Mission SUCCES

Married with the GUARDIAN Suho?!

You arrived at your appa's office but you still didn't entered his office because you wanted to surprise your appa.


You knocked the door and your appa heard that knock and asked you to come in but you being a naughty daughter again knocked the door but a little bit harder this time.


Seeing that attitude of yours,Sunny just chuckled at you.

'WHOEVERT IT IS,JUST COME IN.aigooo~don't you heard me?'Your appa yelled,you just chuckled along with Sunny since you just made your appa mad.


Your appa suprised about your arrival and you thought that surprising your that is succesful.

'LEE ~~~!How can you said that to your appa like that?I DO MISS YOU!YOU HAVEN'T COME BACK HERE FOR A LONG TIME~'Your father cry out too and started to get up from his sit and hugged you tightly.

'Hahaha~I Know you miss me..an action does speak louder than word appa~'You sang

'Ah!I frogot I supposed to be mad at you since you cut me off during the call!How can you do thaaat ti me?'Your appa said to you and sulked

'Aigoooo~an old man still know to sulk uh?hahahaha' You but got no answer from him so you begin to tickled him since ticklish is his weakness.

'It's not gonna work anymore~'Your father sang

I minute later

You still tickling your appa 

'BWAHAHAHA!get it off~get it off~HAHAHA!oh Gooood!hahaha'Your father burst out laugh and you laugh along with him

'Okaaay!enough with your lovey-dovey~Aigooo~'Sunny said to both of you

'Oh CRAP!I forgot about her* you thought

'Ooooo~Someone's jealous byuul-aaah~'Your father sang 

'Aniiiyyaa~I'm not jealous'Sunny said to your father

'Aigoooo~This two kids~hahaha'Your appa said and ruffled you and sunny's hair.

'Appaaa~hajimaa~'You said to him but your father just ignored you and started to talk with Sunny

'Sunny-ah,can you take byul with you since I still habe a work to do.Maybe you can have a walk with her but only at this building or you can take her with you to your practice room or bring her to anywhere as as it's not outside this building arasso?oh!one more thing don't forget to have your breakfast and lunch at the canteen downstair..and both of you don't be such a brat okaay?byul-ah just follow sunny and just leave your luggage here because you look like a kid that run away from home' your father said to both of you which make both of you giggled.

'Araasssso~'both of us sang.

With that both of you started to wander around the building and having a breakfast you reallly missed korean food since you always eat american food.When you at the canteen you meet a lot of trainess and other artist that under your appa labelmate,but you didn't saw Suho when you and Sunny having a breakfast so you decided to ask her about him.

'Sunny-aaah~I want to ask you a question..Can I?'You asked her

'NO!you can't!haha..Ofcourse you can idiot~hahaha..what is it you wanna know?'She said to you while she still munching her breakfast.

'Errm~that Suho guuy~why I didn't see him around here?I mean at this canteen..Didn't he need to eat to have energy?'You asked her.

Sunny gulped her food slowly but still looking at you nervously because she scared that you'll fall in love with the biggest ert guy!but you didn't know that about Suho is a ert.So Sunny decided to tell you about Suho..

'Errrm~how do I begin?Okaay~First Suho a very hard-working person.He didn't care what people talk about him and as long as they did their best at stage.So he and ,EXO, keep practicing until it's time to go home,eventhough Suho have a really angelic face that make a girl flustered when they meet him but he's actually a per..'Sunny told you but you cut her off.

'Eeeh~Wait,you said 'member'.EXO?wooo~How come I didn't heard about that?So he's in a group?hard-working?angelic face?well I admit it,that it can make a girl flustered when they around him well including me!woooaaah!DAAAEBBBAAAK!'you cry out that led everyone at the canteen looked at you weirdly since some of them didn't know you plus you're chatting with Sunny one girl of the famous group SNSD!So sunny try to calm down everyone.

'Sorry everyone,just enjoy your food.She's slightly crazy~hehehe'Sunny told them which make you glared at her.

'hahaha~byul-ah stop glaring me like that..I want to tell them you're Soo Man's Daughter..wait for a moment..'She mouthed at you but you try to stop her since you really hate attention but it's no use because she already told everyone which make everyone look at you and started to offered themself to sit with you.You can't say no to them so you let them sit with you.

