Tiny Problem

Real Couple


f(x) group were now in the studio, Victoria, Sulli and Luna were practicing, so did Amber, she practice for her rap. Everyone knew that she was a singer and rapper in f(x) group but she need to practice more. Meanwhile, there's some girl who didn't practice at all. She look didn't interest at all, she just read the lyrics without even opened to sing. Or maybe she sang in her mind, she looked thinking so hard. Yes, it was Krystal Jung, the maknae of this group. Krystal was her stage name, her real name was Jung Soo Jung. Victoria looked to her maknae and smiled, she approched her. Victoria was a leader in the group, so she should take care a lot of her members. 

"Ya maknae, what are you thinking?" Victoria touched Krystal's shoulder. 

Krystal just shrugged her shouldders. This girl is realy looked like her sister, Jessica, the member of SNSD. Jessica was called an 'Ice Princess'. Wait, she was not an 'Ice Princess' anymore, she was now an 'Ice Queen', and Krystal was now 'Ice Princss'. 

"Krys, just tell me. I'm not telling anyone." Victoria tried to made this girl talk. But, seemed like Victoria's mission was failed, again, Krystal stayed silent and this time she just shook her head. Victoria sighed, and touched Krystal's forehead, to make sure if Krsytal is not sick. Well, thank God Krystal not sick at all. 

"Ok everyone, you had practice so hard. The practice is over today, this is the last time we practice for your new song, tomorrow we will record your voice for the new song. Keep your health girls, and don't sleep late at night." The manager said. 

"Thank you." The f(x) members bowed and packed their things to back to their dorm. 


In the van the girls were so noisy, they like to teased each other. But, again, Krystal stayed silent. 

"Krystal, what are you thinking of? Our favourite song is played, you don't want to sing? You really like this song though." Sulli said while looking to Krystal. 

"Oh.." Krystal said in a cold tone. 

"What was that? You look like an ice stone." Sulli pouted when she received Krystal's cold answered. "Ah! I know, you must be fighting with Sehun again right? Ahh, just tell us what happened?" Sulli . Everyone seemed excited to heard about the maknae's love story, always. 

Krystal's eyes got bigger, Sulli really knew her so well. And Sulli was right to the point. Yes, there's some problems between Krystal and Sehun right now, that's why Krystal looked so blank. This maknae couple really like to fight, but they easily forgive each other. But not today, Krystal was tired of all of their fights, she wont forgive Sehun again. 

"Uhm, this is not your bussines." Krystal answered. 

"Ahh, c'mon Stal. Maybe we can help you?" Luna tried to provoke Krystal. 

"I will do anything Stal, really. Huhh, why your love story really could make me curious like this?!" Amber grumbled. 

"Anything?" Krystal lifted her eyebrow. 

Amber gulped, she forgot that Krystal was so witty, she nodded reluctantly. Krystal smirked and she began to told the whole story about her and Sehun's problem. 

"What? I thought it was a big problems Stal!" Luna chuckled. 

"But, I don't like if he's too close to Luhan-hyung. What if he really fell in love with Luhan-hyung? Andweee." Krystal sobbed. 

"What the... If I know the story first, I will never said what I said before." Amber scratch her neck although she didn't feel itchy at all.

"Girls relax, she's the maknae, we know that Krystal and Sehun still a little kid. So their mature side still grow a little I think, hahaha." Victoria laughed, everyone followed to laughed too.  

"I wonder, if their mature side were grown, uhm what will they do? I mean....." Sulli wanted to continued but Krystal cut her off. 

"Ya, you ert!" Krystal threw her purse to Sulli. 


Meanwhile in EXO's dorm. 

"Hey looks like our makne is in his own mind~" Chanyeol teased the maknae, Sehun. 

"Let me guess, Krystal again?" Baekhyun added. Chanyeol and Baekhyun were really annoying hyung for Sehun. 

"Ya, guys just leave Sehun alone, he needs to think clearly. I just done with the food, you guys now can eat it." Kyungsoo stopped Chanyeol and Baekhyun's teased activity. Both of them were running to the kitchen, they always like this beacuse if some of them were the first to arrive, the winner could get more food. 

"What was the problem Hun?" Kai suddenly appeared next to Sehun. Sehun stared at Kai with his famous cold stare. "Easy boy, I'm just asking." 

"A very tiny problem, she really likes to make a small thing grow bigger." Sehun sighed. Kai nodded and went to the kitchen, Sehun stood up and went to the kitchen too. Maybe food would make his mind fresh again. 


Sehun stood in front of a brown door. He looked so nervous, he wanted to pushed the door bell everytime but he just couldn't. Then after 10  minutes he filled up his braveness and pushed the door bell. He waited outside the room like 5 minutes. 

"Seriously where are all of them? Are they already asleep?" Sehun grumbled, he corssed his arms on his chest. Then Sehun could heard that the door wanted to opened, he prepared his self and....... "GAHHHHH!!!" He yelled. 

"Opps, Sehun, sorry." Amber said. 

"Wha--what are you doing? You look so different, when your hair grow that long, and what happened to your face?"

"Ahh, all of this because of Krystal. She gave me a punishment, and voila, I must be like this. You want to come inside?" Sehun nodded and Amber let Sehun come inside. "Just sit there, I knew what you will do. A few minutes, this would be hard." Amber pointed to the couch, Sehun just followed her instruction and sit on the couch. 

Sehun waited there for 5 minutes, and finally Krystal appeared from Amber's room. Sehun wanted to approched her but Krystal blocked his way with her words. "No, Sehun I want to talk first. We are over." 


maybe Krystal jealous because of this? *-*
 "damn you Oh Sehun!!" 
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sonexol727 #1
Chapter 3: please update ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Exose7en #2
Chapter 3: You need to Update this fic.T_T? You can't leave us hanging
Graylu #3
Chapter 3: Update soon please!,
FragileFangirl #4
Chapter 3: Update now pleaseeeee [~~~~
Chapter 3: update plzzz
blackpearlshidae #6
Chapter 1: Update Soon ❤❤
hwangrin #7
Chapter 2: update soon, pls^^
Chapter 2: sestal is adorable :')
update soon!!!
Chapter 2: yes yes yes that's right.
sestal is the cutest couple in SM lol ><
update soon~