College , but from the other schools also has gained interest towards him . 

Due to soccer , Taeyeon has gained a lot of supports , fans and no one bullies him anymore EXCEPT for Siwon .

Then Taeyeon saw a car coming and stop at the pick up area . He looked up and saw classy Mercedes Benz S class . He then saw two guys wearing suits came out . He saw that they were walking towards him, causing him to keep the phone .

"Mr Kim Taeyeon ?" One of a guy said . 

"Uhh .. yes ?" He stood up due to politeness .

They then smiled and 90 degrees bowed at him . "Good afternoon , sir ." they bowed , startling Taeyeon .

Taeyeon bowed back . "Uhh , why are you looking for me ?" 

"Sir , you are called to follow us back to meet our superior chief ." One of the guy politely said .

"Huh ??? I'm sorry but I don't think I have offended someone ." Taeyeon frowned .

The guys chuckled . " correct , sir . You have offended no one . Our superior chief wants to meet you due to some reason ." 

Taeyeon frowned deeper ."can you tell me who is your chief ??" 

"I'm sorry , sir but our chief doesn't want us to tell . You will know if you go there ."

"Nah . I'm sorry , tell your chief that I'm not going ." Taeyeon rejected .

"Sir , please . Our chief has been searching for you for so long and now he found you , he demanded us to bring you back . He really wants to meet you " They said desperately as they bowed again .

"What ? Who the heck is your chief ?? Searching for me ?? For what ?! Creep . Look , whoever he is , I'm saying I'm not going . Stop bothering me . " Taeyeon exclaimed and glared at them . Luckily for him , he saw Tiffany running back to him . He quickly rushed to her , intertwined their fingers and ran exiting the school compound .

"SIR !" The two guys shouted for him and ran after him but unfortunately Taeyeon and Tiffany already entered Uncle Im's car and sped off .




"Uncle ! Quick ! Go go go !" Taeyeon exclaimed as Uncle im quickly speed off .

Tiffany looked to the back and saw the two guys who ran after them . "Who are they??" Tiffany panted .

"I don't knoww . Suddenly they came to me ,saying that I need to follow them to meet the superior chief ." Taeyeon replied panting .

"Why ? And who is their superior chief ?" Uncle Im asked as he looked at the rear view mirror .

"I don't knowww . They told me that I did not offend anyone , yes that's true . And this superior chief of them has been searching for me for a long time and he wants to meet me due to some reasons but they can't tell me who is the chief unless i meet him . Creep , man !" Taeyeon frowned and exclaimed .

Tiffany bit her lips worriedly . " Baby , don't worry. If they harassed you again , just call the cops , okay ?" She Taeyeon's chest to calm him down .

"Okayyy . Don't worry . If they harass me again , I'll give them one flying kick each ." Taeyeon joked , earning laughter .

Who the heck is the superior chief ??*sigh*



An update after so long . hahaha sorrrryyy ~

I'M SO HAPPY THAT I GOT FEATURED . I'm busy that i can't update but I still log into my AFF and wasn't expecting to see my fic at the homepage . Thank you to all of my readers who has been sticking with me even i'm an lousy author who always update late . I apologised ! And i reached 1000++ SUBSCRIBERS ! Ohmygaaaaagohmygadddd . 


I hope I don't have a lot of silent readers . 1000++ subscribers and not much comments meant most of you are silent readers *glared* hehe ^^

COME ON ! Comment Comment Comment ! 



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YoonTi #1
Chapter 60: still waiting author 😭
miselio28 #2
Chapter 60: Back again for this masterpiece update soon author nim please
NekoLS #3
Chapter 60: I come baack to reread this story again
Aigoooo i miss your story authornim when will you update sob 😭 😭 sob
kwansegon #4
You know I've been waiting for the update up till now. Where are you author-nim?
Tae143tiff #5
Chapter 60: It'll be good till the complete
CrissYoung #6
Chapter 60: New reader here.. please do continue...
lampi5 #7
Chapter 60: Author please come back 😭
embongtaar #8
Chapter 60: I’ve been waiting for your update, Please update soon author-nim.
tyeam0309 #9
Chapter 60: Author please update.
Chapter 60: Author I love your story will u plz update another chapter, cause I am so desperate right know of thinking what happens next and thank u for story?