제 유일한 크리스마스 선물은 바로 당신 뿐이입니까 (All I Want For Christmas Is You) one shot


Hello everyone!! ilovewattpad here!!! Mianhae if most of my stories are in hiatus. But anyway,,, since it's Christmas time, I have a very special treat for you!! A Christmas story with INFINITE!!! It's about me partially... and my real life crush.... I know that you are familiar with the story's title.... It's actually a song title of Mariah Carey's song..... So I hope you'll enjoy!! Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!


Christmas is just around the corner and Woolim Entertainment was holding a Christmas party for all its artists. It was time for Eunhee to pick  her victim for Secret Santa. Lee Jung Yeop , Woolim Entertainment's CEO walked around holding a hat filled with names along with a wishlist with the top three items she  wants.  As he slowly went around, the he stopped in front of Eunhee. Eunhee puts her hand in the hat and grabbed a random piece of paper. Once it was in her possession, she pulled out her hand. And read the paper. 

’Elvis’s Wishlist :D

1. I don’t care

2. I don’t care

3. I don’t care

and Merry Christmas ^^’ 


As Eunhee read the piece of paper a smile crept onto her face. It was her crush and fellow artist, Kim Sung Gyu or most commonly known by his English name, Elvis (which is also the name of Ace Of Angels' song). Just the though of getting him a gift excited her, but she had no idea what to get him. She looked up and looked at him. He was too reading the little piece of paper. The longer she  looked at him the more it made her blush. ‘Aigoo~ Why is it that you can make my heart beat so fast? ><’







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wherearefew #1
update soon..