Just A Bet ?

Continuing ~


Back with Tiffany ~


"I totally forget about him suddenly !" Tiffany gasped when seeing Siwon walked pass her class door . She frowned .

Suddenly groups of girls which are her classmates went into the class excitedly . "Ohmygod ! Did you see Taeyeon ? HE smiled at me ! I'm fainting ~" The girls exclaimed among themselves . 

Tiffany heard them and frowned even more . She suddenly forget that she's thinking about Siwon . She continued eavesdropping to the girls who are sitting three rows in front of her which is in the middle .

"I know right ! Just now he helped me and pick my things when I fell just now . He's so HANDSOME !" The girls screamed excitedly .

"I think I can die when he smile at me just now . Oh god ~" They continued .

Tiffany is about to erupt with jealousy but she had to control . She sighed in frustration and went out from the class . She then went into the washroom . Luckily , there's no one

Tiffany went into the cubicle to do her business . Suddenly , another group of girls from other class came in .

"Did you see Taeyeon just now ? He came to school with Tiffany just now." The girls gossips among themselves .

"Are they dating ?" 

"We don't know . but seriously ! KIM TAEYEON IS SO HOT ! How I wish I get to sleep with him ." One of the girls said .

No one knows that Tiffany is in the washroom .

"I can't deny that Taeyeon and Tiffany looks well together ." Another girl said , making Tiffany to smile . " but he looks well with me more . " The girl giggled , causing Tiffany to send a invisible glare .

"I saw him just now with Sunny ! Both of them waved at me ! Ohmygodddd ! Taeyeon held my hand just now !" Another girl shrieked .

"Huh ? Why did Taeyeon hold your hand ???" The other girls exclaimed in envy while Tiffany is fighting with her jealousy .

"Just now when I walked pass them , I accidentally fell and Taeyeon quickly held me up . Ohmy ! He has arm muscle ! "


"Accidentally ? Looks like purposely , bi**h . ihateyoukimtaeyeon ." Tiffany raised her eyebrows .

Tiffany quickly flushed the toilet and went outside . The moment she went outside , the group keep quiet with a surprised face . Tiffany walked straight to the sink to wash her hands . Before she went out , she said " Kim Taeyeon is mine . Don't you guys purposely try to seek for his attention . Understand ? " She said with a bossy tone and went out .

"I soooo hate you Kim Taeyeon . Urghh ! Why are you so ignorant about girls ?! URGH !" She frowned and walked angrily back to her class . However , before she could enter her class , someone whistled to her . 

"Huh ?" She turned and saw Siwon . He pointed to a secluded place so they could meet there .


"Hi , baby . It's been so long I've seen you right ?" Siwon her hair .

"Y-yeah .." 

"So how's the bet going ?" Siwon asked .

"Going f-fine ."

"Good then . Anyway , I miss you ." Siwon leaned towards her . 

Tiffany unconsiously rejected him . "No . We can't . Remember ? We have to act like we already broke up ." She make an excuse . It's not like her to reject Siwon's kiss or whatsoever .

"Okay okay ."Siwon moved back a bit .

"So what are you and Hyuna ?" Tiffany asked .

"Huh ? W-what me and H-hyuna ?" Siwon was taken aback .

"I saw the pictures about you and hyuna in the instagram . Clubbing and stuffs ." She asked with no tone . She just asked and certainly not because of jealousy .

"Oh , baby . It's clubbing . That's all . Don't be jealous , okay ?" Siwon took it as another thing . He thought Tiffany is jealous because he kinda know that Tiffany had big jealousy problems .

"Okay . Let's go . Before anyone sees . From now on , we can't meet . To reduce suspicions . Okay ? And you go and act to date someone or what . " She just played along . She knew that Siwon might really date someone but somehow she don't feel jealous or afraid to lose him .

"Alright ." Siwon hugged Tiffany . 

Why can't I feel my heartbeat race this time ???? Why I felt nothing when he leaned towards me and when he hugged me ????? Anyway , from now we won't meet . Yes ! I have more time with Taeyeon and don't need to worry anything about Siwon . Hehehehe ~

Yes ! We won't meet this time and she gave her permission to 'ACT' and date someone . Hehehe . I can date Hyuna openly but still must be careful then ~ ANYWAY , KIM TAEYEON ! WATCH OUT ~


With Sunny and Taeyeon 

"Dude . So how's your Kenya trip with Tiffany ?" Sunny teased .

"Fun , bro ~ WOO ~" Taeyeon said excitedly . 

"No presents for me ??" Sunny pouted .

"Yah yah yah . Don't act cute . It won't work ! I bought for all of you guys . In fact , Tiffany is the one that bought it ." Taeyeon smiled .

"Really ???? Awwwww , so sweeeeeet ~" Sunny said cutely .

