Tattoos and a Whole New Perspective

Tattoos and a Whole New Perspective

The faint tapping of footsteps could be heard approaching one of the many studios in the SM entertainment building. You made your way through the crowd of familiar faces that greeted you everytime you came to bring EXO some food. You kept it simple this time with some warm noodles with chicken. Nothing to heavy or messy since they were doing a photoshoot that day. You finally reached the studio you were looking for and knocked on the door. One of the crew men politely let you in and you sat yourself down on one of the comfy chairs. You glanced at the set and saw a few scrubs placing the props for the next shoot. The photographer called out the next two members. Your ears perked up at the mention of Tao's name. You and Tao have been friends since you came to Korea and ran into him while walking on the beach. One hilarious fan girl moment after another led to him finding you endearing and you became friends. Now it's been a few months and you felt you were beginning to fall for him. The only thing holding you back was the fact that you had no idea how he really felt about you. He was always so quiet and sweet, but that gave you no indication about his feelings. The two of you got along perfectly well but he always kept any deeper emotions hidden. The sound of Lay greeting you took you out of your thoughts.


"OH! Hi Yixing. I brought you all some food."

"Mmmm, I can smell it from here."

"You act surprised, her cooking is always good." Tao's voice came from behind Lay. You took one look at him and nearly dropped the bags of food. You didn't even realize it on Lay, but when you saw Tao you noticed the concept of the shoot. Tao and Lay were both tattooed all over thier bodies. The normaly cute yet y panda boy you were use to was gone. The sight of such a raw and intimidating man was brain numbing.


The two guys were called and they went off to do the shoot. Through out the entire process you couldn't take your eyes off of Tao.


When the shoot ended he walked over to you with a smirk that made you bite your lip.


"Enjoy the view?" He asked as he saw how red you were.

"W-w-what?" It was all you could manage to stutter out.


He tilted his head and laughed. When he looked back at you, that smirk was still there. You felt your heart race. He playfully began to take slow strides towards you. Subconsciously you took a step back each time he got closer. Eventually you felt your back touch one of the clothes racks. He put both of his hands on the rod of he rack and leaned in closer.

"I have something I want to tell you: I like you. Actually, I've liked you for quite a while now."


"WHAT?!" He placed his finger on your lips.


"You were always so cute and funny. I couldn't help but start to like you. I didn't know if you liked me too." Suddenly his eyes began to glean. "However, after seeing you stare at me today, I think I've found my answer." He leaned in until his lips were half a centimeter away from yours. You felt his hot and jagged breath on your face. He looked so good that you just couldn't help it anymore. You grabbed Tao by his jacket collar and crashed his lips onto yours. He responded immediately by wrapping his arms around you. You broke apart for air and ignored the stares coming from the crew and other EXO members.


"Tao," you spoke in between breaths, "I like you too."


"Haha, yeah I kinda figured that." The two of you smiled at each other and finally felt at peace.

 FIN  <3

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Chapter 1: Awww! That was so sweet ^^ steamy fluff! I like it! :D
Raveness #2
Chapter 1: Aw~ so cute!