When You've had Enough


Imagine yourself a sister of a famous hallyu group. You are just a wonderful, sweet girl. Getting good grades, teachers adore you, just a great life! But....you're lonely. You don't have any real friends because all the friends that have been your friend were just using you to get to your brother and the rest of the group. You always get the "special treatment" just because you're his sister. You feel that you've had enough. You're fed up with being used just to get to your famous brother. When will you get new friends? Will you encounter an enemy who doesn't like you and wants to start ruining your life?



“Ever felt like you’ve just had enough? Like when you keep getting bullied at school and no amount of help from an adult will get the situation cleaned up? I’m not one of those kids, but I just wish that people would stop giving me special treatment because I’m a famous celebrity’s sister. They use me to get to my brother or the group itself. My friends will occasionally tell me to go visit the group and get their autographs. Now, I’m not saying they hate fans for asking too much or hate me for asking constantly, but I feel like I’m being used and not being a real friend to anyone. They just use me  because they know I have connections to the music industry through my brother. Hi. My name is Kim Jiae. I’m a senior in high school and my brother is Eli (Kim Kyoung Jae) from U-Kiss.”


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