Phantom Evolution: Underground Resistance



Phantom Evolution: Underground Resistance


In the Years After War, the world is left in a desolate state. Countries were destroyed, many people died. The government of every nation, small or large, democratic or tyrannical, fell, leaving the land to the people.

Now, centuries after the Great War that tore our world apart, new generations rose and government has taken a strong hold on the world, seperating into three main countries: The America(Consisting of both North and South America), The Asia(Consisting of Africa to Korea), and The Europe(Consisting of Englnd to Russia). Each government fighting for power over the struggling earth, no matter the cost.

But where there is rise, there is resistance. In each of these three rising countries, there is a group of people fighting injustice. In crumbling America, the Neon Troops, consisting of teenagers and young adults fight for help. In the undergrounds of Asia, the resistance group, Austresana, fights against their 'Thinning' methods. In Russia, the rebels called Anya fight to keep peace between the rich and the poor.


These three groups ,seperated by distance and the government, tell three different stories about life after The Great War.


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