oo3- Learning

The Male Nine-Tailed Fox


Chapter 3- Learning 

“The time has come, hasn’t it?”

Sohee cautiously looked at her grandmother who had a very depressed expression. Sohee could tell that her grandma was deeply saddened because she was talking to her dead husband again. “Grandma? I-Is everything alright?” Sohee cursed herself for stuttering all of a sudden.

Mrs. Kang looked at Sohee and beckoned her to sit by her. Sohee got close and Mrs. Kang began her story.

“Sohee ah. I want you to listen very carefully. This is serious stuff, so you better not laugh!” Sohee smiled. “Anyway deary, you see in our family, we were always able to see ghosts. I guess some deity thought it was funny for us to see them and get scared. Back then, it was common for people to get ‘cursed’ easily since the deities were close to the human, mortal. Of course, our deity that played a joke on us caused us to see ghosts like he can. He thought it was so amusing that we got so easily scared, but being the great deity he was, he decided to lift the curse. But something terrible happened. He couldn’t seem to lift the curse. So now, in our family, once we turn 16-18, a rare monster or ghost will come to us. That signals our ‘start’.”

Sohee’s breath hitched. She was shocked by Mrs. Kang's story, but somehow, everything seemed to make sense. When she was little, she would think sometimes that she could see little fairies that flew by. She guessed that they were true then. "I think... I think I get it."

Mrs. Kang smiled sadly at her. "But you must be wary of that Kumiho." *Else you, too, will fall in love with your monster.* "Now, get out of here!" Sohee smiled and got up. 

"Oh yeah, grandma?"


"What was the name of our deity?"

"Woo Jiho was his name." Mrs. Kang said after a while. 

"Oh. Okay, thanks." Sohee got up and left. Mrs. Kang took out her daughters picture and smiled softly. * Gaeun ah. Your baby is all grown up now. Are you happy in heaven with your husband?* Mrs. Kang looked at the picture and saw a Kumiho next to her daughter. It was Gaeun's husband.


"Woo Jiho? Why do I feel like I know that name?" talked Sohee outloud to herself. "Wasn't that Zico's name?"

Sohee hurried to Zico and knocke on his door. "Yes?" The door creeped open and she saw Zico popping his head out. He brightened immediately. "Oh, Sohee. What's up?"

Distractedly, she asked him. "What was your real name again?"

Zico's eyes widened. *, did she have that growing up talk already?* "Um. Er. Jung Jiho. Why?" he fibbed.

"Nothing... Nevermind. Thanks!" Sohee left, leaving Zico sighing in relief. *I have to be careful now. God, why do I have to love her.* he groaned and grabbed a random pillow and screamed into it. 

Sohee glanced up when she heard a muffed scream, but shooed it aside. "Whatever." 

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~The Next Day*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*


Zico groaned. He didn't give a damn about school. He was the one who created math in the first place! He regretted it now. 

"Never!" he managed to croak.

"5, 4, 3, 2,-" 


Sohee was glad she managed to make it to school. She had done everything in record time. No need to be late for school, you know? Looking around, she was disappointed that Jongup was not there. *Is it a one time deal?* 

"Looking for me?"

Sohee spun around and blinked at the close proximity between her face and Jongup's. Jongup's eyes widened and he gulped. His eyes wandered to her lips. He wondered how it would feel like if he touched them. Just a move of his head who just do. 


ZIco rushed and pushed Jongup aside. He turned to Sohee and inspected her. "Did he hurt you? DID HE TOUCH YOU? THAT ERTED OF A-"

Sohee shot him a look and went to help Jongup up. Jongup thanked her and sat down. Zico furrowed his eyebrows. * WHAT IS SOHEE DOING?*

*WHAT AM I DOING? WHY AM I HELPING HIM?* Sohee panicked. Was it a ghost-seeing-curse thing? 

Sohee shook her head and went back to paying attention at school. 



Anyways, I will try to double update tonight! YAY~

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Panda_FooFoo #1
Chapter 3: Are you going to continue this story?
Chapter 3: Please update as soon as possible~~~! I really like your fic
Lonelyy #3
I usually don't read supernatural.. But this is too cute :)
Chapter 2: can you please double update because I really wanna know whats going on haha
I'm really liking this story so far
Chapter 1: such a funny chapter, update more juseyo~
Please update soon! ^^