
Around the World in 8 Months

Prologue; 3,842 words










Jongin’s never really taken a look at ladies; he doesn’t know when it started but men, men


Jongin likes men.


It took some time and a lot of effort, but he came to terms with his uality and decided to live with it anyway. He’s an adaptable man. So while his friends get wasted in beats of music, gas bubbles of alcohol and s, Jongin seeks comfort in the gay bar hidden in an alley downtown, sometimes drunk and awakening the next morning in a stranger’s bed.


He’s even tried getting himself a boyfriend, a cutie with brown mushroomed hair and a poker face – was his name Sehun? – but it lasted for only a week because the brat was too demanding for his tastes.




The next week, Jongin finds himself walking down the familiar path towards the bar, feet slapping against concrete pavement and collar of jacket pulled high up to his jawline. He’s about to push open the door to the bar and surround himself with loud music and guys when he sees the poster.



Alone and lonely? Looking for somewhere to go? Why not join in on our special promotion–

Around the World in 8 Months, for Bachelors Only!

*Limited space for only 12 people!*

Countries include Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Germany, England, Holland, Australia and many more!

For more information, please contact:

[email protected]

or call:


Terms and Conditions apply.


He clucks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. Was he considered a bachelor? After all, he had been planning a vacation for himself, he just didn’t know where to go. So he tears off the poster and steps into the bar, stuffing the paper into his pocket and crumpling it in the process.


A vacation around the world wouldn’t be bad, would it?






Junmyeon’s an author.


He’s always loved reading since young; he loves entering fantastical and mysterious worlds, feeling the characters’ friendships and romances – it’s a much nicer place than reality after all.


Reality, to the Junmyeon who’s grown up, is locking himself in the study, glasses on bridge of nose, porcelain cup and pot of tea by his side, fingers flying over keyboard noisily with clicks and clacks filling the empty silence of the room, and black bold letters casting themselves on the plank page of the word document and forming words, sentences, paragraphs, chapters, stories.


Junmyeon loves his job, even if it includes a rather irritating editor by the name of Kris. Don’t get him wrong, he loves the guy and appreciates his work, but when it comes to datelines and drafts and manuscripts, Kris likes rushing, rushing, rushing, and Junmyeon dislikes rushing.


But Junmyeon does admire Kris for being so steadfast and professional in his work, though he’ll never admit it.


Junmyeon’s also lonely.


His family’s constantly travelling, while he opts out with the excuse of I’m working on a manuscript or my dateline’s approaching; he doesn’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend either.


So he’s pleasantly surprised when he opens his letterbox one day and finds a neon pink advertisement fluttering out.



Alone and lonely? Looking for somewhere to go? Why not join in on our special promotion–

Around the World in 8 Months, for Bachelors Only!

*Limited space for only 12 people!*

Countries include Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Germany, England, Holland, Australia and many more!

For more information, please contact:

[email protected]

or call:


Terms and Conditions apply.



He doesn’t go overseas often, but the idea of travelling around the world tempts him. Perhaps he may even find inspiration for his current story! So before he can change his mind and without even considering the price of such a long trip, Junmyeon pulls out his mobile phone after much struggle with all the letters in his hand and dials a number he knows very well.


“Kris, can I apply for leave?






Sehun doesn’t like studying. School isn’t very agreeable with him and he enjoys spending lesson time slacking somewhere that isn’t  his classroom. So it comes as a surprise to everyone (including his teachers) when he’s able to score straight A’s for every subject.


Sehun’s a genius.


He’s recently graduated from highschool – who knows how he did it – and doesn’t plan on moving on the college (because it’s not compulsory, apparently). He;s also jobless but he’s rich so money’s not much of a problem; Sehun just wants love.


He’s not a very loyal person and all his past girlfriends dumped him, and when he found out that he likes guys, it took him quite a few years to accept that fact and build up his own confidence again. His self-esteem isn’t high and he doesn’t smile much; Sehun was a weird character. No one relates to him and he relates to no one. He honestly believed that his first – and, up till now, only – boyfriend would understand him, but nooo. Jongin was too arrogant for Sehun tastes, so for the better of both of them, they broke up. He still sees the guy down at the gay bar once a week, sleeping around with different men, and he’s actually glad they broke up.


