That girl

That girl


I still cant forget about that girl. I don’t know why but I think I love her. It all started last year.

“sulli, lets work together this school holiday!” I was excited about the school holiday. I don’t want to waste my time staying at home doing nothing. Oh hell no!

So I was planning to get a job this holiday.

“work? Where?”

“about that, lets just go to the mall after school”

It was the last day of school today before holiday.


Great, now all I have to do is find a job!

Later that afternoon, we went to sulli’s house to get change. Then her father send us to the mall.

“okay, now what?”

We were walking around the mall looking at all the shop’s . I turn my head to the right and saw a department store.

“lets try this one”

So we went to the men’s area and ask the sales lady. This is our first time looking for a job. Surprisingly, we got the job as a promoter. I was so happy that I finally get to work.

“so, lets start tomorrow!”

“okay ssul!”

On the first day of work, im already having trouble. The security didn’t let me in. I don’t have a proper uniform. So I spend an hour in the mall looking for the uniform. It was a simple uniform, white collared shirt and a black pants. Thank god that I bring extra money or else I’ll dead.

After I got all I need I didn’t waste any time and quickly starts my work.

After a week, I finally got used to my surrounding. I had many friends. I don’t know why but everyone just came to me and be friends with me. Kind of weird but its good. More friends for me!

Today was different from the other day. We had to work over time because there’s a sale today. The store was full of people. Childrens running around, teens trying out some clothes, and other people buying things. I was working like usually, standing at my department greeting customers and all. Then I saw a kid was playing with her brother that she forgot her shoes in front of my department. As a good kid, I picked up the shoes and gave it to the little girl. Unknowingly, there’s 2 girls and a boy watching me all this time. They went to my department. I recognize one of the girl.

“did you stop working already?” I ask her.


“come on guys! Hurry up! Im damn hungry right now. I didn’t have my breakfast” aishh. After 2 minutes or so they came. “lets go!” I said excitedly. It was our rest time now. I got an hour to eat. Wohoo! We were walking outside of the mall to go back in the mall through the front door of the mall. You see, we have to use back doors to go outside of the mall to rest. We cant go through the front door of he department. Its part of the rules.

As I was walking with my friends I saw a girl that was also working in the department store. The girls name attract my attention. A jung? “wait, jung? Are you  a Korean?” I stop walking and asked her. “uhh, yeah?” she said looking at me weirdly. I know its weird but I cant help my curiosity. “oh, okay” I said then walk away.


“no, its my off day today” she said. She was only wearing a jeans and a tank top.

We were having a chat for a good 5 minutes maybe? I don’t know I didn’t look at the time. There’s one time we were washing our hands together in the wash room she told me that she had an ex girlfriend in my school. We talked about her ex who was my junior in school. I didn’t know she was gay? Anyway, I was curios so I ask her many questions about them. It was kind of interesting. Suddenly she got a call from her friend. They had to go. I realize that her friend, the guy was a sissy. Its not that I care because I myself is a tomboy.

“so what time you guys rest?”

“maybe 5?”

“oh, okay. Can we meet later?”


“just text me”


So we bid our goodbye and they left.

Now I cant wait to rest. I kept looking at my watch.

Finally! My rest time have finally came. I quickly punch my card and went out. I texted her to ask her where to meet.

We meet and she said she want to join me to have my late lunch but she didn’t eat. We talk about things and she send me back to the department store because I have to work until 10 p.m.

After that I went back to my department continueing my work. Is that her? She came back to my department staying with me. She said she was bored. so we sat down between the shelves of clothes so no one will see us. I don’t know why but I was brave enough to lean closer to her face. We were just an inch apart. I really want to kiss her! Calm down amber. Calm down. We keep talking(flirting) with our position like that. Sitting next to each other with only an inch apart our faces.

“wow, you are brave enough”


“to leaned this close”

“well, I cant help it”

It was nearing 10 p.m.

“I’ll wait for you”


10 p.m. she really did wait for me.



  “so are you going to go back now?”

“uhh, I don’t know if my dad is here already or not”

“oh, okay. Text him”

I texted my father, he said he will come a little late from usually. Maybe 10 minutes late. 10 minutes is enough to hang around a little bit.

