



   The sky was going darker as it went near to twilight. Ji Eun was walking home after visiting her sister at the hospital. She was already exhausted with her hectic schedule but it became worse because Sports’ Day was coming soon. Her sports house, Lions had every members running around the court even though it was only their first meeting.

   All Ji Eun wanted to do right at that time was to lie down on her bed but something caught her eye. She was standing right in front of an old music store. She didn’t know why she never noticed this store before. Maybe because of its old and shady look. But Ji Eun’s heart was leaping happily as she could see a grand piano through the dirty transparent front door.

   Ji Eun decided to enter the shop. She pushed the door slightly and what a surprise, she was met with an unexpected pleasant view. The shop was really old, but it doesn’t look that messy.

   “What can I help, young girl?” An old ahjusshi asked from the counter.

   “Such a.. beautiful store you have here.” Ji Eun praised sincerely as she walked towards the counter. “Annyeonghaseyo..” Ji Eun bowed to the ahjusshi.

   The ahjusshi’s face showed so many wrinkles as he smiled. “I guess you are interested in.. piano?”

   The ahjusshi’s statement took Ji Eun by surprise. “How.. how did you know?”

   The ahjusshi just smiled. “That’s a secret.”

   “Ahh..” Ji Eun decided to just play along.

   “What’s your name young girl?” The ahjusshi asked as he watched Ji Eun through his old round glass.

   “Park Ji Eun imnida.” Ji Eun bowed with her head.

   “Not many teenage girls are interested in playing music instruments nowadays.. All they know is sing and use their pretty face to get everywhere.” The ahjusshi suddenly made a statement.

   Though Ji Eun knew the ahjusshi wasn’t speaking about her, Ji Eun’s thoughts wandered to her best friend, Tiffany. “They have talents in singing, that’s why they used it to achieve their dreams, ahjusshi.” Ji Eun said firmly.

   The ahjusshi just nodded his head and Ji Eun really couldn't tell what the half decade man was thinking.




   Ji Eun stared at the sign before asking the ahjusshi who was busy folding back today’s newspaper after reading it, “Ahjusshi.. do you still have the vacancy?” Ji Eun gestured at the sign.

   “Interested?” The ahjusshi simply asked and eyed Ji Eun carefully.

   Even though the ahjusshi wasn’t that friendly, Ji Eun figured out it would still be nice to work under an elder instead of a bossy young boss. Besides, working at a music store would be like heaven to someone like Ji Eun. She also needed another job to pay for Ji Hye’s expensive hospital expenses so Ji Eun thought this would be the perfect chance. 

   “Yes!” Ji Eun answered quite enthusiastically.


      "We discovered that she had a brain tumor.. I don't know how long she can keep up but the chances are low. But she could still fight it depending on how much she wanted to survive. But we're on this together. We're not gonna give up so easily."

   Everything the doctor said were like a dream to Ji Eun. It was like yesterday the doctor said that Ji Hye is fine and that she's going to recover soon enough. How can the disease suddenly appear like this? It's wrong. Igeon anijanha. Ani.. Aniya.. Andwae.. It's impossible..

   It was almost ten o'clock, the closing time of the music store. She took a step outside of the store after saying goodbye to Kim Bong Chol ahjusshi or simply, Kim ahjusshi. All Ji Eun knew about Kim ahjusshi was that he practically lived alone, unmarried and forever single.

   Ji Eun felt happy as she was surrounded by the music instruments. It reminded her of Kris. She also took the chance to take a look at the grand piano which was at a pretty hidden corner of the store. Ji Eun wondered why Kim ahjusshi didn’t put the grand piano on display. Surely, everyone would notice this store almost immediately.

   Ji Eun’s rooftop house was still two blocks away. Ji Eun’s heart sank a little thinking of Ji Hye, fighting for her life.

    "The operation would cost about 1 million won."

   The music store had officially become her second part time job. The ahjusshi asked if she could start immediately and so she did. She needed as much money to pay for Ji Eun's hospital expense and she was willing to do anything so that her sister would get the treatment she needed.

   Ji Eun stopped thinking about Ji Hye when she saw the familiar blonde guy walking out from the workshop two stores before the music store. Ji Eun couldn't stop herself from gasping so loudly. Daehyun looked up and stopped walking. His face was unreadable. It wasn't shock, but it wasn't extremely pleasant either.

   "Oh?" He simply said.

   Ji Eun turned around immediately and started walking quickly. He works here too? How many work does he do?!

   Daehyun followed casually from behind.

  As Ji Eun walked, she couldn't help but feeling safe having someone she knew that was accompanying her ‘indirectly’. But she couldn't help from feeling scrutinized from head to toe too. She stopped walking abruptly. She knew Daehyun stopped too by seeing his shadow.

   Ji Eun turned around. Daehyun watched her calmly.

   "Can I.. walk next to you?" Ji Eun asked slowly.

   Daehyun seemed to be a little bit surprised to hear that question. He smirked then. "Why? Having that 'being watched all the time' feeling?" He smiled evilly but started walking shortly after that.

   Ji Eun rolled her eyes. She caught up to Daehyun's side immediately and they both walked together. I've been indebted to him so many times.. "Can I.. ask something?"

   Daehyun didn't reply anything and Ji Eun continued, "When I gave you that flower.. Why didn't you reply with anything?"