It turned out that the female group that sitting with you was f(x),it's surprising because you can't recognised them maybe because you left them for a long time and you also can't barely recognised Krystal a sister of Jessica,Girls Generation which always bring her sister when they're having a practice and at the end your appa took her as a trainess.You talked with them and told them about your life at States and you excused yourself first.

After having a breakfast Sunny brought you to a practice room,and you can see 8 girls practicing  (A/N just imagine that there's only 8 people there x) ) it's Girls Generation!

They stopped their music and looked at you..

'OMMOOO!IT'S BYUUUUUL!' Jessica cry out and hug you,while you just smile and hug her back.Soon all of them started to hug you.

'yaaaa!all of you STINKS!hahahaha'You yelled at them and they just pout at you and stop hugging you.

They tried to walk with you,but you hugged they back but this time you told them you miss them and the girls hugged you back and pat your head.You just smiled at them.

You and the girls sat down at the floor and started to talk about a lot of things,but then you remembered what Sunny told you when you cut her off and asked her to continue her story.

'Sunny-aah~continue your story about Suho~hehe I think I'm interested at him..'You sang.The girls juat look at you weirdly but you didn't mind 

'Okaaay~everything about Suho is perfect but..he's a..PER..VERT!'she told you.Your eyes were widen!

'OMAAAIGAAD!I must stay away from him..ah!That's why he looked from head to the toe earlier!aaaaaaahhhh!'you screamed.

'You mus stay away from him,since he's also known as a playboy,he also love to making out with pretty girls you know'She explained to you..

But then you could heard a boys talking outside the practice room.

'HAHAHA!hyuuung!stop teasing me with Luhan..geeeez!oh!Sunbaae~'One of the boy cry out as he entered the practice room and he immediately bow to the girls.

'Oh?Annyeeeong Sehun~'Sunny said to him

Soon about 11 entered the practice room,you really had no idea who they are but as soon as you spottes Suho you know it.It's EXO!They'rre really good-looking~You feel uncomfortable when Suho looked at you and smirked.

*OMG!That ert!He's FAKE!how could he fool me by using his angelic face!* you thought

They stand at line,and started to introduced themself.

After introducing themself,you started to introduced yourself too after introducing yourself they were surprised

'Woaaah!You're preettty ~~~-ah..hehe' D.O said to you.

'Eh?kamsahmnida~just call me Byul..hehe'You said back to him

'Aaaai~Don't be so formal~ah!since you're here can you stay here and watch us practice?pleaaasse~'D.O asked you with puppy eyes.You couldn't stand and it and just giggled.

'YES!hahaha..gomaaawwo~"He thanked you.

'Ndaaae~but let SNSD stay too~'You asked her 

'UH?noooo~we can't hehehe~'The girls told you

'But!You can't leave me'You mouthed them but the girls ignored you.

You could sense that Suho is staring at you.

'Noona!A promise is a promise~You must stay here until we done practicing~'Sehun sang at you.

'Arassso~hehe'you let a dry laugh.

with that SNSD dashed out from the practice room.

To be continue..





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I'll update my story maybe this weekend!Sorry!Cause I have a test! T__T


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allenmitch #1
Chapter 41: Author-nim I REALLY LOVE THIS STORY
AmirahNorhairy #2
Chapter 41: OMG ! you've done a great job on this fic ! i read all of it less than 3hours .LMAO XD i really like this fic ♥♥
Chapter 41: OMG ^-^ ~~ That was REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!!
Good job author-nim!
Finished it in ONE DAY!
Haha~ I have finals...... -_-
Chapter 41: Aigoo good job author-nim..bestt and deabakkkkkkk.. ~@^_^@~
Suho_Chingu #5
Chapter 41: Omo!!!So sweet :3 i really like that
qeela1010 #6
Chapter 41: Awwww...Sooooo sweet!! I love it heheheheh
Chapter 41: whoa~~i like happy ending^^
Chapter 41: what happen to wahyun and yonhee????
that's all i want to know XD
Unwantedgirl- #9
Chapter 41: The story was nice ^^ But hmmm...
>< You can't feed when you're 4 months pregnant, you actually can't -feed before giving birth ^^'
Chapter 41: T-T they got twins <\\\3
OMG I'm glad they're together happy t the end >.< love this story!