"Woah woah . Don't get excited , dude !" Taeyeon laughed ."So what's the things that you want to discuss ?"

"Oh yes . About our training . Since you missed out last week trainings , you have to come everyday for this week . To make last week training ."

"Everyday ??? Ohno ~"

"Don't worry . Just for this week . Next week , back as usual . "Sunny said . 

"Ohhh ~ Thank god ~ Alright alright . Hehehe ." Taeyeon giggled . 

"Don't be late today . We got surprise for you later ." Sunny said .

"What kind of surprise ?" Taeyeon asked who then got a knock on his head . "OWWWWW !" 

"I told you it's a surprise , idiot !" Sunny exclaimed .

"Relax dudeeeee !" Taeyeon frowned playfully .

"Hahaha . You know I love you , buddy ." Sunny grinned .

"Yeah , I hate you too . Pfftt ~" Taeyeon stuck his tongue out to him and both of them laughed together .

"Anyway , did you know about Siwon and Hyuna ??" Sunny asked .

"Siwon and Hyuna ? Nope . Why ? Tell me ." 

"They are dating , you know !" Sunny exclaimed .

"Reallyy ??? Wow , Good then !" Taeyeon said . "Siwon is not suitable for Tiffany . Hmph !" 

"B-but but , I like Hyuna ....." Sunny said softly .

Taeyeon gasped . "REALLY DUDE ? THAT GIRL ? No way , okay ?" He said .

"Yah ! I can't helped . She is y like hell you know ! Hmpppphhhh !" Sunny pouted .

"Dude . In fact , I'm okay with who you like but just don't choose a girl that plays people's heart okay ?" Taeyeon gave his advice .

"Will do ~ Wow , KimTaeyeon is giving me advice ~" Sunny joked .


"Hahaha . So how's Tiffany ? Is she good ?" 

"She's awesome ! She bought me a lot of things . But seriously , there's one thing that I can't understand her ." Taeyeon pouts .

"What is it ?"

"Since I changed my looks . She will always joke with me , laughed and more . BUT when I talked to someone or stranger especially to girls in a friendly manner , her mood will change . She will ignore me and rolled her eyes to me . Her mood swings are sooo ~" Taeyeon frowned .

"Seriously , KIM TAEYEON ?! She like you !" Sunny exclaimed .

"Huh ??? Why do you say that ?"

"DUDE ! According to a love expert here , if a lady acts like that , means she like you . She is jealous ! Look , she won't change her mood if you talked to guys right ?" Taeyeon nodded . "There ! OH ! Is she mad at you just now ??" Sunny raised his eyebrows .

"Yeah . I don't know why . She even said to me , "Why must you spike your hair and wear your lenses to school ?? And why must you smiles to all of the girls ?" " Taeyeon imitated Tiffany .

"THERE ! IT's obvious that she's jealous ! I saw the girls from my class and other class fangirled about you when you and Tiffany reached school . Of course she will be jealous since she likes you ! Aiyoooo ~" Sunny shook his head with his friend's ignorance .

"Huh ?? Then what should I do ???? She is still mad i guess ." Taeyeon pouted .

"Haa ! Let me help you . Come . Follow me to my class for awhile . I give you something ." Sunny smiled .

"Okay , Sunny oppa ~ " Taeyeon joked and pretend to hug him .

"EWWWW ! GET AWAY FROM MY HAND !" Sunny plays along and ran .

They makes jokes until they reached Sunny's class . "Wait here ." Sunny quickly went inside to his seat and took something from his bag . His teacher for the lesson is preparing for the slides . Taeyeon waits at the door . 

"Kyaa ~ Ohmygodd ! KimTaeyeon !" The girls in there starts to fangirl .

Taeyeon just bowed and smiles awkwardly . "hehe"

"Mygoddd . CUTE !" 

"Here ! Give this to Tiffany . Confirm she will forgive you . haha . It's real , okay ?" Sunny quickly pass the thing to Taeyeon .

"A rose ?? Why did you bring this to school ??" Taeyeon laughed .

"Dude . It's a life savior , okay? If a girl is mad with me , i will just use this rose . " Sunny laughed .

Taeyeon laughed as well . "Anyway , thanks . Now go back in . Your class is starting ." Taeyeon punched his chest . 

"Alright . Remember . Don't be late for training ." Sunny bro-fists him and went into the class .

Taeyeon held the rose properly and ran to the his class .


Back with Tiffany 


"Where is this KimTaeyeon ??" Tiffany pouted. The class is starting now . Her classmates all already seated at their respective seats . In fact , she already miss him . kekeke .

"Hmm .... wait ... Today is Taeyeon's birthday ~ So what should i get for him ?" Tiffany smiled while thinking of Taeyeon . "Should I buy him the same phone as me ? So we can have ......couple phone case ? no no no , we are not even a couple ." She blushed while her heartbeat races .

