Chapter 2

I'm Falling In Love With You


Chapter 2 – Solution


“Alright. Next auditionee please!” the woman announced as the previous candidate went out of the room.

A girl went inside the room and walked towards the center to where the ‘x’ mark was located. There was a small silence as she prepares herself. Then, she confidently stared at the woman and at the other three judges in front of her.

“Anyeonghaseyo.” the girl bowed her head down. “My name is Sandara Park.”

“Okay, Sandara-ssi… what are you going to do for us today?” one male judge asked.

“Um…” Dara bit her lip. Should I really do this?, she thought to herself.

She has been asking that question a lot of times while she was waiting for her turn in the auditions. She showed the judges a confident side but, unknown to them, she was very nervous. Not because she was shy or anything, though. It was because she doesn’t know if what she’s going to do would appear embarrassing or not.

Well… it’s now or never, she thought. She nodded once. 

“Sandara-ssi, a lot of people are waiting.” the woman who called her name earlier said it in an annoyed tone. “If you’re not ready for this, please---“

After talking a deep breath, Dara replied, “I want to act.”

This earned her some gasps and stiffles of laughter from the people inside the room. The woman, however, wasn’t so impressed. “I’m afraid you chose the wrong audition, Sandara-ssi. This is an audition for dancing and singing ONLY.” the woman took note of exaggerating the last word.

“I-I know but--!”

Before Dara could explain herself, the woman called out, “NEXT!”

“Wait, I—“

“Sorry, young girl. We’re looking for idols at the moment. Not actresses.” another male judge told her, shaking his head.

Dara was stupefied. The security guards appeared and escorted her outside when she refused to move by herself.  The guards let her go once they were completely outside and they slammed the door shut. They even went far as to lock it so she won’t come in again.

She took a small memo and sighed, crossing out the name ‘SM’. “I guess I have to go to YG, then?” she asked herself. She put the memo back to her bag and called out for a taxi.


Opening Song: Bad Boy by Mighty Mouth feat. Soya                                                                                                                               


G-Dragon stood at the back of the YG building, waiting for someone to open the back door. He would stick his face to the glass door every now and then to see if anybody would come.

He removed his face from the door and clicked his tongue in annoyance of his situation.


In YG’s room…

“How long has he been there?” YG asked Se7en who was sitting casually on his sofa.

“I heard it’s been over 30 minutes.” Se7en replied while twiddling his fingers. “I also heard he’s getting impatient. You might as well let him in or he’s bound to create chaos around the building, sajangnim.”

YG sighed. “Now that they’re in a hiatus… there’s no reason to.”


And… Se7en was right.

When waiting was no longer working, G-Dragon decided to start banging on the door until someone inside notices the noise.

“Hyun Suk-hyung!!” he shouted. “Come on! Let me in!”

When that didn’t work, he started calling other people - the managers, the stylists, the other staffs and even some trainees’ names. He even tried calling out random names to see if anybody matches and might catch some attention from him.

When that also didn’t work, he started cursing under his breath so no one would hear him. He figured that if he shouted for more than several minutes, he might catch the attention of the wrong people (a.k.a fans) - although he was wearing a complete disguise - and he was worried about his voice. Sooner or later, he might make his president reconsider all their punishments and they’ll be able to get their jobs back so wasting his voice here was not a good option.

He sighed in defeat and looked up at the building. “I’ll try again later, hyung.” And then, he walked off.

He brought out his phone and messaged Taeyang to come to the YG building after he had done his business. After that, he hid his phone in his pocket. Just as he was about to go straight home, a girl passed by him. He immediately stopped the girl’s tracks by pushing her shoulders to face him. He saw it: the ID pass to the YG building, hanging on her neck like a long necklace.

“W-What are you doing?!” the girl exclaimed, pushing G-Dragon’s hands away from her shoulders.

She tried to fast-walk away from him but he successfully caught her. “What do you want?!” she exclaimed, getting more annoyed with his actions.

“Please.” G-Dragon pleaded. “I need that ID pass.”

“’ID pass’?” she cocked her eyebrow in confusion. G-Dragon pointed to the thing hanging on her chest. “Oh, this?”

“Yes!” he nodded several times. He stretched out his hand and gestured her to give it to him fast.

She looked at him closely. A guy wearing a beanie and an expensive-looking sunglasses, a mask covering his nose and mouth, a dark brown (almost black) trench coat and… a short jeans…? Wow, for a thief, this guy sure is fashionable… she thought to herself.

