Chapter 2

Unexpected Love --(LONG HIATUS)--




Yeah~ It's break time! My favorite subject! Hahaha... I yanked both Xiumin and Lu Han as we all went to the Cafeteria to meet the others. 

"Ayo! Waddzup Guys!!" I greeted as I pulled my chair and sat down. 

"Hey Diuzhang! How's your class?" Tao asked while smiling innocently. 

"Nothing's change!" I simply replied as I slumped on my chair. Suddenly, I noticed something's wrong on Suho's face who's sitting beside me. I nudge him lightly as he turn to look at me with a bored expressions. 

"What?" He mouthed as he raised a brow. Aissh... Seriously? This boy! 

"What's with that face huh?" I cross my arms over my chest as I look at him suspiciously. 

"Nothing~" He replied lazily as he look away. Tch!! Nice attitude Suho! 

Suddenly, I look around to check out the others-- I mean, our sunbaes. As I took a glance at SNSD's table, I noticed that someone's missing. They're supposed to be nine so I look at them one by one. And DANG!!! One of them is not around and I realized that it's Taeyeon noona. 

"AHA!!!" I blurted out making all of them to look at me. When I say all... It's definitely ALL of the student's inside the Cafeteria. Oh geez., what the?! I slowly look down as I slightly bang my head for causing too much attention. 

"Yah!! Kris!! What's wrong with you?!" Lu Han slowly asked with a frowning face. Oh geeez... This is embarassing!! 

I look up slowly while biting my bottom lip as I scratch the back of my neck. 

"Yah! What's wrong with you?!" Suho nudged me lightly causing me to look at him. 

"It's because of you! Pabo!!" I scolded as I narrowed my eyes on him. 

"Yah?! Why me?! Pabo!!" He whisphers back. 

"Yah! What are you guys talking about huh?!" Lu Han suspiciously asked. But before I can say a word, SNSD sunbaes suddenly came in. 

"Hey guys! How's you doing?" Yoona-ssi beamed as she sat beside Lu Han who's mouth was slightly opens a gape. Hahaha.. Yoona-ssi's fanboy! Hahaha.. 

We all moved a little to let these beautiful ladies to have a seat. They all take their seats and not to mention, Jessica-ssi was sitting beside me. Eeeh? Calm down Kris! Calm down! 

"Hey Kris! Why did you screamed just a while ago?" Jessica asked while smiling innocently. I scratched the back of my neck as I slightly nudged Suho to ask for a help but he just ignore me. Aissh... Seriously?! 

"Ah... Eh... Hmm... N-nothhn... I was just--" She cut me off when she giggle and say "Heheh... Never mind it Kris! Clear up your mind first!" She then flashed a warm smile making me to forced an awkward smile. Aisshh... Kris!!! Calm down!!! 

I let out an awkward chucked as I scratch the back of my neck. I turn my head to look at Suho but my face suddenly softened when I saw Suho's crestfallen face. Aisshi... I know the reason behind that sad face of our Guardian Angel. Aissh... I'm not used to it Suho!! 

Everyone was busy chatting with each other and it seems like no one notices that Taeyeon noona is not around, so I decided to ask them where she is. 

"By the way, where's Taeyeon noona? Is she absent?" That was the only time that my friends realized she's not around. 

"Hmm... She didn't attend our class today. She texted us yesterday and she told us that she'll be doing something important" Yuri noona explained. I took a glance at Suho and it makes me sad seeing him like this. 

I gently tapped his shoulders but he just gave me a weak look on the face. Yahi! He's day cannot be completed without her! What should I do now?! 

Suddenly, Tiffany noona's phone rang. 

"Yeah~ Boyfriend alert~~" Jessica sang making the rest of SNSD to giggle. 

"Shut up!!" Tiffany noona hiss as she answes her phone. 

"Yoboseyo? Oh! Nickhun Oppa!!" Tiffany noona cheerfully answers the phone as she slowly stood up and quickly dashed out of the Cafeteria. 

"Yah! That mushroom!! She left without even saying any words?! Aissh..." Sooyoung noona complained as she crossed her arms. 

"Kyaaaa~ Don't be jelly Soo... She had a boyfriend! And you have........ US!!" Hyoyeon noona snickered as she winked. 

"Arrgghh., WHATEVER!!" Sooyoung noona rolled her eyes as we all laughed. 

