Signs of feelings for each other?

Forbidden Love

So now that Taeyeon is Donghae’s “slave”, she has to do practically everything he tells her to; and her first “order” was for Taeyeon to wait for him every morning outside the coffee shop near their school, with a cup of cuppicino. Of course, knowing Taeyeon doesn’t have any money, Donghae will always pay for the coffee. Since she has the newspaper job, she has to wake up extra early due to her daily meetings with Donghae. But of course, seeing Donghae as the prankster, he will always come 30 minutes late, making Taeyeon wait in the cold.


-The third day of the slave contract-

-Taeyeon’s POV-

Uhhh where is that jerk?! I’m so cold….but I guess I’m glad he hasn’t given me any other orders apart from buying him coffee.

-End of POV-


While Taeyeon was waiting, Donghae decided to sneek up behind her and scare her.

“Oi, loser!” shouted Donghae.

With that Taeyeon got so scared, she spilled the extremely hot drink everywhere and some got on her hand hurting her.

Taeyeon let out a little scream and her hand was turning red. She didn’t know what to do, but what surprised her even more was that, Donghae was the one who seemed like he was in pain. He quickly grabbed Taeyeon’s injured hand and kept asking, “Are you okay? Does it really hurt?” All Taeyeon did was gaze upon Donghae’s worried face. That was the first time any guy have been worried about her so much, and she was wondering to why he was so worried.

When Donghae realised Taeyeon wasn’t answering his questions, he then looked at her and asked with sincerity, “Ya, pabo, are you okay?” Taeyeon was still out of it, she looked at him in the eyes. His eyes were full of wariness, like he was about to cry. They stared at each other for a while and they both went red in the face. Taeyeon took away her hand from Donghae’s grasp and looked away, saying, “yeah I’m fine…Ya! Just don’t ever scare me like that again!”

Donghae came back to reality, “ha! But that was funny, I should do it more often”, he then grabbed the drink from Taeyeon and walked away. Leaving Taeyeon to follow him. 

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sea0horse #1
Chapter 20: it was sweet :3 i like it very much~
lilliana22081996 #2
Chapter 20: Thank you very much for a great story!!!<3
sea0horse #3
Chapter 19: please update soon~
lilliana22081996 #4
Chapter 19: if this is the second last chapter, please make a sequel!<3 i love this kind of story! <3
sea0horse #5
Chapter 18: update please~
sea0horse #6
chingu~~ please update soon!
hanna92 #7
Chapter 17: And siwon's text message just had to come at that precise moment...i love all this drama, donghae is just so freaking cute, even when he's like this, and taeyeon too. keep it coming.
aniMefan22 #8
Chapter 17: omg I love this chapter, but it's soo sad. anyway It's getting interesting...don't end so soon, I really love this story.