Paris. City of Love. Part 2

How DOES Love Work?


When I woke up this morning, I saw an arm around me. I saw Onew hugging me. He wasnt on his bed anymore he was on my bed. I looked up at him and thought to myself. I'm in love with this handsome, funny, and talented guy. To me, you are my all right now. Too Bad you dont feel the same. I sighed. I tried to move slowly so I wouldn't wake him up, but then he pulled me back and squeezed tighter. As he squeezed tighter me face started to burn. I was blushing like crazy.

"Alexx..." he muttered while sleeping. Making me blush so red that I was as red as a tomato. He was squeezing me so tight that I couldnt breathe. I wanted to stay like this forever, but I also had to live. So I gently nudged him and softly shaked him.

"Onew.." I said while softly shaking him.

"Onew.." I repeated and he got my pillow and started hugging it.

"Onew..!" I whisper yelled.

"Aish nevermind this." I said and went to make coffee in the coffee maker.

"Good Morning!" Onew yawned.

"Good Morning." I said facing him with my coffee and smiling like this ^_^.

"So how was your sleep?" he asked putting both of his hands behind his head while leaning on the wall.

"It was fine." I said making him a coffee.

"Can I have my jacket back?" he said and I just remembered that I still had his jacket on.

"Yeah sure." I said putting my coffee down.


The window's light hit Alex's hair making it shine and turn slightly brown. Then she took off my jacket and gave it to me.

"Thank you." I said while putting it on. I smelled a hint of her scent on my jacket. It smelled like vanilla.

"So what are we going to do today?" she asked giving me my coffee.

"Uhh I dont know." I said. I took a slurp and it burnt my tongue.

"Hoth! Hoth!" I said biting on my tongue every time.

"Here let me see." she said and I stuck my tongue out.

"Ith it okay?" I said.

"It is burnt slightly but it'll go away in 20 minutes." she said. I put my tongue back inside my mouth and I found Alex and I looking in each others eyes.

"Y-you have really pretty eyes." I said nervous since this is the first time I had ever flirted with someone.

"Thank you." she said blushing. We both looked away quickly.

"Yeah. You wanna watch T.V?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah sure." she said as both tried avoiding looking into each others eyes.


Thank you so much to that person at the door.

"I'll get it." she said.

"Yeah." I said watching T.V.


"Hii!!" Lee-Chan said and everyone followed.

"Good Morning." everyone said to us.

"Me and Jonghyun have plans today." Lee-Chan said.

"Same here. Me and Minho are going somewhere." Eun-Mi said as she clinged her arm to Minho making both of them blush.

"When?" Onew and I asked at the same time causing everyone to exchange stares.

"Maybe in an hour." Jonghyun said.

"We just wanted to inform you guys before we leave. So bye!!" Minho said and everyone followed at the door.

"So. I guess we have the whole day by ourselves." I said. The atmosphere felt awkward.

"Lets go out." he said scratching his nape.

"What do you mean?" i asked.

"As in like a date." he said turning slightly pink. So did I.

"Sure." I said.

"This is going to be like a real date, as in I will go outside and pick you up." he said going straight to the bathroom without a reply.

I jumped all over the bed smiling and blushing. I screamed into a pillow.

"Oh no! I need to get ready." I said. Onew went to Jonghyun's room to change and stuff I stayed there and got ready.

I took a shower, blow dried my hair, and found a pretty yet simple dress to put on (A/N: the clothes will be found on the bottom.)

I curled my hair to make it have a little more pretty and I just put a little bit of blush.

This is the only day I will be girly, I thought to myself while I was looking at myself in the mirror. At least im doing this for Onew.


He's here!

I went to open the door and saw Onew leaning on the side of the door.

"Well Hi There. Are you ready for your date?" he said giving me his arm. I clinged my arm to him and we got out of the apartment.

"Very much." I said, "So what are we going to do today?"

"We are going to eat at a very nice restaurant, walk around, and lastly go to the London eye." Onew said.

"What about our Dinner?" I said.

"We will go walk around after the London eye and grab some snacks." he said opening the car door for me.

"Yes." I said as he closed the door and ran to the other side.

When we arrived at the restaurant it said La Coupole. Onew already made reservations so we went inside.

