Merry Christmas

Christmas Delights


Cold winds and a snow storm were the things that awaited the people in Seoul for the Holidays. It wasn't the most beautiful Christmas JiYong had ever seen, it was bearable. What made his holidays such a drag was his flu meaning leaking nose and puffy red eyes. He couldn't go visit his family that leaved at two hours away from Seoul and it was all because of this virus that got him in bed. He wasn't only going to spend Christmas Eve alone but he was going to stay in bed, resting.

JiYong sighed as he admired the beautiful dark cloudy city of Seoul seating against the glass window from his apartment. He felt the cold air from outside as he leaned his face closer towards the transparent wall. He didn't seem to care because all he felt was loneliness and emptiness. He chuckled pathetically at himself.

Suddenly, JiYong was startled by the doorbell of his front door. He clumsily stood up of the excitement and ran to welcome his unexpected guest, Gaho following from behind. Of course, he didn't know who to expect. He looked unsure at his pup before turning the door knob to face the person standing on the other side. He took a big breath and rapidly opened the door before him.

"S-SeungHyun?", stuttered the leader.

"Oh... Umm... Hi", said the tall.

SeungHyun scratched the back of his neck not meeting with GD's eyes. GD scanned him head to toes. His senior wore a beige long coat with a stripped scarf hiding his mouth, a paint of black tight jeans and black shiny burritos.

"What brings you here?"

"Umm... T-The storm...", quickly explained the older.

JiYong covered his mouth to retain his laughter. His fainted laugh made the rapper look at him in embarrassment. It was so obvious for both that was just an excuse. T.O.P pushed GD's head aside to make his way into his friend's apartment. The truth was SeungHyun didn't have any plans for Christmas neither and the person he wanted to spend it with was his beloved Ji. Obviously, JiYong didn't know that, yet. The older looked around as he took off his coat and scarf.

"Is dinner ready?"

"SeungHyun... I wasn't... Expecting anyone... Plus I'm sick", JiYong answered a bit uncomfortable.

"Tsk! I have to do everything don't I?", whined the rapper.

JiYong laughed making his chest hurt. SeungHyun looked at his grimace and ordered him to seat. He wrapped the younger in his warm wool covers and headed to the kitchen. This motion made JiYong slightly blush but he didn't understand why. This man had been making him question himself about several things in the past. He hadn't arrived to a conclusion quite yet.

Who was SeungHyun kidding?

He had never cooked before. Like actual cooking. He nervously looked around trying to find something to ready to eat. He opened every counter cabinet and found nothing. He sighed and grabbed two cups of instant noodles. The older couldn't seem to open the plastic lid. He cursed at it as if it would change the fact it was being hard on him. He was ticked by the annoyance of this plastic container. SeungHyun took a big breath before trying one last time. He brutally opened it making everything inside the small round cardboard cup jump in every direction. The rapper threw the empty box on the floor and grabbed a new one. This one didn't give him any problem. He placed the insides in a casserole with heating water and waited. He peeked at JiYong who was soundly sleeping in the couch. A smile crept on his face as he stared at him.

How could he let JiYong know about his feelings?

He had always been his friend but T.O.P eventually proved a new feeling, even more than friendship perhaps. He slowly tried getting his eyes off GD and looked back at the boiling water. The water was boiling but he had left it there too long and so it was overflowing. He tried moving the pot off the stove but it just burnt his fingers. SeungHyun hissed in pain as he brought his fingers to his mouth.

"I can't leave you alone for one second, can I?", JiYong asked irritated by the look of his kitchen.

The younger pushed his elder out of his way and prepared dinner himself. SeungHyun felt a little bit embarrassed to not be able to help his friend when he most needs it. He drummed his fingers on the table as he waited for GD. T.O.P stood up and admired the wine collection his leader owned. There were many exquisite looking wines. 'The older the better' SeungHyun reminded himself. Quietly, he took an appealing one out and poured some in two cups he found beside his wine counter. He never knew JiYong had such good taste but then again his younger friend loved alcohol.

"Dinners re–... Is that my wine?", the sick one asked with a smirk on his face.

The rapper took his cup in his hand and smelled it without looking into JiYong's eyes. The younger placed the noodle cups on the table along with chopsticks and spoons. Their hands brushed as soon as T.O.P tried reaching for his utensils. This might have seemed nothing but they both knew it affected them deeply both.  JiYong felt his heart accelerate faster each second. Even if he wasn’t entirely sure about his feelings, he knew what he felt for his elder was more than friendship. The younger took a shy sip to his wine and looked at the man in front of him. SeungHyun slowly looked in his way making their eyes meet.

“JiYong, I have wanted to tell something…”, SeungHyun started.

JiYong nodded as a sign of his attention.

“I-I don’t know how to exactly start. It’s quite complicated and new for me.”

There was certainly no turning back now but he didn’t really know how to explain this new feeling.

“SeungHyun, if you can’t tell me, I’ll wait”, JiYong smiled trying to avoid such a situation.

The young leader stood up removing any litter left from the instant food. He roughly coughed droping everything on the ground.

“Ji, are you alright?” cried the rapper.

He hugged his younger friend and held him in a tight embrace. JiYong nuzzled his face into TOP’s neck making the older shiver from the unexpected movement. JiYong’s breath felt warm and inviting. They stayed like this for second maybe even minutes until the younger surprised by his actions pushed himself away from his friend.

“Thank you”, he mumbled.

“N-no problem…”



After cleaning the mess, JiYong sat beside the Christmas tree at his place and Longley admired it. SeungHyun sat beside him an arm wrapped around his neck and shoulder. JiYong had a small present for his elder but didn’t really know how to bring it up.  The rapper saw his troubled face and patted his head.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I got something for you”, he confessed standing up and taking it from under the tree.

SeungHyun gracefully took it and unwrapped the small box. He laughed at the content: a bearbrick. A new toy for his collection no one was allowed to approach nor touch. He held it in his hand with a sincere smile across his face.

“Thank you, JiYong”

“I’m happy you like it”, JiYong replied.

JiYong took his attention back to the beautifully adorned Christmas tree. He didn’t really know why he found it so captivating to his eyes.

“JiYong”, SeungHyun called.

“Ye-“, Jiyong was cut off by SeungHyun’s lips against his. The elder smoothly moved them making GD join. This was maybe the sweetest kiss anyone had ever experienced. Minutes passed and the only reason of separation was the need of air.  They slightly blushed as they looked into each others eyes.

“I think I love you SeungHyun”, said the younger.

“I do love you”, he replied “but if I catch your cold you are dead.”

They chuckled and tangled their hands together as they shared Christmas together.  


Merry Christmas please enjoy sorry for the cheesy ending hehe

This is my first GTOP hope to write more in the future comment please I wish to improve


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Chapter 1: It wasn't cheesy at all, it was really sweet and funny with all those cute but awkward moments that begin a relationship. Great job.
Chapter 1: Aww, that was sweet, pls write gtop more c:
Chapter 1: Well done , buddy~ :D
Onepenny #4
Chapter 1: That was sweet :) look forward to more gtop :)
Chapter 1: they're so cute! And tabi is so mean haha.
of course we need more GTOP! r u planing to update on christmas too? :)