One weekend, while surfing the net as usual, Sehun spots a pink advertisement by the side of his twitter timeline. Without thinking much (when does he ever think, honestly?), he scrolls his personalized cursor over the link.




He’s directed to a tour agency’s website, where a familiar shade of pink catches his attention.



Alone and lonely? Looking for somewhere to go? Why not join in on our special promotion–

Around the World in 8 Months, for Bachelors Only!

*Limited space for only 12 people!*

Countries include Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Germany, England, Holland, Australia and many more!

For more information, please contact:

[email protected]

or call:


Terms and Conditions apply.



Sehun doesn’t bother himself with the price of such a vacation – he’s rich after all – all he sees is bachelor.


He might be able to find himself a boyfriend on this trip.


That’s all that’s on his mind as he dials the number listed in the advertisement and before the phone even hits two rings, there’s a perky voice that kills the dial tone on the other end.


“Hello, welcome to SM Tours! Thank you for dialing this number, how may I help you?”






Chanyeol reclines in the seat across the counter as he watches the travel agent type on her keyboard, occasionally reaching for the mouse and clicking a few things on her computer screen. His long fingers drume on the polished surface of the counter and he sighs, patience running low.


“I’m sorry sir, but I’m afraid the couples’ tour is fully booked,” The travel agent glances up apologetically and Chanyeol feels the whole world crashing down on him.


Well, not literally, but you get the flow, right?


“Can’t you open a slot for two more people? I’ll even pay extra! Anything! Just… please!” Chanyeol begs, on the verge of kneeling on the ground, because the date, the date, of the trip is perfect, so perfect.


The travel agent still has an apologetic look on her face and Chanyeol’s ready to scream at her because he’s just that desperate. “I’m so sorry sir, but the only special promotion we have that fits the date you want is the bachelors’ tour.”


Chanyeol feels slightly relieved at this, but bachelor? He’s definitely not a bachelor. He has a boyfriend, for heaven’s sake! Which meant that he’s not a bachelor. Nope. Nope. Nope. Not at all.


So why is he agreeing to the bachelors’ tour and signing his name on the tour papers?





Kyungsoo likes simplicity.


He lives simply with a simple lifestyle and a simple schedule and eats simple meals and basically simple everything.


He doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t do drugs, doesn’t get into gang fights, doesn’t go clubbing, doesn’t do anything bad, anything that’s not simple, anything that’s complex. He can’t even bear to kill insects (though a big part of the reason why is because he’s scared of them so he runs).


But simplicity can be really boring sometimes.


Hence Kyungsoo entertains himself with the occasional book with complex storyline, or a complex puzzle that’s hard to solve, or perhaps a complex game. Sometimes, if he’s daring enough, he even tries dealing with complex people, though he’s not too fond of that because people can be awfully complex sometimes.


As long as his own life isn’t complex, he’s contented.


So he really doesn’t why he signed himself up for a tour around the world after seeing an utterly blinding pink flyer taped to his front door even though he gets a strong gut feeling that this trip, his life on this trip, won’t be simple at all.





Baekhyun’s in the middle of a game on his Xbox when his mobile phone decides to interrupt his concentration.


He hits the ‘answer call’ button without looking at the caller ID and is about to shout at the caller because he just died in the middle of an important mission and the caller better have something nice to say or someone’s going to have their head rolling in no time.


But all those thoughts go down the drain when he hears a familiar voice at the other end of the line.


“Hey, baby.”


“Hi Chanyeol,” Baekhyun internally melts into a puddle on the floor at the sound of his boyfriend’s deep voice and baby. Chanyeol called him baby.


Baekhyun thinks he’s about to pass out.


“Listen, I’ve got something to tell you.”


Baekhyun’s heart races. “Y-Yeah?”


“Remember that couples’ tour?”


“Uh-huh, did you get us booked? Oh my God, Chanyeol baby I love you! You know I love you right? Thank you so much oh God I’m just gonna die right now I’m so excited I can’t wait I can’t even talk with commas and full stops okay I–”


“Baby.” Chanyeol’s voice cuts in halfway through Baekhyun’s extra spazzy speech and the latter is confused. “The couples’ tour is fully booked.”


