
Home Sweet Home

It was lunch break and everybody was doing their own thing while Kaeun decided to take a walk around to get use to the classes and surroundings, giving herself a tour since Jiyeon and IU were too busy stalking Nana along with the Nana-stalkers. The first day didn't go as bad as Kaeun thought it would be. She liked her class somewhat and the school looked really nice too. She lets out a sigh, seeing a group of boys leaving the classroom 3-B, chasing each other down the hallway. Then she sees a pretty brunette girl entering the classroom 3-D, the classroom where Nana was in, but she wasn't sure if Nana was in there or not but it didn't matter. She walks up to class 3-D and takes a glance inside through the door. A boy suddenly appears and grabs her hand, pulling her inside Class 3-D towards a group of friends.

"You're the new girl, right?" asked the boy as the group of friends looked at her. Even half of the people in the classroom looked at her. Kaeun looks at the group of friends and nods nervously. At the corner of her eyes, she sees Nana sitting at the back seat in the corner by the window, watching her. Beside her was the pretty brunette from earlier. Both of them were watching Kaeun.

"What's your name?" asked another boy as he stood up, moving in close to Kaeun. He glanced at her from head to toe and smiled. "I heard that you're not from around here." Kaeun remains quiet, feeling a bit terrified at the boy. "Let's go out. I'll treat you to dinner and maybe we can have fun afterwards at my place." Everyone in the group laughs out loud.

"She's with me," said a voice. Kaeun looks over and sees the pretty brunette girl. She wraps her arms around Kaeun and leaves the classroom. Kaeun lowers her head, but turns to take a glance at Nana who sat back with a glare. The classroom got quiet when they left. They headed up the stairs while the brunette still had her arms around Kaeun. She finally removes her arm after they reached the rooftop of the school. "Sorry. You should ignore him. He's a jerk." Kaeun looks at her. "I'm Lizzy by the way." She lets out a smile as Kaeun suddenly recalls when Kahi mentions that Nana had stayed over at Lizzy's place.

"Are you friends with Nana?" she asked.

"Nana? We're best friends," said Lizzy as she laughs a bit. "Are you interested in her?" Kaeun widen her eyes and shook her head hard.

"I'm just curious," said Kaeun.

"What's your name? Nana told me it was Lee Kaeun, right?" said Lizzy.

"Lee Kaeun," she said, surprised that Nana even remembered her name.

"Seems like she's going to make a move on you sooner or later," said Lizzy with a laugh.

"Who?" Kaeun asked, looking at Lizzy. The pretty brunette opens and was about to speak until someone came up to the roof, opening the door. They both turned and glanced at the door, seeing Nana stand there with her arms crossed.

"Hey, Nana!" said Lizzy, walking over to Nana. Kaeun stood there and looked at Nana.

"Let's go over to my place tonight. I need to talk to you about some things," said Nana. Lizzy nodded and turns to look at Kaeun.

"Well, I'll see you later, Kaeun." Lizzy smiles and leaves the rooftop while Nana and Kaeun stood there. So...she'll be home tonight. Well this is going to be awkward, thought Kaeun as Nana was approaching her.

"Do you like it here so far?" asked Nana.

"Yeah, I-." Kaeun was cut off by a few screams that were coming up the stairway to the rooftop.

"Nana!" A group of people came onto the rooftop, pushing Kaeun aside. Kaeun falls over and lands on her side as she scrapes her knee. She looks over as no one even bothers to apologize to her. Nana who was behind surrounded by people suddenly sees Kaeun on the ground with blood on her knee, but she was able to get up on her own and leave the rooftop. Nana pushes them away and follows Kaeun who was already gone. She lets out a sigh as her chance to talking Kaeun was gone.

"It'll take a few days to heal," said the nurse as Kaeun smiles, looking at her wound while sitting on the side of the bed. "Just be careful next time."

"Thanks," she replied. The nurse gave her a smile and moved away to continue on whatever she was doing. Kaeun gets off the bed and leaves while her phone suddenly falls out of her pocket since it was dangling. The nurse turns her head to look at the door since her back was facing it as Kaeun closes it after she walks out. She turns away and continues her work. A minute later, the door opens, making the nurse turn back around. She sees the popular model-like student Nana and lets out a sigh.

"What is it this time?" asked the nurse as she knew that Nana would always come and try to seduce her, but it would never work. "I'll kick you out if-."