So we went to sit on a stairs between the building. It was kind of secluded. She said I was like a nerd because I still tucked in my shirt. Whaaat. I like it this way.

I cant deny that she want to help me tuck out my shirt. So I stand up on 1 step higher than her so it is easy to tuck it out. I cant help but stare at her cleavage. ‘damn..’ i was feeling embarrassed that I looked away. She kept tucking out my shirt.

“okay done”

Then suddenly a call interrupt our ‘sweet’ time. It was my dad. He is waiting for me already.

“I have to go”


We stood up I don’t know what came in me but I pushed her on the wall and nearly on her neck.

“what are you doing?”

She asked. Breathing calmly. But I know she’s nervous. She didn’t protest at all.

“hmm, nothing. Sorry I cant help it” I said calming my body from doing something on her. She didn’t seem to care though :p

“what is it?”

She cupped my face.


“its like you are hiding something from me”

“I don’t”

“tell me”

“its nothing”

Then I let go of her.

“I had to go. see you tomorrow”


Next day, we meet in the mall and went to work together.

(I don’t remember when this happen so I just write it down)

She came to my department during work. It was forbidden to do that but I know she would not care about it. Like usual, she was bored. so we had a chat until her friend called her saying there’s a customer at her department. So she went back.

The next day, she came again. But today is different. She drag me in one of the fitting room. “what is it?”

She challenged me to kiss her.

“kiss me”


I was lost.

“yeah, you heard me”


“come on. Coward”

What?! Truth to be told, I already had a girlfriend. I know what im doing now is wrong but I cant help it.

She said if I kiss her the she will go out with me. Damn. I hate this. I cant reject a dare. So I accept it.

We kissed. In the middle of our kissing, I laughed because I think its funny. We ended up kissing again then hugging.

After that day, I know its official that we are going out now.

We are still awkward around each other. She bring me to her favourite place when rest time came. We walk around the mall together like a couple.

She bring me to the rooftop of the mall. It was beautiful.

This was the second time we went here. We only hugged. nothing more.

Then that bad day came. We got caught in the fitting room. Its not like we are doing anything. Its just that we are not allowed to sit in the fitting room too long. They will get suspicious. This is all because of her stupid cousin.

The next day she was no longer working there. Honestly I was kinda sad. We rarely meet after that. Until she decided to break up with me. I just accepted it.

Damnnn I cant forget about her.

My friend min always remind me to stay away from her because she’s a . She was her school mate.

I don’t know what happen but min and her had a fight. They became rival since then.

 I always know that she was just playing with me. I know it and I am too. But I know that she has that tiny feeling about me. Pathetic am i. but who cares. She’s pretty but what to do, she’s corrupted.

So our story ended up like that. I never saw her since then.


Extra part: there’s one time she had a fight with her girlfriend. In front of me when I was eating my lunch with my friends. I know she was cheating with her girlfriend and it was with me -.- and another tomboy. Tsk tsk, what a player. She said that she was single. And both of her girlfriend is already her ex. She said they want her to choose between both of them so she ended up breaking up with both girls. Bull. Min’s said otherwise. Her girlfriend(not the tomboy) was min’s friend too. So she told her about them. But I was only enjoying my time toying her so I don’t really care.


Authors note: I know this is such a crap. Sorry about my grammar. So this is it. Comment comment comment! I want to what’s your opinion guys. 

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fxcrazy #1
Chapter 1: oh, guys if you are curious how the girl look like try search for megan nicole. they look alike!
Chapter 1: Woow I'm speechless keke.. but I know there are some player girls/boys out there! And it's sad .. but u can't change them right ._.?!
I got a friend who used to date a girl like that, she didn't know though... sad part, she fell in love with the other girl when this one just wanted to 'have fun' -_-!! Man, those people !!
hanber17 #3
Chapter 1: Wow its a true story, i cant believe a girl like that really exist. Are you a filipino author?? :))
fxcrazy #4
Chapter 1: I KNOW! this right:( im sorry to disssapoint you readers!
purple-feathers #5
update soon!!