While everyone is laughing along with our sunbaes, there was this one guy like Suho who's kinda disappointed and it seems like he's so sad. Yeah~ it's non-other than the eye smiled Baekiyun. He's a fanboy of Tiffany noona, and I guess.. That's the reason behind those deep sighs coming from his mouth. Tch! These boys!! 

Aissh... And this is the hardest part of being a fanboy of our sunbaes. It's like a dagger stabbed in our heart whenever one of them is being involved to someone else. Aisshh... I hope Jessica-ssh will accept me when I confessed. 

Yah! Did I just say that?! Aissh... Okay~ I admit it! i do have feelings for her ever since I first met her. We do have similarities and that's what I loved the most. Aissh... Looking at her is the only thing that I can do. I know, I can never have her... NEVER!! Aisshh... Wu Yi Fan!! Stop it!!! 

I shudder at the thought as I look up to Baekhyun. I feel so sad for him, and even for Suho. Aissh.. C'mon... It hurts me so much seeing my friends like this! Aissh... 

After a while, I stood up as I say "Excuse me guys but I really have to go now. I forgot that I need to do somethimg very important. Hmm... I guess... I'll see you again... Tomorrow!" 

"Mwoh? Where are you going Kris?" Jessica worriedly asked while holding my hands. I just smiled at her as I dashed out of the Cafeteria. Aissh... I don't know whxy, but., it hurts me everytime that I'm thinking about her! Aissh... Wu Yi Fan!! 

To be honest, I really don't have any important thing to do. It's just that I want to clear up my mind ro I make an alibi. Aissh., this is the only thing that I can do to stop myself from thinking about her. Aisshh... Kris... What the?! 

Before I leave the School, I decided to visit my Auntie's Bubble Tea Shop which is located just in front of the School. 

"Annyeong Haseyo Auntie!!" 

"Oh! There you are Kris! How's School?" She smiled at me as she gestured me to come over. 

"Hmm.. Doing good... How about you?" I asked whilst flashing a warm smile. 

"Fine my dear... As usual... Always busy" She replied as she began to prepare my favorite flavor of Bubble Tea. I just smiled at hes as I watched her making a Bubble Tea. 

Meanwhile, something caught my attention. Actually, it's someooe who really caught my eyes. 

"She's beautiful~" 

i mentally slapped myself when I heard my Auntie giggle. Uh-oh.. Did I just say it out loud? Geez.... Face palm!! 

"Haha... You like her?" My Auntie asked while looking at the direction where my eyes are fixed. I quickly look away as I put on my poker face. 

"Hmm... Silence means yes my dear... Hahaha... I guess she's just new here" My Auntie said whilst grinning mischievously. 

"Go on now and do your first move! Here, take her order and give it to her. I'll just go get the pasties arasso?! And be nice to her okay! Goodluck!!" She handed me the Bubble Tea as she forced me to stood up and leave me.... ALONE...Aissh... Seriously... This Ahjumma! 

I straightened up myself as I properly fixed the colar of my uniform. Stay cool Kris. Relax... You're just going to give her order. And that's all, nothing else... Okay? Relax... Take a deep breath.. And... Go!! 

As I walk nearer to her table, my heart is beating fast without any permission. Geez... Why am I feeling this way?! Tch!! Kris!! Suddenly, she look at me... I'm serious... SHE LOOK AT ME AND FLASHED A SWEET SMILE!!! Oh c'mon... What's wrong with you Kris?! 

"H-here's y-your or-rder..." I stutter as I placed down her order. 

"Thank you! Are you an employee here?" She asked while flashing a sweet smile. 

"Oh.. Ani... I just visit my Auntie" I simply replied as I flashed a warm smile. 

"Oh I see... Then you must be a student in SM University" She said as she takes a sip of her Bubble Tea. 

"Hmmm... Yeah~ I am" 

Suddenly, someone came in as my eyes widened when I saw Taeyeon noona coming to our way. I thought she's absent? What is she doing in here?! And why is she in her School Uniform? She then stop on her tracks when she saw me standing in from of this acquaintance. 

"K-kris" Taeyeon noona called as she slowly walked towards our direction. 

"YAH! Unnie!! What take you so long?!" The girl complained as she put down her Bubble Tea. 

Wait?! She just called her unnie? Wait-- is she referring to-- wait-- no... Taeyeon noona is the only daughter of her parents but... Wait., what? Unnie?! Huh?! 

