

She didn’t live in a tower and she didn’t have a long braided hair yet she felt like she was Rapunzel—she was trapped. It all began the day after Sandara Park heard her parents started fighting. She forced herself to sleep that night because she wasn’t used to hearing her parents bicker and she thought that they were going to get divorce the very next day. But when she woke the next day, it was as if nothing happened the night before. She gloomily dragged herself downstairs to eat branch when she found her father reading a newspaper while drinking coffee (a thing that he usually did) while her mom was drinking tea. She wanted to ask what happened, but seeing that everything seemed to go the way it should be, she just took her seat and ate the waffles brought to her by one of the maids. She was enjoying her waffles when she suddenly heard a loud noise from outside. Her father brought the newspaper down and looked through the window, frowning as he saw who was approaching.


A man on his late 40s, looking enraged, was being stopped by two of security guards. But the man was far stronger than the two and was able to drag them with him. He was screaming bloody murder by the time he saw Mr. Park’s face. Mr. Park instructed his wife to bring Sandara upstairs while he settled this on his own. The wife didn’t even protest, she took the plate of waffles and told the 16 year old Sandara that they should continue eating their branch upstairs. The young girl was confused but she just nodded and followed her mother’s order.


Sandara didn’t hear about that man ever again. She wanted to ask her parents what it was about, but she figured out that if they wanted her to know about it, they would have told her already. She was too young and that’s why her parents didn’t want to include her in their problems. She just shrugged it off, mainly because she couldn’t care less about the man.


The next day, she wanted to go shopping with her best friend, Lee Chaerin when her parents introduced her with her 4 new bodyguards. She didn’t have any bodyguards before and she felt embarrassed because her parents thought that she was too young to go out on her own. She complained and begged to her dad to let her have a normal day with her best friend. He told her that she only two choice. They would let her shop but she should be with her bodyguards or she would just stay home and lock herself in the room because she wouldn’t follow her parents’ orders. They said that she needed protected against the Kwon family since they were rivals in business. Competition was getting tougher and there was already a war going on between them. Sandara sighed in defeat. She went shopping with her best friend together with her 4 bodyguards.


Over the years, the security became tighter and tighter and it was the main reason why Sandara couldn’t make any other friends. She had no one to blame other than her overprotective parents. She was already 19 yet she still had 4 baby sitters.


She was getting annoyed with people constantly following her around. Her father even hired a woman bodyguard so that someone could follow her in the comfort room when she wanted to pee in a public restroom. The only time she wasn’t followed was when she was at the prison her parents called home.


That was the reason why she accepted her best friend’s invitation to a masquerade party hosted by Chaerin’s boyfriend, Lee Seungri. Did she tell her parents about this? No, of course! That was the last thing she would do—tell her parents. And so, she pushed her luck and tried to sneak out that night. It was pretty risky but she climbed off the large wooden vines that hugged the walls of their house. It was almost as if she was in a Shakespeare drama sans Romeo. She walked out of their property on the back gate where the maids and other workers pass through when they get in and out of the house. She immediately spotted Chaerin’s car and she slipped off inside even before her best friend could invite in. And even before she could say hello, she told her best friend to drive off immediately in the fear of being caught.


When they were a few miles away, Sandara rolled the window of the car and took a deep breath of the cool night breeze. She was now free—even only for a few moments, she just wanted to enjoy her temporary independence.


She and Chaerin stopped by a local convenient store to change (since it was more practical than going back to Chaerin’s house which was on the other side of the city). Chaerin was the one who bought both of their outfits and masks. Sandara couldn’t help but gasped as she saw what her best friend just bought for her. It was simple white wedding dress that almost looked like the dress Hillary Duff wore in one of her movies and it would go perfectly with her silver mask. Chaerin on the other hand, opted to wear a midnight blue halter dress that hugged her every curve. It would go well with her dark blue mask.


It took them just thirty minutes (a record time for any girl who’s preparing for a party) to get ready. Chaerin drove them towards her boyfriend’s house, where the party would be held. They arrived in 15 minutes and the party already started.


The party was like any other party Sandara went into, but so far, she enjoyed this party the most. For one, no one was following her. And two, no one (except Chaerin) knew who she was.


