Chapter 4

Ace The Alpaca


It was lunch, and I was tucked in between the crazy-alpaca-girl with a good dose of imagination from earlier that morning, and a couple of other crazy-alpaca-girls flanking my left sides and right sides.
You know, I probably should start coming up with better nicknames.  There were too many crazy-alpaca-girls in this school, so it was time to be more specific with the name-calling.
Let's call her crazy-alpaca-girl-who-stuck-alpaca-stickers-on-me..
Nope, that's too long.
"It's Grace," She introduced.  Ah, Grace should do.  "You going to thank me for saving your life?"
"I would," I replied nastily.  "If you did save my life."  Shoot me, but the whole classroom fiasco had dimmed my mood, and at the moment, I was in a pretty foul mood.  The sort of mood that even sent Candace sprinting in the opposite direction.
Speaking of Candace, where the hell was she?  I knew for the fact that she didn't take any of my morning subjects - according to her, Physics gave her headaches, and Biology gave her stomach pains, so I hadn't seen her all morning ever since she made that Great Escape from me on the way to school.  I really had to find her, and maybe buy her a hundred of those The Cookies down the street.

That way, there was no way she couldn't forgive me.  For earlier.


"Oh god, girl!" Grace exclaimed.  She raved her hands in the air exasperatedly, like I was some naughty elementary school kid that needed a beating.  "If I hadn't helped you, your pretty lil' head would've been bashed in by a Physics textbook.  Probably won't be so pretty after that, you know."


"Contrary to your beliefs, my head isn't bashed in because of that crazy dude's bad aiming skills," I informed her.  


I bit down on my chocolate muffin and cringed.  Mom's baking skills had a long way to go before her muffins could count as edible. 


"Oh, you're wrong."  Grace placed her stuffed Alpaca onto her lap gingerly.  "Jefferson missed, but his crazy buddies would've sent another four books in your direction if the riot hadn't broken out."  She fixed a pink fluffy bib onto her babe alpaca.  "You really angered them real good.  If those Alpaca stickers weren't on you, your Alpaca comrades wouldn't have reacted at your being attacked."


“Is Alpaca a religion or something?” The repetition of the word ‘Alpaca’ was beginning to drive me nutso.


“You think we worship Alpacas?” The highly refined Alpaca on her lap (which was preparing for fine dining) bobbed up and down with Grace’s convulsing laughter.


“Am I right?” I asked. 


A couple of girls to my left began giggling.  Oh, of course, Highschool is an eavesdroppers haven.


“So,” I said cautiously, eyes narrowed at the giggling gaggle of girls.  Yep, that lot hadn’t quite squealing with laughter at my expense.  “Where’s the Alpaca shrine round here?” The laughter only intensified.


I didn’t come here to play clown, s.


Grace made some dying cat sounds.  I supposed it was a sound you got when you mixed laughter and a-‘why’re you so stupid, girl?’-sound together.  She didn’t bother to hide it.


“Nope. No shrine.” Grace popped the ‘P’.  “It’s more like a fan-club.”


“Fighting over a fan-club seems kind of stupid.”


Grace grinned, “Welcome to the club.”  She gestured to the other crazy-alpaca-girls around her.  “We all think it’s stupid.”


“Okieee dokies.” I pushed my half-eaten, inedible muffin away, wishing I had a spell to turn it into The Cookie.  “So what does this club who-thinks-the-Alpaca-fad-is-stupid, doing with so many… Alpacas?  Doesn’t seem so anti-alpaca from my point of view.”  I made it a point to point an accusing finger at the stuffed Alpaca sitting innocently on Grace’s lap.


Another crazy-alpaca-girl joined in the conversation.  “We have to join a side,” She explained to me.  “And I’ll rather die than wear a black-kitty cap on my head.  So it’s Alpaca for me.”


“And… besides, Kris is-"


"Oh God, here they come.  So damn hot."


"I need a faannnn!  I'm melting from the heaaat~"


And then hushed silence.


Like someone had yelled for everyone to 'shut up, the President's arriving!', but no one had.


Alright, bad analogy, but you get my point, right?  No?  Let me try again.


The quietness of it all was so unnatural that it was as if a troupe police officers had just marched into the school cafeteria and yelled 'FREEZE!'.  Everyone, Alpaca or Black Cat supporters alike had dropped whatever they were doing, their eyes all glued to the front of the cafeteria - as though whatever was there were equivalent to President Obama in importance.


Before those crazy-cat-guys killed me and hid my body up a tree, I had to know what was there.


I turned.


And my breath lodged itself in my throat, like a razor sharp piece of fish bone.


That's why I'm a fishetarian (which means I don't eat fish).


But that's not the point.


Standing before the entire cafeteria were a gang of mostly guys (but there were a handful of girls).  And they were heart-stoppingly gorgeous.  Ah, I thought to myself with the single coherent thought I had fluttering through my head, this must be what the Cullens would've looked like if they were Asians.


I wasn't kidding.  I know you readers don't believe a single word I'm saying, and are probably thinking, 'oh, it's just another Twilight story.', but I swear - with my hands and heart crossed, that I'm telling nothing but the truth.  They were unnaturally beautiful, and standing side by side, they were a picturesque.  A sight as majestic as that of the Great Wall of China.  


I immediately zoomed in onto their eyes, looking for any signs of red irises.  


I mean, they could be vampires, huh?  You never knew.