I mentally slapped myself when I heard Taeyeon noona speak up. 

"Mian~ I just got a phone call from Mom!" 


I froze... 

They are sisters?! 

OH... NO!!! 


As a promised, we went to a Bubble Tea Shop which is located just in front of the School Building. Whaaaa~~~ This is so nice~~ I'll visit this Shop a lot of times! Hahaha...

A Beautiful Ahjumma welcomed us whilst flashing a sweet smile. She then take our orders as we both take our seats. Taeyeon unnie told me to wait for her, so as a result, she leave me alone inside the Shop. And not to mention, I'm to only person plus the Beauiful Ahjumma are inside the shop. Aisshh... 

Meanwhile, someone came in making me took up hoping that it's Taeyeon unnie. But uh-oh... My eyes widened as my jaw drops a little like I saw a famous model on a magazine. 

I mentally slapped myself when he greeted the Beautiful Ahjumma. I quickly looked away as I reached out for my phone and act like I didn't noticed his presence. 

"Geez... Why am I feeling this way towards that guy?!" I thought to myself as I secretly took a glaoce at him. Aissh... Seriously... Hyuna... What's wrong with you?! 

Suddenly, I saw him coming to my way whilst carrying the Bubble Tea that I ordered. I look at him as I flashed a sweet smile. Yeah~ I smiled at him. He then place down my order as he say "H-here's y-your or-rder" I noticed the crack on his voice as he handed my order. 

I thanked him and without hesitations, I asked him random questions. And GAH!! This is strange Hyuna!! You're not supposed to act like this especially towards this guy!! 

Suddenly, the door flung open as I saw Taeyeon noona coming our way. Yah! What take her so long?! She then stops when she saw me talking to this OH-SO-GOOD-LOOKING-GUY and wait?! They knew each other? What's his name? Kris?? 

"YAH! Unnie!! What take you so long?!" I complained as I put down my Bubble Tea. 

I noticed this guy named Kris frozed when I called Taeyeon unnie. Hmm.. He might be friends with unnie. 

"Mian~ I just got a phone call from Mom" She then take a seat in front of me as she take a look at this SO-HOT-LOOKING-GUY named Kris. 

"By the way... What are you doing here Kris?" Taeyeon unnie asked that guy as she stole away my Bubble Tea and take a sip. 

"YAH!!" I grunted as I cross my arms over my chest. 

"Hmm... You know... I just visit Auntie" Kris replied. 

"Oh I see... By the way.. Kris.. This is---" Kris cut her off when he say "Nah! No need to introduce her to me... I'M NOT INTERESTED! Hmm... I'll see you around noona~ I'll go ahead" He then leave the two of us and bid goodbye to the Beautiful Ahjumma. 

What the?! Did I just heard it right?!! Nice attitude JERK!!! I crossed my arms over my chest as I frown my face. GAH!! I thought he's a nice guy! Ahmft! 

"Ehem... Someone's kinda disappointed huh?" Taeyeon unnie cooed as I glared at her. She giggled at my reactions as she takes another sip of MY Bubble Tea. 

"YAH!! That was mine!! Go get yours!!!" I complained as I take my Bubble Tea away from her. 

"Eehh? Hyunnie~ Just admit it that you like him. Don't ya?" Taeyeon unnie began to pester me with questions. Seriously?! This kiddo! Aissh.. 

"Nah! That's impossible unnie! Me?! Like that JERK?!! No way!!" I stood up as I went to the counter to buy another Bubble Tea. 

This time, I'll be the one to pay it. 

"Can I have another 2 of this flavor please?" I smiled to the Beautiful Ahjumma as she takes my order. 

"Okay... Just a minute" She smiled as she starts to make the Bubble Tea. 

While I'm watching her preparing the Bubble Tea. Taeyeon unnie yelled something causing me to glared at her. 

"Auntie-ssi!!! She likes Kris!!!" 


i heard the Beautiful Ahjumma giggled while preparing the Bubble Tea. Aisssh... You'll pay for this kiddo! 

"Hmm... Mianhae Ahjumma~ She's just messing around" I apologized as I nodded. Aisshh... I hate you kiddo. 

"Heheh.. I'm used to her my dear..." She giggle as she smiled at me making me to smiled back, actually, an awkward one. I slowly look down while biting my bottom lip as I cursed that little kiddo!! Aissh.. 