His heart sinks and he doesn’t know what to do anymore. Fully booked? Did that mean he and Chanyeol weren’t going to spend his birthday overseas? Baekhyun knows it isn’t Chanyeol’s fault; his boyfriend’s probably disappointed himself. So why does he feel like he’s about to cry?


Instead, I got us booked on an eight month long tour around the world.”


Baekhyun’s definitely going to cry. Cry of happiness.






Kris rubs his temples, feeling a massive headache coming on. Here he was, about to give Junmyeon another dateline for the manuscript that the author isn’t even halfway done with, when the latter decides to take leave and go on a holiday.


I’ll get inspiration this way, he said,” Kris sighs to himself because he knows Junmyeon will be too busy vacationing to gather any useful inspiration. The worst thing was that the smiley-faced idiot chose an eight month tour of all the tours there were which meant a hiatus which also meant no new book releases until more than a year later which then meant Kris would have nothing to do for a year and would probably miss out on his year-end bonus.


The thought itself pushes Kris over the edge and he immediately regrets agreeing to Junmyeon’s request. “Gah… why did I agree to him… ugh,” He throws all 187 centimeters of his long body down on the feathery softness of his bed and tries to fall asleep, but it’s no use. All he can think of is Stupid Kim Junmyeon why did you apply for such a long leave why do I have a soft spot for you wow I hate you why did you choose Suho for a pen name anyway it makes no damn sense why am I working as your editor.


His phone rings loudly, scaring him and causing him to roll down the side of the bed, He curses, picks up the call, and before he can even say hi, there’s an annoying high-pitched voice at the end of the line.


“Good afternoon, sir! I’m calling from SM TOURS”



“Are you alone and lonely? Looking for somewhere to go? Why not join in on our special promotion –  Around the World in 8 Months, for Bachelors Only! There’s a limited space for only 12 people! The countries include Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Germany, England, Holland, Australia and many more!”


“I’m not–”


“For more information, you may email us at [email protected] or call this number, 123-456-7890! Terms and conditions apply, thank you for taking the time for this call! Have a pleasant day and goodbye!”


The line cuts off and Kris stares at his phone, bewildered. What kind of person calls and doesn’t even let the receiver talk?!


He finds himself flopped down on the bed again. An eight month long trip, huh? It probably wouldn’t do him any bad, plus Junmyeon would be gone, so he would have less of a headache.







Yixing loves reading.


Every Sunday, he’ll hole himself in the ancient bookstore down the street and read, cup of hot chocolate by his side along with a small plate of buttered cookies given to him by the kind grandma who owns the place.


Yixing’s life is very peaceful.




On one of those peaceful Sundays, Yixing walks into the bookstore, latte in one hand and book bag in the other. He finds the usual seat he always reads in and sets his bag down before bringing the latte (which smells amazing) to grandma.


“I bought you latte today!” Yixing greets her.


“Ah, really? Such a fine gentleman!” He feels happy whenever he sees grandma smile, and even happier when he hears her call him a gentleman.


(Even though being a gentleman doesn’t get guys to like him.)


“Have the books I ordered arrived?” he asks.


“Yes, I’ve placed them in a box near your usual seat. I assume you’ve already made payment, since you always do that before your books arrive. By the way, you might want to know that Suho’s editor released news yesterday that Suho’s on vacation, so he probably won’t release another book till… maybe next year?”


Yixing freezes halfway to his seat. Suho? On vacation? Which meant… no books?


Tiny tidbit of information: Suho is Yixing’s favourite author. Yixing loves how he writes his stories, spinning words into alternate worlds that Yixing loses himself in. In fact, he’s a fanboy of Suho. He attends all the book events and press conferences Suho is invited to and every single one of his books by Suho are signed. He’s even printed a photo of the guy and stuck it up to liven up the boring whiteness of his room walls.


Shoulders slumped in disappointment, he trudges his way back to his seat, half-dragged feet creating marks on the plush carpet. Just then, grandma starts talking again and Yixing immediately perks up and listens.