"Have you seen Kaeun?" asked Nana, cutting the nurse off. The nurse paused for a moment and looked at her.

"She was here a minute ago," said the nurse. Nana suddenly sees a phone lying on the bed. She walks over to it and picks up. "Whose phone is that?" The blonde girl flips the phone open and sees a picture of Kaeun and another girl. The girl had her arms around Kaeun and they both smiled happily together, but Nana only focused on Kaeun. She stared at the picture, attractive to those sweet eye smiles of Kaeun's. It wasn't like every other eye smile she had seen. These eye smiles have attracted her and she couldn't help it but fall for it.

"Nana!" said the nurse. The blonde finally removed her eyes from the phone and glances at the nurse. "Whose phone is that?"

"It's Kaeun's phone. I'll give it to her," said Nana and dashes out.

School had ended for the day and Kaeun walked home, trying to remember her way back. She lets out a sigh and glad that the first day of school for her was done. It wasn't that bad for her and she made some friends, Jiyeon and IU, and met a few creepers from Class 3-D, and was approached by the most popular girl in school on the first day who happens to be living with her. She lets out another sigh, thinking how it'll be like when she gets home and sees Nana and Lizzy there while Kahi and Jungah introduces them to each other.

After spending about forty five minutes trying to find her way back home, she finally did. Kaeun enters the house and hears Jungah in the kitchen, cooking while Kahi was in the living room being surrounded by papers. Her eyes went to the bottom of the stairs to the top as she hears a few giggles upstairs which means Nana and Lizzy are here.

"I'm back," said Kaeun as Kahi turns her head and greets her with a smile.

"Welcome back. How was school?" asked Kahi. Jungah suddenly came running out of the kitchen with a wooden spoon again.

"Welcome home. How's your day?" asked Jungah.

"It was good," Kaeun replied.

"Did you make any friends?" Jungah continues, being a mother to Kaeun.

"I did." She nods a bit.

"That's good. Dinner is almost ready," said Kahi, turning away to do what she was doing.

"It'll take a while," said Jungah. "Oh! Nana is also home too. I'm not sure if you guys met at school, but I'll call her down." Jungah quickly runs up the stairs while Kaeun walks to the kitchen to see what Jungah was cooking. In a couple of minutes, Jungah comes back and resumes her cooking. "She's coming down. She brought a friend over." Kaeun takes a deep breath and hears footsteps coming down the stairs while Kahi walks into the kitchen with a few papers in her hands. Kahi looks over and finds Nana walking towards them.

"Nana, come say hi to her. She'll be living with us," said Kahi. Nana approaches them as her eyes were locked on Kaeun's back, curious of whom it could be. Lizzy was behind Nana who was also staring at the back of Kaeun. "Kaeun, this is Nana and Nana's friend, Lizzy." Kaeun takes another breath and turns around. "This is Kaeun." As Kaeun turns around, Nana's eyes widen, also Lizzy's. Kaeun lets out a slight smile and bows to greet Nana and Lizzy while Nana could only look at her and think that this is just a dream. "You guys use to play with each other when you guys were little until Kaeun moved away. You remember her, right?"


yay! finally!!! finished it right before i go to bed. lol

i didn't proofread cause i'm really tired and my break ended. xP

i have school tomorrow... xO lol but i hope you guys like it! :DD

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sloppyscribblr #1
Chapter 20: I love this fanfic. I read all twenty chapters in one seating. Please update soon.
chanana7 #2
Chapter 20: update soon juseyo!^^
Chapter 20: i'm obsessed with this. i was not in to fanfics. but i really love this story <3
Chapter 20: nana so darn LOL! it was a nice chapter and i felt sorry for kaeun. i really hate ailee's group aww gawd imma take revenge for her xD. and that hiro i hope he's not a harm to kaeun i hope so. i hope nana can be there everytime with her. thanks for the up and pls up soon!
Chapter 19: rawr!! please ailee mind your own business u,u don't bothering them anymore~
Chapter 18: Love this chapter soooo much <3333
Chapter 18: I like the conflict/suspense in this chapter.
Chapter 18: thanks for the update ^^
fiuhh that's so close...I'm happy that kaeun isn't yet and Nana looking for her ^^
ChooChooPanda #9
Chapter 18: Finally an update :D Thank you so much and please update soon <3