Just A Bet ?

"Baby .." Tiffany said with a shy smile .

"Hmm ?" Taeyeon responded as he played with Tiffany's hair . He's still at Tiffany's mansion and both of them are cuddling while watching random tv shows at the wall mounted tv . They left an hour more before Mrs Hwang will be back .

Tiffany giggled . "Taetaeee ...." She said as she played her fingers on his chest .

"Yessssss ...." Taeyeon played along .

Tiffany hugged him tighter and rested her arm on his waist . "I love you so much ." She said .

She heard Taeyeon chuckled . Taeyeon lifted her head up so she looked at him . "I love you too , baby ." he smiled and pecked her lips .

"Really ? How much ?" she teased .

"Hmm .... Thhhiiiiiiiiiiiiissssss much ." Taeyeon dorkily stretched his arm one big round , causing Tiffany to giggle .

"Awwww . Aren't you sweet little boyyy ?" Tiffany laughed .

Taeyeon nodded with his puppy eyes . "I'm your sweet little boy ."

Both of them can't stop laughing with each other's antics . 

"Baby ... "Taeyeon's voice suddenly turns a bit serious .

"Hm ?" Tiffany looked at him .

"Where are we going ?" Taeyeon asked as he looked back .

"What do you mean by that ?" Tiffany asked back .

"I-i mean .... where are our relationship going ? Can we change your mum's mind? Can I gained her trust ? Can I win Siwon? What if your mum hates me and forces us to break ? O-o-or maybe she forbade me from seeing you again ..." Taeyeon continued with others 'ifs' as Tiffany looked at him . 

She knew he must felt stressed due to her mum . Well , him and Siwon has big differences . Her mum and Siwon's mum has been close . Siwon's family are rich and has high reputation . A lot of girls wants Siwon as he is the heir of rich company , he's handsome , he's tall and he's a captain in soccer . Yes , for looks and money , Taeyeon has the biggest disadvantages .However , that's the only two traits that her mum are interested in . Her mum really wants Tiffany to marry Siwon . If Hwang's company and Siwon's family company are combined , they will be the largest company with highly reputation .

"Hey hey hey . shhhh ..." Tiffany stopped him from continuing as she put her index finger on his lips . "We can overcome this . It will take quite a time but trust me , we can overcome the obstacle . Okay ? Show her how much we love each other and how we can overcome an obstacle together . " Tiffany caressed Taeyeon's cheek .

Taeyeon bit his lips before nodding slowly . He felt no confidence as he knew that he can't compare himself with Siwon . 

"Come here , little baby ." Tiffany pulled him and hugged him to comfort him . Taeyeon rested his head at the crook of her neck and wrapped his arm around her waist , like a boy being comforted by his mum .

Tiffany his back up and down and patting it . "Whatever it is , we will go through together . I won't leave and I won't let you leave me either . We will move straight and create a path for our future . Even there's an obstacles , we can conquer that obstacle . And see , you have went over one obstacle which is my dad . Look how fast he likes you . But my mum is a bigger obstacle . For her , we need time . Okay ? " She said to his ears .

Taeyeon sighed and nodded . 

"That's my baby ." She smiled and she can feel that Taeyeon is smiling as well .

"Thank you ." Taeyeon said after hearing comforted words from his lover . He kissed her collarbone and neck . "I love you."

Tiffany giggled because of the ticklish feel as he kept kissing her neck and collarbone . "I love you too ." She bit her lips shyly .



With Jessica

That evening

"Should I text him?" Jessica asked herself as she was sitting on the couch with her fiance . However , her mind is not on the show nor her fiance but to someone else . 

She can't stop thinking about Sooyoung who she felt trying to avoid her . "Why does he trying to avoid me ?" She bit her lips .

"Babe .." Jaejoong called .

No respond .

"Baaaabe ." Jaejoong called again .

No respond again .

Jaejoong looked at Jessica and frowned . He tapped her lips as a sign of his affection to call him .

"H-huh?" Jessica looked back at him .

"What are you thinking of huh ?" he teased . "Are you thinking about our future ? Hmmmm , we having kids ?" He teased again .

"Huh ? N-no .. Nothing . I was just thinking about something about a project ." She lied .

"Ahhh ... Okay ... " jaejoong laughed . "Babe . I'm going out with my friends . I will be back about midnight plus . " he continued .

"How about dinner ?" Jessica asked .

"I'm sorry , baby . I'm eating with my friends . Catching up with them since I haven't met them for a while . You should order something  ." Jaejoong tapped her nose .

"Should I call Soo over ?" She bit her lips as she thinks .

"Babyy .. I'm sorry . I promise I will eat dinner with you tomorrow before I leave . Just for today , okay?" Jaejoong said as he thought Jessica is mad at him . (A/N : Pft , no shame .hahaha)

"It's okay , oppa . You can go , I don't mind ." Jessica gave an assuring smile .