She just took two drinks from the bartender on the counter (who shamelessly flirted with her) when she realized that her best friend ditched her probably to go find her boyfriend before he gets drunk and drag another girl into his bedroom. And so, Sandara decided to just drink all by herself.


She was just watching the people as they were dancing on the dance floor while the DJ played some upbeat song when someone approached her and started a conversation.


“I couldn’t help but notice you. Why would such a lovely creature be alone in a beautiful night like this?” A guy in black mask asked. Sandara didn’t respond immediately, she was busy checking him out. He was wearing a black blazer over his white shirt which was tucked in his black jeans that looked perfectly tailored for him. Sandara blushed as soon as she realized what she just did and to prevent herself from further embarrassment, she replied.


“Well, no one seemed to be interested in spending some time with me.” She said as she tucked her hair behind her ears.


“Nonsense! I wouldn’t be standing in front of you if I wasn’t interested with you.” The guy said before he offered a genuine smile. “Dance with me.” He said as he extended his hand in front of her. The music just changed into a slow beat song and he badly wanted to dance with her. She hesitated for a moment and stared at the hand he just offered. But as her gaze shifted to his eyes, she found herself nodding and taking his hand.


They walked towards the dance floor holding each other’s hand yet none of them seem to mind. As they found a spot, she brought her arms around his neck and linked her hands so that he could never let go. He s his hand around her waist, gently pulling her closer to him. They danced in silence—just enjoying the feeling of having each other in their arms.


After they danced, they isolated themselves from the crowd and walked towards the garden. The moon was full the night and it gave off enough light to illuminate their way. Sandara shuddered as she felt the cool night breeze touch her bare skin and she was about to rub her arms with her hands when the guy took off his blazer and gave it to her. Sandara was touched by his gesture but was slightly taken aback when she saw the tattoo on his forearms. But then, maybe she needed someone like him—someone who looked dangerous yet sweet and gentle. She accepted his blazer and wrapped it around her.


She was about to start a conversation with him when they heard the clock struck 12. And just like Cinderella, their fantasy was about to end.


The guests were starting to leave and Sandara knew that she had to be home before her parents found out that she was gone. And so, she took off his blazer and was about to run away when he stopped her.


“Wait! We don’t even know each other’s names yet.” He said as he gently grabbed her on the arm.


“Just call me Star.” Sandara said. She wasn’t ready to reveal who she was; after all, she wasn’t supposed to be here. She sensed that he knew that she wasn’t telling the truth, but then he didn’t force the truth out of her.


“Well Star, I’m Dragon.” He said in exchange. He said nothing more maybe because he really did have nothing more to say. He was standing in front of a beautiful girl and they were alone in the middle of a garden with the light of the moon making the dew from the leaves spark as if there were diamonds scattered everywhere. The cool night breeze blew her hair and dress, yet she remained beautiful and he felt his throat constrict. His hands unconsciously raised and touched her cheeks and he leaned down and guided his lips towards her own. And as their lips touched, it was like magic—they felt an electric shock all over their bodies that they still felt tingly even if their lips were already separated.


Dragon expected Star to tell him who she really was. But even before he could ask her again, she already fled—just like Cinderella. But then, she didn’t leave a shoe or any clue perhaps. All she left to Dragon was the feeling of her lips on his own and for Dragon—that was enough.


Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, Sandara never met Dragon again. Maybe she should have told him her name. But there was no point of blaming herself now. She couldn’t go back to the past anymore. And if it was indeed true love, then destiny would find its way to let them meet again.


Even though months had passed already, they couldn’t seem to forget each other. Sandara asked her best friend to ask her boyfriend, Seungri if he knew someone named Dragon but she didn’t get any answer. But Sandara remained positive, she knew that she would see him again—she could feel it.


Chaerin invited Sandara to a party she was hosting and Sandara had to sneak out again. It was a pool party and nothing could ever beat a pool party at night. Everybody would be cold that they had to do several activities to keep themselves warm.


For once, Sandara regretted coming to a party. Chaerin’s party was wilder than she thought it would be. Everybody seemed to be making out with their respective partners (or just the partner they found for tonight) and Sandara felt left out. She just stood there at the corner, drinking some alcohol to keep herself warm.