   Daehyun still said nothing. He just continued walking, his eyes continued to be fixated on the street.

   "I.. hate to be indebted to someone.." Ji Eun said slowly.
   Daehyun stopped walking abruptly. Ji Eun stood rooted to the spot too. She watched Daehyun's serious face. Daehyun took Ji Eun by surprise by suddenly pinning her to the wall of one of the random shops they were passing. It was late at night and nobody was there.

   "What is wrong with receiving some help?! Do you think you are that tough to do everything by yourself?!"

   Ji Eun felt her eyes were watering. She obviously didn't see this coming. She never knew that Daehyun had this side of him.

   Daehyun sighed. He leaned back, away from Ji Eun. "Sorry." He said slowly.

   Ji Eun gulped, scared that Daehyun might explode again.

   "Come." Daehyun suddenly grabbed Ji Eun's left hand and all of a sudden, they were walking together with Ji Eun's hand safely clasped inside Daehyun's fist.

   Daehyun didn't knew that he had Ji Eun's heart flattered. Daehyun himself didn't know why he held Ji Eun's hand. They walked together in silence until they arrived at the bottom floor of Ji Eun's rooftop house.

   "Good night." Daehyun said simply and turned around.

   "Wait." Ji Eun called out. Daehyun stopped moving but didn't turn around. "Thank you." She said slowly.

   Daehyun said nothing and just walked towards his own rooftop house. Ji Eun watched as Daehyun took his steps and turned around to her own house too.
   Oppa.. I made someone gets mad to me. I didn't know why it made me so miserable. I wanted to shut away those guilty feelings like I used too. I don't want to become the old Ji Eun who is so used to getting hurt.


   Daehyun sighed as he looked at Ji Eun's small rooftop house.


   Since Ji Hye had been the permanent patient at the hospital, Ji Eun had been exerting so much energy. She worked two part-timed jobs, stayed up late to finish her homework and could hardly concentrate in her class. Her teachers had been worried about her sliding down grade.

   "Alright, kids. Two weeks from now, we are going to have Sports Day. Everyone knows that right?" The young and pretty Shim Min Ah ssaengnim announced.

   "Neh!" The students answered brightly like a 7 year old students.

   "So this afternoon, every sport house will have their first meeting. Here I would like to announce, Springboks house, your meeting will be at the Chemistry lab. Lions will be at the school grand hall. All Blacks will be at.. meeting room and Wallabies will be at the cafeteria. Everyone make sure to participate in the event and train hard in this two weeks. Get as much merits as it will help your class to gain the most active class award at the end of this year. So, everyone break a leg!"

   "Neh!" The classroom went wild as soon as the teacher walked out of the class and the school bell rang shortly after that. It was lunch time and everyone was chattering away about the Sports' Day.

   Ji Eun buried her face at her table. Sleep time..

   "Yah, you have to eat. You're getting thinier every day." Tiffany sighed and handed Ji Eun a bun.

   Ji Eun looked up to Tiffany and buried her face again.

   "Yah!" Tiffany shouted. She knew Ji Eun was smiling even though she couldn't see it. She had offered to pay for Ji Eun several times and she didn't want to force Ji Eun again. She couldn’t help but worry about Ji Eun’s health and felt guilty that she couldn’t do anything about it. She doesn’t want to dare to take another step to help her as it might ruin her friendship with Ji Eun.

  Ji Eun hadn't been talking to Daehyun after she got scolded by him other day. To be honest, she's still scared to greet or talk to him but she knew that she needed to apologize to him even though Daehyun didn't show any sign of hatred. He still visited Ji Hye at the hospital as usual and helped at Shin Ahjumma's.

  So that night, Ji Eun had purposely waited for Daehyun to finish his work at the workshop. She didn't knew since when she cared so much about hurting Daehyun. She could have just shut away those guilty feelings like she always does. But Daehyun's words had her trying to open up to people again. To Daehyun to be specific..

   "Daehyun-sshi." Ji Eun called and catched up beside Daehyun.

   Daehyun didn't reply anything and continued walking, just like the other night.

   "Here." Ji Eun passed him a drinking bottle.

   "Thanks," Daehyun said simply, quickly fastening the bottle cap and drank it.

   Ji Eun hesitated for a while before finally saying, "I.. wanted to say sorry.."


   Ji Eun bit her lip. The night in Seoul was very cold and Ji Eun sneezed.

   Listening to that, Daehyun took off his jacket and wrapped it around Ji Eun. Ji Eun felt herself blushed.

   "Take care of yourself." Daehyun said simply and went up to his rooftop house.

   Oh? We're here already.. Time flew so fast when I'm with him.. But.. he didn't say he would forgive me..



*Nehhhh. quite a short update because I think the next one would be quite long :D

*Big hug to my only 3 subscribers *xoxo* THANK YOU for trusting me with this story. I will try not to dissapoint you guys :') ngehehehe.

*So, just wait for a little while okay? The story is just getting interesting :3

*Then, till the next chapter, annyeong! ^^

P/S : Comment please? :D It'll keep me motivated to write :)


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Chapter 6: krystal has daehyuns phone huh....
Chapter 5: awwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhh dang boy you got the sisters approval
Chapter 4: omo author-nim please update and i kinda figured daehyun was the one she had been texting this whole time before you mentioned it like chapter 1 i figures it out kekekeke