The Greatest Love chapter 1

The Greatest Love



By: _Taeminnie_Minho


_Taeminnie_Minho_'s Note or simply Author’s Note-----

This is my first time to write a fanfiction so pleassssseeee….. don’t expect too much….

And also…..I’m not good in grammar….. Please understand…… \(^_^)/

If you want to comment please only good comments please…. I don’t want Bad comments to my fanfiction… Thank you.. I LOVE YOU ALL…. Muah!




--CHAPTER 1--(First Day In College)

..>Jjong’s POV<..

“Young Master, wake up! Young Master, wake up! It’s your first day in college.” My personal assistant said while shaking my shoulders and trying to wake me up.

“Uhhmmm…. 5 minutes more please.” I said.

“Young Master, you’re going to be late. Remember what the Principal said when you enrolled that your adviser was strict!” he replied.

“Uhhrr.. Ok. Ok fine. Just please stop shaking me.” I said.

“Oh. Sorry Young Master.” He pleased.

After that conversation to my assistant, I took my shower, ate my breakfast, brushed my teeth, wear my uniform, put on my socks and shoes, and headed to my car.

Oh by the way, I’m Kim Jonghyun. But my friends and family members like to call me Jjong. Many says I’m Hot and Handsome but I don’t think so. I think they just alwayssays that for money.

“Young Master we’re here!” my assistant shouted happily.

“Oh…here we are now.. The university is big isn’t it?” I asked to my assistant who’s by the way named Taemin.

“Yes, Young Master.”Taemin replied.

“Oh, Minnie, please stop calling me Young Master when my parents aren’t here ok.”

“But calling you Young Master is a part of my job.” He replied to me.

“Please, Minnie…… Pleaseeeee……” I said while doing my puppy eyes.

“Oh how adorable your eyes are while doing puppy eyes. Because of that I can’t resist! Ok fine. But only when your parents aren’t here Ok?” he said.

“Ok.. Thank you Minnie..” then I hugged him tightly.

“So, Jjonghyung, I’ll pick you up after your classes Ok.”

“Yeah” I shouted with energy…


After he left, I headed to my locker then to my class. As usual, there’s an introduction of ourselves. I hated this more than P.E. cause when I stepped in front of the class, I can’t think of what I’m going to say.

“Annyeong! I’m Choi Minho! I’m friendly and sporty!” the tall guy with frog-like eyes said. I can’t remember but I think I have seen him some when or somewhere.

“Kim Jonghyun!” our old oldold adviser shouted. Oh.. It’s my turn.

“Hello, I’m Kim Jonghyun but you can call me Jjong.” That’s all I can say ‘cause I can’t think of other. In short…… I’ve mental blocked.

As I sat to my chair, a guy with blonde hair entered the room.

“Sorry sir I’m late.” The guy bowed.

“It’s the first day of classes and you’re late!” our old oldold teacher shouted to him angrily.

“Sorry ma’am. I missed the bus so I waited almost one and a half hour at the bus stop.” He said then.

“Ok… so now introduce yourself to the class.” Our old oldold teacher said now with her moderate tone of voice.

“Annyeonghaseyo! My name is Kim Kibum but you can call me Key. I’m friendly. Please treat me well.” The guy said cheerfully.

He headed to the seat beside me ‘cause it’s the only seat left.

“Hi, I’m Key. Who are you?” he said offering his left hand to me.

“I’m Jonghyun but you can call me Jjong.” I replied extending my left hand to his’ and shake hands.

“Nice to meet you Jjong.” He said smiling to me.

‘He’s so cute and nice.’ I thought

‘Oh what the heck are you thinking Jjong. You’re not attracted to him Ok! You’re not gay!’ I though again and again.

“Is there something bothering you Jjong?” Key asked.

“Oh… Nothing… Why?” I said and asked.

“Because you’re blushing.” He said and smiled his killer smile.

“Oh really?Since when?” I asked again.

“Since we shook our hands together.” he said that cause me to blush more.

I hid my face to him ‘cause I don’t want him to see my cherry tomato face.


..>Key’s POV<..

I don’t know what’s going on to my new meet friend, but after we have shook our hands, he blushed.

But I think he’s cute as he hid his cherry tomato face.

After the teacher discussed all the lessons for today, the bell rang which cause the whole class to make noise. It’s now lunch breake

I remembered, I don’t have any money. It causes me to be sad.

“You look sad Key. Why?” Jjong asked me as if he cares for me.

“I don’t have money. My family is poor.” I replied.

“Aww man. How pity you are.” He said while rubbing his hands to my back.

“But because you’re now my friend, I’m going to treat you.” Jjong said cheerfully.

“Oh no. Never mind that I don’t have money.” I said.

“Oh please man… I want to know more about you… let’s just make this lunch break a ‘know-more-about-you’ lunch break… PLEASSEEEE..” he said doing puppy eyes that I can’t refuse.

“Ok. Thank You Jjong.” I said giving my best smile.

We headed to a small Cafeteria near the university. We sat in a table with only two chairs.

“What do you want?” he asked.

“Oh… just a vanilla ice cream.” I replied shyly.

“Ok then. I’m going to order a cheese burger.” He said.

He headed to the counter for our orders.

‘I’m bit nervous with our date… Oh gosh.! It’s not a date Key…’ I thought.

After getting the vanilla ice cream and the cheese burger, we ate together in silence until Jjong broke the silence.

“Is that ice cream delicious?” he asked

“Yeah. Thanks again for this treat.” I replied shyly with a little bit blush.

“You’re welcome my new friend.” He said.

Then silence came again between the both of us until he laughed.

“hahaha!” he said while looking at me.

“Why are you laughing at me Jjong?” I asked

“You’ve got some cream on your lip. Wait. Let me remove that for you.” He said xslowly moving closer to me.

He then touched me chin then removed the cream using his thumb.

I stared at his eyes. His beautiful brown eyes. I keep staring at them until our eyes met. We both stared at each other’s eyes.

“Oh, your lip’s now clean.” He said moving back to his normal position.

I can see his blush and I know that my face is now burnt from redness.

‘Oh gosh! He’s so cute. I think I’m in love with him now…’ I thought

“Thanks.” I said

“You’re welcome.” He said then stood up. “We’re done! Let’s go now to our class.”

“Ok” I replied standing up also.

We headed to our class.

( After The Class )

The bell rang. We stood up then talked together while slowly walking away from the room and heading to the gate.

“Here’s my number. We can be text mate or call mate right!” Jjong said while giving me a piece of paper where his number is written.

“Sure! Here’s my number also” and I give my number to him.

“Oh there’s my service. I should go home. See you tomorrow Key.” He said.

“See ya! Goodbye” I said and headed to the bus stop.

As I reached home, I wrote to my diary these lines:

“Dear Diary,

I have just met the most handsome male on earth and he’s now my new friend. He’s so nice to me. I think I’m in love with him.”

After I wrote that, I went to bet and fall asleep.

-End of Chapter 1-




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Chapter 5: I subbed to this! It's so interesting! I love it! Hope you will update this soon! =)