Chapter VIII: Telling the Parents



Jinyoung's POV

I took out my phone, a Galaxy Note 2. I swiped the screen and called for a cab. I stood outside the hospital, waiting for it come. I suddenly remembered to call my family about the sudden marriage. 


The phone call

"Hello? Umma?”

“Oh! Hello Jinyoung. Why are you calling? Are you okay?”

“Yeah mom I'm just fine. I need to talk to you and father about something. When can I come over?”

“You can come over right now, if you have time.”

“Ok, Umma. I'll come over soon. “

“Good! It's about time you visited. I’m going to be cooking and Appa won’t be home until 5. Call me when you arrive.”

“Ok. Bye Umma.”


I hung up the phone call and put my phone in my back pocket. The cab came right when my phone call finished. I got into the cab and told him to drop me off at a restaurant near my parents' house. When I arrived at the restaurant, I paid the cabbie double. I only had large bills. I got out and walked to my parents' house. 


I rang the door bell at the gate. A guard came out to see who it was at the gate. A shocked expression over came the guard's blank face. I gave him a small smile. The guard returned with a bow.


The guard opened the gate for me. He ushered me in to the main house. The walk to the house was very relaxing for me. He walked about 4 feet in front of me. As we approached the front door, the guard stopped. He looked through the window. My parents were sitting around the dinner table. He opened the door to let us in. We took off our shoes and walked to the dining room. The guard stood by door and went on to being on guard.


I sat down on the right side of my father. My mom rang a bell and I heard faint footsteps coming down the stairs.


"Don't tell me SHE'S here." I protested. My mom nodded her head slowly. I let out a sigh as a female sat down at the table.


"Hello Jinyoung! How have you been?" She said with a heavy British accent.


“I’ve been a whole lot better without you here, noona.” I said while I rolled mt eyes.


“That’s no way to treat your one and only noona,” she pouted. “So, what’s the big news? Umma told me you have something to talk about it with them. I’m sure you don’t mind tell me.”


“Actually, I wanted to talk to them first and see if I should continue with what I’m doing before announcing it to everyone.”


“You sound so serious. Lighten up! It’s not like your selling your soul away.” I looked down.


“Maybe I did.” She dropped silent


“Are you okay?” she put her arm around me, in a comforting way. I simply nodded. I took a deep breath and looked up, now facing my parents.


“Appa. Umma. I’m getting married.” Time was frozen. Silverware slipped out their hands. My mom looked towards my father. My father looked towards my mom. My sister looked at our parents and they are all looking at me now.


“What?!?” they said in unison. 


“I am getting married.” I regained my composure. They were all shaking their head in disbelief. 


“You can’t be serious! You didn’t even bring her here to show us! I will not allow this!” they all said at the same time. I stood up and slammed my hands on the table.


“This is for you, appa. For your beloved company. I found the daughter of a very big company here. This is good for you, You shouldn’t be complaining. Umma, noona. You already know this girl. You both love her already; it’s Park Heechan.” My mom and sister both lightened up. My dad was clearly happy. I gave them a small smile, to hide all the hate I had for her. 


“This is indeed very good for the company. Now we can expand and go overseas.” Dad nodded his approval. Mom and Sis squealed at the news. I couldn’t help but laugh. They all looked at me as if i went insane. I tried to breathe, but ended up laughing even harder. 


“S-sorry.” I apologized, trying to catch my breath while holding my stomach. 


“When is the wedding?” Mom asked. I shrugged my shoulders. She gasped. “You don’t even know your own wedding day?!?” Her voice went up like 20 octaves. 


“She’s deciding it. I didn’t talk to her yet, which reminds me. I need to talk to her appa tomorrow. Can I borrow your car, appa?” He gave me a simple nod. We continued to eating dinner. Mom and Sis were talking about possible themes, Dad talking too his subordinates, and I was thinking about my real wife, Hwang Hahyo.


SUP GUISE. I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in a long time. Writer's block you know... Well, here's an update c: Hope you enjoyed it! YAY!


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writing the next chapter c: it's going to take a bit so please wait about 3-4 days Thanks 8D


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-B2STfreakk #1
Chapter 12: Ohhh, I can't wait to see her expression once she sees Hahyo! If she does. Nice update. ^^ update soon. (:
-B2STfreakk #2
Chapter 11: She's what?! O.o OMO! I've been meaning to ask but always forgot, what is the meaning of Limbo in this case of the story? That's sad she forgot Jinyoung. Update soon! ^^
jennifer1801 #3
Chapter 7: Nice story..keep it up...!!!