
The one to keep


I woke up early and went straight to school I’m keeping a distance from the four guys I think it’ll help me from getting hurt and hurting.


(After Class)

I hurriedly pack my things and leave immediately. While I was running someone pulled me and drag me into an empty room, it was Chun


“Meimei what’s wrong?” He asked

“Uhm nothing.” I said I’m trying not to look at him

“Hey there’s something wrong here tell me maybe I can help” Chun said

“Nothing I want to go home I have something to do go to Laila she’s probably looking for you.” I said

Chun holds me “Look at me! Will you? I’m your friend and you can tell me anything so I can help you.” Chun said


“Stop it she said it’s nothing, let her go.” It was Aaron

Chun let go and I ran to Aaron

“Is there something you’re not telling me?” Chun asked

“I’m so sorry I need to go” I said


Aaron pulled me and we ride on his motorcycle he brought me to the riverside.



“Meimei what’s going on? Is there something I need to know? Why do you keep avoiding us this day?” Aaron asked

*sobs* “I don’t want anyone to get hurt, and I’m being a burden to all of you.” I said

Aaron hugs me and he taps my head

*smiles* “You know it’s not true, you are not a burden to us remember you are my princess anything you ask will be granted, Oh! And I forgot I’m not the only one you still have three prince” Aaron said

“Please stop crying.” He added

I hugged him and I whispered

“Thank you”

“If anything I ask will be granted then why is he not loving me back?” I added

“Maybe he’s so stupid and he never notices you.” Aaron said

“Is it he or I am the one who is stupid” I said

 “Try to scream out loud say what’s in your heart no one can hear you except me.” *laughs* Aaron said


“What? What’s wrong did I say something wrong?” Aaron asked

“I love Chun, Do you think I’m wrong?” I said

*laughs* “Meimei stop fooling around how can you love him when he already love someone else” Aaron said

“I guess I’m wrong” I said

“Huh? Are you serious? You’re just kidding when you said you love Chun right?” Aaron said

I looked away

“Is it true?” Aaron asked

I nodded

Aaron sat down and I was surprised to him with a teary eye.

“So it was him you like.” Aaron said

“Uhm yeah it’s Chun so I keep on avoiding him so I won’t get hurt to much, Every time I see them together it’s so hard for me to bear and I cant avoid but to cry, I …”

“STOP” Aaron yelled

Aaron hugged me and he was crying

“Meimei why do need to love him? Please tell me you don’t love Chun tell me you don’t like him.” Aaron said

“Aaron what’s wrong why do you need to cry over that matter?” I said

“Just tell me you don’t like him” Aaron keeps on saying

“Aaron why? Stop being like this please, I’m trying to forget him but I just can’t” I said

Aaron hugged me tighter

“Then instead of him, why don’t you try to like me?” he said

 *surprise* “What are you saying?” I said

“I like you Meimei, No! I love you Meimei.” Aaron said


I push him away and I started crying again. Aaron looked at me

“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to give you a hard time.” Aaron said

“Why? Why do you have to like someone like me?” I said

“It’s because you’re special” he said

“I’m so sorry” I said and leave immediately and went home. I never talk to any one since that day and I didn’t attend class for three days.



keep reading please ^_^

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poor Meimei :( uhhh I wouldn't mind Aaron hugging me ;) hehe <br />
keep up the good work ^-^
hehe no problem since I like your story :D and thanks for the new updates ^-^<br />
I still hope Meimei ends up with Aaron ;) hehe
aoxiaomei #3
@Amaliya thank you so much for reading still :)) im happy you liked the updates ... ♥♥♥
aoxiaomei #4
sorry for the late updates :) i've been busy the past days...
of course I'll keep reading :D hehe nice updates ^-^ can't wait to find out what's going to happen next!
aoxiaomei #6
sorry for the super late update ^__^ hope you'll keep reading ..
yay updates :) aww poor meimei :(
thanks for the updates :D uhh can't wait to find out what's going to happen now :)
aoxiaomei #9
@Amaliya thank you so much for reading ^__^ hhmmm yeah i feel sad for him when im writing this chapter.. weird :)
Poor Jiro... :( looking forward to find out who Meimei ends with :)