“You’re Star aren’t you? You have the same expression as before.” A man’s voice said and Sandara almost chocked on the drink she was about to swallow due to shock. She knew that voice and even if months had passed already, she could still remember his voice perfectly well.


“Dragon.” She muttered under her breath. She doubted it if he heard her though. The music was too loud and the crowd was too wild.


Dragon leaned towards Star’s ear to ask her if she wanted to talk inside where it’s quiet. She nodded.


When they were already inside, Dragon pulled Star into a hug, telling her that he missed her. She felt the same too and so, she hugged him in return. They met again and it only meant one thing—they were destined for each other.


Since Sandara was familiar with Chaerin’s house, she led Dragon towards the room she slept in back when she was still allowed to sleepover here. Sandara knew that it was too risky to be inside a room with a man but she didn’t care. This was not a moment to think. This was a moment to follow what her heart says.


All they wanted to do what get to know each other and talk. But then, they found another use for their mouths and they rather enjoy it too. They were about to do it when she stopped him.


“We haven’t been honest to each other. We didn’t tell each other our names.” She said. She was right. They didn’t tell each other their names. It was as if they were avoiding telling each other their names. They couldn’t blame themselves though. Their names were cursed.


Dragon turned his head as if he suddenly felt ashamed. He opened his mouth, only to close it again a few seconds after. He had a feeling who Star really was. And he knew that Star also had a feeling who he was. After all, this was a small world where everybody knew everybody. What would happen if they would tell each other? Would they allow their names control them? Dragon shook his head. This wasn’t the time to think. This was a time to follow his heart.


He looked up and stared at her straight into her eyes before he said his name.


“I’m Jiyong. Kwon Jiyong.” It almost sounded like a whisper but Sandara heard it well. She felt like she wanted to cry to the heavens for allowing her to like someone whose family was loathed by her parents. But did his name really matter? It was too late now. They had both fallen in love with each other... they both needed each other.


“I guess you know that I’m Sandara Park, right?” She asked him. Jiyong just stared at her, not saying anything. Maybe he was too scared to say something.


He was still frozen and Sandara thought that he stopped liking her just because of her name. And so, she fixed herself and slipped out of bed. She walked towards the door and when she was about to open the door and exit, a hand grabbed her by the arm—stopping her from leaving. The next thing she knew, Jiyong turned the lights off. The curtains were down and they were covered in darkness.


“Let the darkness cover who we really are. Tonight, we are just Dragon and Star.” Jiyong said. Sandara smiled not because she wanted him to see it (because he really couldn’t) but because she was glad that he seem not to mind who they were. She felt him guiding the both of them towards the bed and they had a slow, love-making that night. Both of them lost their ities to each other.


After that fateful night, they weren’t able to meet each other for weeks. Sandara found out that she was pregnant with Jiyong’s child and she badly needed to tell him. She called Chaerin and asked her if she could ask Seungri to tell Jiyong if they could meet. Sandara’s phone was being monitored by her parents as well and so, she couldn’t directly contact Jiyong. All the people she had contacted would be listed and she couldn’t risk being caught.


Sandara was shopping with Chaerin when Chaerin whispered to her and told her that Jiyong would meet her in the comfort room. But Sandara knew that one of the bodyguards would follow her in and so, she and Chaerin made a plan. They were fitting some clothes on and they went inside one fitting room. They exchanged clothing and since they were both of the same height and same hair color, it wasn’t too hard posing at each other. Both of them wore massive sunglasses that day too.


Sandara, who was now acting as Chaerin, excused herself and went inside the comfort room. She knocked on the door when one of the doors opened and pulled her in. She almost shrieked but a hand covered immediately—which she was really thankful for. She really didn’t want to be noticed.


“I miss you.” Jiyong said as they cramped up inside the small compartment. He leaned for a kiss, which she gladly accepted. They hugged each other after that and while they were still enclosed in each other’s arms, Sandara whispered to Jiyong what she wanted to say.


“I’m pregnant.”


She felt him froze and she was sure he was shock. But who wouldn’t be? Yet, he relaxed a few seconds after and told her that they should run away—where no one would know who they were, where they could live peacefully together. Sandara didn’t even think about it. She agreed. And so, they set their plans and they were going to run away two nights from now.


