Chapter V.I.


Jinyoung’s POV

I stayed by Hahyo’s side until the sun had set. I was watching her move her head from left to right and right to left. I reached out and grabbed her hand. She moved her head towards me, but it was as if she was looking into my soul. She moved her head to the other side. I kissed her hand and bid her farewell. I grabbed my backpack and helmet. I made my way to the lobby and exited with my helmet on. My motorcycle was parked a little farther today. I took my time walking back to it. I tried to recall what Hahyo said. Help... Save... This place... Find... I couldn’t remember what came after that. I pulled out a piece of paper and a pen from my pocket. I wrote down what I could remember.

The lamp post light flickered as I walked by. They slowly dimmed until I was concealed in darkness. Mist began to rise from the ground. It made my skin crawl. I looked all around for any signs of the parking lot. The parking lot disappeared and was replaced by a swamp looking place.

Help me... Please come... No... No... DON’T... PLEASE.” The voice came from a girl. She was near me, but in which direction? I heard more pleadings and screams. The voice seemed to be getting farther away from me as I tried to find the source. I turned around and went the other way. The swamp was slowing my progress. The vines got tangled my legs. I could feel the vines practically wrap itself around my legs. I pulled a pocket knife from the pocket that’s inside my jacket. I began to cut through the vines. I struggled to break free from nature’s arms. More mist rolled in. The floor was barely visible. The voice had stopped screaming. Now it was sobbing and called for me. The voice went from a high pitched girl to a deeper male voice. I was shaken awake by my best friend, Baro. A splitting headache interrupted my speech. When my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could see that I didn’t walk that far from the hospital exit.
“Are you alright?” Baro picked me up and dragged me back to the hospital. He insisted that I get looked at. I tried to speak, but couldn’t find anything to say. I kept shaking my head to say no, but he eventually dragged me back to the hospital. He put me in a chair and went to talk to the receptionist.

“You’re going to have to wait. I’m not letting you go home until you get checked out.” Baro sat next to me. I rested my head on his shoulder. He didn’t mind, so I closed my eyes. I woke when Baro was shaking me awake for the second time. He pulled my arm over his head and dragged me into a patient's room. The doctor came in and tried to figure out what was wrong.

“Is anything wrong?” he questioned.

“No. Everything is fine. I just skipped a meal or two.” He wrote down my answer while he nodded.

“I see. Baro. Get him some food, will you? I need to keep watch on him.” Baro left the room in a hurry to get me some food. The doctor sat down in a chair. “You’ve been here all day since lunch. Didn’t you feel hungry?” I shook my head. “That girl you were visiting doesn’t look like she’s going to make it. We plan on unplugging the machine in a few weeks.”

“You can’t!” I objected. “You can’t. She’s my everything. She’s the one I love. You can’t let her die, Doc. I will pay for her medical fees. I’ll do anything. Just don’t take her off the machine. Please. I’m begging you.”

“You’re just a high school student. You can’t possibly have the money to pay for her fees. It’s really expensive, you know.”

“I don’t care. I’ll go to loan sharks, the mafia, anywhere I can get money. Please, just leave her.” The doctor thought about it for a moment. He turned to me.

“What’s your name?” I fell silent at the question.

“Jung Jinyoung.” I whispered.

“My friend’s daughter wants to marry you. I’m sure he’ll be willing to pay for her medical care. Here’s his card.” I accepted the card and proceeded to call his number.

“Hello? This is Jung Jinyoung. . . . Yes, I know your daughter wants to marry me, but I have one condition. . . . You must pay for my little sister’s medical care. What’s your daughter’s name? I’m sure I know her.” I nearly dropped my phone when I heard her name, Park Heechan. I regained my composition and began to speak once again. “Yes, sir. . . Will do. . . Sure, I’ll swing by tomorrow. Bye.” I put my arm down slowly. The doctor raised his eyebrow at me.

“So... she’s your ‘little sister’?” I cringed at my lie. I shook my head.

“Can you do me a favor? Can you cover that up?” I pleaded.

“I need to speak with your parents and her parents.” he requested. I looked away.

“Her father is an alcoholic and her mother passed away. Her father would not want her to go. My parents are out of the country right now. So... can you pull a mock blood test or something?” I was tired and about ready to pass out, when Baro entered with some food. The food smelled delicious. The doctor nodded and left. Baro bid his farewells and left with him. After the food was finished, I rested on the bed.

Please don't go, I'm asking you stay.
Can't you tell that without you I'm too lonely.
Please don't go, I'm begging you stay .
Can't you tell that you are my one and only, my baby.

The voice seemed to be singing, this time. The song sounds so familiar. It can’t be... It was OUR song. We would sing it to each other all the time. I guess she couldn’t keep her end of the deal. My eyes came into focus now. It was a colorful meadow. There were lots of flowers and everything was blooming. There was a girl sitting in the middle, singing our song. I walked towards her, but she had gotten father away. I started to run, but it was as if I was running in place. I reached out, grabbing nothing but air.

Word count: 1,076

FINALLY AN UPDATE. I'm sorry ;a; it was finals week and studying and stuff erhg;wkerhglkjwherghlwejkr enjoy this update while you still can cuz i need to focus more on school TT3TT  mianae.

COMMENT. I DEMAND YOU GUISE TO COMMENT. it makes me sad that no one comments OTL


well anyways i'll try to write some this weekend if i can get past writers block yep already writers block. okay bye

-love you guise.


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writing the next chapter c: it's going to take a bit so please wait about 3-4 days Thanks 8D


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-B2STfreakk #1
Chapter 12: Ohhh, I can't wait to see her expression once she sees Hahyo! If she does. Nice update. ^^ update soon. (:
-B2STfreakk #2
Chapter 11: She's what?! O.o OMO! I've been meaning to ask but always forgot, what is the meaning of Limbo in this case of the story? That's sad she forgot Jinyoung. Update soon! ^^
jennifer1801 #3
Chapter 7: Nice story..keep it up...!!!