"Carbonara please." I replied to the waiter as I gave him my menu. I looked towards Onew.

"Spagetti please." he said to te waiter as he left.

"Onew..." I called.


"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's almost 1" he said looking at his watch.

"Jjinja?!" I said.

"Neh. We woke up at 10." he replied.

"Oh Okay." I said. Then it all became silent.

"Soo... Where would you like to go after this?" Onew asked.

"Maybe just walk around and window shop." I said, "How about you?"

"I really want to see the eiffel tower." he said smiling.

"Ohh Yeah! Lets do that too!" I said.

"So we will window shop and go to the eiffel tower." Onew said as our food arrived.

While we were eating we didn't talk to one another since we were to amazed at how good the food was here. So, after we finished eating we passed by many stores.

"Look Onew!" I said pointing at a store and I ran towards it.

"What?" he said chasing after me.

"Look." I said pointing at the pretty heart necklaces.

"It's a couple necklace." he said.

"No it isnt it's a best friend necklace." I said.

"Really?" he said.

"Let's go." I said.

Onew took one more glimpse at the necklaces then caught up with me.

"There's the eifle tower." I said pointing.

While we were walking to the eiffel tower, I felt something slip into my hands. I saw Onew holding hands with me. I looked to the side blushing, and it went down.

"So.. would you like to go up there?" he said pointing up and to the eiffel tower.

"Sure." I said as we went up an elevator. As we went higher and higher, Paris looked so much prettier. Then the elevator stopped so we could see the whole view.

"Isn't it pretty?" I said resting my head on Onew's shoulder.

"Very." he said, "Y-you're prettier."

"Thanks." I said as we both blushed. The elevator went down.

"Awww it's over." I said.

"You want to go to the london eye?" he said since the sun was setting.

"Sure." I said and we got a taxi to drive us there.


"Wow. Onew its so big." I said looking up at the london eye.

"Yeah. We better get in line before it gets long." he said as he took my hand and we ran to the london eye.

There was about 20 people in front of us. Since there's so many seats in the london eye the line went very fast.

I saw Onew give the guy money so we could ride. We both sat next to each other.

"So did you have fun today?" he asked still holding my hand.

"Yes." I said and I squeezed on his hand.

"What was your favorite part?" he said smiling and the wheel started to move slowly so the others cold go on.

"The eiffel tower and the london eye. How about you?" I said as I put my head on his shoulder.

"This." he said as he reached inside his pocket and took out two necklaces. At first I thought it was the one at the store I found.

"Here." he said, "Yours has my name on it and mine has your name on it so we never forget each other and this moment." then he put the necklace on me.

"Thank you." I said and hugged him so tight.

This is the best day of my life so far. I never thought that I would find out about love and fall in love with Onew. I love you so much Onew. I was going to tell you today, but since we just are getting closer and closer by the day it's just so hard. Thinking that if you reject me we will never be as close as we are now.

"The ride is starting to move." Onew said and we released our hug.

"Thank you.." I said as I put my head on his shoulder.

"For what?" he said as he put his arm around me, causing my to blush even more.

"Everything you have done for me." I said as I looked out the window as we went higher and higher.

"Your welcome." he said. After that we didn't talk anymore, but the atmosphere wasnt awkward at all. I felt safe and loved for the first time in my life.


How was it?

This chapter is really sweet. I'm sorry if they havent admitted it to one another, I dont want them to yet.

Thanks for the one subscriber and the comments.

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Alex's outfit: 

Onew's outfit: 

I made it long since I cant update for the next three days. Sorry.

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Chapter 51: Update sooonn.. and put more dramas and sweet onyou moments!!
Chapter 8: Omo! <3 It makes me fluttteed over and over again XD <333 I love it so much!
So far, so good.
asianfanficlove #4
Wow i really really like this story about alex and onew. It's great! Loving it! :)
KOTS_Angel #5
Plssss....update plssss
KOTS_Angel #6
wow eoni its so coolll..super duper cool and can u update again 5 more and long kekekekek^^
boredomadedis #7
No silent readers?? <br />
Fine, fine. I'll come out of the shadows :))<br />
I really enjoy reading your story. I'm abit behind though but I'll try my best to catch up. So far so good :))
Love it^^
woah ! 4 more? <3
oooh! 4 more! will be waiting.... :3