Chapter one

First Kiss

The walk home was silent. Nothing aside from the gentle crunch of snow beneath their feet could be heard. But just because their mouths were quiet, that doesn't mean their thoughts were.
Okay, you're going to do it, Junghwan! You can't chicken out! He mentally shouted to himself, trying to build his courage.
Meanwhile, she was thinking of other things. Paboya! Its late! I knew I shouldn't have agreed to go out tonight. Now I have even less time to study for my finals.
She huffed and looked up to the moon. He looked to her, clearing his throat before speaking. "Rena-ya, gwenchanayo?"
She gave him a small smile. "Ne, gwenchana. I'm just a little tired."
"Oh? Want to ride on my back?"
She laughed lightly. "I'm fine. I can walk."
"Are you sure? I don't mind."
"Aniyo. I'm not that tired." Then she yawned.
He chuckled, and kneeled down in front of her. "Get on."
"What? No--"
"Will you just be quiet and listen to me?"
Rena blushed and slowly wrapped her arms around his neck. He lifted her up easily and began walking again. She didn't say anything, but she didn't need to. Her heart was beating loud enough for Junghwan to know what she was feeling. Little did she know that he felt the same way.
Okay, Rena. Just be calm. We're almost home. She tried to calm her heart, but nothing worked. She's never been this close to Junghwan before.
While she tried to keep from freaking out, Junghwan was trying to figure out how to confess. Rena, I like you and I know you like me. Lets date. He mentally slapped himself. Thats stupid. It'll never work...I really like you. I have for a really long time and I hope you'll be able to accept my feelings. He nodded. That works.
As they rounded the corner, snow began slowly falling from the sky. They both looked up, letting the snowflakes lightly kiss their faces as they fell.
Rena patted his head. "We should hurry before it gets worse."
"Arasseo!" He smiled and started running.
She laughed, causing his heart to beat just a little faster. Junghwan thought Rena's laugh was one of the most beautiful things about her. But everything about her was beautiful. Then he started spinning in circles. She squealed and tightened her arms around his neck. She felt so warm and he could feel her heart beat softly against his back. Junghwan blushed and tried to push aside his feelings before he tripped. He stopped spinning just before he reached her house.
Rena had her face pressed against his back and her eyes shut tight. When she realized that the spinning stopped, she looked up. "Oh...we're here."
She pouted slightly and slid off Junghwan's back. Did this have to end so quickly?
She bit her lip, looking up at him. "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow."
As she turned to leave, Junghwan caught her wrist. "Wait!"
Rena's stomach did a little jump. Is he confessing? She turned back around. She took a deep breath before, meeting his eyes. "Y-yes?"
This is it, Junghwan! Its now or never! He stared in her eyes, his heart beating quickly. "I...I have something to tell you."
She peered up at him. "What is it?"
He swallowed. "I...I just wanted to say...I wanted to say..." She blinked and he lost his nerve. "...see you in class."
"Oh..." Her heart sank. I guess he really doesn't like me. She turned back around, calling out a goodnight before escaping the cold, and slipping inside.
Junghwan's shoulders sank and he put his face in his hands. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" He repeatedly whispered to himself as he slowly retreated down the street.
Inside her house, Rena leaned against the door, still in a daze. She couldn't believe that she thought he really was going to.confess. He would never like me! She sighed loudly and looked out the window. Junghwan wasn't even twenty feet away from her house yet, making him clearly visible.
Just as she peeked out, he looked back. Rena blushed, but continued to give him a shy smile and wave. He waved back, smiling shyly as well. Then the curtains closed and she disappeared from his view.
Junghwan didn't like this feeling. He didn't want to end the night like this. He wanted to go home knowing that she knew his feelings. Junghwan wanted to wake up the next day knowing that Rena was his.
Suddenly he stopped in his tracks. "I'm not going to let you slip away."
He turned around and ran the short distance back to Rena's door. He banged on the door loudly, hoping that she'll answer.
The loud noise scared her. She jumped up from the couch and looked out the window. Junghwan stood in front of her door, looking cold and desperate. Immediately she threw the door open.
He didn't give her anytime to reply. He cupped her face and smashed his lips to hers. At first, Rena didn't react. Then a few seconds later, she melted into the kiss. She closed her eyes and placed her hands in his chest.
The kiss itself was urgent but it was full of all the passion and love for each other that the two of them had been hiding. They kissed for what seemed like hours but in reality, was no more than a minute.
Junghwan reluctantly pulled away, but just enough to still feel her soft lips against his.
He opened his eyes and whispered to her. "I came back to say goodnight."
Rena smiled, looking into.his eyes and wrapping her arms around his neck. "Now it's a good night."

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Chapter 1: ahah what a goodnight kiss! It was so sweet!
Aigo! I can't see the story!
Chapter 1: Kyaaah XD so sweet!! I wish I could be Rena~i want to ride on Sandeul's back too XD hohoho orz!
Nice story ^^
Chapter 1: Kyaaah XD so sweet!! I wish I could be Rena~i want to ride on Sandeul's back too XD hohoho orz!

Nice story ^^