Falling for no one

The one to keep

Weeks passed and now i'm sure that i like chun he's kind he's good looking and he's really thoughtful and caring, i've been watching him since the day he saved me from the bad guys. I'm really having a hard time hiding my feelings for him, i want to keep the friendship that's why i'm keeping this to myself.


(After class)

I saw chun in a hurry, he's headed to the field at the back of the school so i followed him to see why is he in a hurry suddenly the rain pours so i ran fast with an umbrella so that chun wont get wet, but i was surprised when i saw him under a girl's umbrella i just dont know what to do that time.


*cries* *walks away*

"meimei something wrong?" a familiar voice

*turns around*

it was Aaron

*i looked down*

"meimei please tell me what happen to you? why are you crying?" he said

"i dont know" i said

*aaron hugs me*

"did you hurt yourself? just tell me why are you crying, i dont want to see you like this." he whispered

"i really dont know" *sobs* i said

"Then i wont force you if you dont like to talk about it. Just stop crying." he said

*wipes my tears*

"There much better." he looked at me and smiled

"Oh! by the way i asked mom if you can go with us later that means not attending to work today and she said yes you can." he said

"Uhm? why? where are we going?" i asked

"Hhhmm they said that let's just meet up at the restaurant." he said

"The one where we always eat? Why? is something wrong?" i said

"Hhmm i dont know either but it doesnt look like there's something wrong. Let's go together" he said



After a few hours aaron and i went to the said restaurant we were the first to come then calvin and followed by jiro.

"Where is that guy?" jiro asked

"I dont know, he doesnt gave me a call earlier." calvin said


Minutes passed and finally here comes chun and she's with a girl, the one i saw earlier. i almost choked up when i saw them together.

"Sorry for waiting." said chun

"No that's fine." said jiro and calvin

"Uhm by the way this is laila." 


Meimei's (POV)

"WHAT? he's really with a girl"

"What should i do i feel like crying"

"Should i go home? nah! i would look the bad one if i do that"

"I cant hold it anymore"


"Uhm hi! laila, Sorry everyone but i really need to go home now i need to call my mom." i said

*runs away*

"What's wrong with meimei? it's really raining hard outside and she left her umbrella." Jiro said

"She's really acting different i saw her earlier crying" Aaron said


Meimei's (POV)

*crying while running*

"Aish! im such a fool i left my umbrella, now im all wet"

"it hurts! it hurts! but i cant hate you for doing that."



I kept on running but i dont know where iam headed. i tripped and fell to the ground.


Suddenly i felt the rain has stopped but when i looked up it was calvin holding an umbrella and he was covering me.


"Why are you acting like this?" he asked

*sobs* *looked down*

"Meimei will you just tell me what's happening to you?" he said


"I dont want to see you hurting yourself!" he said

"Im so sorry for troubling you, you can go back now i'll just walk home." i said

"Are you out of your mind? Do you think i'll leave you like this?" he yelled at me


i was surprised when he put the umbrella down and carried me.


"You fool you'll get wet." i said

"i cant leave you alone" he said

im so weak that time so i hold onto calvin and im very thankful that he came.

"I'll just take you to my house so i can look after you." he said

*sobs* *nod*


Meimei's (POV)

"Thank you for coming calvin"

"You're a great person the girl you'll love would be so lucky to have you."




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poor Meimei :( uhhh I wouldn't mind Aaron hugging me ;) hehe <br />
keep up the good work ^-^
hehe no problem since I like your story :D and thanks for the new updates ^-^<br />
I still hope Meimei ends up with Aaron ;) hehe
aoxiaomei #3
@Amaliya thank you so much for reading still :)) im happy you liked the updates ... ♥♥♥
aoxiaomei #4
sorry for the late updates :) i've been busy the past days...
of course I'll keep reading :D hehe nice updates ^-^ can't wait to find out what's going to happen next!
aoxiaomei #6
sorry for the super late update ^__^ hope you'll keep reading ..
yay updates :) aww poor meimei :(
thanks for the updates :D uhh can't wait to find out what's going to happen now :)
aoxiaomei #9
@Amaliya thank you so much for reading ^__^ hhmmm yeah i feel sad for him when im writing this chapter.. weird :)
Poor Jiro... :( looking forward to find out who Meimei ends with :)