"Really ? Aww , my babe is the best fiancee ." He grinned as he rushed to his room to change .

Soon later , he came out and walked to the door . "You can sleep first if you are tired . You don't need to wait for me ." He said as he opened the door .

Jessica nodded .

"I'll go now . Love ya ." Jaejoong grinned as he left . 

"Should I text him ? Or call him?" Jessica bit her lips as she immediately thinks of Sooyoung .


 From : Sica 

Soo. Are you busy ?


5 Minutes went pass but there's no reply .

"Why isn't he replying ?" She frowned as she kept checking her phone . She frowned while pouting as she threw her phone at her side .



Hearing the beep , her expression suddenly changed brightly as she took her phone .


From : Soo 

Heyy . Nah , i'm not .. Why?


She can't help but to smile . "Aigoo . Jessica jung ! Why are you feeling this way ??" She smacked herself . She sighed as she read the text again . "Should I call him?" 



"Oh my god . He's calling me .. Oh my ..." Her heartbeat suddenly beats faster and her face started to turn red . She immediately picked up the call . 

"H-hello .." She stuttered . WHY AM I STUTTERING ? *smacks* Stop !

"Sica , are you okay ? Why are you stammering ?" Sooyoung asked concernly .

"Oh n-nothing . Probably the air con ." She lied .

"Oh . You are not replying so i get worried . I thought something happened ." Sooyoung said .

He's worried about me ! *grins*

"Oh . I'm just thinking about something . Soo .." Jessica called .

"Yes ?"

"Do you want to come over ?"


Jessica heard something loud fell . "Soo . What's that ??" 

"Owwwww ! ...." Sooyoung shouted .

"Soo ? Are you okay ?? What happened ????" She asked worriedly .

"Y-yeah yeah . hahah .  I was cooking ramen but i accidentally kinda spill everything . " Sooyoung laughed awkwardly .

"What ?! Oh my god . Are you okay ?? Did you get scalded or something  ?? " 

"N-no no I'm f- owww ..." Sooyoung groaned .

"Soo ??? Soo , tell me your address ." She said .

"H-huh ? Wh-

"Just tell me your address , seriously !" She angrily said .

"O-o-okay . I'll t-text you ." 

"Hurry ." She commanded as they hang up . Jessica quickly rushed to her room to change before quickly went out after getting Sooyoung's address .


Meanwhile with Sooyoung just now

"What is she doing right now ?Should I text her ? " Sooyoung wondered . He was chilling at the living room as he thinks about Jessica .

"No no no no ... What if she's making out with her fiance ? Or maybe doing ..... NOOOO ! *cries* Aish ! Choi Sooyoung ! Why do you even care ? She already has fiance . Stop it ." He scolded and smacked himself .

Sooyoung sighed and looked at the clock . "It's already 6 . I'm so hungryyyy but I'm so lazy to cook . My gad . " Sooyoung whined . "Ahhh , I should just cook ramen ." 

Sooyoung put his phone on the coffee table and went to the kitchen . He opened the cupboard and take a pack of ramen . Before boiling the ramen , he chopped the vegetables first . After that , he started to cook the ramen .

While waiting for the ramen to boil , he went to the living room and checked his phone .

One unread message 

"Heh ? Who might it be ?" Sooyoung unlocks his phone . 

"Jessica ??" Sooyoung was surprised to get text from Jessica . He replied her . He then took his phone along to the kitchen .

"Why isn't she replying ? Did something happen ?" He wondered as he stirs the ramen . 

Sooyoung called Jessica . As soon she picks up , Sooyoung's heartbeat fastens to hear her voice . He secretly chuckled hearing Jessica stutters . He never hear Jessica like that .

"Do you want to come over ?" Jessica's straightforward questions makes him flustered as he accidentally pull the pot towards him .

*Clanks* The whole pot fell over and some of hot soup scalded Sooyoung's back of his right hand since his left hand was holding the phone . Even though it's not much but the soup is boiling hot and his hand immediately turns red as it starts to feel burn and sting .

"Oww ...." Sooyoung scrunched his face , trying to withstand the pain .

Sooyoung can hear Jessica's panic voice . 

"No no no , I'm f- owwwww ..." he hissed in pain as he tried to pick up the pot with his right hand .

"Soo ??? Soo , tell me your address ."

"Huh ? Wh-?" Sooyoung wondered but Jessica cut him off .

"Just tell me your address , seriously !" Jessica's angry voice is too scary . Sooyoung gulped and just okay her .

As they hang up , he immediately texted her for his address .  His mind then became blank for a while . "Wait . S-she's coming over ?? Oh my god ." Sooyoung panicked and stood up . Without taking care of his scalded hand first , he immediately took a rag to clean the mess . He wiped the floor with his left hand and carried the pot to the sink . 