G-Dragon was getting impatient. “Come on! Ppalli!”

[A.N: ‘Ppalli’ is Korean for ‘hurry up’]

The girl thought for a moment. Then, she shook her head. “I’ve got something really important to do. If you wanna rob me, then just take whatever you want… but not the ID!”

G-Dragon was certainly flabbergasted. “What?! A ‘thief’?! What makes you---” he stopped. He processed what he has been doing and concluded that it does seem like he was robbing the poor girl. He looked at the ID, then at her face – her eyebrows raised. “Okay, maybe I look like a thief. But I assure you, I’m not—“

It was the girl’s turn to be flabbergasted. “Wow. ‘Maybe’? So you’re not? But you’re trying to steal this ID.”

“Look… I’ve got no time to explain everything so, I’m really sorry but I need that ID.” G-Dragon tried to explain it calmly, continually pointing to the ID hanging on her chest.

“What makes you think you need this more than me?” the girl fast-walked away from him again.

But G-Dragon managed to catch her again… by the wrist. However, this time, she was squirming to let go. At this moment, he was thinking of ways to make the girl quiet and make his actions non-scandalous as possible so he said, loud enough for only the girl to hear him, “Listen to me… I’m G-Dragon!”

After hearing his name, the girl stopped. “’G-Dragon’?”

“Yes!” he confirmed, albeit hesitantly since he’s afraid it might even cause more chaos – if that girl was his fan. “So can you please give that ID to me?”

The girl’s reaction to discovering his name was unreadable to G-Dragon. He wasn’t so sure if she was shocked and was ready to hug him tightly because she was a fan OR if she was not moving because she was too shocked and will faint sooner or later. Either way, to him, it was a regrettable move.

“I don’t know who you are. Are you supposed to be a celebrity?” she said and then walked away.

G-Dragon was stoned. S-She doesn’t know ME?!! he thought loudly.

The girl was already far away from him. She turned to the left and went straight to the door of the YG building. When she was close to the door, she removed the lace from her neck and she prepared to scan it on the machine near the door. But a hand grabbed her ID pass, and before she could even react, that person scanned it onto the machine and went inside. The door opened only for the person who grabbed the ID and it was immediately locked, leaving the girl frustrated after a few seconds of analyzing what just happened.

“YAH!!” she shouted even though he won’t hear her anymore.


The elevator doors opened and G-Dragon was welcomed by loud laughs coming from YG and Se7en. YG hid his face with his left arm and was smacking the table with his left hand. On the other hand, Se7en was holding his tummy while laughing. G-Dragon rolled his eyes as the elevator doors closed.

“Hyung, can you just spare my embarrassing moment and just give us back our schedules?” he pleaded, standing right behind the sofa.

YG’s laugh faded but his smile stayed. He shook his head. “No, Jiyong. Not today.”

G-Dragon smacked his hands on the sofa. “You’re really gonna suspend us for two months?!” he exclaimed.

YG sighed and sat on his chair. “Do we really have to talk about this over and over again, Jiyong?”

“As a matter of fact, WE DO, hyung!” G-Dragon shouted. “We love our jobs! And we want it back!”

Se7en’s laugh faded once he felt the seriousness of the atmosphere. YG gazed at G-Dragon long enough to see the fire in his eyes. He REALLY wants his job back. It wasn’t just an exaggeration.

“Jiyong-ah, it’s…”

Before YG could finish his sentence, Teddy appeared on the elevator.

“Waddup, sajangnim.” he greeted, nodding his head to YG once to which the latter nodded in return. “Can I talk to Ji for a moment?”

“Is it personal?” YG asked.

Teddy shook his head. “Um… not really.”

“Well then, good. Just tell us.”

Teddy looked at G-Dragon and mentally asked him if it was okay to talk about it in front of the president. G-Dragon nodded.

“Okay then.” Teddy stood up straight. “I saw Youngbae awhile ago. He was with a girl. And he’s touring her around.”

“Wow…” Se7en whistled. “Youngbae’s got a girl. That’s just cool.”

“I didn’t know Youngbae has a girlfriend.” YG chimed in.

“I didn’t know that either.” G-Dragon said. Everyone looked at him. “What?”

“You’re his bestfriend, man. You should know.” Teddy stated.

“Not really.” G-Dragon shrugged. “If he doesn’t want to tell me, it’s fine. I respect his privacy.”