“Oh, I almost forgot. Yixing, I won a tour around the world that I can’t go on, so I’m giving you the ticket since you’ve been such a wonderful customer to me.”





Jongdae drowns in the scent of fine wine, taste of exotic cuisines and music of piano keys everyday under the stage name Chen.


Chen works as a singer at a fancy Italian restaurant, ballads and classical songs flowing from between his lips, perfectly pitched notes and lyrics stringing together into a song sung along with elegant fingers playing sopranos and tenors on piano keys, tinkling of wine glasses and cutlery on porcelain plates sounding in the background.


Then there’s Jongdae.


Jongdae is the man after changing out of the expensive tuxedo he wears for work into loose jeans that hang from hips and a plain shirt. Jongdae is the man who finds joy in tricking others, later watching their reactions and laughing at them. Jongdae is the man who places random bets with friends, Cheshire cat-like smile carved on lips and mischievous glint in eyes, confident that he’ll definitely sweep up everybody’s cash – which he does.


(Jongdae is also the man who’s just actually really lonely under the smile and bright personality.)




Two weeks, later, he finds out that the pianist who normally plays the songs he sings is on sick leave, so Jongdae decides, why not a vacation?


It doesn’t make any sense at all, but then again, Kim Jongdae doesn’t make any sense either.


When he’s finished with performing an encore, high on the audience’s applause, an attention-grabbing pink flyer in thrown towards the stage among a few roses that are being tossed by some fangirls he’s recently gotten (not that he actually notices them, sadly for them). He gathers the roses, takes a final bow, and heads backstage to change and clock out of work.


While ing his shirt, his eyes scan the flyer and he raises a brow.



Alone and lonely? Looking for somewhere to go? Why not join in on our special promotion–

Around the World in 8 Months, for Bachelors Only!

*Limited space for only 12 people!*

Countries include Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Germany, England, Holland, Australia and many more!

For more information, please contact:

[email protected]

or call:


Terms and Conditions apply.


And when he’s done reading, lips curl into a familiar Cheshire cat-like smile and fingers in pockets for a mobile phone.







Minseok looks up from the newspaper at his wife, who’s standing across the table from him. Almost immediately, he senses that something is wrong, very wrong, because she’s standing with arms folded across chest and a poker face plastered on her pretty features.


“Hmm?” he answers nervously.


“We… we need to talk.”




Oh my God, Minseok thinks. He has a very, very, very, bad feeling about this. This will not turn out well. He sips his coffee and peers at his wife over the rim of the cup. She’s chewing on the bottom lip Minseok’s kissed many times and fiddling with her fingers, thumbs rubbing across well-manicured nails.


She glances up at him. “I, well, I don’t want to drag this any longer, so I’ll just get straight to the point. Are you… are you gay?”


Minseok chokes.


Holy , she knows.


“It’s not that I’m angry or anything, I just found a gay magazine under the mattress while cleaning, I was wondering if it was yours… because I don’t own anything of that sort…” She looks down at her hands, and, despite the current situation, Minseok can’t help but notice how long her eyelashes are.


He clears his throat a few times before answering. “I, ah, I… how… do I explain… this…” Words tumble out of his mouth before his mind can form coherent thoughts and sentences.


“I… yes, I’m gay,” Minseok slumps his shoulders in defeat. “I should’ve just told you earlier. I was planning to tell you, I swear, just… not this soon… I’m sorry. For hurting you. Really. I don’t know why I’m like… this… either, and I’m not fond of it, but I promise you, I love you. I’ve loved you since we were dating and when we got married. It’s just, something went wrong, no, I went wrong, and I-I’m sorry for that. For going wrong.”


He looks up and his heart breaks because , she’s crying.


“Is this why, lately… you won’t touch me? You won’t kiss me? You won’t treat me like how you did in the past? You won’t… have with me?” Minseok would’ve laughed at how adorable her blush is under any normal circumstances, but what she said is true and he can’t deny that, so he nods.


She takes a deep breath and continues. “Then, I think… for the better good of both of us…


“Let’s file a divorce.”




