



Plot:      Yoo Sunhee is a very beautiful, naive, and friendly girl. As far as everyone is concerned, her life is absolutely perfect. She is engaged to her dream man, has a good job that she enjoys, everyone tells her she's pretty, and she has a best friend that she could tell everything to. Sunhee is so naïve that she, too, believes that she has a pretty much perfect life. Except that she has never once met closest friend.



Jinyoung met Sunhee 5 years ago on a popular chat sight. Ever since then they had talked to each other every single day. Every time she had a problem, she went to Jinyoung. He eventually pretty much knew everything about her. He even thought he was beginning to fall in love with her. Wasn't that insane? He had video chatted her twice, but he didn't know enough to feel. . . that, did he? 5 years is a long time though. So he did the first thing he could to keep from losing her.



Characters:     Yoo Sunhee (oc), Jinyoung, Joon (oc), and other side characters that will be later introduced. 







Bing! Jinyoung hurriedly checked his messages.




His eyes widened as he stared at the message. Had it been someone else Jinyoung would've taken is as an instant joke. . .but not Sunhee. Jinyoung's heart dropped to his stomach as he though about how he had just lost the girl he had liked for 5 years. He decided he had to change that, and he didn't even realize what he was typing.


Jinyoung: Celebrate by coming to see me.



A/N: I am starting this story as a start off for my newest writing style. I will format my stories different, I will word my stories different, and hopefully gain more views! Please Subscribe and Comment! Thank you so much!


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