


You sat alone at your desk, flipping through your notes and trying to get in some last minute studying before class started. You could hear the whispers coming from a group of boys sitting a few desks down from you. You knew that they were talking about you, but you paid no attention and continued to study alone.

"Just go!" Chanyeol whispered quite loudly and pushed Kai towards you.

"No! She's going to reject me," he whispered back and slapped his hand away.

"And why would she do that?" Sehun asked, letting out an exasperated sigh.

"Because she turns down every other guy that asks her out or confesses," Kai explained.

"But what if you're an exception?" Baekhyun offered, "What if you're the guy that can melt the ice princess?"

"I highly doubt that. I mean look at her," Kai motioned towards you, "She's beautiful and smart and … perfect. Why would she choose me?"

The boys shrugged as students started to trickle into the classroom, a sign that their lunch period was coming to an end. They looked up to see their teacher starting to make his way to the front of the classroom.

"I don't know man," Baekhyun said as he sat properly in his chair, "You'll never know unless you try."

Kai snuck a glance at you. You were closing your notebook and tucking it into your bag. He turned away quickly when you looked up and met his eyes.

A soft sigh escaped his lips and he tried to focus on his teacher who was giving instructions to the class.


Kai narrowed his eyes as he watched another boy walk up to your desk.

"What's wrong?" Suho chuckled, sitting on the desk in front of Kai's, an apple in his hand.

"That's the third guy that has gone up to her today," he growled under his breath.

"Okay, and?" Suho asked before taking a bite out of his apple.

"I don't get why so many guys are talking to her," Kai threw himself back into his chair, his eyes still on you as you nodded your head at something the other boy said.

"What if they're just talking about homework or something like that?" Suho raised his eyebrows.

"No way," Kai shook his head, "Not with the way that's he's looking at her."

Kai and Suho continued to watch the scene in front of them.

Kai sat up in his seat when he saw the soft smile on your face slowly fade. He looked between you and the boy who now had his head angled towards the floor.

He let out a sigh in relief when you gave the boy an apologetic smile as he walked away from your desk.

"That was a close one," Kai mumbled.

"She rejected him?" Suho asked as he successfully shot his apple core into the small trash can near the door.

Kai nodded and looked down at his desk, his lips in a firm line.

"By the looks of it Kai, you better hurry up and confess to her. Someone else might take her away from you before you know it," Suho advised, giving his friend a pat on the shoulder before walking over to his own desk.


"Should I?" Kai asked himself as he walked down an empty hallway, "I mean Suho does have a point. What if she gets swept away by another guy? But is that worse than her rejecting me herself?"

Kai ran a hand through his hair in frustration. He founded a corner and stopped in his tracks when he saw you at the other end of the hall, putting books into your locker, alone like always. He quickly hid behind the corner and pressed his back against the wall as he debated what to do.

"Should I?" he mumbled and snuck a peek around the corner.

'You'll never know unless you try,' Baekhyun's words echoed in his mind.

He bit his lip and closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. He opened his eyes and straightened his back before walking up to you.

You closed your locker and saw Kai nervously walking toward you.

"Oh, hey Kai," you said casually.

"Oh, erm, hey ______," he replied, his eyes focused on something behind you.

You stared at him for a few seconds before tilting your head to the side, "Do you need something or…?"

"Oh!" his eyes snapped and locked with yours, "Yeah, I need to tell you something."

'No…it can't be,' you thought to yourself.

"Okay, go ahead," you nodded.

"I, ummm, kind of like you," he said in a soft voice.

"Oh," you breathed.

"But it's okay if you don't like me too," he put on a smile that was obviously forced, "I just wanted to get that off my chest. So, I'll just go now."

You watched Kai turn away from you and start to make his way down the hall, his head hung and his shouldered hunched.

"I like you too," you said in a soft voice, but just loud enough for his to hear you.

Kai stopped walking and slowly turned around, a shocked expression on his face.

"What?" he whispered, not believing what he just heard.

"I like you too," you mumbled, dropping your eyes to the floor.

Kai slowly walked forward, his eyes never leaving you.


You nodded your head and looked up at him, "For a while now actually."

"So is that why you turn down every guy that confesses to you?"

"Well yeah, I'm not going to go out with a guy if I don't honestly like him back. But then I got the image of an ice princess because of it," you sighed

To Kai, everything now made sense.

"Well, I didn't think you were an ice princess," Kai said as he played with the hem of his untucked uniform shirt.

"Yes you did!" you laughed and shoved his shoulder.

Kai smiled and tucked his hands into his pockets as you glanced down at your watch.

"I better get going. My parents might start freaking out and wondering where I am."

You were about to sling your bag over your shoulder when Kai took if from your hand.

"I'll walk you there," he smiled and turned in the direction of the building's exit, "And while we walk, we can discuss our plants for Saturday."

"Plans?" you asked, falling into step with him.

He turned his head and gave you a heart melting smile, "Yeah, for our first date." 

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Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwww sweet!!!!!!
Chapter 1: teehee!! more kai mushiness!!! wooohoooo!!! <3
minniscule #3
Chapter 1: Asdfghjkl~ Oh my goodness this is so cute :">
Chapter 1: This is good...(ง'̀⌣'́)ง !!!
BlackjackPride #5
Chapter 1: I love this story to pieces.: 3 it's so sweet <3
KpopLoverSelina #6
Chapter 1: Cute! I love you Kai!
KpopLoverSelina #7
Chapter 1: Cute! I love you Laid!
Chapter 1: That's cuteeeee. :">
myujane #9
Chapter 1: AWwww this is so cute . like it ^•^
Chapter 1: why am i blushing so hard? this is too cute!