"So can I start the lesson ?" Mrs Seo asked .

"W-" Tiffany was interrupted .

"Wait , Mrs Seo . Taeyeon is not here yet ." A girl from the group just now said .

"Eh hello . I'm the one that should tell teacher okay ? Busybody. " Tiffany cursed in her breath and rolled her eyes .

"Sorry , Mrs Seo . I'm not late right ?" At the same time , Taeyeon came in and grinned to Mrs Seo who also kinda blushing when she saw Taeyeon's grin . The other girls already smile and stare at him . 

"N-no , Taeyeon . You are n-not . Go back to your seat ."Mrs Seo smiles .

"Thank you ." He quickly rushed to the seat at the back with Tiffany . The girls keep on continues to stare at him .

"Hi , baby ." Taeyeon said in english playfully to Tiffany but still get ignored .

Tiffany rolled her eyes and looks infront . In fact , her heartbeat races when Taeyeon calls her baby . 

"Ehem . Alright . Let's start the lesson ." mrs Seo said , making the girls to look infront . 

Since no one watching at Taeyeon and Tiffany , he took the chance . "Here ." Taeyeon gave the rose to Tiffany .

"What's this ?" Tiffany pretends to dislike it and frowned .

"It's for you ." Taeyeon came closer to her .

"I don't want ." She said with no feelings .

"You don't want it ? Reaaaaallly ?" Taeyeon and said softly .

"Hm ." I want i want !

"Oh okay then . I'll keep it ." Taeyeon kept the rose , causing Tiffany to get mad more .

"Hmm ." she frowned and rest her head on the table facing the other side from Taeyeon .

Taeyeon already smirked towards himself . "Heyy ~" He poked Tiffany's waist . 

"Tsk !" Tiffany said .

"Yaahhh ~ Here here ." Taeyeon gave the rose and put on her table . "Princess , please don't be maaad ~" Taeyeon pouts 

"Who is your princess ? I don't want ." Tiffany said and sit back up .

"I never said that you are my princess ." Taeyeon giggled . "Hey~ I know that you are jealous . You are jealous right ??" Taeyeon leaned against her abit .

"N-no ." 

"Eiii ~ Don't lie . If you don't want to tell , .... hmmmm .... i will sit with the girls there ." Taeyeon pointed .

"What ?" Tiffany glared him . "Go ahead then . " She rolled her eyes again .

"Hehehe . I'm kidding . There ! You are jealous , right ?" Taeyeon asked again .

"Yes yes ! I'm jealous , alright ? " Tiffany pouted and looked down .

"Ha ! Told ya ~" He said softly . "Still don't want to admit . Hehehe ~" He giggled .

"I'm sorry okay ? Alright , from now I will try not to be too friendly especially towards girls . Okay ?" Taeyeon rests his chin on his hand .

"Promise ?" Tiffany glanced at him .

"HMM !" Taeyeon nodded .

"Alright , forgiven ." Tiffany smiles a bit .

"Hehe ."

"Are you free after school ?" Tiffany asked .

"I have soccer training later . Why ?" Taeyeon asked back .

"Oh ... I thought of aski... nevermind . But you must be home at 5 . Can ?" Tiffany smiled .

"5 ? Why ?" Taeyeon asked .

"Just come back at 5 . Don't be late . Understand ?" Tiffany ordered . She want to celebrate Taeyeon's birthday with big feast dinner tonight with the rest at the mansion .

"Alrightt , princess ~" Taeyeon smiles . He then starts concentrate on the lesson . 

Tiffany secretly took the rose and smell it . "Hmm ~ Nice ." She smiles sweetly to herself .

KimTaeyeon . You really want me to be mad in love with you huh ? *blushed* Why did I not meet you at the first place ? Ohgod ~

Ohhhh ! She really forgive me ! SUNNY ! I OWE YOU BRO ! Hehehehe


 Update hyenas ~ Hehehe . I'm sick ! I think because of the weather . Urghh ~*sneeze*

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YoonTi #1
Chapter 60: still waiting author 😭
miselio28 #2
Chapter 60: Back again for this masterpiece update soon author nim please
NekoLS #3
Chapter 60: I come baack to reread this story again
Aigoooo i miss your story authornim when will you update sob 😭 😭 sob
kwansegon #4
You know I've been waiting for the update up till now. Where are you author-nim?
Tae143tiff #5
Chapter 60: It'll be good till the complete
CrissYoung #6
Chapter 60: New reader here.. please do continue...
lampi5 #7
Chapter 60: Author please come back 😭
embongtaar #8
Chapter 60: I’ve been waiting for your update, Please update soon author-nim.
tyeam0309 #9
Chapter 60: Author please update.
Chapter 60: Author I love your story will u plz update another chapter, cause I am so desperate right know of thinking what happens next and thank u for story?