
The one to keep


It more complicated than ever I thought that moving out the greatest idea but it turns out that it made the situation worse, I kept thinking about Aaron and I just want to make it up with him but I don’t know how I cannot contact the number he used when he called me yesterday I feel bad and I’m totally confuse I can’t think of a better idea.


“Meimei I guess its better if you go back in Taiwan and fix everything” mom said

*surprise* “Uhm I don’t …”

“You need to grow up and be mature about making and doing your decision you must be responsible for every action that you would do” mom said

“But what about you?” I asked

“Oh! Silly girl I managed to be alone when you were studying in Taiwan its ok just do what’s right” mom said

*teary eye* “I don’t know if they’ll accept me and I don’t know if I can let go of Chun” I said

“Well there are times that we need to let go of something so we can hold a new one, it’s hard but you’ll get through it your still young and you can meet many more” mom said

*cries* “mom I’m so sorry I’ve been a selfish girl I haven’t think of those who really care for me” I said

“Sshh stop crying and pack your things and go to Taiwan as soon as you can so you can still fix everything” mom said


I run to my room and I pack my things I don’t know what will happen if I go back but all I want is to fix everything.


*standing at the door* “Meimei you’re a great lady I’m sure you’ll get through it” mom said

I hugged my mo and I started to cry again I know it will not be that easy to make everything ok

“Mom thank you for staying by my side” I said

“Oh! This girl stop it finish packing so you can leave for Taiwan as early as possible” mom said

I was surprise by her words I never thought she’d let me go back to Taiwan I thought she’d be saying just forget about it but that was the first time we’ve ever talked about love.


“Would you like me to send you to the airport?” mom said

“Uhm I don’t want you to see me leave so you better not but thanks mom” I said

“Silly girl don’t forget to call me when you get there ok” mom said

“Yeah I’ll call you” I said

“Go ahead just be your self and try to let go” mom said

“Oh mom” I hugged her tight

“I’ll miss you my princess” mom said


*at the plane*

Meimei’s (POV)

“I really don’t know what will happen there and I don’t even know where to start”

“I wish everything would be the same as before”

“I wish to go back at the time when Chun saved me so I could’ve stop my self from falling”

I close my eyes and a tear fall from my eyes I never imagined it all turn out this way.



Thank you for reading :))

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poor Meimei :( uhhh I wouldn't mind Aaron hugging me ;) hehe <br />
keep up the good work ^-^
hehe no problem since I like your story :D and thanks for the new updates ^-^<br />
I still hope Meimei ends up with Aaron ;) hehe
aoxiaomei #3
@Amaliya thank you so much for reading still :)) im happy you liked the updates ... ♥♥♥
aoxiaomei #4
sorry for the late updates :) i've been busy the past days...
of course I'll keep reading :D hehe nice updates ^-^ can't wait to find out what's going to happen next!
aoxiaomei #6
sorry for the super late update ^__^ hope you'll keep reading ..
yay updates :) aww poor meimei :(
thanks for the updates :D uhh can't wait to find out what's going to happen now :)
aoxiaomei #9
@Amaliya thank you so much for reading ^__^ hhmmm yeah i feel sad for him when im writing this chapter.. weird :)
Poor Jiro... :( looking forward to find out who Meimei ends with :)