Just A Bet ?

Few hours later


Taeyeon and Tiffany finally reach safely in Korea .

"Alighting for all Korea Airlines' passengers . Thank you for choosing Korea Airline. Have a nice day ." The stewardess said .

Taeyeon and Tiffany did not talk at all during the plane ride . Taeyeon listens to his musics and slept while Tiffany wants to talk to Taeyeon but didn't dare .

Taeyeon now is still listening to musics . They took their bagpacks and smiled at the air-stewardess before they went out from the plane . Both of them went to the immigration checks first before they went and took their luggages . 

Taeyeon as if didn't realise that Tiffany was there . They then went to the pick up station to wait for Tiffany's driver to pick them up .

Can't be patient anymore , she stood in front of Taeyeon and pulled both sides of the earpiece out . Tiffany stood near Taeyeon and their eyes are staring at each other . From far , they looked like a couple .

"Hey !" Taeyeon exclaimed .

"What hey ? Kim Taeyeon , I didn't came here to get ignored suddenly , you know . What's wrong with you ??" Tiffany's voice had total concern and worry .

"Nothing ! I told you I'm okay !" Taeyeon exclaimed back and raised his voice a bit . He's been thinking about Tiffany and Siwon till now .

Tiffany glared at him . "Did you just raise your voice to me ??? No ! You are not okay !" Tiffany raised her voice back , causing the people at  the pick up point to stare at them .

"Aigoo ... Couple fights ...." , "That lady must be so mad at her boyfriend . tsktsk" 

"I'm s-sorry . I didn't mean it ." Taeyeon looked down , avoiding her glare and put back the earpiece in back but get pulled out again .

"I haven't finished talking to you , Kim Taeyeon . I want to know , what's wrong with you ???? Why are you ignoring me ? Hm ?" Her voice starts to soften down , as if she is talking to her lover .

"I didn't ignore you ." Taeyeon said calmly . "I'm just .... just a bit sleepy . Yeah ..." He makes an excuse .

Before Tiffany can continue to say anything , someone interrupted .

"Sorry that I'm late , Ms Hwang . Welcome back to Korea , Ms Hwang and Taeyeon ." The familiar driver smiled .

"Thank you , Uncle Im ." Suddenly taeyeon greeted Uncle im with his usual self .

"Come . Let me put the things at the trunk ." Uncle Im said . 

"Sure , Let me help ." Taeyeon grinned , causing Tiffany to frown .


He didn't talked to me during the whole plane ride and didn't even smile or joke with me ! But now , he's talking and smiling to Uncle IM ?! *cries* What did I do ????


 "Ms Hwang . you should go into the car first ." Uncle Im smiles .

Tiffany nodded to Uncle Im and rolled eyes to Taeyeon before she went into the 7-seater car .

Uncle Im then opened the trunk and closed the last row of seats so there are much bigger spaces to put their things . When they took the luggages , bagpacks and bags , Uncle Im whispered .

"Hey , is it everything going okay with you and Ms Hwang ?"

"Huh ? What do you mean ?" Taeyeon whispered back .

"Are both of you in a relationship or something ?" Uncle Im asked .

"Heh? What makes you say so ?" Taeyeon asked back .

"Well , when I'm driving towards here , I saw she stood very close in front of you . When she rolled her eyes just now , it seems like in jealousy or something . You guys really look well ." Uncle Im suddenly talked to his normal voice .

"..Oh no no . I'm not her boyfriend . We just close friends now . I'm not her type anyway . Siwon is . " Taeyeon smiles sadly . 

"Oh ... It's okay , boy . Keep on trying . I trust you " He patted Taeyeon's shoulder like a father before went back to the driver's seat . Taeyeon helped to close the trunk .

Unfortunately to the guys , they forgot that Tiffany is sitting there when they are talking about this . When they are putting the things at the trunk , they talked about this without thinking that the fact that Tiffany was sitting in front , hearing and listening to them .

"Really ? They forgot that i'm here or what ?" Tiffany frowned and raised her eyebrows . However , her frown turns into a smirk . "I'm not her type anyway ? Siwon is ?? " She imitated Taeyeon . "I guess he takes my ideal type too seriously . His voice suddenly turned sad when he said that " Tiffany then smirks and giggled a bit . "So that's the reason ~ kekeke" 

Taeyeon then enters the car . Uncle Im starts the car .

Tiffany then turned her eyes and stare at Taeyeon while smiling with mouth closed .

"W-what ??" Taeyeon raised his right eyebrow due to flustered .

"Nothing ." She grinned and bit her lips while shooking her head . After that , she faced the opposite side and looked outside the window . 

"Weird ." Taeyeon shook his head and continue hearing to his music .