"Are you new here dear? It's my first time to see you here" She asked all of a sudden making me to look up. 

"Hmm... Yep! My parents transferred me here" I replied as I flashed a warm smile. She's so nice huh? Compared to that JERK!!!! 

"Oh I see... Then I'll see you again some other time here my dear....??" 

"Hyuna... Choi Hyuna" I introduced myself as I reached out for her hand. She shook my hand as she flashed a sweet smile. 

"From now on, you can also call me Auntie!" She winked as she handed my order. 

"Thank you Auntie-ssi... Nice to meet you!" I flashed a sweet smile as I take the Bubble Tea. 

"Oh... And by the way, I want to apologize for my little nephew's attitude. He's sometimes cold and annoying, but he's really sweet and caring" She apologized as she flashed a warm smile. 

"Hmmm... No need to apologized Auntie-ssi... It's not your fault... It's that Bast---- nevermind! Thanks anyways!" I heard her giggle when I almost blurted out that his nephew is a bastard! Aissh... 

"Heheh... Have a nice day Hyuna!" 

"Thanks Auntie-ssi! I'll see you again some other time! Bye!" I bid goodbye as I flashed a warm smile. 

"Bye Auntie-ssi!! Have a nice day!" Taeyeon unnie bid goodbye as she kissed her cheek. 

"Hehe... Bye girls! Have a great day! Take care!!" Auntie yelled as we stepped out of the shop. 

As soon as we're out of the shop, I handed her the Bubble Tea that I ordered for her. 

"Here! Take it!!" 

"Kyaaaa~~ Is this a token for knowing Kris' name huh?!" Taeyeon unnie cooed as she nudged me lightly. Aisshh... Seriously?! This kiddo is something!! 

"WHATEVER!!! C'mon and show me around the School!" I rolled my eyes as I motioned her to come over. 

"Hahah... Arasso~~~~....... KRIS!!!!" She teased as she scooted quickly away like a rat. 

"YAH! Y-you... Unnie!!!! Wait for me!!!!" I immediately followed her from behind whilst pouting my lips.

Aisshh... This little kiddo! Maybe I hate her, sometimes... But I do love her most of the time. She might be messing around me, but I'm used to it. She's the best cousing... Or should I say... A sister and a best friend that I ever had. 

And yeah, she keeps of bugging me about that Jerk bastard Kris!! Aissh... Okay I admit it... He's handsome and OH-SO-HOT-LOOKING-GUY who looks like a model on a magazine, but.... Uhhh!!! He's attitude?! Nevermind it!! It's much better to stare at him from a far than to know him even more. 

"I'm never going to fall for you.,. JERK!!" 



Chapter 2 is up!! Eehh?

Sorry for making you confused!

I hope you're still getting the proper idea of this story... Hahaha...

But anyways... What can you say about their first meeting? Hahaha... 


Ooopz... And if you have time, mind to check my other story... The Unknown Princess. 

Thank you all! God bless! 



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[Unexpected Love] : Chapter 2 is up!! Check it out and leave a comment^^


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Angeline17 #1
Chapter 3: PLS update. I love both of your stories, can you also update The Unknown Princess on Watt pad. Thank you po .
ItzJaeKay #2
Chapter 2: That's lol... What's Kris problem LOLOL
Lol Taeyeon is funny haha
Chapter 2: Awww... Taeyeon is so funny.. lol she's just a caring cousin toward HyunA..hahaha lol her teasing.. Please update soon :)
Chapter 2: haha...i love the part when Suho noticed that Taeyeon is not around!!!haha...SuTae!!!Taeyeon!!!!Kris is a Bastard...LOL...^^ update soon..
Chapter 2: Wahahahaha! Misunderstanding agad!

I wonder why Kris feeling that way towards Jessica
Chapter 1: Awww I love this chapter... I can't wait for your next time...
Please update soon...:D
Good Luck!!!
Chapter 1: Yehey! First chapter is out!

Sorry ngayon ko lang siya nabasa.... wala kasing net eh, asa lang muna sa broadband :/
PLDT kasi eh!

Update soon ^^
Chapter 1: Taegoo!!!!!!!!bubble tea!!!!yeah!!!!!!!
theecho #9
Chapter 1: update soon!!!!!!!!
^-^ love it!!!!!!!!!!!!xD