Better safe than sorry.


The first guy right at the front of the 'Cullens' stole my interest. (Nope, not my heart, okay!)  It was the guy from Physics.  That Wu dude that parted the sea.  The sea of fighting students.


He was still as gorgeous as I remembered him, with his hair dyed blondish brown, and styled in the Zayn Malik fashion.  A few locks of tousled hair fell over his forehead - and I supposed those could count as a fringe.  The Wu had a sharp, aristocratic nose to match that pair of beautifully flecked, frosty eyes of his.  One look in your direction, and I swear, you would turn into a human icicle.  


I only needed one glance to confirm that he was the leader of the 'Cullens'.  Where Luhan was cute and friendly, this one exuberated a hot and dominant presence.


And no.  Unlike those chick-flick, romantic movies, the hot guy and I didn't make eye contact.  He didn't even look at me, or at anyone for the matter.  He just stared straight ahead, as though he were in some marching contingent, as he made his way down the cafeteria aisle.


The rest followed suit.


"Kris Wu." Grace's mouth was unmoving, her voice an awed whisper.  Pressure on my hands alerted me to the fact that she was speaking to me.  "Seven centuries."
"Luhan," She continued.  "Four centuries."  My head snapped away from the 'Cullens' leader, Kris Wu, and towards the next beautifully carved statue gliding after him.
"Luhan?" I gasped in disbelief.  "What's in Saint Pete's name is he doing there?"
The boy-next-door, a.k.a Candace's crush, had cleaned up well.  Better than me, I reluctantly admitted.  After leaving us to our own devices at The Cookie Shop, he must have made a beeline for home to get changed into his 'Kingly' skin.  He had transformed entirely, from the cutesy 'bunnys and chocolate' guy into the untouchably-y-playboy-bunny in town.
The difference?  Maybe it was his hairstyle.  He'd combed his 'I-just-rolled-out-of-bed-hair' sideways... But no, it wasn't that.
It was the way he carried himself.  It was his newly acquired demeanour.  The same nonchalant facade that Kris had going?  Luhan had definitely picked that up from him.
I didn't like the change.
Grace side-glanced me.  "Luhan.  Kris's best friend." She whispered. "Of course he'll be there."
What?  Kris's best friend?  Luhan had told me a lot of things about himself, but not that.
But in his defence, telling the new girl in town that 'I'm best friends with the most popular guy in our school!' isn't the best way to introduce yourself.
My heart started beating at double its previous speed when Luhan neared my table.  At least, I thought redundantly to myself, more oxygen was being transported to all parts of my body.  I quickly positioned my head downwards.  I didn't want Luhan to recognize me.  To these 'Cullens', I was obviously invisible.  I was just inexplicably there; existing; breathing, but living in a parallel world to theirs.
And a gut feeling told me that if I was recognized, that would change.
Luhan swept past my table.

I breathed.
Luhan stopped.
My heart stopped.
Luhan retracted a couple of steps, till he was in line with my table.
I died on the spot.
Luhan's previously expressionless face brightened like it was Christmas.  He waved at me.  "HI SOPHIE!" Luhan exclaimed, pleasant surprise flashing across his face.  "Fancy seeing you here!  How were the cookies?" 
Luhan beamed.  I gawked.  Everyone in the cafeteria gawked along with me.
Everything was happening in slow-motion now.  Kris turned around.  Kris looked up.  I looked up.  
We locked eyes.
And suddenly, I existed.
"How was school, honey?"
Mom was sprawled out on the couch, pigging out on chips, her fingers flying across the keyboard.  She had probably gained inspiration for another lame chick-flick plot.
And no, I didn't say that with bitterness.  I completely approved of Mom's career as a writer.  But sometimes... you know, when you're having a conversation with her, she tended to zone out, her mind lost in her little world of plot-lines.  It annoyed me more than it should have, but she made all the bucks we had rolling into the household, so I supposed I should be grateful nonetheless.
"Bad," I replied honestly.  I counted the list of horrid things off with my fingers.  "A group of crazy kids want me dead, I think my Lit teacher's picking on me, and there's some war going on in my school."
"That's good, honey."
I raised my eyebrows incredulously at my Mom who was currently staring, entranced, into the computer screen.  I didn't think she heard a word I said. 
"And," I added, to test out my hypothesis.  "I'm taking drugs, and I got an ugly tattoo that stretches from my s to my legs."
"That's great, honey."
Alright, screw this.
"Where's Canny?" I asked instead.  "We got into a fight at school, and-"  Mom's eyes were still transfixed on her computer. Everything I was saying was going in one ear, and out the next. "Oh, screw this, do you know where Canny is?"
"In her room," Mom replied automatically.  As mechanically as her computer.  I rolled my eyes.  If I didn't know better, I would think she was turning into one.
"Alright.  Thanks Mom," I told her instead, flying off to Candace's room.
Candace's door was locked.  And instead of a 'DO NOT DISTURB' sign usually hanging on her bedroom door, there stuck a large poster of a Black-Cat instead.


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rachellwy15 #1
I'LL BE YOUR FIRST COMMENTER:D why didn't you tell me you started a fanfic! and its something related to EXO. though i totally don't expect you to know who luhan and ace are..

Candace as a name is a little out though. I'm not going to read the story simply because of the name(i'm very choosy with the fics i read) but I expect the best out of you:)

Good luck!