Sooyoung quickly took the mop and wiped the floor clean . He did everything with his left hand as he do not move his right hand . He hissed in pain again .

Instead of taking care of wound , the urgent thing to do is to keep the house clean for Jessica . Within 10 minutes , he cleaned everything . 

The burn getting red and redder as the pain started to increase . Sooyoung immediately went to the bathroom and turn on cold water . He put his scalded hand to the running water .

"Ahhhhh ! " He groaned in pain .


*dingdong* *dingdong*

Sooyoung stopped and walked over to the door . He saw Jessica with worried face .

"Are you okay ? What happened ?" Jessica immediately asked and looked all around him before noticing the red spot on his right hand . "Oh my god !" She exclaimed . "How can this happen ??" She scolded him and looked at him . Sooyoung just innocently looked at her .

She threw her bag to the couch before pulling Sooyoung to the bathroom . 

"Come here ." She ordered as she the cold water . She hold Sooyoung's hand while putting it under the cold running water .

Sooyoung hissed again . 

"Is it painful ?" Jessica asked worriedly .

Sooyoung just nodded .

"Aish ! How can this happen ? You're lucky I was on the phone with you . " Jessica frowned .

"Ahhhh ... but I'm super hungry .... and I'm super lazy to coooook " Sooyoung pouted .

"You can just order  , right ?" 

"W-well . I forgot . Furthermore , it's been long since I ate ramen plus this is the first time this happened ."

Jessica looked at him and looked back to his hand . "Next time , be extra careful . I don't want this to happen again ." She sternly said .

AWWWWWW ! She's worried ~ *grinnnnnnnnnnnnns*

Sooyoung cleared his throat . "W-why did you come over ? Aren't your fiance will be angry ?" He asked .

"He went out with his friends.  He will come back late . It's good that I came over . See ! Your hand is super red ! Do you need to go to the doctor ?" Jessica asked .

"No no no . No need . I'll be fine ." Sooyoung grinned . YESSSSS-AAAAHHHHH . Pffttt shoo , Jae-whatever . Shoo .

"Really? Okay then . Come ." Jessica stopped the water and pulls Sooyoung to the living room . "Wait here ." She said as she went to the kitchen .

Sooyoung who is sitting looked at her with raised eyebrows . "Is this my house or hers ?" He said to himself before chuckling to himself Soon later , Jessica came out with a wet cloth . 

"Here ." She sat beside Sooyoung and put the wet , cold cloth on the wound . "Let this be and do not move . This will prevent from further irrition . Understand ?"

Sooyoung nodded .

"Good . Next time , pleaase be extra careful . I don't want to get scalded or injured again " Jessica frowned. 

Sooyoung laughed . "Okaaaaaay . You already told me twice . I promise you that I will be extraaaaaaaaaaa careful . hehe ."

Jessica playfully glared at him for teasing her .

"Sica . I'm hungryy ." He whined .

"Okay okay . I'll order some food ." Jessica said as she took out her phone . 



Jessica ordered Italian foods . She ordered Lasagna , spaghetti and more .

"Woaaaaaah ~" Sooyoung's eye widens seeing all those foods . 

Jessica giggled seeing Sooyoung acting like a kid .

When they started to eat , Jessica see that Sooyoung struggled eating his spaghetti with the fork using his left hand .

"Aishh .." He mumbled frustratedly to himself as whenever he want to take a bite , the food drops back to the plate . 

Jessica snatched his plate . 

"Oh ?" Sooyoung looked at her for taking his plate .

"Say ah ." She scooped for him .

Sooyoung blushed but luckily due to his tan look , his blushed face cannot be seen . "Eiii . It's okay it's okay . I can eat by myself . Give me back ." He said .

"No . It's been 8 minutes since we started eating and see , your plate is full . Come here . Say ah ." Jessica insisted . 

"It's okaaaay . You should just eat . Don't worry about me ." Sooyoung said back .

"Choi Sooyoung ." Jessica frowned at him .

"Ooookay .... Ahhh ." Sooyoung relented and opened his mouth . 

Jessica smiled and feed him . 

"Hmmmmm , at lasttt . Delicioooooous ." Sooyoung said with Italian accent , causing Jessica to laugh .

"What was that ?" Jessica laughed. 

"Itaaalianoo accent-to ." Sooyoung continued .

So , this continues . Jessica fed him all the way and Sooyoung can't be more happier .

Ahhhh , if my injury can make Jessica do this , I don't mind getting hospitalised because of her . *diessss* hahhahah STAHP . 


"Thank you for the meaaaaals !"Sooyoung thanked Jessica who is at the kitchen , throwing the rubbish .

Jessica giggled . "No problem ." She then came over to the living room .

