Just A Bet ?

After Lunch


"Soooooo , what are we going to do today ?" Taeyeon asked as he wipes his mouth with napkin after finishing the last bit of his food.

"I don't knowww . Today is our free time . You can go anywhere and I think I want to go shopping ." Tiffany said as she is eating her last piece of bacon .

"Anywhere ??? No wayy . I don't even know the directions here . I also don't even know the good place or attractions here ." Taeyeon shook his head .

"Aeeiii . There's pamphlets about Kenya at the lobby there . It shows you all of the attractions and directions here ." 

"Ooooo ... So you knew the way here ?" Taeyeon asked .

"Nope . I have a tour guide . Just for me ." Tiffany smiled .

"Whuuuutt ? That's not fair ! The tour guide is a lady or a guy ?" Taeyeon raised his eyebrows .

"What if it's a guy ? What if it's a lady ? It's a guy anyway . I already inform him just now . " Tiffany replied calmly .

"Guy ?? Oh no no . I'm following you then . " Taeyeon makes it as a excuse so he can be together with Tiffany .

"Why ?? Are you scared to be alone ?"

"Of course not ! I can go alone . But I'm afraid that you're alone because you are a lady , okay ." Taeyeon makes an smooth excuse .

Tiffany giggled . "Alright , you will come with me . Anyway , don't be jealous because the tour guide will just guide the place and won't be accompanying me anywhere ." Tiffany smirked .

"W-who says that I'm jealousss ?? Aigooo ~ By the way , why do you want to shop today ? We got 5 more days here ." Taeyeon shook his head playfully .

"Becaaaaaaaause I love shopping !" She exclaimed excitedly. "Whateverr .. We will be going at 3.15 PM . " Tiffany then took her phone from her bag . "Tae . Say cheeeeese !" She took a picture and post it to her instagram . 'Just finish LATE lunch with him and :* ' - caption

"Cheeeeeeeeesee ~" Taeyeon grinned and shows a V-sign .


"Excuse me . Is it okay if I take away your plates ?" A waitress came to clean the table . 

"Oh yes please . " Tae and Tiffany replied politely . The waitress then cleaned the table .

"Where did both of you come from ?" The waitress smiled .

"Oh , we come from South Korea ." Taeyeon answered .

"Wow . I see. Anyway , you are very handsome , sir ." The waitress abruptly said while smiling at Taeyeon , making Tiffany to become a bit annoyed and Taeyeon to be a bit flustered . 

Urghhh . If he wears his specs with that y hair , he will be cute . But if he wears contact lenses with that y hair , he is so hot and handsome . Urghhhh ! I want  him to be back to his old look . Nerdy hair and geek spec . More better as no girls will compliment him . 

After that soccer match with Siwon team , Taeyeon had totally changed his look . He changed his geek spec to the normal look black specs . He trimmed his nerdy hair a bit to his eyebrows and he could make an hairstyle where his bangs was sweeped towards the back or messy yet y and cool hair . And now , he will use contact lens and only wear specs when he is at home .

"Thank you very much ." Taeyeon smiles humbly .

"You two looked well together .  Hope both of you will last long . You both look very young ." The waitress said as she thought Tiffany and Taeyoen are couple , causing Tiffany to blush in her mind .

"Oh . It's because we are still teenagers . And we are not t-" 

"Of course , we will ." Tiffany interrupted Taeyeon and gave the waitress a tip so she will stop talking and leave .

"Thank you , miss . Thank you ." The waitress then wiped the table for the last time before smiling widely and left .

"Heyy , why did you interrupt meeee ?" Taeyeon frowned .

"Just for fun ." Tiffany chuckled . "Anyway , we are going in 10 mins . Did you bring everything ? Or forget anything? " She continued .

"Hmmm ..... I don't think sooo ..... Eh , can I bring your DSLR camera along ? Well , I've been waiting to take pictures with a high quality camera , you knowwww ." Taeyeon moved his body left to right as if he is acting cute .

Tiffany slightly smiled seeing that but she did not show to Taeyeon. "Okay . But don't broke it ! Go and take , I'll wait you at the lobby . " Tiffany warned sternly . 

"Yes , m'am !" Taeyeon saluted playfully and took his backpack before went back upstairs to their room. Tiffany took her bag and walked to the lobby while looking around . "Hmm .. This hotel is indeed really niceee ~" She nodded satisfiedly .  

Even though Tiffany is still a student , with her family wealth , she can buy and get anything what she wants . 

She sat on the couch first while waiting . She then checked on her instagram . It's only been 10mins but she already have 600+ likes  100+ comments on her recent post with Taeyeon . "Ohmygod  ??" She gasped . She read the comments . The comments is all compliments for Taeyeon . Mostly ladies that followed Tiffany commented ; 'Is that your new boyfriend ?! I'm so jealousss ! ' , 'Ohmyjesussss ! He's so hot !' , 'Woa ! Taeyeon is really really handsome ! I'm melting with that smile !' , ' Unnie . Does he have instagram account' .... blablabla .