Seconds later, the elevator opened again. It was Taeyang.

“Hi, sajangnim.” he bowed down his head in greeting. He then looked at G-Dragon. “And you’re here. Someone’s looking for you.”


Taeyang gestured the person behind him to walk in. G-Dragon jerked a little in surprise when he saw the person’s face – it was the girl from earlier.

The girl walked slowly at first but when she saw G-Dragon’s familiar face, she started walking fast – towards him, actually.


Because she was so fast, he wasn’t able to think and got slapped in the face… HARD. Everybody in the room, except for the girl and Taeyang, was heavily surprised by what just occurred.

“W-What the hell was that for?!” G-Dragon yelled at the girl, touching the part of his cheek where he was slapped.

“Because you were rude! Duh!” the girl yelled.

He then looked at Taeyang. “And why didn’t you stop her?!”

“Because you deserved it.” Taeyang stated.


Meanwhile in Big Bang’s dorm…

Taeyang left the dorm due to G-Dragon’s message so the two maknaes, Daesung and Seungri, were all alone in the big dorm, watching TV. Seungri rested his chin on his left hand while his other hand flip through the channels for any interesting show to watch. Daesung exhaled loudly after finding no good DVDs to watch… not that they have a variety of choice anyway – the only other DVDs in their dorm, other than Daesung’s collection of Doraemon videos, were a bunch old movies that they’re not in the mood to watch at the moment. It was understandable anyway. They’re celebrities so they spend a lot of time OUT of the dorm than IN the dorm.

Seungri’s stomach growled loudly. He groaned. “Oh man... I’m hungry, hyung.”

“Okay.” Daesung, having no other things to do, stood up and went to the kitchen. He was getting hungry too. “You want ramyun or soup?”

“Ramyun sounds good.” Seungri said in sheer boredom, still flipping through the channels. “Geez… there are no good shows.”

He flipped through 5 more channels before slouching back on his seat. “Well… except for this rerun of Music Core.”

“1, 2, 3… Anyeonghaseyo! We are the girls who love music, MC Tiffany Taeyeon and Seohyun~~~!!! Nice to meet you~~~!!!”

Seungri sighed in awe as he stared at the three beautiful ladies on the screen. Daesung brought back a cup of ramyun for Seungri and put in on the table while he sits back with his bowl of soup.

“Oh! It’s Taeyeon!” Daesung exclaimed before taking a sip of his soup. “She has become beautiful ever since Family Outing.”

“Hyung, I just remembered…”


Seungri glared at him. “You still haven’t given me Tiffany’s number.”

Daesung laughed loudly, almost spilling the soup. “AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” then his face immediately changed into a serious glare. “Not a chance, maknae.”

“That’s so unfair, hyung! You’ve got all of SNSD’s numbers because of Taeyeon and Youngbae-hyung has Yuri’s number!”

“It’s because I don’t want SNSD to stop becoming friends with me just because you want to flirt with one of them!”

Seungri baffled. “N-No! I-I won’t do that!”

“Yeah, riiiiight.”

“Come on, hyung! Just Tiffany’s number will do!”

“No.” Daesung bluntly answered.

“Please??” Seungri pleaded, using his so-called ‘puppy eyes of doom’.

Daesung shrugged it off by saying, “Your panda eyes gets in the way. It’s not making me pity you. In fact, it pisses me off.”

Seungri was stoned and got disintegrated by an imaginary lightning. He sulked. “That’s so cruel, hyung…”

“You're welcome, maknae.”

Seungri sulked even more. Comical tears started forming on his eyes. “If sajangnim ever creates a girl group, and if you have a crush on any of them, I WILL NEVER get their number for you.”

“Thank you, that’s a big favor.”

Seungri was stoned again and got disintegrated by an imaginary hammer. When all the pieces were back together, he cried comical tears. After a few minutes of sulking, he thought of something. “Oh…?”


“Hyung…” Seungri paused for a few seconds to create suspense.

“What?!” Daesung finally faced him.

“…I know how to get our jobs back!”


Taeyang, Se7en and Teddy were ordered to stay in YG’s room while G-Dragon and the girl were sent to the conference room just beside YG’s room. The two were sitting across from each other. G-Dragon was still holding his red cheek while the girl was just… sitting normally.

“You DO know that you’re in trouble right, young lady?” YG asked the girl, trying to clearly keep his composure.

“Yes, sir.” the girl nodded and lowered her head.

