Meeting Mister Shin

Teachers Wife

Eunji walked around the art studio refilling the paint trays and getting coffee or mineral water for the various artists working there. People from all of Korea would come to Shin Art studio to buy their one of a kind art that ranged from traditional to abstract to modern. One of the regular customers came in yelling and screaming that the painting she had purchased was not an original and Eunji really didn't feel up to having a yelling match. So instead she headed back to her bosses office which was really a separate art studio in the back of the building.

"Mister Shin, we have an angry customer at the front desk and I think he is about to make the artist cry again." Eunji pulled the artists certifications out of its folder and handed them to Shin Peniel. He stood tall against Eunji's tiny frame. Peniel was handsome and caring, it was no surprise that he was a womanizer. He had a new girl on his arm every week.

"Looking fabulous as always Eunji."  Peniel looked over Eunji who was wearing one of her favourite black pencil skirts that stopped right above the knee. He smiled as his eyes scanned over her matured body and then back to the papers in his hand.

"I've told you I'm married Mister Shin." Eunji opened the studio door and the two headed to the front of the building where the customer was waiting for them. He handed back the papers, holding onto Eunji's hand longer than what was needed.

"And I've told you to call me Peniel but that doesn't seem to stop you." He winked and went to calm the customer down with his soothing personality. Eunji shook her head and went back to work with the million things that seemed to be happening all at once. To be honest if she wasn't already married to the perfect man, Eunji could very well be attracted  to the charming Peniel who came to Korea all the way from America, just to spread his art. When the day was finally over Eunji sat in her old car and pounded her fist against the steering wheel. Her old beast had finally died, the engine would sputter and die out with a pathetic wheeze. There was a knock on the window and Peniel stood there with a large smile. "Need a lift?" He asked in English. Not totally sure what he said, Eunji sat there and looked at him with a confused expression. He translated it for her and Eunji happily accepted. She climbed into his BMW and carefully ran her hand over the clean interior design. "Can't you just buy a new car?"

"Not with my salary I can't." Eunji sighed and relaxed into the warming seat.

"Doesn't your husband do music production or something? Can't he afford to buy you one?" Peniel stopped in front of her apartment building and parked the car. At the same time Yongguk pulled up behind them and saw his wife sitting in the car with another man.

"Nope. He works more than he actually should. I've told him to talk to his bosses about possibly getting paid more, but he does it more for the love of music." Eunji shrugged and reached for the door handle. Peniel reached across and grabbed her hand so she couldn't get out. "Uh...Mister Shin?"

"We have to say goodbye...I'm going on a business trip to Japan tomorrow to possibly see about expanding." He leaned forward, bringing his lips dangerously close to hers. "In America we kiss both cheeks." Peniel whispered in a deep voice as he turned his head and kissed her cheeks, lingering on the last kiss. The door behind Eunji whipped open and Yongguk pulled her out of the car, making sure not to hurt his wife.

"YONGGUK! WAIT! STOP!" Eunji yelled as Yongguk was ready to lunge into the car to wring Peniels neck. "That's my boos Mister Shin! He's from America, he was just saying good bye." Eunji lightly hit Yongguk's shoulder. She couldn't see the hurt in Peniels eyes as he stepped out of the car, but Yongguk could see it.

"Nice to meet you...." He said in English and held his hand over the roof of the car to shake Yongguk's hand. Unsurprisingly, Yongguk glared at him and walked away together with Eunji. "...I want your wife." Peniel muttered the last bit to himself as he climbed back into his car and drove away.

"I can't believe you were just SITTING there while he practically shoved his tongue down your throat!" Yongguk yelled as they entered their apartment and he kicked off his shoes before heading straight to the kitchen.

"He was just saying good bye! He's leaving for Japan tomorrow!" Eunji yelled back as she stormed into the bedroom to change out of her work clothes. Yongguk followed her with a bottle of water in his hand.

"No man says good bye to a woman like that if he didn't have feelings for her! I leave you alone for two minutes and you've already moved on to another man." The two started changing into more comfortable clothing. Eunji and Yongguk were just getting madder and madder at each other since the other couldn't see their point of view.

"Two minutes?! TRY TWO WEEKS! Sorry if you're gone for weeks on end and I happen to make a strong connection with another person. Sorry that the people I'm not hanging out with all the time is Youngjae and Daehyun so you can keep an eye on them all the time. YOU HAVE TO LEARN TO TRUST ME YONGGUK!" Eunji stormed out of the bedroom and was stopped half way down the hall by Yongguk who was tightly holding onto her arm.

"I trust you! It's everyone else I don't trust. How can I trust them when I know that they're trying to seduce you and force you to fall in love with them!" Eunji ripped herself out of Yongguk's grasp and shoved him away lightly.

"THEY CAN'T FORCE ME TO FALL IN LOVE WITH THEM WHEN I'M ALREADY IN LOVE WITH YOU!" Eunji ran to her office and locked herself in. Yongguk walked over to her office door and  softly knocked on the door.

"Eunji~....I'm sorry for yelling....please unlock the door." Yongguk begged for Eunji to open the door. He hated having her mad at him and he knew that he was gone for long periods of time. He hated that more than anything. The thing he wanted the most was so spend all day, every day with Eunji.

"'re an idiot..." Just by the tone of her voice, Yongguk knew that she already forgave him. He apologised again and went to the living room to watch movies. After an hour, Eunji came downstairs and snuggled up with him on the couch. They fell asleep in each other's arms, watching movies that wished they could play a love story like theirs.


~Please comment~

Ann is really tired so I think this is the last chapter you're going to get of this for like...a week or two...sorry~

to make up for it....PENIEL

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Chapter 19: Yongguk is a pabo for his daughter already! Hahaha
Chapter 1: Sweet~ >///< And also fluffy~!!
nice story ^^
Chapter 13: that was a short but still awesome story~!
great job!
Chapter 21: Idk why but from the start i really want eunji and youngjae to be together!!! Why why you do this to me??!! I kennot accept this
bbangjae #6
this story is perfect! great job author-nim
Chapter 21: wait- what?
it ended already? huhuhu T . T
poor peniel tho sobs :c
Chapter 19: Ahhhhh!!! That was awesome!!! Thank you so much for making an awesome story and an awesome series. Good job!! ^_^
Chapter 19: *crying rivers of tears* That was so fast!!!
FanGirl_94 #10
Chapter 20: No it can't end nothing happened with DaeHyun & the eunji plus where's youngjae plus I need more action with Peniel plus what about Zelo jongup & that uncle the story can't end yet & how can you just start with soomin as the lead with out finishing all this good stuff you started again where's youngjae I mean he's there in the tags but I didn't read nothing about him in the story but this is a really good fan fic & I mean really good but don't end it when stuff just starts getting good p.s plese keep writing your really good I'm always at the end of my seat when I'm ready this fan fic so keep it up *FIGHTING* (ゝω´・)b