"See ! They also can't stop complementing him ." Tiffany frustratedly mumbled.


"I'm back !" Taeyeon came with the camera in his hand which is strapped around his neck.

"Good then . Let's go ." Tiffany smiles as starts to walk first and Taeyeon suddenly got an idea . 

"Tiffany ." He called out . When Tiffany turns slowly , *click*

"Thereee ~ Niceeeee ." Taeyeon laughed .

"Yahhh ~ Who said you can take photo of me ? " Tiffany frowned but actually she kinda like it . Kinda . 

"It's beautifulll ! Want to see ?" Taeyeon unconsiously compliment her . Tiffany move closer to see at the pic . Wow .. It looks nice though . Not bad *blush* "Hmm . You are good ~" Tiffany just nodded , acting like she's not really interested . "Now , let's go ." She wore her Ray-Ban shades .




"Thank you , sir . I think you and your driver can go anywhere and come back here in 2 hours . At the same place here .Okay ?" Tiffany reminded the tour guide .

"Yes , Ms Hwang ."

Tiffany nodded and get off from the car with Taeyeon . 

"Woaah .. This mall is veryyyy big ." Taeyeon gasped . This mall is the first class mall and the most biggest shopping mall in Kenya . This mall is the place where most of tourists usaully come for shopping . It has 8 levels and full of entertainment . There are arcades , foodcourt/restaurant , fashion retails and more . Not only it has large numbers of stores , the prices here are very reasonable even the original branded stuffs . In short word , this A MALL is a shopping paradise especially for ladies .

He then took a pic of full view with the DSLR . "Niceeee !" He grinned again .

"Let's go !" Tiffany exclaimed . "Oh yes . Tae , I hope you won't regret following me here ." Tiffany smirked  .

"Why ?" Taeyeon asked calmly as he was busying taking pictures of the landscapes and the people .

"Nothingg . Let's go in ." Tiffany unknowingly hold his hand .

Omooooooooooooooooooooo ~

"This mall is indeed big ! Where should we go first ?" Tiffany is still holding his hand but she doesn't realise it yet because she had fallen to  charms of the huge shopping mall .

"Let's go here first ." Tiffany let go of Taeyeon's hand and walked into the first store she saw . Her favourite Ray-Ban store .

Don't let go of my haaaaaaaand ~

"Tae . Come here . " She happily said .

Taeyeon just smiles seeing her . It's his first time seeing she is very happy because of shopping . He took another candid pic of her again before walking to her .

"Yess ?" Taeyeon asked .

"How is this ? It is nice ? " She wore one of the shades .

"Hmmmm .. nahhh ~ Too big for you ." 

"Okaaay . How about this ?"

"Hmm .. Nopeee . How about thisss ?" Taeyeon personally chose one . Coincidencely , he took 3 pink colour for her . " Yeah . This looks 100x beautiful ." Taeyeon shows thumbs up .

"So what ? Are you saying that I'm only beautiful when I wear this ?" Tiffany glared at him playfully .

"What ? No ! That's not what I mean !" Taeyeon panics .

"Hahaha. I'm just joking . You have good choice . I love it ! I will take this three then ." Tiffany takes all because it is pretty , don't forget it's pink and ultimately because that is Taeyeon's choice . She bought

I'm gonna wear this now ~

"You like this brand a lot ?" Taeyeon asked .

"Yeap !" She nodded .

"Ohhhhhh ...." 

"Alright then . Now , you choose two for yourself then ." Tiffany said , asking Taeyeon to buy .

"Me ?? Nah .. I never bring much money ." Taeyeon smiles .

"Did I say that you are going to pay ? I'm going to pay . For all of your shopping , I will pay ." Tiffany said sternly .

"Huh ? No ! I don't want !" Taeyeon frowned . He don't want a lady to pay for his stuffs .

"You can't reject it , Kim Taeyeon ."

"I don't waaaaant !" Taeyeon whined .

"You better take it if not you're going to sleep outside of the room the rest of the nights ." Tiffany threatened . She just wants to treat him everything but she don't know what's the exact reason  .

"What ? It's not relevant to this !" Taeyeon argued .

"Hurry up thenn ." Tiffany said .

"Urghhh ~ Fine . Just one . " Taeyeon searched . However , there are two shades that caught his attention . Both are suitable for him . He kept wearing on and off the shades to try it .

"Okay done . Let's pay now ." Tiffany snatched both of the shades and walked to the counter .

"Hey . I will only choose one ." Taeyeon said .