After just spending almost a week , Tiffany seems not thinking and worrying about Siwon at all but her mind mostly are filled with Taeyeon instead . She also seems not to care about the bet .The last three days that they were in Kenya , Tifffany didn't worry about the bet or Siwon at all but instead she enjoys the time with Taeyeon .


*snore* snore*

Tiffany turned and saw Taeyeon sleep again with his head facing down , straining his neck .

"Aigoo .. Sleep again ?" Tiffany giggled . "Cute ~~~" She smiled sweetly . As usual , she took her phone and snapped a photo to her instagram . Caption : Baby face's Taeyeon is sleeping again . keke

She then went to the photo gallery and looked back all of the selcas they took . She loves all of it . Tiffany took her favourite among the favourites where Taeyeon me-rong to the camera while resting his chin on Tiffany's shoulder and Tiffany in front of him scrunching her face cutely . In that picture , it looks like Taeyeon was backhugging her  . She put it as her wallpaper . 

"Heeeee ~ Cuteeeeee !" She screamed softly and can't stop smiling seeing her new wallpaper . "Oh god . My heart ~" She fanned herself .

Tiffany then looked back at Taeyeon who is still sleeping and frowned . "Aigoo baby , your neck will hurts ." She shook her head . "Oops , did I just say baby ?" She asked herself and cleared .

Tiffany removed her seatbelt and moved to the centre , besides Taeyeon and wear the seatbelt in the centre . Without thinking much , she softly pushed Taeyeon's head and rests it on her shoulder . Taeyeon fidgeted a bit and moved closer to Tiffany , making Tiffany smiling .

As he is sleeping , Tiffany played with her phone . But before that , she stares at her new wallpaper for the whole 2 minutes and can't stop grinning . "Aww , my jaw hurts from grinning ..." Tiffany whined . She then also decided to take a nap .




Uncle Im speaks , making both of them to wake up . Uncle Im then went to the trunk to take out the things with the maids' help .

"Hmm ~" Tiffany woke up first as Taeyeon's earpiece is still in his ears . "Taeyeon-ah . Wake up . We reached ." She pulled off one of the earpiece .

"uhhh ~" He yawned and turned off his iPod  .

Soon later , both of them came out from the car . "Welcome back , Mr Kim and Ms Hwang ." The maids greeted .

"Thank you ." They smiled back and went into the mansion .

"MUMMMMMMMYYYYY !" Taeyeon cutely shouted when he saw his mum coming towards them . He ran towards her and hugged her . "I miss you , mummmmm !" He whined like a small baby .

Tiffany giggled of course . She can't resist if she saw cutie Taeyeon or handsome Taeyeon .

"Aigooo .. My handsome baby boy ~" His mum patted his .

"Mum ! Don't pat my . I'm shyyyyy ." He pulled away from the hug and looked down in embarrassment .

"Then when you shouts and hugs me like a baby , don't you feel embarrassed ?" His mum asked . His mum looks more healthier with the maids' care and great supplements .

"T-that is d-different ~~~" He whined again .

"Yeah yeah . We are waiting for all of you for late lunch . We'll wait for Uncle Im and the rest ." She ruffles Taeyeon's hair .

"Mrs Kim . So how are you ? Is my maids treating you well ?" Tiffany came and hugged her .

"I'm much healthier now . The doctor also says so . The maids are all great . haha . Thank you , Tiffany for everything ." Mrs Kim smiles . 

"No , it's okay ." Tiffany smiles back and hold her hands .

After Uncle Im and the maids transfer all of their stuffs to the living room , "Uncle Im . You may put all of them here . I will carry them back to Tiffany's room later . Furthermore , we got something for all of you ." Taeyeon said .

"Yup . So just put the stuffs down and let's go for lunch " Tiffany said .

"Alright then ." All of them walked to the dining table .

"Woaaaaaahhhhhh !!!!" Taeyeon shouted . All the foods on the dining tables are his favourite foods .

"Wowwww !" Tiffany also shouts as the same goes to her . "Hmmmmm ~~~" She smiled and take a seat beside Taeyeon . The maids sit in front of them . Tiffany always let the maids and Uncle Im to eat together . She's not the type of snobbish employers . The maids also loves her . 

"Who cooks all this ???" Taeyeon grinned .

"Auntie cooked all of this alone because she knew that all of these are your favourites ." The maids smiled . 

"No . But they also have credits , okay ? They helped to cut the vegetables and stuffs ." Mrs Kim smiled and said .

"Wowwww ~~~~" Taeyeon can't stop grinning .

"Alright alright . I guess we should starts eating before Taeyeon's jaw gets injured due to much grinning ." Mrs Kim joked , causing everyone to laugh except Taeyeon pouts due to embarassment .