When that night finally came, they found out that luck where on their side. They were able to escape without either of their families knowing. They took a bus to Busan and decided to stay there for the mean time. When their child would be at least 3 years old, they would go abroad where they would stay forever.


By the time they were in Busan, just right after they arrived, Sandara asked Jiyong of his version of the story. Her parents said that it was merely a war about business and she had a feeling that it was more than that. Why would they hate each other so much just for business? It didn’t make sense at all.


She saw Jiyong clenching his jaw and fist and she suddenly felt like it was worse than what she thought.


“My older sister, Dami, was your father’s mistress. She got pregnant and she told your father that if he really did love her, he must leave you and your mother. If he wouldn’t leave you, then she would tell everyone about their affair. Your father got mad and he and my sister got into a fight. He pushed her and because of that, she started to bleed. And what did he do? He walked away. He let my sister suffer! He killed his own child and let my sister die with their child!” There was poison in Jiyong’s voice. And now, Sandara finally understood everything. That was the reason why her mother and father had a fight that day. That’s why Mr. Kwon trespassed into their house the next day. It was all her father’s fault. And she was ashamed because she’s blood related to him.


Jiyong saw her expression and he hugged her while telling her that she didn’t do anything wrong. He was mad at her father, but he was thankful for him because he took care of Sandara throughout the years.


That was the first and the last time they talked about their families. It was after all, time to talk about the family they were about to start. Jiyong processed their papers to change their names. The last thing they both wanted was being haunted by their names. So after pulling some strings, they were now Cho HanSik and Joo Hera.


When Sandara was 5 months pregnant, Jiyong proposed to her. They got married shortly after. They lived a peaceful life for years with their daughter Cho Minyoung. When Minyoung was two, Jiyong and Sandara started to process their papers so that they could go out of the country. Australia seemed to be a good destination, but then they wanted to be as far as possible. Now they were starting to think of living in London or Italy.


A month before Minyoung’s third birthday, they were preparing to leave for London. They already packed their belongings and they already had all their passports and tickets. They were about to board the plane when some men stopped them. Both of them panicked when Minyoung was grabbed from Sandara’s arms. Someone punched Sandara and she out almost immediately. Jiyong was struggling while 2 large men dragged him and pushed him into a car. Someone carried Sandara’s unconscious body and placed it inside another car. The crying little Minyoung was given to an old woman, who entered a different car.


After a few hours, they found themselves in an indoor parking lot of a hotel. Jiyong knew that it was his parent’s hotel. He refused to talk to his parents because he was mad at them for hurting his wife. He couldn’t talk to them when his wife’s unconscious body was just 5 feet away from them.


“Kill her Jiyong! Her father killed your sister—he killed Dami! Let his daughter pay the price for killing your sister!” Mr. Kwon said as he handed the gun to Jiyong. Honestly, he wanted to take that gun to kill his parents, but then he couldn’t do that. They were just hurt because of what happened to his sister. Yet, this wasn’t Sandara’s fault. It was her father’s. The one who deserved to die was her father.


Jiyong looked at the ring on his finger—the ring that symbolized their union, the ring that symbolized his loyalty and fidelity to her. He played with it, thinking of slipping it off his fingers. But he just couldn’t.


(A/N. The ring symbolized loyalty to Dara. If he took it off..it meant that he didn’t love her. And he will kill her.)


Mr. Kwon saw the hesitation of Jiyong and so, he pointed the gun at the sleeping Minyoung. “Blood is thicker than water Jiyong. But if you choose her, I will kill your daughter.”


Jiyong lowered his head, hiding his eyes under his hair. He clenched his jaw and fist before he turned around and walked towards Sandara. He grabbed her harshly on her arms, digging his nails on her skin. Sandara stirred slightly as might have felt the pain. She slowly opened her eyes and she hissed as she felt the pain all over her body. It didn’t take long for her to realize that she was tied up.


She stared at Jiyong and her lips began to quiver. The look on her face was full of emotions—she looked betrayed, angry, and hopeless at the same time. With her shaky voice, she asked Jiyong: “Why?”


Jiyong faked a smirk, hiding the pain behind his arrogant smirk. “Do you honestly think that I, Kwon Jiyong, would fall for you?” He said it in a disgusted tone. “Didn’t it ever come into your mind that I was only playing with that little head of yours to make you pay for the crime your father did?”


