The Greatest Love chapter 3

The Greatest Love



                                             By: _Taeminnie_Minho_

Author’s Note-----

I don’t really know if this chapter is nice… Please inform me if not so nice ok!

…… Love yah guyzz…. Muah!!

--CHAPTER 3-- (It’s A Rainy Date?)

..>Key’s POV<..

After minutes of walking silently, we’re now here in the cafeteria? I was wondering what’s on Jjong’s mind. He’s not that silent when we last talk. Is something bothering him? Am I bothering him? I hope it’s not me who’s bothering him.

We sat in table which we sat yesterday.

“What are you going to order Key?” Jjong asked me without any energy. He’s not like that before.

“Uhhm… Only a strawberry ice cream please.” I said smiling to him, but still he doesn’t have any energy. Even energy to smile.

“Uhhm… Jjong, can I ask you something?” I asked him.

“Oh, yeah ‘fcourse.”

“Am I bothering you?”

“Huh? No—no Key. Why?”

“Coz you’re sad. You don’t have any energy even smiling. Is there something bothering you?”

“Yeah, but don’t mind it… I can handle it.”

“But I’m your friend so can I know that?”

“Uhhm..for now no Key, but you’ll the first one to know it.”

“Ok… But please Jjong, smile… I don’t want to see you sad.”

“Thanks Key… You’re really a good friend.” He said hugging me tightly and smacked a small kiss in my cheeks that made me blush…

“You’re welcome Jjong.” I said.

He then went to the waitress to order foods.

..>Jjongs POV<..

Key doesn’t know that the thing that’s bothering me is the words he whispered soflty when we hugged.

“I love you Jjong.”

Oh, does Key really loved me? Is he serious with what he say?

(Maybe it’s time to let him know how much I love him) I thought

I went back to our table with our orders.

Strawberry Ice Cream for Key and a Cheese Cake for me.

How lovely is he while eating Ice cream… He’s so cute.

“Wyhreaoyusatrnig ta emJjong?” He asked.

Oh, I don’t know what he asked… I’m just concentrating staring at his beautiful face.

“Oh.. Yeah it’s delicious.” I replied

“Hahaha… What’s the connection of ‘It’s Delicious’ to my question? I’m asking why are you staring at me.?” He laughed.

“Ahh… sorry… Am I staring at you?”


“Oh, it’s because you’re so cute.”

“Thanks Jjong.” He said while blushing

After minutes of finishing, we then went to the rooftop of our school.

“It’s pretty quiet here huh.” Key said.

“Yeah, It’s my first time to go here.”

“Uhhm, Jjong, ccan I ask you a question?”

“Yeah. What is it?”
“Do you have  a girlfriend?”

“Oh… No.”

“Do you have any past relationship with someone?”

“Yeah, but we broke up because I don’t like her. She’s a .”

Then, silence came between both of us.

“This place is really peaceful right?” I said to Key and he nodded.

“The sky is now dark. Maybe we should go now before the rain pour down.” I said pulling Key to the exit gate of our school.

We are now walking towards the bus stop when the rain poured down heavily.

We ran to the shed near the bus stop where we could dry ourselves.

I saw Key shivering in cold so I grabbed the chance to hug him and tell my true feelings towards him.

..>Key’s POV<..

It’s so cold. I wrapped my arms to my stomach so that at least I can relieve that cold.

I was shivering.

I feel something’s on my shoulder and as I looked back, I saw Jjong hugging me tightly.

“Are, you cold? I saw you shivering so I hugged you so that you will not feel that coldness anymore.”

“Thanks Jjong. Uhmm, can I ask you something?” I asked


“Can we be best friends?”

“Yeah. That would be fun. But I think we could be more than friends.”

“What, do you mean? Best friends are more than friends right?”

“Yes but, I love you more than best friends love each other. I think I’m fallen for you Key. And I know you love me too, coz I heard your whisper when we hugged each other this morning.”

“You heard that? Really?”

“Yes… And I know that you loved me more than  friends should. Right?”

“Uhhmm.. I can’t deny it anymore… Yes Jjong, when I first met you, my heart beats faster than a millisecond. And in that day, you’ve been good to me. I LOVE YOU JJONG. I REALLY DO.” I said to him blushing.

As I turn my sight to him, I saw him leaning closer to mine. Closer and closer until I feel his soft lips touched mine’s for a passionate kiss. He then deepen the kiss and teased his tongue to my mouth wanting to feel inside. I then opened my mouth letting his tongue enter. Our tongues dance through the beat of our heart. I broke this passionate kiss for air.

“I love you Jjong,” I whispered

“Love you too Key.” He replied then pecked a small kiss to my lips.

We both smiled at each other before leaning again and kissed passionately.

-End of Chapter 3-



ahh... sorry.. very short update... but the next chapter will be 2min.... :)

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Chapter 5: I subbed to this! It's so interesting! I love it! Hope you will update this soon! =)