Tiffany then giggled seeing Taeyeon's red face . "Taeyeon-ah . Why must you be so cute ?~" She said to herself .




Taeyeon and Tiffany are now in Tiffany's room , wanting to check their new bought things that are not open after giving out the presents that they bought for everyone in the house which are the maids and Uncle Im including Mrs Kim . 

But before that , Tiffany asked Taeyeon .

"Tae . Are you okay with me now ?" Tiffany asked .

"Hmm .. I guess so ." He nodded while gathers all of his new stuffs .

"Look at me then ." Tiffany said first .

"Huh ? Why ?" He didn't look at first .

Suddenly , Tiffany put her right palm on his cheeks and make him look at her . 

"Y-yah .... Wh-what a-are you do-doing ????" Taeyeon stammered .

"You are thinking about my ideal type right ?" She stared into his eyes . She can't wait but to make the first move to explain .

"Huh ? N-never . I have no t-time ." Taeyeon looked away even though his face is facing Tiffany .

"Look at me , Kim Taeyeon ." Tiffany shake his head a bit , making him to look back at her . " That time you didn't let me explain enough , you stupid guy . So what if I have a ideal type ? That doesn't mean a thing . It could change anytime . ." Tiffany smirks a bit but Taeyeon didn't see .

"W-why are you e-explaining to m-me ? I d-don't care about your i-ideal type ..." He can't stop stammering .

"Oh really ? Hmmm , let me tell you . I have a new ideal type now ." She suddenly lean closer and whisper softly to his ear , causing Taeyeon's hair to stand up and eyes closed for a moment .

"Huh ? Who ???" Taeyeon then frowned when Tiffany moved away back .

Tiffany giggled . "Still saying that you are not interested huh ? Well ~~" Tiffany then put her arms on Taeyeon's shoulder and her fingers played with the back of his hair .

Taeyeon's heart going to have cardiac arrest . He's going to die due to heart attack .

My lord ! Help me ! *heart racing* She's so near to me ! Oh god oh god oh god oh god !

"My ideal type now is a guy that is quite short , a nerd but now is a handsome and cute guy , have a dimple near his mouth , baby face , that also loves sport especially soccer and ultimately he is always beside me . Oh yes , and someone that always take selcas with me . " Tiffany describes Taeyeon's description .

"Huh ?" Taeyeon raised his eyebrow in confusion .

"I won't repeat . Now think . Who might it be ." Tiffany smirked and giggled before running into the bathroom . 


"Haaa haaa haaa . Oh my ~ What did I just do ????" She smacked her head . "I just make the first move . Oh god oh god . I'm so hot ~" She keep on fanning herself . 

"Oh man ! I'm so shy to go out !!!!!!! Heartbeat ! Don't beat that fast !!!! Huuuuu ~ " Tiffany screamed softly and sighed while pacing around in the bathroom with her heart keep on racing as well . She washed her face for a while


With Taeyeon , he was stoned there , confused . "Her descriptions sounds like it is me but .... but ..... but ..... *sighhh*" taeyeon don't know what to say . 

"If it's me .............. YAHOOOOOO !!!!" He suddenly shouted and ran on Tiffany's bed and buried his face into the pillow . After 2 minutes , he stood back up because lack of oxygen . His face turned into red , mixture of lack of oxygen and shy / happiness .

"Huuuu huuuu huuuu ~" He breathes in and out . "But wait .... I think I should reconfirm first before I did anything stupid . hehehehehe ~" He laughed happily .


Back with Tiffany in the bathroom


"YAHOOOOOOOO!" She heard Taeyeon's sudden shout , causing her to jump a bit .

"What ? Kekeke , why so sudden ????" She chuckled .




I think I'm more dedicated to this fic than my 'You're my bodyguard ' . HARHAR :)

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YoonTi #1
Chapter 60: still waiting author 😭
miselio28 #2
Chapter 60: Back again for this masterpiece update soon author nim please
NekoLS #3
Chapter 60: I come baack to reread this story again
Aigoooo i miss your story authornim when will you update sob 😭 😭 sob
kwansegon #4
You know I've been waiting for the update up till now. Where are you author-nim?
Tae143tiff #5
Chapter 60: It'll be good till the complete
CrissYoung #6
Chapter 60: New reader here.. please do continue...
lampi5 #7
Chapter 60: Author please come back 😭
embongtaar #8
Chapter 60: I’ve been waiting for your update, Please update soon author-nim.
tyeam0309 #9
Chapter 60: Author please update.
Chapter 60: Author I love your story will u plz update another chapter, cause I am so desperate right know of thinking what happens next and thank u for story?