YG sighed as he massaged his temples. “Geez, Jiyong. Seungri should be the one getting into trouble, not you.”

“I’m sorry, hyung.” G-Dragon lowered his head as an apology. YG nodded as a sign that he understood.

YG sighed once more before facing the two. “Okay… tell me what happened.”

And so, G-Dragon told YG of what happened earlier… his shouting to get everybody’s attention so he could enter the building, his sudden meeting with the girl, the girl trying to stay away from him because she thought he was a thief, the hilarity of not knowing that he was a celebrity and getting ignored, him stealing the girl’s ID pass, and lastly, him leaving the poor girl alone without any apologies.

YG turned his back and covered his mouth to prevent himself from laughing. “So she… pfft…. doesn’t know you… pfft!”

“Yah! Hyung! Stop laughing!” G-Dragon yelled.

YG tried to prevent himself from bursting but he couldn’t help it. He laughed so hard he missed sitting on the chair and he landed on the floor instead. “How… How the heck do you not know about Jiyong?!” he said after taking a deep breath to calm himself.

The girl couldn’t help but sweatdrop. “Um… I’m honestly not familiar with him. I’m sorry.”

“Pfft! Hahahahahahahaha!!!!” YG bursted laughing again after he heard those words. He slightly opened the door of the conference room and told the three guys sitting in his sofa, “Hey you kids, this girl just told me that she doesn’t know Jiyong.” the three guys, Taeyang, Se7en and Teddy all laughed along with YG after they heard about what he said. Immediately, he closed the door.

G-Dragon wasn’t able to stop him as it was already too late when he reacted. “Yah! Hyung! Why did you do that?!” he yelled.

YG didn’t answer and continued laughing.

Meanwhile, the three boys in YG’s room were all still laughing at G-Dragon’s embarrassing moment. That’s when the elevator rang and the doors opened, revealing to be the two maknaes of Big Bang.

“Sajangnim, I---!“ Seungri stopped when he saw his seniors instead of YG. He then looked at the side at the conference room and its lights were all open. He saw YG talking to G-Dragon and an unknown girl. “Does hyung have a girlfriend?!”

“No.” Taeyang baffled. “And what are you guys doing here?”

“Maknae has a very smart idea on how to get our jobs back.” Daesung replied as he patted the panda boy.

“Oh? Tell us, man!” Teddy smiled, interested to hear what Seungri's gonna say.

Seungri grinned. “Okay, okay. I was thinking…” he paused for suspense.

“Yah, if you’re going to be silent, I’m gonna kill you for dragging me out here.” Daesung warned and glared at the maknae.

Seungri sweatdropped. He raised his hands in defense. “Okay, okay! I was thinking of finding new girls—“

“Ugh~” Taeyang and Se7en both groaned, looking like they gave up on having faith in Seungri.

“What? I haven’t finished yet!”

“Don’t drag us into your hobby, Seungri.” Se7en said.

“No! No! That’s not what I meant!” Seungri waved his hands in denial. “I meant, we should look for girls… to create the first YG girl group!”

The three boys all had imaginary question marks on their heads. “HUH?”


Somewhere in South Korea…

“Oh my god…” Dara groaned.

Dara got off at the last station of the bus. It was like she arrived at the province. It has a wide field that seems to be for rice plants and she saw old people walking around. 

It turns out, she doesn't have enough money to get to the YG building by taxi as it would be really expensive. So, she rode the bus instead. However...

She held her temples and shouted, “I can’t believe I got lost!!! Aish!!”


Ending Song: Loneliness Amplifier by BUSKER BUSKER                                                                                                                        


Preview for next episode:

Seungri: Hello ladies~~! I had a nice idea, right? Admit it. You fell in love with me when you found out I figured a way faster than my hyungs. Eh? You didn't? Nah, I know you did. Ahahahahaha!! Next episode's title is: Fate(?). Hmm... I wonder why there's a question mark...?



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Chapter 2: Please update soon
Your approach in writing is different from the others story with the same or slight familiar in this plot. good job, looking forward for more updates. FIGHTING!!
Chapter 2: sounds interesting story ..
hope u update soon the next chapter ^^
Chapter 2: The girl is Dara right.
I want 2 read the next chapter!!!
Chapter 1: This story is very interesting!!! I can't wait 4 the next chapter (^-^)
Authornim please pretty-pretty please update moooooorrrrrrreeeeee !!!