Sandara couldn’t hide her anger anymore. She looked like she wanted to slap Jiyong if she weren’t only tied up. “I never loved you.” Sandara spat angrily.


Jiyong felt hurt and surprised as Sandara said those words, but he never showed it. He just gave out a weak smile before he answered. “Good.” He removed his hands off Sandara’s arms. “Loving me won’t do you any good.” He took his handkerchief from his jean pocket and folded it. He used it to cover Sandara’s eyes—she struggled as he was tying it.  “I don’t want to see the look on your face when you die. I want to sleep peacefully tonight.”


He walked away from Sandara as she started to scream profanities at him. He acted like he didn’t hear anything at all. He took the gun from Mr. Kwon’s hand and he pointed the gun on his wife. He began to tremble and began to cry silently, making sure that Sandara wouldn’t hear. He mouthed the words ‘I love you’ (partly glad that she couldn’t see him did that for her eyes were covered) before he pulled the trigger, making Sandara howl in pain as the bullet pierced through her chest. Just as when Sandara had fallen to the ground, Jiyong turned around, facing his father and mother. Both of them had a satisfied look on their faces—feeling quite happy that their daughter had been avenged.


But then, Jiyong looked at the still sleeping little Minyoung as if it was the last time he could ever look at her. He said out loud, “I hope you won’t live a life like mine.” With his ring still on this finger, he ran towards Sandara, hugged her lifeless body before he pointed the gun on his temples. He closed his eyes and whispered to her lifeless body his love for her before he pulled the trigger.



A/N. I really do think tragedies are my forte. It’s easier to write tragedies. And by far, this is the longest ONESHOT I’ve ever written. (This fic has...4K words?) Anyway, this fic’s title is LOYALTY because of Jiyong’s LOYALTY to his parents and also to Dara. His parents want him to kill Sandara to avenge for his sister’s death. And he did that. But to be loyal to Dara, he followed her to the afterlife (bwahaha... he’ll probably go to hell though. Oh well...I didn’t say that I have a concept of Heaven and Hell in this fic right? Just think of it that Sandara and Jiyong were now in a better place. )


I know that you people hate me whenever I post a story and I killed one of the characters. But then, I have a new motto in life. “WHY KILL ONE WHEN YOU CAN KILL BOTH?” bwahahahahaha... see...I’m such a meanie... anyway... this is the second part of Cutting Strings. It explained why the Kwon’s and the Park’s hated each other so much. And it also showed Dara and Jiyong’s Romeo and Juliet-like love story. I hope you enjoyed reading this!

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Aaaaw..good good job author!
Chapter 1: Peaches! This story is fudging good! My feelings for this tragic love story is overflowing right now.
CassieJYJlhyn #3
Chapter 1: Whoaaaa.. What a tragic love story very nice ^^
Willidingding #4
i like it!!!
i love it!
I love this! I so love this! :) It was tragic, but everything was explained well. I could feel the nerves on my brain functioning well upon knowing what really happened. It so good that I stumbled upon this fic. This is actually worth the read even if the ending was tragic like that.
i enjoyed reading this...Jiyong and Sandara's love story is really a tragic~ OH MY GAAAAWD!
im done reading cutting strings...it's just now, that i notice this is the prequel.. *sigh*
omonaa!! i read cutting strings already and i just saw this prequel!! this is so saaaad!<br />
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you're really making me sad in cutting strings and here, Loyalty! TT.TT<br />
i got teary eyed at the part where Jiyong's father asked her to kill Dara and also the part where they said they never loved each other.. x(
angelfairy #10
I agree.. this was really your forte. sooo tragic and very heartbreaking OS.<br />
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it's so sad that they haven't given a chance to live life life freely. :( Yes, for once they've experience to live away from their own parents but still they aren't totally free, theyre hiding. HAyz!<br />
<br />
so sad that they're the one who'd suffered fr. what their parents had done, ARGH!! if only they could change everything, if only fate wasn't cruel.. the 2 together with their daughter would've been very happy & satisfied living their life now! T.T<br />
<br />
but somehow their story was very admirable. no matter what he had done, in the end he chose to be with her eventhough it's in the afterlife...T_T *sniff*