It’s been a year since then. Since their divorce. Minseok still remembers the look on her face when they’ve signed the paper and the memory still haunts him. He’s glad for her now though, because she’s found someone who loves her and he’s just so relieved that they still keep in contact and that she’s moved on and that she’s happy.


Even if he isn’t happy.


He’s… lonely.


That basically sums up Kim Minseok, who’s walking down the street past a travel agency when an extremely pink poster catches his attention.



Alone and lonely? Looking for somewhere to go? Why not join in on our special promotion–

Around the World in 8 Months, for Bachelors Only!

*Limited space for only 12 people!*

Countries include Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Germany, England, Holland, Australia and many more!

For more information, please contact:

[email protected]

or call:


Terms and Conditions apply.


“Bachelor, huh?” he mutters to himself as he steps into the agency, pushing the polished glass doors open, almost bumping into an extremely tall giant.


“Sorry!” the giant booms and dashes off, leaving behind a confused Minseok.


Shrugging to himself, he walks to the counter.


“I’d like a book a space for a tour.”





Tao has a dream.


In fact, Tao has many dreams. There are many things he wants to do and many things he’s unable to do. One of his dreams is to travel around the world. Tao thinks it’s impossible because his family isn’t rich and he’s still looking for a job. College tuition fees are already a big burden or Tao doesn’t college.


If he can’t even afford education, how will he ever afford a trip around the world?




“Your receipt adds up to a total of fifty-one dollars! You’re entitled to one ticket on our annual lucky draw, please fill out your details and drop your ticket in the box right over there! Thank you!” The cashier as the supermarket enthusiastically hands Tao his groceries, receipt and ticket and the latter smiles slightly, takes his things and walks away.


He figures he might as well try his luck, so he scribbles his particulars down and slips the ticket into the slit on top of the box.


He never would’ve guessed that two weeks later, he’ll receive a call that tells him that he’s won a trip around the world.





“Get up, you lazy !” Luhan’s mother screams at her son for the nth time, tugging harshly on his blanket and effectively causing him to roll onto the ground.


“Five more minutes… mm,” Luhan curls up on the hardwood floor, pulling the corners of the warm blanket over his body, and falls back asleep.


“It’s already three in the afternoon! What were you doing last night anyway?!”


“Gaming… nnf.”


“You need better things to do in your life, you know that?”




“Anyway,” Mrs Lu huffs. “I’ve booked you on a trip. Pack your stuff, right now, because your flight’s first thing tomorrow morning.”








“You’re funny,” Luhan laughs.


“I know, of course I’m funny. But I’m also serious.”


“… What?! So I’m really… whaaat?”


Luhan watches in disbelief as his mother rolls her eyes. “Yes, now get up, wash up, and start packing!” 








um so it's 4.11am i should be asleep.

i'm sorry i'm kind of sleepy and my mind's not working well. there're probably some grammar and spelling mistakes here and there, but i'll check them over when i'm more awake... i'm sorry ;~;

so this took me quite a long time to post, and some parts are actually just word vomit ugh. i'm sorry. i'll try my best for the next update, but my current priority is my ongoing kaisoo fic so yeah check it out if you want, plus my kaisoo oneshot.

also,  A BIG THANK YOU to all 19 subscribers!!! i didn't expect any subscribers just by posting a foreword but... yeah~ thank you all so much, it means alot to me!!

you can find me on tumblr to drop me a message or chase me for updates because i'm a really lazy author ugh i'm sorry ;;;

(do i say sorry too much)

anyway, end of my author's note yay happy new year's eve everyone! have a blessed 2013 ^^


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Chapter 1: HAHAHAH omg it's only a prologue but i hink i'm enjoying myself too much wih it xD lol seriously it's so funny and fun to read >< <3 ugh i hope you update moooooooore :3 <3 i love all their parts. unff <3

oh and happy new year to you~ <3 ^^
foreverachild #2
Chapter 1: XDD forever lazing around, oh luhan XDD
Chapter 1: This look really good. Now im getting excited for next chappie :)
Update soon~!
foreverachild #4
sounds interesting :D
Coldsun1996 #5
Can't wait for the first chapter:))
omg lol this sounds like fun :D