The Biggest Lie

Forbidden Love

Taeyeon has the biggest dilemma. It is currently the next morning, the morning after Taeyeon’s horrible experience. Of course she was angry, but she was more upset than angry. Her heart was still aching and her eyes were puffy from crying last night. She didn’t know why she was feeling this way but she hated it. She hated herself for wanting to forgive Donghae even though he didn’t apologise whatsoever.

Back to Taeyeon’s dilemma. She didn’t know whether she should buy Donghae’s daily cuppicino for him. In the end she didn’t have the courage not to buy the coffee, so she ordered Donghae’s usual, a cuppicino with 2 packets of sugar. Taeyeon got to school, and saw Donghae sitting in his seat, staring out the window. Even though Taeyeon should hate him, for some reason she was relieved to see him. She quickly walked to him and put the coffee down on his table and sat down on her own seat. Donghae was startled, he then looked at the coffee and looked at Taeyeon. But Taeyeon didn’t look at him, she pretended to be angry, she was waiting for his apology. However, Donghae just looked at the coffee and smirked, without saying anything and stared back outside the window. When Taeyeon was about to interrogate him about last night, Siwon came in and slammed his hand on Donghae’s table. Frightening everyone in the room. Everyone stared and Donghae looked at Siwon.

“Ya! Siwon, what are you doing?” yelled Donghae, totally confused.

“I tried calling you last night and this morning, why didn’t you pick up?” shouted Siwon. Everyone stared in awe.

Donghae laughed,”mwo? It was out of battery and I couldn’t be bothered charging it. Ya! Why are you interrogating me like im your boyfriend….haha….it’s embarrassing”

“I don’t have time to joke with you! Don’t you think you have something to say to Taeyeon?” asked Siwon.

Taeyeon was surprised, he looked at Siwon and he gave her an encouraging look.

“Taeyeon, why?” asked Donghae in confusion.

“Why? Ha!” Siwon was really angry, and Taeyeon didn’t know why, all she know was that people in the class was really intrigued by this new piece of gossip.

“Siwon shi…it’s okay…everyone’s looking”, Taeyeon tried to stop Siwon.

Siwon touched Taeyeon’s arm, reassuring her, “Aniyo, don’t worry, I’m on your side, okay?”

Donghae saw the sudden interaction between Taeyeon and Siwon. He suddenly felt hot inside and had the urge to pull them both apart, but he didn’t. “Ya, whats wrong with you two? Ya Kim Taeyeon, what do I have to say to you?” Donghae was absolutely oblivious to why he is being scolded by his childhood bestfriend as he didn’t know how long Taeyeon waited for him last night.

Donghae looked at Taeyeon, but she was to scared to look back. Siwon then stood between them and pointed his finger on Donghae’s chest.

“Ya, Lee Donghaee, you are the worst boyfriend on earth do you know that? That so called “little” prank you did on Taeyeon last night. Mwo? You thought she’ll go home after waiting an hour? SHE WAITED FOR YOU FOR 6 AND A HALF HOURS, YOU IDIOT!” Siwon lost it and he let everything out; everyone was surprised, Siwon is known as the nicest guy in the school, popular, rich and caring; so when he yelled, everyone was staring in awe.

Even Donghae, he’s never seen his best friend yell before. But he was also shocked in hearing how long Taeyeon actually waited, he felt bad but he didn’t show it. Donghae finally let out a snort, “Ya Kim Taeyeon, pabo? Haha, you waited for 6 hours? Wow, this is the best prank I’ve ever had”.

Now it looked like Siwon wanted to punch him, and without knowing there were tears in Taeyeon’s eyes. Donghae looked around and shouted, “Ya! Doesn’t anyone find this funny?” However, no one laughed or agreed. Even though Donghae became popular straightaway after he transferred, everyone seemed like they were avoiding his question. Donghae was going to make further remarks, but that was when the teacher came in.

“Students, what’s going on? Go back to your seats now, class is about to start”, ordered the teacher.

All the students slowly went back to their seats and Donghae just shrugged and sat back down in his seat. Taeyeon was still staring at Donghae and tears were falling down. Siwon pushed her a little and wanted to help her.

“Ya, Kim Taeyeon, Choi Siwon, sit down or detention for both of you!” scolded the teacher. Siwon at that time wanted to help Taeyeon back to her seat, but she pushed him away and ran outside the classroom.

Siwon yelled out, “Taeyeon!” and was going to chase after her. However the teacher stopped him, “Siwon sit down! Uhh seriously, what is wrong with her. I don’t care, I cant let her interfere with others learning. Siwon just mind your business.” Siwon hesitated but slowly walked back to his seat and sat down.


-Rewind back to when Taeyeon ran out the classroom-

At this time Donghae was staring out the window and tried not to pay attention to Taeyeon’s stare. However, as soon as he heard the running noise and Siwon shouting out Taeyeon’s name, he quickly turned around and faced the classroom door. He had the urge to stand up and chase after her but he forced himself not to.

-End of rewind-


When it was time for lunch, Siwon ran straight outside the classroom. People guessed he was looking for Taeyeon. Ever since the lesson started, Taeyeon didn’t return back to the classroom. Donghae slowly walked to the rooftop. He looked around, secretly hoping Taeyeon was here but she wasn’t. He laid down on the ground and stared up into the sky.


-Donghae’s POV-

What do I do? At first I made the prank to prove to myself that I have no feelings for her, to prove that she wouldn’t wait for me because she doesn’t like me either. But she waited. Which means she likes me right? But after realising she waited for me, and after seeing her and Siwon, my heart pained. It means I like her too, right? I really wanted to apologise to her when Siwon asked me to, I really wanted to chase after her, but I know I couldn’t. I have to make her hate me, she cant fall for someone like me. I’m an , an ignorant guy who can never treasure a sweet and caring girl like Taeyeon. I rather make her hate me now and hurt her now, so I won’t hurt her even more in the future. The real pabo is me isn’t it?

-End of POV-







*Hey Readers, sorry i have to admit this chapter wasn't that great. There wasn't that much talking between the characters as i was trying to explain the situation. So i am really sorry for the bad quality of this chapter ^^



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sea0horse #1
Chapter 20: it was sweet :3 i like it very much~
lilliana22081996 #2
Chapter 20: Thank you very much for a great story!!!<3
sea0horse #3
Chapter 19: please update soon~
lilliana22081996 #4
Chapter 19: if this is the second last chapter, please make a sequel!<3 i love this kind of story! <3
sea0horse #5
Chapter 18: update please~
sea0horse #6
chingu~~ please update soon!
hanna92 #7
Chapter 17: And siwon's text message just had to come at that precise moment...i love all this drama, donghae is just so freaking cute, even when he's like this, and taeyeon too. keep it coming.
aniMefan22 #8
Chapter 17: omg I love this chapter, but it's soo sad. anyway It's getting interesting...don't end so soon, I really love this story.