She sat beside Sooyoung . "Sooo , you live alone ?" Jessica asked .

"Yeap ." Sooyoung nodded .

"Your apartment is big . So modern and luxury ." She compliments .

Sooyoung shyly smiled . "Thank you ."

Sooyoung's apartment is big like Jessica's condo . His house is totally modern . Yes , he is a rich person . His family owns huge construction company however Sooyoung's not interested in business and he's the type that are humble . There's not a lot of people knows that he's rich .

"Oh yes . Let me check your wound ."Jessica said . She removed the cloth and see the redness has decreased . "It has goes down a little bit . Such a relief . Wait ." Jessica went back to the kitchen to wet the cloth again and went to Sooyoung .

She gently rubbed around the red patch . She was fully concentrated as she does not realise that Sooyoung is staring at her lovably . Sooyoung weakly smile . "Why must you be so beautiful ?" He said before realising what he said . "Oh ." he thought he said in his mind and he then looked away

Jessica looked at him but he is not looking at here but elsewhere  . "Huh ?"

"N-n-n-nothing . I think y-you can stop . I d-don't feel pain anymore ."he cleared his throat .

Jessica secretly smiled . "Wait . A little bit more ." She pretended nothing happened and continue rubbing .

Sooyoung's heartbeat can't stop beating fast . Seeing Jessica continue rubbing his wound , he continues looked at her . And again , as if he was enchanted by her .

"Done ." Jessica said .

"Th-thanks ..." Sooyoung said as he looked into Jessica's eyes as if he was trapped in her gaze .

Jessica looked at him and saw that Sooyoung stares at her eyes , nose and lastly lips. She doesn't know why but her heartbeat also starts to quicken . She shyly looked away as she bit her lips. 

As if Sooyoung get possessed by a brave ghost , with courage , he then slowly move towards Jessica. He leaned towards her . Jessica continued biting her lips as she looked away with blushing face .

Sooyoung uses his left hand and put it at Jessica's chin ,lifting it so she looked at him . Both of them looked into each other's eyes and both of them were lost in each other's gaze .

Sooyoung leaned close and closer . Jessica with her instinct , she then closes her eyes , anticipating Sooyoung's lips .

She then felt a soft lips on her lips .She smiled . Sooyoung pecked her lips twice before she responded . With syncronizing moves, they shared passionate kiss . Jessica then wrapped her arms around Sooyoung's neck . Sooyoung's left hand caressed Jessica's cheek . 

Sooyoung then pulls off the kiss and kissed her neck to her collarbone and back up to her neck .

"Gosh ..." Jessica moaned as that was her sweet spot .

As lust has taken over them , Jessica stopped and intertwined her fingers with Sooyoung as they goes into Sooyoung's room . 

Anddddddd ........... M18's actions going in there . 

For the rest of the day , Jessica slept over and she don't know why , she never feel any guilty towards Jaejoong . As she was doing with Sooyoung , she felt so bliss and felt so pleasure , a bliss and pleasure that she never felt with JaeJoong .

Why am I feeling this way towards Sooyoung ? Goshh .... i like him ... do i really love him ? 

I'm sorry , Jessica . I can't control my feelings anymore .... I want and need you . aishhh .....



Grand Hotel somewhere in Seoul

A red Ferrari stops and Jaejoong gets off . He throw his car keys to the valet parking guy as he enters the building . He walked to the elevator and went up to the highest floor .

As he reached the highest floor , the level for VIPS' people , he walked to a certain room number and knocked . 

A pretty , y and tall lady who is wearing a bathrobe opened the door and smirked . She bit her lips and pulls Jaejoong into the room . "I've been waiting for you , baby ." 

Jaejoong smirked and looked left and right to see if anyone sees him before following her into the room , locking the door tightly .


BAM ! UPDATE ! Looks like Sooyoung and Jessica went toooooooooooooooo fast ,huh . tsktsktsk . And ooopppppps .


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YoonTi #1
Chapter 60: still waiting author 😭
miselio28 #2
Chapter 60: Back again for this masterpiece update soon author nim please
NekoLS #3
Chapter 60: I come baack to reread this story again
Aigoooo i miss your story authornim when will you update sob 😭 😭 sob
kwansegon #4
You know I've been waiting for the update up till now. Where are you author-nim?
Tae143tiff #5
Chapter 60: It'll be good till the complete
CrissYoung #6
Chapter 60: New reader here.. please do continue...
lampi5 #7
Chapter 60: Author please come back 😭
embongtaar #8
Chapter 60: I’ve been waiting for your update, Please update soon author-nim.
tyeam0309 #9
Chapter 60: Author please update.
Chapter 60: Author I love your story will u plz update another chapter, cause I am so desperate right know of thinking what happens next and thank u for story?