"It's so annoying to see you trying it again and again . Might as well I buy both ." Tiffany squinted her eyes .

"Good afternoon , miss ." The cashier greeted .

"Afternoon . I want these five glasses . Give me the new ones and put into the casing ." Tiffany said to the cashier .

"Will do , miss . Hold on ." The cashier leave for the moment .

"Yahhh ~ I don't want you to buy for me things . I don't like to depend on people . I know that I'm po-"

"Shhhhhhh ...." Tiffany purposely put her index finger on Taeyeon's lips . She then stared into Taeyeon's eyes playfully but she don't expect for Taeyeon to stare back .

"H-huh ?" Taeyeon flustered as he stared back . When their eyes met , their heart can't stop beating fast .

"Uhh miss ?" The cashier break them to reality .

"*coughh coughh*" Taeyeon coughed in embarassment . "Uhh . I'll be l-looking around while wa-waiting ." He stuttered and walked away with red cheeks .

"Ohmygodd ! What did I just do just now ?! Heart ! Stop beating that fast ! " Tiffany said to herself as she put her palm towards her heart . And again , she blushed hard again . 

"Are you two together ? You look well together " The cashier smiles and asked . It's been the second time she've heard the same question.

"Huh ? Uhh .." She don't know what to reply . Her intention was just to play around with him just now . "W-why did you say that ?" She blushed again .

"Well . I'm a lady . Most couple that are just in a relationship will often blush when they had skinship , kissing or just by looking at each other ." The cashier smiles again .

That statement makes Tiffany's cheek to turn pink again . She suddenly remembers of the bathroom incident just now .

"Both of you really look well together . I have to say that your babies will be extremely gorgeous . Anyway , cash or credit card , miss ? " The cashier said again .

"Credit ... How can you k-know that our babies will be extremely gorgeous ??" Tiffany unknowingly said 'our' and suddenly she's a bit interested in the topic a bit even though she know she don't really like kids . She also passed her credit card to the cashier lady .

"I can see . With your gorgeous look combined with that young man's handsome face , you guys will have cute babies ." The lady said .

Babiesssssss ? Ahhhhhh ~ *blushed* wait ... but i don't really like kids , rightttttttt . It's official . I'm going crazy

"Oh ..." That's the only word Tiffany can say . She don't know how to reply . She then signed the receipt given to her before giving back to the cashier and take the copy of the receipt "Thank you for the short talk . I'll see you ." Tiffany bowed and took the Ray-Ban bag with her .

"You're welcome . Take good care of him ." The lady winked . 

"Aishh .. We already have two people who misunderstood us ." Tiffany said to Taeyeon when she went to him .

"Who ?" Taeyeon asked .

"That cashier lady and the waitress just now ." Tiffany replied .

"Heyyyy ~ Both of the incidents were your fault ." Taeyeon playfully pointed to Tiffany .

"Why me ???" Tiffany pouted .

"Of course ! I want to say that we are not couple to the waitress yet you interrupted . And just now , you are the one who started it as you suddenly put your finger on my lips ." Taeyeon stuck his tongue out to her .

"............................" Tiffany don't know what to reply and she just walked . 


2 Hours Later 


"Ahhh ! Tiffany , now I know what you mean !" Taeyeon groaned .

"hahaaaha . Told yaaa ." Tiffany laughed as she looked behind . Taeyeon was holding more than 25 shopping bags all by himself . The 25+ bags is also including his stuffs . "You can't blame me because I bought you a lot of stuffs too , okay ?" She laughed again .

"Tsk ! Meanie ~" Taeyeon muttered as he pouted .

"Hurry up ! The tour guide is waiting ." Tiffany purposely walked quickly in front of him .

"Yah !"

I will not go to the drama soon as I will make fluffy chapters first . Hohoho . So , my readers ! You won't be hearing any drama about TAENY yet ! So , don't worrryyy ! :)

Anyway ,




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YoonTi #1
Chapter 60: still waiting author 😭
miselio28 #2
Chapter 60: Back again for this masterpiece update soon author nim please
NekoLS #3
Chapter 60: I come baack to reread this story again
Aigoooo i miss your story authornim when will you update sob 😭 😭 sob
kwansegon #4
You know I've been waiting for the update up till now. Where are you author-nim?
Tae143tiff #5
Chapter 60: It'll be good till the complete
CrissYoung #6
Chapter 60: New reader here.. please do continue...
lampi5 #7
Chapter 60: Author please come back 😭
embongtaar #8
Chapter 60: I’ve been waiting for your update, Please update soon author-nim.
tyeam0309 #9
Chapter 60: Author please update.
Chapter 60: Author I love your story will u plz update another chapter, cause I am so desperate right know of thinking what happens next and thank u for story?